Man Fined $1500.00 for Looking for a Job.
SPOKANE, WA: Russ Hinds wanted a break from arguing with government authorities so he packed a bicycle and rode 1000 miles over the span of 4 months. He left Klamath Falls, OR for Kalispell, MT, where he spent a peaceful month with some new found friends who try to live off the grid and under of the government‘s radar. After helping get their winter firewood in, Mr. Hinds rode his bicycle back to his father’s house in Elk, WA.
Seeing that his funds were running low, Mr. Hinds printed up a flyer notifying his neighbors that he is available to perform “maintenance and repair” services for a reasonable rate, then Mr. Hinds posted the flyer on several bulletin boards at local stores. Running afoul of state bureaucrats with nothing better to do than read flyers on private owned bulletin boards never crossed his mind. Here is the wording of his flyer:
and repair.
Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Caulking, and much more…
COMPETENCE makes all jobs easy!
$25 per hour
2 hour minimum job(s)
Please call Russ Hinds at 292-**** for pleasant service or job quote.
Cell # 775-770-****
About a week after posting the flyer, an Inspector with Washington State Department of Labor and Industries called the first number posing as a potential homeowner with a job offer. The “homeowner” reached Mr. Hinds’ father and said that he needed a physical address so that he could send some blueprint information and see if Mr. Hinds would accept the job. The Inspector then called the cell number which reached Mr. Hinds who was temporarily working in Richland, WA. The caller introduced himself as an agent of the Department of Labor and Industries, Electrical Division, who had a beef with a flyer posted on Yokes Fresh Market bulletin board. The inspector informed Mr. Hinds that he would receive a citation for using the word “electrical” on the flyer. The shocked and amazed Mr. Hinds incredulously told the inspector to do what he wanted to do. Six days later, Mr. Hinds’ father was shocked and amazed to find a citation for $500.00 addressed to his son in the mail. Seven days after that, another citation for the same flyer was received in the mail. This one came from the Contractor Registration Program Manager, Dean Simpson and imposed a fine of $1000.00.
Both citations stated that an appeal could be made, but the appeal would require a letter stating the reasons for the appeal AND a Cashiers Check or Money Order for $200.00 BEFORE the appeal would be heard. Both citations were loaded with threats of garnishments, collections, legal action, and liens on real and personal property. One citation implicated Mr. Hinds AND family since it was issued to “Russ Hinds and Spouse/partner And the marital community thereof or a registered domestic partnership, A Sole Proprietorship.”
Mr. Hinds promptly appealed both revenue tickets and notified his father’s state senator and congressman. It appears that Washington State’s budget shortfall has led the bureaucrats to seek revenue by all possible means, which includes citing people looking for a job. Amazing… so much for a break from arguing with government authorities…
Please note the following documents supporting this story and defending the rights of people seeking employment. BEWARE OF THESE PEOPLE WHO COWARDLY SEND CITATIONS IN THE MAIL WITHOUT SHOWING CREDENTIALS IN A FACE TO FACE CONVERSATION. Phillip Jordan, Dean Simpson, and Michael Thrams didn’t even have the courage to sign their complaints.
The following 3 images are scanned copies of the first citation ($500.00):

George Washington Patrick Henry
November 5, 2011
From: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln
Elk, WA 99009
To: Unnamed Chief Electrical Inspector
Department of Labor and Industries
P.O. Box 44460
Olympia, WA 98504
Subject: Unsigned Citation numbered EJORP04884
Dear unnamed chief,
After posting a flyer notifying my neighbors of my availability to perform services for a reasonable hourly rate at 810 S. Main, Deer Park, WA, I received a citation in the mail from Phillip Jordan, Inspector ID no. 10157, which imposed a fine of $500.00 to be paid to the Department of Labor and Industries, Washington State Government.
Being miseducated in a government school, I assumed I had rights of “freedom of speech”--pursuant to the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights-- to post a flyer on a private owned bulletin board at Yokes Market, which Yokes has graciously provided for the public and their customers. A copy of this flyer is included with this letter.
Please note the following chronological list of events that occurred after I posted my flyer:
1. On or about Oct. 8, 2011 (correction: Oct. 15,2011), I posted some flyers on local bulletin boards to solicit some work in order to provide a living for myself. I do not believe that the state should provide a living for me, but I will be happy to apply for state welfare benefits if the state prevents me from finding work and prevents homeowners from hiring me at a cheap rate.
2. On or about Oct. 18, 2011 (correction: Oct 25, 2011), my father received a phone call from someone who claimed to need some work performed on his home. This caller said that he got the phone number from a flyer at Yokes, but he needed a mailing address so that he could send over some blueprints for a bedroom remodel. Since I was out of town, my father gave him our mailing address in order that I could estimate the hours to perform the work he wanted done and to see if I wanted to accept the job. My hourly rate as stated on the flyer is $25.00 per hour. No bidding or contracting is advertised on the flyer, but even if it was, why should the state be concerned if I enter a verbal contract to paint a bedroom or caulk someone’s bathtub for $25.00 per hour? Should Washington state interfere in every exchange of services between U.S. citizens? Too much state interference shuts down commerce, industry, and services between neighbors--making simple home repair services too expensive for people with fixed and low incomes.
3. On or about Oct. 18, 2011 (correction: Oct. 25, 2011) following the above phone call to my father, I received a threatening phone call on my cell phone while I was in Richland, WA. The caller identified himself as an agent of Labor and Industries and threatened me with a fine for including the word “electrical” on my flyer. I replied that I could change a light switch without third party interference. He informed me that I could not perform such work without an electrician’s license issued in Washington. Since I am newly arrived from another state, I was unaware of the minutia required in Washington to offer my skills to my neighbors. Apparently, I cannot be hired to change a light bulb without having state approval and licensing. He again threatened me with a citation and asked for my mailing address. I did not know the street number, but I told him the name of the street--which confirmed the address my father gave him above. The conversation became more unpleasant as he told me the amount of the fine I must pay. I told him that he is causing fire to shoot from my eyes and that he is a public servant and not a tyrannical cop, etc. These public servants should be helping their neighbors, not harassing and threatening them!
4. On or about Oct. 18, 2011(correction: Oct 25,2011) I called my father to see if he had received a call pertaining to my flyer. Dad said someone called with a job offer, but the guy was going to send us some plans in order to get a bid [and entrap me in bidding contracts without a contractor’s license]. He had given the caller our mailing address. I told dad that the caller was an L&I agent posing as a customer seeking our mailing address in order to mail me a citation. Dad doubted my assumption. We never got the blueprints…
5. On or about Oct. 19, 2011 (correction: Oct 26, 2011) I received a phone message from another agent of L&I who said that he was following up on the Electrical Division’s complaint and I would be receiving a citation in the mail. I ignored his message and went about my own business working in Richland. Where would the L&I agent get the correct mailing address? …from the entrapment call to my father?
6. On or about Nov. 1, 2011 my father signed for a certified letter with the correct mailing address from L&I which contained a citation with a fine of $500.00 or an appeal with a $200.00 fee to be paid before the appeal would be heard by the Unnamed Chief Electrical Inspector at the address above. The letter included with the unsigned citation said that further appeals would be heard by an unnamed Administrative Law Judge from the Office of Administrative Hearings. Apparently I have been fined at least $200.00 without a conviction by a jury of my peers, who are my neighbors--who also might want a light switch changed without paying $300.00 for an electrical contractor’s house call. Most electrical contractors I know don’t want to be bothered with small repairs, thus they keep their “first hour” rates very high. I have skills to change the “electrical” key switch on a portable generator, or even a low voltage doorbell button. I have many electrical skills that I would like to offer to my neighbors. I have skills to install new “electrical” switches, light bulbs, and batteries in flashlights, and even cars! I can also wire up low voltage lawn sprinkler controls, but the word “electrical” on my flyer sent Mr. Jordan and his cohorts into a frenzy.
Mr., Mrs., or Ms unnamed chief,
I have been threatened with fines, fees, wage garnishments, collection agencies, legal proceedings (jail?), and denial of renewal of an electrical certificate or license for simply posting a flyer which contained the word “electrical” on Yokes bulletin board. I am sad to find out that I am subject to this government harassment, expense, and extortion for committing such a heinous crime in the country I was born in.
I demand to be read my rights as a citizen which I think gives me the right to a trial by jury for any adjudication concerning property or income exceeding $20.00. See the U.S. Bill of Rights, Amendments VI, VII, and VIII. I am requesting an appeal for the above reasons.
Question and observation: Can I sue Yokes Market for failing to inform me? Should Yokes be required by the state to inform users of their bulletin boards DO NOT TO USE THE WORD “ELECTRICAL” in their postings unless they want a $500.00 fine? Perhaps the state should ban public bulletin boards? Or would Yokes Market be wise to remove bulletin boards in order to avoid controversy with the state’s so called public servants and frivolous lawsuits? At least someone should inform our neighbors that they are subject to a $500.00 fine for using the word “electrical” on their flyers, postings, and ads.
Best regards to you, Mr., Mrs., or Ms unnamed chief (Can you offer the same regard [apology] to me?)
Russ Hinds
Cc. The governor, my state reps, the local paper, other news outlets, and friends.
P.S. In order to play your provocative game, a $200.00 money order is included. Also, I‘ll have an interesting conversation with my attorney. My, my… way too much government stupidity!
November 8, 2011
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
TO: Senator Jeff Baxter (R) 4th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT
Olympia Office:
417 Legislative Building
PO Box 40404
Olympia, WA 98504-0404
District Office:
502 S Sullivan Rd. Ste #207
Spokane Valley , WA 99037
(509) 921-2356
SUBJECT: Illegal citation sent to me in the mail
Dear Senator,
Please find the enclosed Appeal Request Letter which I sent to your out of control Department of Labor and Industries. The Appeal Request is in response to a citation demanding that I pay a $500.00 fine for posting a flyer on a grocery store’s bulletin board which notifies my neighbors of my availability to perform services at a reasonable rate.
Seems the excessive hiring of government employees during the boom years has resulted in “NOT ENOUGH TO DO” for the inspectors at the Department of Labor and Industries during these government induced depressed years. I used the word “electrical” in my flyer which caused Inspector Phillip Jordan and his cohorts to go into a feeding frenzy. They sent me a goofed up citation attempting to extort $500.00 from me. They even want to extort $200.00 in order to get my appeal and defense heard by another of their cohorts in the Department of Labor and Industries. Is the mafia running the government of the State of Washington? I know that the traffic courts are full to capacity in order to increase the government revenue to fund excessive government salaries, benefits, and pensions. The taxpayers and I are not blind and stupid, you know. Anyone driving to town from out here can count the revenue tickets being written along the way... Seems I heard on the news that the cops won’t investigate burglaries and property crimes due to lack of manpower, but they have enough manpower to write revenue tickets! What is up with that?
You took an oath to uphold the constitution of the State of Washington.
We, the people of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this constitution.
SECTION 1 POLITICAL POWER. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.
SECTION 2 SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land.
SECTION 3 PERSONAL RIGHTS. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.The Constitution of the United States includes the following Amendments in the Bill of Rights:
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
Amendment VII
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.Senator,
Will you please perform the duties of your office which you took an oath to do --protecting the integrity of the Washington State Constitution-- and call off your out of control revenue seeking government goons?
Thanks for my wonderful welcome to the state of Washington. Perhaps I should have sent your office a copy of my flyer for your approval before posting it on a private owned bulletin board. There is no way I am going to read thousands of pages of Washington statutes, regulations, and administrative rules before attempting to live a peaceful, productive, decent life.
Russ Hinds
Second citation ($1000.00) for the same flyer--and my responses:

George Washington Patrick Henry
November 12, 2011
From: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln
Elk, WA 99009
To: Department of Labor and Industries
Attn. Dean Simpson, Contractor Registration Program Manager
P.O. Box 44450
Olympia, WA 98504
Subject: Another Citation numbered NTHRM00462 written for my flyer posted at Yokes market in Deer Park, WA.
Dear Dean Simpson and/or unnamed bureaucrat in charge of appeals,
I am requesting an APPEAL HEARING regarding the citation written in the subject line of this letter and I am including a money order for $200.00 in order for my appeal to be heard--according to the citation letter. Wow! Pay for your own prosecution? I never would have thought of it!
Reasons for the appeal:
I don’t know if these citations are a scam, or a joke, or written by incompetent bureaucrats because my accuser has not clearly identified himself on these citations, nor signed them to take responsibility as a legitimate officer of the state and upright citizen/neighbor. No one has presented official credentials to me. As far as I know, I could be a victim of a sophisticated group of extortionists using official looking Washington state letterheads and citation/Insp. ID numbers.
The citation letter NTHRM00462 fails to identify the bureaucrat to whom I am supposed to send this Appeal Request. Also, the regulations RCW18.27.250 and RCW18.27.270 noted in the citation letter fail to identify the proper bureaucrat to whom I am supposed to send this Appeal Request. Therefore, I am sending this Appeal Request to the bureaucrat who typed his name at the end of the infraction letter, Dean Simpson. Is Dean my accuser, or has Dean offered to help me straighten out this idiocy? Is Dean Simpson my public servant who will hear my appeal? If he is, isn’t that a conflict of interest? Shouldn’t he recuse himself from hearing my appeal if he is also one of my accusers?
Due to the facts stated above, I have no way of knowing that these citations are legitimately sent to me by an authorized agent of the state of Washington, Department of Labor and Industries. Evidently I have multiple citations written for the same flyer posted on Yokes Fresh Market’s bulletin board (810 S. Main St., Deer Park, Washington 99006) for the same day. For the same so-called “crime” posting my flyer I have been cited twice and my penalty has been doubled on this second supposed “violation.” Probably according to some poorly written RCW code/administrative law.
From the looks of things, -if these citations are legitimate- Phillip Jordan removed my flyer from Yokes bulletin board and passed it around his state office cohorts in order to send me multiple citations for the same so-called crime. Additionally, the letter states that I can “register as a contractor within 10 days” and then states “Per RCW 18.27.030, the department will deny registration or renewal until this penalty is paid.” I am not skilled in arguing with people who contradict themselves in letters and speech. Especially when they have not presented themselves to me in person with the appropriate credentials from the state of Washington. If Mr. Simpson, Mr. Thrams, and Mr. Jordan have a problem with the way I conduct the affairs of my life, I would like the courtesy of an in person conversation prior to being sent threatening letters demanding large sums of my money--threatening letters from Mr. Simpson, Contractor Registration Program Manager, and Mr. Thrams and Mr. Jordan, ID nos. 10279 and 10157 respectively.
I am not a contractor. I am a man who has skills to do little “honey do” tasks around my neighbors’ homes. I have skills to rake leaves, shovel snow, caulk windows and bathtubs, change switches and light bulbs in flashlights, repaint yard ornaments, and plunge toilets. To my knowledge, none of these services require me to become a state licensed contractor. Nor do any RCW codes require homeowners to hire licensed contractors to perform such services. Therefore, my flyer is not in violation of any Washington codes. Neither has the state of Washington proved that I have performed any of the above services for my neighbors under a written contract.
As for using words like “electrical” and “plumbing” in my flyer, doesn’t the Washington Constitution and the U.S Constitution protect my right of free speech and free press/(flyers)? If not, the State of Washington needs to embark on a huge public notification program in order to educate citizens and neighbors about helping each other with little jobs and chores. If it is illegal for me to do work and illegal for my neighbors to hire me, then the citizens and neighbors of the state of Washington need to be educated in ALL the rules and regulations. Otherwise, state employees can continue to extract fines by sending intimidating citations and threats through the U.S. mail. Last I heard, extortion through the mail is a Federal offense, see the U.S. Postal Inspection website for the following quote taken from it:
Extortion and Threats
Postal Inspectors investigate individuals who use the mail to extort money and assets by threatening to injure the reputation of their victim or accusing the victim of a crime…Since extortion laws in America apply to individuals in public service as well as private citizens, I request the full return of my 2 money orders totaling $400.00, and I want myself and my family to be protected from further harassment and threats coming from Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. I include “my family” because Dean Simpson/Micheal Thrams addressed this citation to “Russ Hinds and Spouse/partner, And the marital community composed thereof or a registered domestic partnership, A Sole Proprietorship.” No one in my family is identified on my flyer, so how in the world can they be subject to the threats coming from Washington State Department of Labor and Industries?
Once again, is this a joke? Or a scam? It appears preposterous to me. A $500.00 fine and a $1000.00 fine for looking for a job? Good grief! I guess I need to apply for Washington State welfare benefits in order to live! I can’t apply for unemployment benefits because that state agency requires me to look for work. Evidently, my resume is subject to huge fines from the WA Department of Labor and Industries.
If the people of Washington fired Mr. Simpson, Mr. Thrams, and Mr. Jordan, what would they do? Would they write, “I have skills to read flyers on bulletin boards and send revenue tickets through the mail?” on their resumes and flyers? The private sector doesn’t have job openings with those skill requirements, but California and Oregon are going broke. Perhaps they can pitch their skills to them. Geeze…what a mess!
I need a date, time, and place for my hearing. Perhaps then I will be able to see credentials and face my accusers in a public trial/hearing, preferably by a constitutionally mandated jury.
Enc. Money order to Department of Labor and Industries for the sum of $200.00.
Cc. The governor, my state reps, the local paper, other news outlets, and friends.
November 13, 2011
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
TO: Rep. Larry Crouse (R) 4th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT
Olympia Office:
425A Legislative Building
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600
(360) 786-7820
SUBJECT: Another illegal citation sent to me in the mail
Dear Congressman,
Please find another Appeal Request Letter to your Department of Labor and Industries for their second citation concerning the same flyer on the same bulletin board for the same date as the previous citation. However, this one names my family and doubles the fine to $1000.00.
Please call off your government goons. I don’t think they are competent and it appears that they are very dangerous given the power and authority which they misuse.
Please reply.
Thank you,
Enc. Copy of citation and my Appeal Request Letter
By publishing these documents I hope to encourage other men to hold their out of control public servants accountable to the people by standing against their abuse of power. The state employees are fishing for revenue to fund their ever increasing appetite. One person alone cannot fight the beast, but public outrage will be noticed by the bureaucrats and representatives.
Stand up men! The ding-a-lings in government are out of control--destroying the future for upcoming generations.
Russ Hinds
12-07-11 UPDATE
I recieved a letter confirming receipt of my appeal request. It had some errors so I responded appropriately. Pretty funny stuff!

My response to letter above:
George Washington Patrick Henry
December 7, 2011
TO: Ronald E. Fuller, Secretary, Electrical Board
P.O. Box 44460
Olympia, WA 98504-4460
FROM: Russ Hinds, Decent U.S Citizen
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
SUBJECT: EJORP04884 Thanks -- & vague letter sent from your office.
Mr. Fuller,
Thanks for your letter confirming your receipt of my Appeal Request on 11/16/2011. From this point forward, I shall be in discovery mode for my defense. So far I have a citation in hand which mentions the crime of posting a flyer at Yokes Fresh Market in Deer Park, WA. This citation imposes a fine of $500.00. I am requesting copies of all the state’s prosecutorial documents, statements, and evidence which will be entered into the record at my lynching, …oops! I mean at my hearing where I can question my accusers.
After you acknowledged your receipt of my Appeal Request, your letter states that I have violated “a statute regulating electrical installations, and requiring licensing or certification to perform electrical installations.” Your wording in the quote above implies that I have performed “electrical installations” without being licensed or certified in the state of Washington. That is not what your complaint/citation is about. I was cited for posting a flyer on a private neighborhood bulletin board. Please refrain from making incorrect insinuations which obfuscate the perceived crime that I have supposedly committed. Your incorrect and vague wording may complicate my defense and confuse small minds hearing my defense. Notice how I was very specific, using the specific words “posting a flyer at Yokes Fresh Market.” Words and very clear word definitions are extremely important to establishing the intent of the law and my guilt or innocence.
Your next paragraph includes, “…your formal appeal will be assigned to the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) following review and mediation. OAH will contact you with the date, time, and place of the hearing.”
1. When and where is the review?
2. Who is doing the review?
3. May or must I be present for this review?
4. When and where is the mediation?
5. Who is arbitrating the mediation?
6. I need to be present at “mediation” in order to face my accusers and question them regarding the law and their frivolous complaint/citation.
7. Following an unsatisfactory “mediation” then we can set a time and place for my hearing.
See how difficult it is for me to follow your letter? You need to be more specific in notifying me of your course of action.
I am requesting a more specific letter which answers my 5 questions about your course of action which affects my opportunity to present my defense. Also, I am claiming a hardship and unreasonable penalty/prosecution should any mediation/hearing be conducted outside a 30 mile radius of the place where the “crime” was committed. I do not have transportation, nor funds, nor time to attend a hearing outside this 30 mile radius.
Please do not try to bury me in paperwork, nor unreasonable delay, nor unreasonable distance to travel for mediation or a hearing. And please refrain from charging me any more fees in order to receive a fair trial/hearing.
Since my small mind only has room for the U.S. Constitution and small bites of Washington State Statutes and Regulations at a time, I am asserting all my rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution as stated in Washington State’s Constitution
We, the people of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this constitution.
SECTION 1 POLITICAL POWER. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.
SECTION 2 SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land.
Please bone up on the U.S Constitution so that the integrity and intent of the “supreme law of the land” may be preserved. And have the rest of your “hard up for cash” revenue seeking government employees involved in this mess bone up on the U.S. Constitution, too. Seems I heard on the news that governor Gregiore and some in the state legislature are hard up for cash, too. --seeking to raise taxes. At least they aren’t prowling around neighborhood bulletin boards writing revenue tickets to poor people looking for work like inspector Philip Jordan does.
I reserve the right to hire an attorney and my right to a trial by jury, but I would prefer to settle this matter without further expense and with neighborly common sense and common decency. We are supposed to be a civilized country, you know.
Requests included in this letter:
1. A request for all the state’s evidence, statements, and documents.
2. Answers to questions numbered 1 through 5 on page one of this letter.
3. Reasonable and fair dates, times, and places of all mediation and hearings.
4. No more preposterous fees charged to me in order to obtain a fair trial/hearing.
5. Competence and professionalism in all future correspondence.
Do you think that will tweek them? Leave some comments, please! I like good humor. Make me laugh at this mess! I sent updates and directions to my blog to WA state Governor Gregiore, Senator Jeff Baxter, Rep. Larry Crouse, and Rep. Matt Shea. Still have not recieved correspondence from their offices regarding the first 2 certified letters I sent them almost a month ago. Are they chicken?
There will be more updates, I'm sure! Russ
The date today is December 20, 2011. As I sit here writing, my brain goes into a dazed and confused state because it is so hard to believe what has transpired following posting a flyer looking for work on Yokes Fresh Market bulletin board. In the dark ages a peasant caught skinning a deer to feed his family is thrown into a dungeon by all the king’s men. “You killed one of the King’s deer,” they say. The peasant would not be released from the dungeon until his family raised the money to pay the fine… Evidently, in order to look for work in the state of Washington, a peasant must get approval from the King and pay all the king’s men. But, what you have read so far on this blog is nothing compared to what has developed in these last few weeks. It feels like I am writing a script to a Hollywood movie.
On 12/06/11 I printed up the news story at the beginning of this blog and included tabs to be torn off with this website address so that people could come here for the whole story. I placed these news story flyers on the same bulletin boards that I placed my flyer looking for work, Yokes Fresh Market and 2 other convenience store locations.
On 12/11/11 my sister and I went shopping for Christmas presents and we stopped by the bulletin boards to see if my flyers were still up, and see if people had removed tabs in order to check out this blog site. We found that my news story had been removed from Yokes bulletin board. How often does “the King’s man” Philip Jordan cruise by Yoke’s bulletin board looking for heinous criminals which need to be sent $500.00 citations through the mail…?
On 12/16/11 I went to the mail box and found something strange… which when given some thought could be very, very scary. I also received a message on our house phone from Steve Rushing, Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, that day. I’ll start with the item found in my mail box, then I will update on my return call to Steve Rushing.
As you know, I have been keeping my state Reps and the governor informed of this nonsense coming from WA Dept. Labor and Industries. My letters sent to my representatives have all been “Certified Mail.” I have all the signed green cards proving that my correspondence was received, but when I went to the mail box on 12/16/11 I found another green “Certified Letter” card in the mail. This one had my return address on it, but it had what looks like Senator Jeff Baxter’s home address in the “Article Addressed to:” box. I say “home address” because Diane Baxter signed the card. Is Diane the Senator’s wife? I DIDN’T SEND ANYTHING TO THE ADDRESS ON THIS CARD!!! All of my correspondence went to the Senator’s Olympia Office. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON? I went to my local post office to see if the card could be traced back to the true sender. When I got there I thought I better have documentation on record that I did not send whatever article that was attached to the card. The post master stamped a copy of the card with my signed statement about being very concerned over items sent through the mail fraudulently using my name. The post master discouraged me from pursuing further investigation by claiming that there was no way to trace the green card back to the true sender. It was a Friday, and I stewed all weekend conjuring up all kinds of scenarios where the government might issue a warrant for my arrest on the false basis that I threatened a Washington State Senator. They could accuse me of being a terrorist and hold me indefinitely without trial or conviction by a jury of my peers under the new legislation passed by congress, 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. See how arguing with idiots in authority can cause paranoia and other psychological problems. All I can do is cling to the real simple truth, which I am recording on this blog. “Lord, give me strength…” Check out Forbes story on the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. I spent much of Sunday, 12/18/11, writing to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service in Seattle, here:
December 18,2011
Attn. Complaint/investigations officer
PO BOX 400
SEATTLE WA 98111-4000
Phone : (877) 876-2455
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
Phone : 509-292-****
SUBJECT: Fraudulent use of my name/address
I have become very concerned over someone using my name and address to send unknown items via certified mail. Please find the enclosed copy of the green certified letter card that came to my address. I took this card to the local post office and had the postmaster stamp and record my concern over this incident, but she discouraged me from having it investigated saying that, “There is no way to trace it...”
After 2 nights of stewing over this incident, I am afraid someone may be trying to implicate me in threatening Washington state Senator Jeff Baxter because I am currently keeping Baxter and others informed of a dispute between myself and WA State Department of Labor and Industries.
I am including a photocopy of the green certified letter card stamped by the post master, and I am including a news story which documents my $1500.00 fines for posting a flyer on a private bulletin board. I may have angered Phillip Jordan, Michael Thrams, and Dean Simpson at WA Dept. of Labor and Industries by defending myself against their outrageous fines. Perhaps they wish to embroil me in another huge mess to deflect the scrutiny I have given them and their organization.
Please investigate this incident so that I may avoid being wrongfully accused of mailing threats or dangerous things through the mail. The more I think about it, the more I worry about what may have been sent to the senator in my name via certified mail fraudulently filled out with my name and address.
There is no reason why I would threaten the senator because I am having too much fun exposing the out of control WA Dept. of Labor and Industries. Neither has the senator responded to me in support or opposition to my case. Evidently, he is still gathering information.
Since receiving my fines, I have learned of friends of friends who have received fines from L&I. Yesterday, I talked with the owner of a convenience store who said that inspectors from L&I came into his store last summer wanting to see local business cards that may have been placed on a bulletin board in his store. We had an amazing conversation about the arrogance of out of control public servants fishing for revenue by writing tickets to people looking for work.
Thanks much,
Russ Hinds
Copy of green certified letter card:

December 18, 2011
Dear KREM News,
Today I sent the attached correspondence to the U.S. Postal Inspector because I am afraid things may be getting out of hand and dangerous. The attachments are self explanatory, but the root of the controversy is that I have received 2 fines totaling $1500.00 from Washington State Department of Labor and Industries for placing a flyer on a private bulletin board.
Please check out this story, hopefully preventing further nonsense from being thrown out by defensive parties in government who may wish to obliterate the simple truth. If you are informed at this early point, perhaps the real simple truth can’t be derailed.
Thanks very much,
Russ Hinds
You know what? Sending this stuff out makes me sick to my stomach. I hate to think that I am going through this stuff because it is easier to not believe it and push it aside, out of mind. I don’t like accusing people or tearing people down or believing that people are capable of fraudulently sending stuff through the mail in my name. I’d rather live a peaceful, productive, decent life without being accused, fined, and framed, but apparently our deteriorating immoral society is descending into injustice, slavery, and depravity without a conscience. I see on the news today that a pitiful mother killed her own children, her boyfriend, and herself… God help us! No love for family, friends, and neighbors in America anymore. My neighbor Phillip Jordan has no love for me, and surely the Department of Labor and Industries has no love for me, too! The state is broke, it needs money… What happened to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?"
That is enough for today… I’m tired. I’ll post tomorrow on the phone call.
12-22-11 Phone call record.
On 12/16/11 I recieved a message on the answering machine from Steve at WDLI. I returned his call at 8:20 AM monday, 12/19/11. Steve Rushing (in a Wenachi, WA, office) only had one task. He offered me a deal. His call only applied to the "contracting program" so he offered to cut my fine in half if I agreed to get a contractor's license. I turned down the offer because I don't have the money to get one. Steve said that he would record it in the computor and forward the case to the Attorney General's office for a hearing. I asked for a written record of this communication for my own records, but he said that he couldn't do that. I said, "Push print on your computor and send me that." He said he couldn't do that either. I said that I am not connected to their computor and I need to be aware of files being kept on me by the government. No response... then he said he could not debate the merits of the case.
So? I wasn't asking him to discuss the merits of the case. I guess I was talking to a robot instead of a neighbor, a fellow American. Hmmm... reminds me of people who can compartmentalize their lives and exclude a conscience from parts of their lives that make them uncomfortable. He is just doing his job and I am just a number.
Anyway, from this call I found out that I could not combine these citations. Therefore I must waste time and expense at two hearings. If only people could see the foundation of civility and common decency--love thy neighbor as you love yourself. Man, if my boss told me to write revenue tickets to people posting flyers on private bulletin boards, I'd tell my boss to take a hike. I prefer to make friends rather than enemies, but when people send threats in the mail demanding large sums of my income, I must defend myself! I have many stories about defending myself against government assault and I have learned that any attempt to protest injustice and abuse puts government employees on the defensive. In their minds I become their enemy and they go into circling the wagons around each other and CYA. I become a threat to them and they must make me bow to their dictates... They blow it up out of proportion...
You know what? There are codes on the law books regarding these so-called infractions that mention "Warnings" and "resolutions." Have these government employees thrown out those "warning" RCWs? Seems to me that a warning would suffice, perhaps ask me to change my wording on my flyer. That might lead to a much more civilized government that seeks to de-escalate confrontations with the people they are supposed to be serving. Do they teach civics and civility in government schools today? I think "love your neighbor" was thrown out of government schools back in 1961 or 1962 by the Supreme Court. Too many generations have been left behind. They don't know "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Perhaps that is why our country is in serious decline...
What to do? What to do?
RCW 19.28.131
Specialty electrical contractor license — Written warning, penalty — Violations of RCW 19.28.010 through 19.28.141 and 19.28.311 through 19.28.361 — Schedule of penalties — Appeal.
Until July 1, 2007, the department shall issue a written warning to any specialty contractor, performing the scope of work defined by rule for the pump and irrigation or domestic pump specialties, not having a valid electrical contractor license. The warning will state that the contractor must be qualified for and apply for a specialty electrical contractor license under the requirements in RCW 19.28.041
01/13/12 UPDATE - Letter to Editor
I finally found a paper that would publish my letter to the editor. The little Huckleberry Press has been the only paper with courage to get back with me on this subject after I contacted them via email. The rest simply do not reply to my inquiries.
I noticed these statements in the front page heading of the little Huckleberry Press a few days ago after my letter was published in the Jan 5 - 11, 2012 edition. Here are the statements: "Don't underestimate the power of 'the press.' More than 20,000 regular weekly readers strong... and getting stronger." -Made in America- -Protected by the U.S. Constitution- -Blessed by God- ...I like those statements. Seems they understand the need to keep the public informed and thereby keep the government honest.
Sarcastic? I didn’t see sarcastic. I thought you were very polite.
About 20,000 sets of eyes will see this next week.
Thank you, neighbor.
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: letter to editor
Victoria, My word counter said 750 words. Perhaps you can edit some out. Also, please get back with me if it is too sarcastic, etc. Thanks, Russ
Dear Editor, Do I have any neighbors with good hearts and courage? My out of control neighbors employed by the government have backed me up against the wall. Seems that Washington state is in need of revenue, and boy do I have a story that both outrageous and scary. Back in July I packed up a bicycle and started on a peaceful 1000 mile bike ride from Klamath Falls, OR to Kalispell, MT. I did this because I was tired of arguing with people in government. I met a lot of nice people on my 4 month ride and I enjoyed helping a new friend put up his firewood for the winter in Kalispell. When October came, it was time to return to my dad's house in Elk, WA.
I was running out of money, so dad took me to 3 local bulletin boards to hang up some flyers looking for work. A week later my brother got me a job in Richland remodeling a grocery store. While in Richland, an agent with Washington Dept. of Labor and Industries called the number on the flyer and reached my dad. The agent posed as someone who needed a bedroom remodel. He asked my dad for the mailing address so that he could send blueprints. Dad reluctantly gave the guy our mailing address because the job sounded bigger than I wanted to do.
Then the agent called my cell phone number and reached me in Richland. He said that I would be receiving a $500.00 fine in the mail for innocently posting a flyer on Yokes bulletin board which had the word"electrical" on it. Electrical Division Inspector Philip Jordan said the fine was $500.00. I was shocked! I just told him to do what he wanted to do. I can't control what he chooses to do with his life.
I called my father and asked if anyone had called regarding my flyer. Dad said that someone was sending blueprints in the mail. I said, "No, that was a WDLI agent calling for the address so that he could send me a citation in the mail." Dad didn't believe me.
The next week while I was back in Richland, dad received a certified letter containing a fine for $500.00 from WDLI. He couldn't believe it. He was going to move out of this state. I cheered him up on my days off, but the next week while I was in Richland, dad received another citation for $1000.00 from WDLI Contractor Program. This one named me "and Spouse/partner, And the marital community composed thereof or a registered domestic partnership." Now they want to drag my spouse and household into it. Not very nice neighbors in my opinion.
The government employees have separated themselves from the people. They do not serve the people, rather they prey on the people, somehow ignoring common sense and common decency while pursuing revenue for their programs, salaries, benefits, and pensions. Fined $1500.00 dollars for looking for a job. They even charged me a $200.00 fee to file for an Appeal Hearing. Pay $400.00 for my own prosecution. WOW! I never would have thought of it!
Geeze...I hope the government schools are teaching the children not to write "electrical" on their flyers looking for work. The kids need to know all of the RCWs before they graduate. Otherwise, WDLI can prey on them by mailing intimidating revenue tickets through the mail. Seems the government schools have failed to teach "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" for too many generations. I feel sorry for those people going through life without common sense and common decency due to our atrocious government school system. Too many people graduating without a conscience based in "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." Is America going over a cliff as a result? I appealed both citations and created a blog site to provide the full documentation of this story, Please check out the full story on the website. We need to get America fixed, but it won't get fixed if no one stands against the out of control bureaucrats who are supposed to be defending liberty and the Constitution. I am also keeping my state reps informed of this nonsense. Still waiting for a hearing date. I'd appreciate you contacting your state reps, too. Only public outrage will reign in our so-called public servants. Do I have any neighbors with good hearts and courage? You can contact me on the website.
Thanks very much, Russ Hinds Elk, WA
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dad and I were having a little fun with the stats on this blog. According to the stats, I have 17 views from Russia. We were wondering if the New World Order under the soviet socialist control freaks were contacted by Washington State authorities for directions on how to respond to my defense. Can't have any serfs challenging the all-powerful authority and wisdom of the state, can we? After all, the government is god, isn't it?
Well... in America, the government is not supposed to be God. It is supposed to be a just government promoting liberty and peace so that fathers can do the role that Nature's God gave them to do; provide for their families and loved ones...etc. It is not the government's role to provide cradle to grave security for everyone, but the socialist utopians seem to think the government can fix everything. Truth is, if you want something broken and destroyed, let the government "fix" it. Every thing the government does makes things worse. That is the truth!
Too many people in the government have huge egos without being taught to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Once their ego is poked, it is time to circle the wagons and justify their mistake, rather than correct it. This promotes and adversarial environment ripe for the lawyers to make a pile of money.
January 18, 20012 Unbelievable Update
Today is one month from the date I sent my letter requesting an investigation to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. Since I sent my request for an investigation, I have not heard a word from them. Not even acknowledgement that they recieved my request. After one month, I thought it was time to contact them and find out if they, at least, received my request.
I called the 877 number that is on my request and got a public service rep named "Rosa," I think. You know what? I am just a common guy. I expect simple things from people. When I call a government agency, I expect a little help to get my questions answered. I don't expect to have an unbelievable conversation which I should have recorded. I don't want to record every conversation I have with government representatives. I like to think that they are my neighbors who care about the proper function of government, and who actually care about their fellow man. Therefore, I like to believe that people are competent and want to do their government job correctly preserving liberty, the Constitution, and "justice for all." But, the experience of my phone inquiry seems to prove that government employees are there ONLY to recieve a paycheck. Serving the public and protecting liberty, the Constitution, and justice simply is not in the minds of government employees. They act like they are not allowed to make right judgements at all levels of government service, from the lowest rank to the highest. Rosa tried to sympathize with my correct observations saying, "I'm sorry, but that is the policy." I had told her that after one month of waiting for a reciept acknowledgement from U.S.P.I.S. that I shouldn't be required to worry about what is occurring, or not occuring, with my request for an investigation. Keep me in the dark and make me worry and wonder for months and months...
Rosa said that it is "policy" not to inform people about the status of their case "until they have resolved it or until they need to ask questions about the facts concerning the complaint." She preceded her statements with "I'm sorry, but..." The more I tried to get her to see how she would feel if not being kept informed or AT LEAST an acknowledgement that an investigation is occurring, the more she said that she was sorry. And, of course there was nothing she could do to change the system. She said, "That is just the way the system is."
See? I should have recorded the call to insure customer service quality. They said that my phone call may be recorded "to insure customer sevice quality."
So there we are. I have heard nothing from U.S. Postal Inspection Service. Nothing from Washington Department of Labor and Industries since the phone call to Steve Rushing. Nothing from my state representatives. Nothing fron the Attorney General's office of Hearings and Appeals... Are these people afraid to contact me? Are they afraid to expose the incompetence of their own employers, the government hierarchy? Are they afraid of making themselves look bad? Do the lower rank employees go along with the "system" and avoid making conscientious judgements simply to avoid making waves thereby putting their paychecks in jeopordy? Who are the "bogeymen" at the top which may object to any questioning of orders from on high? It is supposed to be the elected representatives of the people who are given oversight of all government programs and the execution of the laws of the state, but it appears the elected reps are afraid, too. They don't want to rock the boat and raise questions about their bureaucracy, either. My state representatives don't even want to take action and provide an appropriate answer to my letters which are keeping them informed of a $1500.00 fine given to a man for posting a flyer looking for a job. My goodness! No spine whatsoever! They take no responsibility, just like those who issued citations through the mail without even signing them to take personal responsibility for their own actions. It is like they want the "bogeyman" the "system" the "next higher up" to take responsibility. Pass the buck... let someone else handle it... don't make waves... don't question the government god (the bogeyman who signs their paychecks).
What is wrong with taking responsibility to "love your neighbor as you love yourself" and responsibility to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you?" What is wrong with taking resonsibility for "liberty and justice for all?" Nothing is wrong with that, but the government schools have inculcated obedience to the state to too many generations...
Where are the real men of wisdom, courage, and "love your neighbor as you love yourself?" Righeousness exalts a nation, but ignorance, fear, and self preservation sap the spirit of courage, liberty, and responsibility...
What next? ...Good grief!
January 21, 2012 Update--Things starting to happen.
On 01/19/12 I recieved a call from Postal Inspector Frances Bega who is in the Spokane office. He basically claimed that no crime has been committed because Senator Baxter has not reported recieving any threats in the mail. Therefore, the investigation is a non-starter. I pointed out that the senator might just blow off a threatening insulting letter from a disgruntled constituent and not report it to authorities. Bega said "Yes" to that... I let the phone call end prematurely as I was becoming disgusted with the direction of the conversation. Bega had changed the nature of my request from an investigation into "WHO is sending certified mail fraudulently using my name through the U.S. mail?" -to an investigation of "Did anyone threaten a Washington state senator?" Being dissappointed and frustrated conversing on the phone with Bega moved me to end the conversation at his minimum effort to appease me. I have now regrouped and I will contact Bega monday and I will ask for a written statement which puts their investigation to rest. Evidently they don't want to investigate WHO is fraudulently using my name to send unknown items through the U.S. mail. Boy, how do I get government employees to focus on one simple request? I did not ask them to investigate threats to the senator, I asked them to investigate who is fraudulently using my name to send unknown items through the mail. Do government employees have ADHD like many children get when they attend government schools? Whew...!
EVIDENTLY, the Attorney General's office was sending out summons to the people who are needed at my hearing while I was updating this blog on the 18th of January. I recieved 3 items in the mail from them on 01/19/12. One was a notice that they are searching records per my request for them (the state's evidence which is to be entered into the record at my citation hearing). They say that they have set a date of 01/27/12 for their record search to be complete, with the possible exception of unforeseen delays. This blog will now become somewhat tedious for the readers as I am going to be put through rigor-mo-roll which will likely be more painful and expensive than their $1500,00 fine. I have several documents which need to be scanned and uploaded to this blog. Once again, the documents are confusing and full of errors. The opening letter to one of the summons states "Please conform and return the copies of the Notice of Appearance and hearing judge request in the enclosed envelope." How do I "conform" copies of the "Notice of Appearance" and hearing judge request? I can "confirm" recept of the Notice of Appearance and hearing judge request and return them in the enclosed envelope. Problem is: THEY DIDN'T ENCLOSE A RETURN ENVOLOPE!!!!! ...GOOD GRIEF!!!!
Let's see... Let me check Websters Dictionary to see how I may "conform" those documents:
Con·form -verb \kÉ™n-ˈfȯrm\transitive verb
: to give the same shape, outline, or contour to : bring into harmony or accord
intransitive verb
1: to be similar or identical; also : to be in agreement or harmony —used with to or with
2 a : to be obedient or compliant —usually used with to
— con·form·er noun
— con·form·ism \-ˈfȯr-ËŒmi-zÉ™m\ noun
— con·form·ist \-mist\ noun or adjective
I guess I can acknowledge that it is my intention to "conform" with their hearing requirements stipulated in their summons, but I won't conform to paying their $1500.00 fine. ...geezo leweezo...
January 23, 2012
Well... I made a mistake about the "Please conform and return the copies of the Notice of Appearance and hearing judge request in the enclosed envelope. That was in a copy of a letter sent to "judge Lee." It was just a cc. for my records. So, I don't need to return anything in an enclosed envelope. They haven't set a date for the hearing yet.
I tried to find a phone number for France Bega at his Spokane office, but it is not listed. The only number I could find was the 877 no. for Seattle which I called before and spoke to Rosa. I don't know if I will bother with France Bega anymore. Let him do what he wants to do...
I am getting pooped and disheartened. Has anybody considered the fact that I am spending my own time and money to defend myself while the government goons are getting paid to assualt me on the government's time using the government's money, offices, and equipment. Is that a right and good thing? Is that what the writers of the state's constitution had in mind? Did they write the constitution to empower the government or restrain it? Did the founding fathers intend that our taxes be used against us to assault and extort from the people? Seems to me that Philip Jordan would have kept the peace if he had a real job in the private sector. There would have been no problems if Jordan were not prowling around bulletin boards looking for victims...
The more money the government gets, the more they misuse it. Somehow, they delude themselves into thinking they are performing a good deed by attempting to entrap people with phoney phone calls. They tell themselves that their mark (me) is out to defraud my neighbor by doing inferior work because I do not have state approval and licensing. Philip Jordan has convicted me of being unworthy of posting a flyer looking for a job. Phillip thinks he needs to protect my neighbors from me... I think my neighbors and future generations need to be protected from out of control revenue seeking government goons. Anybody been to the Department of Motor vehicles lately? Been jumping through hoops trying to please overpaid government paper pushers? Are our public servants defending liberty and the constitution?
I penned the lyrics to a new song: The government loves me this I know. Barak Obama told me so. Little children all are we. They will take good care of me. Yes, the government loves me. Yes, the government loves me. Yes the government loves me... Barak Obama told me so.\
See? I'm getting tired of arguing with the blind and ignorant. Been defending myself for 20 years... using my own time and money. I don't get paid to stand up to bullies, but the bullies in goverment get paid to harass and assault and accuse and take property and money...
January 27, 2012 Some tedious documents
Here are the documents I recieved from the Attorney General's office. This first one is notifying me that they are searching for documents on the "electrical" citation per my request.

They finished their record search and sent me more copies of the citation documents, except they included some unsigned statements from Inspector Phillip Jordan regarding his "electrical" citation. Evidently, I need to request all the documents they will use to prosecute my "contractor program" citation in order to get copies of statements from Michael Thrams and Dean Simpson.
I need to address almost every line of Jordan's statement, so I will post one page, then comment, then another page, etc...

The second paragraph is his word. He may have pulled the three tabs himself in order to imply that I had recieved inquiries to my flyer from legitimate clients. This would give him deniability for making his entrapment call. The other two flyers I posted on other bulletin boards did not have tabs missing. Not even one tab until they were taken down.
The third paragraph is okay. I am not licensed in the state of Washington to "advertise." I didn't know that I needed to be registered and licensed to offer my services to my neighbors. Does everyone in the state of Washington need to be registered and licensed to offer their services to their neighbors? Can I hire an unlicensed guy to change the battery in my car without being fined and threatened by L and I? Can a neighbor hire me to caulk their bathtub without being fined and threatened by WDLI? Seems Mr. Jordan is stretching the regulations to the point of absurdity in order to justify his attempt at revenue collection.
The fourth paragraph jumps to the phone call he made to my cell phone which reached me while I was in Richland, WA. Mr. Jordan omits the phone call he made to my father's residence posing as a prospective client. Mr. Jordan colors his version of our conversation in a manner that attempts to portay me as some kind of outlaw fanatic. I'd like recordings of this conversation. Is one available? I'd also like the phone records of Mr. Jordan to see if he did indeed call my father's land line prior to calling my cell phone number. The paragraph continues:

George Washington -
- Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.
"...and I (Phillip Jordan) was helping the state in the act of extorsion." Yes, I said something about that. It is true! He is helping the state extort $500.00 from me! I have the suspicion that the regulations were written to apply to paid advertisements, not personal flyers and resumes. The fine seems a little excessive for indivduals as opposed to corporations buying advertising while sending out unqualified technicians. Also, how does Jordan know that I was going to rewire someone's house? Perhaps my use of the word "electrical" meant installing a switch on a lawn tractor? Do they misinterpret their regulations to make it illegal for a neighbor to hire me to install a new switch on a lawn tractor? Does my use of the word "electrical" violate Section 5 of the Washington State Constitution? SECTION 5 FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Every person may freely speak, write and publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right. I can't publish a flyer or a resume, but pornographers can publish advertisements without getting $1500.00 worth of fines in the state of Washington? What about signs in front of adult book stores? Send Phillip Jordan down there to write a ticket to them! I can't advertise for a working job, but pornographers can advertise blow jobs??? What is up with that, Mr Attorney General??? I guess President Bill Clinton taught us that blow jobs are legal according to government regulations and codes!
"Russ went further to say that he would offer his services to anyone that asked for help and the state could not stop him..." Yep! I like to help my neighbors! Why would the state want to stop me from helping my neighbors? Many neighbors have helped me!
"or require him to be licensed to paint, caulk, or replace wall switches." My exact words were, "I can replace a light switch without third party interference?" I never said, "wall switches." Check the phone recording, if there is one. See how this back and forth gets ridiculous? Do we really need to pay our taxes to hire state agents to drive around reading bulletin boards in order to send $1500.00 worth of fines in the mail? How would the rest of my neighbors feel if they were sent $1500.00 fines in the mail for posting their resume on a bulletin board, or for hiring an unregistered unlicensed guy to rake leaves? Jordan's salary, benefits, vacation, pension, gas, and government vehicle may be too much of a burden on the taxpayers...
"Russ told me that I better be glad I wasn't standing in front of him because he was pissed off." I said that he was "causing fire to shoot from my eyes." I may of said something about not having the courage to stand in front of me, as he was bugging me for my address so that he could send me a citation in the mail. Check the recording... I gave him the street name, but not the house number because I didn't know the house number.
"I realized that Russ was not willing to listen to anything I had to say. I did advise him to remove any other advertisements he had posted." And notice that Jordan omitted the fact that he threatenened me with a $500.00 dollar fine for posting a flyer on a private bulletin board prior to me stating that he was causing fire to shoot from my eyes. And Jordan threatened me with more fines if I didn't remove my other flyers. Did he want me to drive back from Richland just to remove flyers? Some helpful public servant, huh? Was Jordan willing to listen to anything I had to say?
"Russ then began speaking his views on the size of our government..." Absolutely! Government is way too big when it has to resort to sending revenue tickets through the mail to poor people looking for work to fund excessive salaries, benefits, pensions, and wasteful programs!
"and his feelings about anyone in my possession that would even consider telling him he needed to be properly licensed to perform side jobs." Do I need a state license to rake leaves or caulk a tub? How extreme do these numbskulls want to get? Are they going to cite people who shovel snow as a "side job" without a state license? What about homeowners who hire unlicensed snow shovelers? Should they get a $500.00 fine in the mail? Think of all the revenue you could get, Mr. Jordan. By the way, the word is "position" not "possession," Mr. Jordan.
"I finally interrupted Russ..." Was I overly concerned about being fined $500.00?
"...and asked if there were any specific questions I could answer for him." Yes, Mr Jordan, you were very courteous trying to pry my address out of me so you could send me a $500.00 fine in the mail.
"Russ started in again about our nations constitution." I was taught in school that it is our civic duty to defend the U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Apparently, Mr. Jordan has little respect for our founding documents. Aren't public servants trained in upholding the Constitutions of our states and country? Good grief! "We, the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts - not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution." -- Abraham Lincoln. Hmmm... is anybody trampling the rights of "We the People?"
"I terminated our phone conversation." Eh hum... After I told you to do what you wanted to do, we terminated our phone conversation.
That is my response to Jordan's statement. Jordan included a paper claiming that my dad gave him our mailing address. Here it is:

January 27, 2012
TO: WDLI Inspector Phillip Jordan
Dept. Of Labor and Industries
901 N. Monroe St. Suite 100
Spokane, WA 99201
FROM: David Carr
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
SUBJECT: Dishonest government employees
Dear Mr. Phillip Jordan,
My son just received your false statement regarding your citation, EJORP04884. Attached to your statement is an unsigned page without official letterhead that states:
10/26/2011 9:57 AM call to 509-292-8150, answered by David Carr (?)
I was told that Russ was working out of town but would be available Friday night or Saturday, I asked for Russ’s mailing address, the man on the phone told me that Russ received mail at 10421 E. Jutte Ln Elk WA 99009
Mr. Jordan!
Why isn’t your name mentioned on this bold faced lie, and why didn’t you sign this bold faced lie? I have not spoken with anyone over the telephone who identified themselves as an agent of WDLI! I spoke to 2 people claiming to be answering my son’s flyer with a job offer.
I’m old school and I was taught that to tell at he truth, you only have to tell it once. But, to tell a lie you have to tell 20 more lies to cover up the first one. In the above statement you have implicated me as a liar by claiming that you phoned me as an L and I representative. My wife and I both know that we have not received a phone call from the Dept. of Labor and Industries. We received 2 phone calls by people posing as potential customers.
The first call from you posing as a customer was claiming that you needed help with your father’s bedroom remodel. You said that you needed my address to mail me a set of plans. I told you that my son does work by the hour and that he might give you a quote about how much time the job would require and you buy the materials. You insisted that I give you my address so that you could send me blueprints for a bid. I reluctantly gave you my address because the job sounded like more than my son wanted to do. Do you really think that I am stupid enough to give you my mailing address so you could send me a $500.00 citation if you had identified yourself as an L and I agent? You were obviously trying to entrap my son into bidding contracts.
Thus far you have been assaulting my son with fines and threats, but now you have assaulted this old man by dishonestly claiming that I gave my address to you, as an L and I agent over the phone. It has never occurred to me that a public servant would lower himself to lie to cover his own ass and now I am ready to kick your ass all the way to kingdom come!
When I was drafted into the Marines I took an oath to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights and to protect this country from all enemies foreign and domestic! I did not serve my country in order that you may disregard the Constitution by sending fines in the mail for hanging flyers on private bulletin boards. And I sure as hell didn’t fight in Viet Nam so you could lie about it to cover your own ass! I didn’t fight for your bogus ass extortion tickets, either!
I look forward to meeting you face to face at my son’s hearing so that I can look you in the eye and testify against your lies and assaults.
As a veteran, I have had my eyes opened to the depravity of government employees who will not uphold the Constitution which protects the rights of individuals from government abuse. With people like you in government service, I now know how low government authorities can go in pursuit of revenue. Thank you for opening my eyes to the lowlife bullies who have squirmed their way into public service.
I’m too old to be taking shit off a piss ant like you! In the old days we used to handle disputes man to man, but there are no men left in the government who will take responsibility for their own actions by signing their citations and statements.
I firmly request 2 letters of apology plus the return of my son’s $400.00 and it would be nice if he and I could be compensated for our time and stress dealing with your threats and abuse.
With all sincerity and honesty,
I sign my statements to take responsibility and stand by them.
And Dad did sign his letter before he stuck it in the mail. I think "We the people" need to keep a closer eye on the integrity of government employees!
Still waiting for a hearing date. Perhaps I have enough time to send out a request for Michael Thrams and Dean Simpson's statements.
February 2, 2012 More amazing stuff in the mail.
As you know, I am just a common guy, a common member of "We the people..." who simply wants to pursue, life, liberty, and happiness without being molested by ding-a-lings working for the state. Nobody in their right mind wants the monkey of the state on their back 24/7 to control and tax and fine themselves to death. Yet, we have state employees who don't know how to work for "We the people" within the constraints of Constitutional law. For decades, lawyers and bureaucrats working for the states have lived in a world of regulations and codes which they twist, redefine, and misapply in order to cover their own ass and put down anyone who they percieve may be undermining state policy or the serfdom they have built over "We the people." This blog is here to prove everything I have written in this paragraph. and these numbskulls have once again sent me more documents which prove my statements above.
Can they afford to allow me to win this case and drop the fines? No, they cannot. On their own personal level these supposed public servants likely feel that admitting a mistake on their part might result in themselves or one of their cohorts losing their job. Therefore, they circle the wagons around each other. In the larger picture, the lawyers for the state can foresee that if I win this matter, there is the possibility that thousands of other people who have been fined for looking for a job might petition the government for the return of the fines they paid. See? ... Allowing Russ to win this case is out of the question! Hence, they are blowing out of proportion the fact that little ol' Russ innocently posted a flyer looking for work on a private bulletin board. Is this how a government "for the people, by the people, and of the people" is supposed to work? Is this how the government is supposed to protect "liberty and justice for all?" Do my "inalienable rights" given to me by my Creator have any bearing whatsoever in this case? Will the people administrating my case care one whit about my God given inalianable rights? Judging from the documents that I just recieved, they don't care. These documents prove that they only care about covering their own ass! I guess they think they have their priorities right...! Their minds lack an understanding of freedom, liberty, and justice. We used to have a country where people worked together to protect liberty, private property rights, and lives that pursued goodness, honesty, truth, justice, and happiness while protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty. What am I guilty of? Have I injured anyone at all by placing a flyer on a bulletin board which offers my help to my neighbors? What is in my flyer which justifies a $1500.00 fine? My goodness! ... I'm completely at a loss to understand the muddled reasoning which state bureaucrats and state lawyers use to justify preying on the simple man. Aren't politicians on the TV continually talking about creating jobs and lowering unemployment? Try to find a job in the state of Washington and get a $1500.00 fine!
Here is the first amazing document I recieved yesterday:

Notice the black lines on this document? It has been redacted. Within the black lines is a number (example "2a") which refers to a code that they are claiming protects "attorney client priveledge." The state's attorney is claiming that he needs to redact their memo in order to protect his client (the state) from me. Who is his client? I'd like to shake his hand and look him in the eye! Have these dumb attorneys turned the state into an actual person which needs protection from little ol' Russ? Hmmm...Let's see... Who could this attorney for the state be protecting? Is it "We the people" of the state that needs protecting? Am I threat to "We the people?" Seriously! Have I committed a crime against "We the People" which requires me to pay $1500.00 to "We the government" for hanging a flyer looking for work on a bulletin board. I really don't think the common people of the state of Washington see my so-called "violation" worthy of a $1500.00 fine. ...but the state needs money and they (We the government) have found a way to write and enforce regs and codes which bring in revenue... The Attorney General's client (the state) needs protected from me because I have opposed their fines. The Attorney General even needs to redact and keep secret what has been written by employees of the state who are supposed to be serving "We the people," Public servants should not NOT BE HARASSING AND HARANGING AND FINING "WE THE PEOPLE" FOR POSTING FLYERS ON BULLETIN BOARDS LOOKING FOR A JOB! Hey...wait a minute! I said, "employees of the state." Perhaps "employees of the state" are the real clients who must be protected from little ol' Russ's opposition to being fined! The real client of the Attorney General are the state employees who fined me, and all the other state employees who live off "We the people's" taxes and fines! Good grief! No thought whatsoever about protecting liberty, free speech, the right to property, and the right to work! Just single out people who post flyers on bulletin boards looking for a job and send them $1500.00 fines in the mail! Pretty damn ridiculous to me! I'd hate to have that job, sending tickets in the mail to my neighbors!
Anyway, the Attorney General would like the readers of this blog to think that he is protecting you (We the people) from me. But, I think you and I can see that he is really protecting the state, the employees of the state, and the fictional "bogeyman" of the state who signs their checks and demands their strict loyalty and service. Go along with the crowd (the state employee created bogeyman and his book of regulations and codes, RCWs), don't ask questions about right judgment/common decency, and don't rock the boat by bringing up the Constitutionally protected rights of the common folk (who are the real signers of their checks through taxes, etc.) If you are employed by the state, obey your masters and don't make waves. Just do what you are told and keep your nose clean. Then you can get a nice pension in your retirement.
A friend on the Christian Worldview Forum gave me an appropriate verse which shows the danger of following men rather than following the Definer and Creator of liberty, justice, and private property rights: Eccl. 5:8 If you see the oppression of the poor, and the violent perversion of justice and righteousness in a province, do not marvel at the matter; for high official watches over high official, and higher officials are over them. The "high" and "higher" officials are circling the wagons around their serfdom--being paranoid of little old Russ opposing their ridiculous fines. Absolutely amazing... but wait! I got Michael Thrams statement in this package, too. I don't need to request all the states records for the "contractor program" citation of $1000.00. Here it is:

Quote: On 10-26-2011 I recieved a referral from Phil Jordan, Lead inspector with the Department of Labor and Industries E-Core. Phil provided me with an advertisement obtained from Yokes Fresh Market in Deer Park Wa.
Can Michael Thrams testify that he found my flyer at Yokes market? No he cannot! He sent a $1000.00 extorsion ticket through the mail to someone who he has never even met and whose flyer on a bulletin board he never saw! Can I print up a flyer in Phil Jordan's name (or your name the reader's name) and give it to Michael Thrams so that he will send Jordan (or you) a $1000.00 fine in the mail without out even looking you in the eye and having a decent conversation? Then Jordan (or you) can spend months arguing with idots trying to keep your income and good name. Good grief! Now I am in the government computors charged with crimes and the more I protest, the more the ding-a-lings in government think that I am a threat to the authority of the state (actually their authority) and they more they dig in their heels all the more! How can I win?
Thrams says, "Phil provided me with an address for Mr. Hinds @..." See? These guys had to decieve my father into giving them my address since it was not printed on my flyer. ...and they can sit there with a straight face in their comfy government job and calmly accuse me of being a criminal worthy of $1500.00 in fines for posting a flyer looking for a job! WOW! AMAZING! INSANE! Good grief!
The only way I am going to win this is if these guys from bottom to top get sick of themselves and realize that it is better to stand up for liberty, Truth, justice, common decency, the rights guaranteed in the Constitutions, and "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Standing up for the government god (the bogeyman who signs their checks) and following the paranoid crowd in government frantically protecting their own arse is a stomach turning filthy job. Hey you government employees, READ YOUR CONSTITUTIONS! GET EDUCATED! DO THE RIGHT THING, NOT THE CROWD'S THING! STAND UP FOR FREEDOM, PRIVATE PROPERTY, TRUE JUSTICE, AND THE RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY, AND PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS!
I'm coming to your hearing. I'm going to look you in the eye. I'm going to ask you pertinent questions. I am not ashamed of posting a flyer on a private bulletin board looking for a job. I have a clear conscience because I don't harass my neighbors and send them fines in the mail... I think you guys need to examine yourselves and see if you really want to do what you are doing with your life. There are much more fulfilling jobs out there... that is if the state will let you do them!
P.S. Hey Phil! Perhaps you can give my flyer to the State Patrol and tell them I wasn't wearing a seat belt when I posted my flyer. Then they can send me a seat belt ticket in the mail! More revenue for ya, Phil...!
P.P.S. Cool! Michael Thrams signed his statement.
February 6, 2012
I have been thinking about readers of this blog possibly not understanding my frank language, especially the use of words like "ding-a-ling," numbskulls," and "idiot." I would like to take the time to explain my frustration with this generation's government employees. I will do that here, but first let me add another point of view from a wise friend of mine.
In my last update I asked, "Who is the Attorney General's client." My wise friend pointed out that another "electrician" or "contractor" may have complained about individuals seeking work in their fields who are not licensed and bonded, thus undercutting the charges required for businesses who are paying license and insurance fees. This friend brought up the example of old women and young women selling flowers on street corners. She said that we don't see them anymore because the flower shops complained about losing business. So now most cities require purchasing a license with restrictions (when, where, and how) an individual can "legally" sell flowers. You can apply that to other street vendors, too. You have the strong arm of the government choosing winners and losers. The individual loses. Hmmm... then comes the payback to the small businesses downtown who complained about street vendors. Bigger businesses like Walmart and grocery warehouses draw coustomers away from smaller stores downtown. Money is power, too. Bundle up investors and you can get huge stores, malls, and even farms. Bye, bye, family businesses and family farms. Bundled up investors, banks, and speculators move in on real estate, distributors, big oil, big electricity... the small family businesses can't compete. Upcoming generations have no choice, but to hire out their labor to the big money investors and bankers. I don't think that is healthy for our society, either. Then our young people must compete with the illegals who work for lower wages. Some illegals get rent subsidies and food subsidies. Obviously, they can work for less if the government is subsidizing their income and rent! I know. I've been through it. I saw it first hand, and I wouldn't go on welfare to add to my family income. See? Government chooses sides and makes things worse. Government is too big and too out of control.
So, the Attorney General's client may be the existing businesses who want to limit competition from individuals and free markets. They will use all kinds of excuses to regulate individuals. They will bring up safety concerns, environmental concerns, liability concerns, and fraud concerns in order to control transactions of goods and services between individuals. Being controlled by bureaucracies is not freedom in my book. Being fined and threatened for honestly looking for a honest job is not freedom in my book, either. Something has changed and is changing faster these days. There is no belief in "innocent until proven guilty" in our society anymore. Love of neighbor has grown cold due to the increase of sin. Everyone is guilty. The man (me) looking for work has supposedly lied about his qualifications and is willing to compromise the safety of his employers because he may miswire a garbage disposal. Therefore, we need the state to give approval (licensing) before he may change out disposers for his neighbors. It sounds good, but common sense and common decency are leaving faster now. Even doctors can't treat their patients without getting state approval for every remedy and referral... the beast of state is running amuck! And the employees of the state follow orders without question or conscience. A dishonest and immoral population needs government control, but who will control the dishonest and immoral government employees? The police state is here now. The welfare state, the government schools, and entertainment industry have raised up generation after generation who need someone to control them. Families are broken because fathers have hired the secularists, the socialists, Darwinists, and the hedonists to educate their children in the government schools... and the government educated Attorney General must protect the authority of the state at all costs... The idea of a wholesome society that is honest and willing to treat each other right is foreign to him. He only sees the state as the only way to control his fellow man... so send Russ $1500.00 in fines to stop him from helping his neighbors... And bring the full power of the state down on him seeking ways to justify those fines when he refuses to comply...
I don't like that method of thinking... it is directionless because truly the "statist" is directionless. The statist only sees the state and its thousands of laws, regulations, and codes. The statist doesn't see that fathers need to train up their children to love virtue, wisdom, justice, liberty, and their fellow man as defined by the rules of the universe, the God of love who wrote the rules of the universe. Mankind has left those rules in the dust for the last three generations... Jn 3:16 If only Phil Jordan's father had trained up Phil to love virtue, wisdom, justice, liberty, and his fellow man...
Unfortunately, pleading, cajoling, and coddling has not worked to get people to see reality, simple Truth, common sense, and common decency. I've been arguing with people in authority for 20 years. I wrote a memoir and another manuscript "Freedom, Liberty, and the Truth for America's Fathers." Been looking for a publisher for 5 years... so, I am not holding back on this blog.
My battles: I married my high school sweetheart at 19 years old. We enjoyed our marriage and social life doing the same things our friends were doing for four years, then my first son was born. I thought it was time to grow up and raise a family so I read the entire instruction book, the Bible. My second son was born 18 months after my first. I was so proud of my handsome sons, but when they were old enough to be baby sat, their mother thought it was time to get the social life back. The only social life available in our small farm town was the bars... The churches were dead. None of our friends went there. As I struggled to meet the financial needs of the family, my wife wanted to spend $250.00 a month on her "social life"--every Saturday night at the bar. I never laid a hand on her, but after 2 years of arguing she moved out. I came home from work to find my sons gone and my house cleaned out. She had moved into free government housing. The government actually paid her $31.00 a month to live there. Free rent plus $31.00 to help with the power bill. I thought it was my job to provide a roof over my children, but "We the government" used your tax dollars to take my sons from me. She filed for a no-fault divorce--see? I was not at fault-- and I was brought before a judge who said, "This is not a moral court. It is a court of law. Shacking up and tending bar are not sufficient grounds to remove your sons from their mother. If I removed them from her, then I would have to remove children from all other mothers who are shacking up and tending bar." I thought, "How do I win an argument with an idiot in an immoral court...?"
I stood up to the court to their face and told them I would not pay my ex's bar tab while I demanded the return of my sons. At one court hearing I was placed in handcuffs, leg irons and a holding cell for an hour for telling a judge, "Listen up judge! No one loves my sons more than I do. You guys certainly don't! I have asked for the return of my sons every time I have set foot in a courtroom. I DO want to provide for my sons in a wholesome home. I will not support shacking up and barstool lifestyles..."
You see? It takes an idiot judge to believe that divorce law was written to make it legal for at-fault adulterous mothers to throw away not-at-fault fathers and keep his children and income. Talk about misapplication of law! No wonder courts have metal detectors and bullet proof glass! Even the secretaries in child support collection offices sit behind bullet proof glass. Injustice breeds anger and contempt... contempt for the innocent in our courts breeds contempt of court. And government officials are blind to it. They are in denial and they delude themselves by convincing themselves that they are administering the law "for the good of the children." I was forced to watch my sons raised in shack-ups and bars and government schools. My ex was able to use my battles with the court to partially alienate me from my sons. Nevertheless, I was able to maintain a good relationship with my sons. We made some great memories... I lived for 8 years on the hope that my sons would choose to come live with me when they were old enough to do so, but my heart was broken a second time when they did not choose to do so.
So, you see? Idiots in authority wouldn't allow me to raise my own sons. In fact, they spent YOUR TAX DOLLARS to support the destruction of my family, and support the irresponsible choices of an ignorant selfish mother who needed her friends at the bar more than she needed the father of her children.
I have had my children taken from me with the blessing of idiots in authority. Idiots in authority took my income away from me--garnishing my wages. Idiots in authority took my commercial drivers license from me. Idiots in authority wanted me to slavishly comply with all their outragious orders...
Can you see why I use words like "numbskull," "ding-a-ling," and "idiot?" I have an amazing memoir, an interesting adventurous life story standing up to bullies, even from the time I was in grade school. Still seeking calm, peacefulness, with liberty... perhaps someday... Mal. 4:6 He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers--or else I will strike the land with a curse.
So, here we are under a paranoid government that trains up hot dog vendors at the Superbowl to watch the crowd for "terrorists." I can hear them now, "Hotdogs, peanuts, popcorn, cavity search, get your background check here... hot dogs! Comes with free groping and free x-rays!..." The government believes its own lies and chaos is coming to the land... Out of control government debt, bankrupt states, collapse of the dollar... The authorities will call up the national guard to maintain their control over "We the people"... and our children will see it with their own eyes.
Jesus brought a F(f)ather's love to mankind, but America's fathers are blind because they have been indoctrinated in the government schools where they are bombarded with nonsense and overwhelming peer pressure into sex, drugs, alcohol, and alternative lifestyles. Meanwhile, America's pastors and churches are in la-la land without courage and competence to stand up for the God given role of fathers and families. --If only Phill Jordan's father had trained up Phil to love virtue, wisdom, justice, liberty, and his fellow man...--
February 27, 2012 Notice of telephone conference
I recieved a NOTICE OF CONFERENCE from the Office of Administrative Hearings for the Department of Labor and Industries. They set the date of this conference for March 20, 2012 at 11:00 AM. It is a sad state of affairs... I am so disgusted by the cowardice of these government employees... Here is a quote which they printed in bold at the beginning of the first paragraph: "Your hearing will be conducted by telephone." What is the matter with these guys? They have already denied my right to a trial by a jury of my peers, AND NOW THEY ARE AFRAID OF CONDUCTING A HEARING IN PERSON SO THAT I CAN FACE MY ACCUSERS!!! Apparently, I have no rights and no protection of my personal income, property, liberty, and good name. Apparently, they interpret our State and Federal Constitutions to empower themselves and protect themselves from "We the people." The founding father Patrick Henry said, "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." When these government employees fall into the trap of protecting their own rearend at all cost, they must ignore the rights of the people which are guaranteed in our Constitutions. We already heard Phillip Jordan complain about me bringing up our nation's Constitution, "Russ started in again about our nations constitution..." Gee, that is written as if it is a bad thing to bring up and defend our Nation's Constitution! Who do these people think they are? Are they better than the people they are supposed to be serving? Can't Jordan put himself in my shoes and know that he himself wouldn't like being fined $1500.00 for posting a flyer looking for a job on a private bulletin board? I don't think he can. He is probably thinking that he is doing a good job... Must be a real small mind to igonore the obvious fact that he wouldn't like it if i were doing to him what he is doing to me. The KGB "did their job" without conscience putting dissidents in Siberian gulags, too.
So now, they want a telephone conference hearing instead of looking me in the eye while they try to blow smoke up my butt saying that I have no right to hang a flyer on a bulletin board looking for a job. And more smoke up my butt claiming that I have no right to a trial by a jury of my peers before being fined $1500.00. And more smoke up my butt claiming I have no right to face my accuser in person. THEY WANT ME TO CAVE IN TO THEIR NONSENSE! I can't do it... I simply do not have it in me to go along with their nonsense and abuse. What a lucrative scam they have going-- send intmidating citations in the mail to their neighbors and scare their neghbors into paying ridiculous fines without having to try their neighbors by jury or look their neighbors in the eye... I think Al Capone would be jealous of that scam! "Old Al Capone" would be angry that he hadn't thought of it first!
Here is a copy of the NOTICE OF CONFERENCE for the "contractor" citation which is the same for the "electrical" citation:

This reminds me of a skit I saw on Sesame Street. The Cookie Monster got elected mayor of Sesame Street and Big Bird read a "Home Repair" book which taught him how to hang up a cieling fan. Miss Piggy liked Big Bird's new cieling fan so much that she had Big Bird hang a cieling fan for her, too. Word about reading books got to the Cookie Monster and he decided to read a book, as well. He chose "How to be a Mayor" which gave him all kinds of power to do things as mayor. The Cookie Monster got greedy wanting to buy cookies for everyone on Sesame Street so he gave inspector badges to Bert and Ernie. Meanwhile, Big Bird had placed flyers all around Sesame Street including on Miss Piggy's bulletin board which was in her beauty shop. Bert and Ernie found one of the flyers and sent Big Bird 2 huge fines in the mail because the Cookie Monster declared that anyone doing home repairs for their neighbors needed to be licensed by Bert and Ernie. That way the Cookie Monster could get the money he needed in order to buy cookies for everyone on Sesame Street. Oscar the Grouch in the garbage can saw a flyer and called Big Bird to hang a cieling fan in his garbage can, but Big Bird had to turn him down because he had big fines to pay and he couldn't afford the Cookie Monster's fees for getting a license and insurance. All kinds of drama and anger breaks out on Sesame Street. After hiding out for their deeds, the Cookie Monster and Bert and Ernie finally apologise and drop their fines and license fees. Big Bird then goes to Home Depot and purchases all the electrical stuff he needs to do the job. He buys the stuff right off the shelf without needing a license... Oscar gets his cieling fan to sit under while sipping iced tea during the hot days of summer... All ends well because the Cookie Monster and Bert and Ernie drum up the courage to apologize. They are all happy neighbors living in peace once again... The silly Cookie Monster had all kinds of good intentions wanting to provide free cookies for everyone, but they finally get all the nonsense cleared up, mostly because Oscar the Grouch in the garbage can chose to read the U.S. Constitution instead of reading a whole book. It is not the mayor's job to provide for everyone...
Do you think Washington State Department of Labor and Industries has the integrity of the Cookie Monster and Bert and Ernie? I don't think they are that neighborly. They probably didn't watch Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood while they were growing up.
Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself," and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Thomas Payne wrote, A generous parent would have said, "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day-that my children would have peace."
What future are we leaving our children by enslaving them to the government bureaucrats? "All it takes for evil to prevail, is for good men to do nothing." I forgot who said that, but it fits. When will "We the People" wake up and take back "We the government" who have been driving this country into debt and chaos and division for too many generations...? The government employees need more money. The federal government is $15,000,000,000,000.00 in debt. And the states are broke, too. "We the people" didn't rack up that debt, it was the state and federal politicians who manipulated the public with their "good intentions" in order to impose all their ridiculous programs and burdens on taxpayers who were simply minding their own business trying to provide for themselves and their families.
I hope it is not too late to return to the Constitution and make it easier for people to take care of themselves and their families without government putting obsticals and taxes in their way. Just think how low taxes would be if the governments were constrained to their Constitutions... Imagine how few bureaucrats would be needed... Imagine how few government salaries would need to be funded through taxes and fines. Perhaps our children would appreciate not being loaded up with government debt, taxes, and fines...
Think about it people... it really is simple logic for fathers and mothers and families to take care of themselves without living off their neighbors taxes and fines...
Well,... At 11:00 AM on March 20, 2012, "Your hearing will be conducted by telephone." I guess I have no choice. Washington Department of Labor and Industries wants to conduct a kangaroo court over the telephone and avoid a face to face conversation. And I don't think they will let a nice neighbor like Captain Kangaroo preside over their kangaroo court unless they have fully brainwashed him into ignoring the inalienable rights of the people which are guaranteed in the Constitutions. What a sad state of affairs... How low will they go?
March 6, 2012 I can't let this rest at a "telephone hearing"
A beautiful blue sky morning is breaking here in Elk, Washington, and I am excited about warmer spring days approaching. I recently bought a motorcycle and I can't wait to take it out on the road. It is a much needed diversion for me, much like the bicycle ride was a relaxing quiet reprieve. --Although, the motorcycle requires much less exertion!-- Seems being alone on the road where I can push troubles out of mind is my best escape...
But... with friends like our neighbors employed by the government, who needs enemies?!!! After thinking about this ridiculous "telephone hearing" I have concluded that I need to send the "judge" presiding over the hearing a paper copy of this blog so that it can be entered into the record as part of my defense. Obviously, it is impossible to enter evidence into the record over the phone! Good grief! The whole mess is beyond ridiculous! We are wasting the government's time arguing over my right to place a flyer on a private bulletin board looking for a job! What if I had a header on my flyer that said "resume"? What if I were standing on a street corner passing out copies of my resume? Would I be fined $1500.00 for that? Your taxes and fines are paying for this circus!
This mess is wholely and completely the result of government employees seeking to increase revenue by misconstruing the intentions of regulations written by bureaucrats (not Legislators). Twist the definitions of words into absurdity in order to selectively issue fines while ignoring common sense and common decency. Take the regulations that are written to determine who is qualified to do electrical repairs and plumbing repairs. According to regulations and codes, anyone making those repairs must be licensed by the state, yet we all know that large apartment complexes hire inexperienced young men as maintenance technicians to do repairs on the apartments. They do this because it saves them money. If they had to hire licensed journeymen electricians and plumbers to replace broken garbage disposers then apartment management would have to raise rents. Apartment managers hire at the entry level pay scale. They are bean counters and they have budgets to meet. As the maintenance supervisor at a large high end apartment complex, I enjoyed teaching the young guys skills from changing ballasts in florescent lights to installing new pump motors on swimming pools. There are no silly Labor and Industries regulations enforced on apartment complexes where I come from. Imagine the frustration that would occur if Phillip Jordan started selectively issuing citations to apartment managers. However, I don't think apartment managers and investors have the courage to stand up to the state, either. Hey Phillip! There is another source of revenue for you!
The key word above is "selective." The state goes after the easy prey, the individual, and the poor, who are without resources (money) to defend themselves. Hiring a lawyer costs as much as paying the fine, and there are few lawyers available to win a case such as mine. And notice that Labor and Industries doesn't even have to provide a public defender for me. It is all about revenue collection. States are going broke. Pension funds are not adequately funded... Previous generations are eating their young, feeding on taxing and fining upcoming generations. Put that way, it seems very evil. It is evil, but all the other wasteful unconstitutional programs run by the state drain budgets, too. Taxes are beyond high enough, but government employees love spending money and protecting their little fiefdoms supposedly serving the public providing freebies everywhere they can. There just isn't enough money in existance to keep government employees satisfied, especially in a depressed economy.
I'll compose a letter to the "judge" over my hearing and send a paper copy of this blog to be entered in to the record of my highway robbery. Legalized theft by government employee. Their cheese has slid off their cracker...
March 7, 2012 Copy of my letter sent to the Administrive Law Judge
As stated above, I composed a letter to the judge assigned to my "secret over the phone hearing."
George Washington Patrick Henry
March 7, 2012
TO: ALJ Mark Kim
Office of Administrative Hearings
221 N Wall Street, Suite 540
Spokane, WA 99201-0826
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln
Elk, WA 99009
SUBJECT: Notices of Conferences-OAH Docket No. 2012-LI-0026 and OAH Docket No. 2012-LI-0027
ALJ Mark Kim,
This letter to you is intended to record my objection to your secret hearing being conducted over the telephone. I paid $400.00 to your state agency believing that I would get a fair public trial/hearing. I did not know that you people intended to keep the hearing closed to the public via the telephone. I continue to be amazed at the conduct of government employees. Did you know that the pilgrims came to America in order to escape the tyranny and oppression being conducted in Europe by those who owned all the resources and controlled all the powers that be? The corrupt kings and the corrupt church held trials in secret during the dark ages, too. Many people lost their lives due to those secret trials, hence the Pilgrims coming to America to escape tyranny and injustice. Who is the bigger criminal here? Me for hanging a flyer on a private bulletin board looking for a job, or you for trampling on the inalienable rights of U.S. citizens which are guaranteed in our federal and state constitutions?
I will participate in your phone conversation, but I won’t consider it a public fair trial by jury where my friends and neighbors can be present in order to keep you (the state) honest and just. Have you ever read the words of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson?
“Representative government and trial by jury are the heart and lungs of liberty. Without them we have no other fortification against being ridden like horses, fleeced like sheep, worked like cattle and fed and clothed like swine and hounds.” John Adams“I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution,” Thomas Jefferson.
Since I cannot enter documents into the public record for my defense over the telephone, I am including a paper copy of my blog which records the complete record of events and my defense under the protection of OUR Bill of Rights. Perhaps you would do well to read the Bill of Rights and become familiar with freedom of the press(flyers/blogs) and due process of law (public trial by jury).
Here is a bright and beautiful opportunity for you and other government employees to do a complete 180. Start upholding the inalienable rights of the people which are guaranteed in our constitutions! Our Presidents and Governors take oaths swearing to uphold and defend our constitutions and I am sure that they expect the government employees who are working under them to uphold and defend our constitutions, as well. If your 180 is contagious to other state and federal government employees, then perhaps we the people can “Proclaim liberty throughout the land!” Boy, I know our posterity would appreciate that, too!
I look forward to our telephone conversation.
Russ Hinds
Paper copy of my defense as recorded on my blog site.
March 17, 2012 A new aquaintence cited by WDLI.
Because of this blog and my letter to the editor, I met a new friend who wanted to help me with this battle brought on by out of control government. He has been standing alone himself during several assaults on his "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness." Seems that he immersed himself in the "law" in an effort to defend himself. I can hardly make heads or tails of the "law," and even if I did, the bureaucrats would twist and convolute the law in their favor. You can't pin liars down on a foundation because they just invent a new lie to squirm out and use against their victim. We live in a world where truth is without respect. Noah Webster knew that fact and that is why he wrote America's first English dictionary. Our founding fathers lived during a time which was just coming out of the dark ages and the many abuses against the common man. Men were kept in ignorance and darkness in order that the ruling classes could exploit their labor. The Pilgrims to America left the old fuedal system and came to America where they could live in freedom and keep the fruits of their labor in a free market system. They gave us the Declaration of Independence and our Constitutions in order to preserve liberty and justice for their posterity. But, as you can tell from this blog, the ruling class has once again gained control of power, money, education, media, and energy resources. They have built a new fuedal system which has taken taxes from the working man and used those taxes to build the "world government." Open your eyes and you will be amazed at what your taxes are funding. Cameras watching you everywhere, even as you pass through lighted traffic intersections. Neighbors are encouraged to inform on neighbors... AND MUCH MORE!
Anyway, my new friend has responded to WDLI and it is a good and thorough response. I wish him very much success, but I would like to further my own objective of encouraging, inspiring, and empowering other men and women to stand up for their freedom and dignity. I sent my friend the following email. It lays out my thoughts on these matters...
Hi friend,
I looked over your response to Phillip Jordan. It is quite overwhelming to me. I have not immersed myself into the world of "state laws. statutes, and codes," therefore the necessary linkages which tie and relate law, administration of law, and procedures to follow in the execution and enforcement of law ARE NOT IN MY MIND. This makes any effort to comprehend your response very difficult for me. I am simply not part of their world--the world of administrative law, stautues, and codes. In our phone conversation on the 20th, all I can do is keep things simple with common sense, common decency, the constitutions, and Sesame Street.
My view is, the law is to be a tool to keep the peace and provide a foundation of civility, protection from incivility, and justice. Obviously, the definition of civilty rules out slavery, therefore using law to generate revenue (enslave) is an uncivil act. In fact, it is an unloving act. So, I can boil things down to the simple laws of the Author and Definer of "love." God is love, but love without virtue (Thou shalt not steal, etc), wisdom, justice, and freedom (freedom to choose and freewill), is not love.
While you claim NOT to desire "to embarrass or disgrace" and " NOR to detract from the Honor and Dignity of same," you will do exactly that because the people you are dealing with have egos which are based in "self" and self preservation. They abhor correction because they are not under a Higher Authority. In this contest on earth, they see the game as "man agaiinst man" and not as ALL MEN UNDER GOD AND HIS DEFINITIONS OF VIRTUE, WISDOM, JUSTICE, CIVILITY, AND LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF.
I admire your effort to defeat them by their own game and by their own "laws, statutes, codes, and precidents," and I wish you great success, but I don't think you will succeed because they won't let you. Perhaps you will overwhelm them with all that legalease, and I will laugh (rejoice) with you if you do.
The belief in "one nation under God" has beem stripped from America's last two or three generations, or buried under overwhelming nonsense and hypocrisy. Phillip Jordan is an example of that. I wouldn't be surprised if he attends church, but somehow he still defies logic (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you) in order to perform his job. And you can bet that his ego is right up there with the secularists and his superiors who are running and ruining government.
Truth is, we are not "one nation under the president, or the governor, or the bureaucrat." We are supposed to be "one nation und God" who is the Author and definer of civility, wisdom, justice and liberty. But, for the last three generations, America's fathers and pastors have hired the seculists, socialists, and hedonists to educate there children DEVOID OF GOD'S DEFINITIONS OF CIVILITY, ETC. Meanwhile, their self esteem (ego) was pampered while educating them in a form of knowledge in colleges and universities, but they lack common sense and common decency. Personally, I think we have created beasts, and unless they are restrained, they will act without conscience as higher authorityin government leads them farther into evil, just as Hitler and Stalin were able to do. My personal prayer is to wake up the churches and fathers to take back their role in teaching their children to love virtue, wisdom, justice, and their fellow man. That also comes with a ressurection to eternal life in the next age when sin, ignorance, and egos are defeated. So, I will stand for the Truth and love God and neighbor. I say, "Love God first, and He will teach you how to love family, friends, and neighbors in civility with joy and peace." We could make a better world, but it requires a knowledge of and a love for the Truth, even when the Truth convicts us of error.
Washington Department of Labor and Industries won't abide being convicted of error...
Truly, truly I say unto you, there really is a judgment following our opportunity and life on this earth. At that judgment there will be those who are cast out and those who will be embraced by our Creator and Definer of all things good. Our Creator has done His part, preserving His definitions in His 3000 year old book for the salvation of man. He has thoroughly warned us, giving us many examples of the consequences of evil. And He has provided a path of repentence and forgiveness, which is truly the only way to a ressurection and a seat at His abundent table. It really is simple! "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as you love yourself." Too many neighbors prefer to remain ignorant without seeking His wisdom, His understanding, and His kingdom.
2Thess. 2:10 They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.I don't see WA Dept of Labor and Industries repenting of their error against you and I. Still, I did my best with the Sword of Truth in my blog. They have been given the opportunity in this life now, which precedes the judgment. They can't claim ignorance at the "telephone hearing" in the sky...
God bless you and your family,
March 20, 2012 Telephone Hearing
Well, the hearing went pretty good. I had to mention to the judge that the Notification of Conference was confusing because its first sentence says, "Your hearing will be conducted by telephone." The conference call we had was primarily to set a date and place for an actual in person hearing. The Administrative Law Judge agreed that the wording was confusing and he assured us that they were working on getting better wording for the Notice of Conference.
The conference call was also obviously used to feel me out and see if I might like to negotiate some sort of settlement, but I was not a wimpering and whining ignorant "sucker." As in "there is a sucker born every minute."
Phillip Jordan was missing from the conference call, but all other parties were quite down to earth. I didn't sense any arrogance. Glad of that!
The only thing I am unhappy about is the 2 month wait. The date of the hearing was set for May 24, 2o12. This silly mess has been strung out for 7 full months. Just for hanging a flyer looking for a job... Yeah, that is why we have a retarded economy. Everyone is afraid to do anything for fear of violating some silly regulation. Just stay home and get by with minimal effort... while the upcoming generation can't find productive fulfilling employment and self employment opportunities. Hopefully, the pendulum of expanding government has reached its apex. I'd like the swing back to small government to be faster than our 100 year build up to socialism and government control of all things. I'd like a return to local government control rather than centralized huge government control. The federal government has no business collecting an income tax and sending the money back to localities to fund silly and outragious programs. Just let the money stay local and keep federal and state governments small and with little authority to abuse. That way, if my neighbors have a problem with me posting flyers looking for a job, they can file a complaint with the sherriff. And if my work ethic is inferior and dishonest, my neighbors can file a complaint or a civil action. We do not need an army of bureacrats building a control grid of licensing, inspecting, videoing, fingerprinting, personal data collecting, etc, etc... Do you know that your government has people wathing TV screens connected to cameras placed on public streets and other places stratigic to their own security and revenue seeking. Take a picture of a guy and mail him a ticket... for whatever infraction they can find... that is what it is coming to. The authorities don't even see that their efforts are going to collapse everything. Perhaps that is what they want. Create chaos and unrest then you have an excuse for more control and martial law. I bet our posterity would like living under total control and martial law... ya think?!!! Especially when martial law is enforced by idiots who write $1500.00 tickets for posting a flyer looking for a job on a private bulletin board!
Anyway, I'll keep updating. I'd like this "flyer" circus to end sometime... hopefully within my lifetime!
March 24, 2012 Interesting comments and insight from Craigslist
I shared this blog site on the Craigslist "Local News and Views." One guy commented very angrily and thanked Labor and Industries "for doing a good job." His letter exposes the mindset of our government employees who think they are doing "good deeds" serving the public by sending fines in the mail to people who post flyers on private bulletin boards looking for a job. The thing is, his comments WAY TOO OFTEN SWAY THE READER (the public) TO SUPPORT GOVERNMENT CONTROL AND EXPANSION. He includes a sob story and then points out "government to the rescue." The American public simply does not have the required understanding of freedom, freedom to associate and work, and responsibilities for your own choices with our freedom. So, let me import the anonymous posts from Craigslist:
Here is the first from anonymous:
WOW!!! You need to get off the pipe MISTER!
First of all I hired one of your type & lost a home to the work that person did!
You should be fined more that they are fining you! These laws are there to protect the people from people like you . Insurance companies do not pay if a fire is attributed to unlicensed electrical work. I know! So you get no free pass on your whining about poor you.
You want to work outside the law, be prepared to pay when you get caught!
Thank you L&I for doing your job!
So, here we have a guy who thinks that everyone who posts a flyer on a bulletin board looking for work in a particular field is going to cause someone's home to burn down. So, now he wants to take away everyone's freedom to post flyers looking for work in a particular field, which in this case is the "electrical" field. Note also that this takes away another individual's freedom to hire someone to do work for him without third party interference. He believes EVERYONE IS INCOMPETENT UNLESS THEY ARE LICENSED AND CONTROLED BY THE STATE. In the government employee's mind, the guy looking for work is incompitent AND the employer is incompitent. In anonymous's mind ONLY THE GOVERNMENT IS COMPITENT AND IT NEEDS TO PROTECT EVERY INDIVIDUAL FROM OTHER INDIVIDUALS AND EVEN THEIR OWN SELVES. Restrict freedom and pay fees and fines in order to fund salaries of government inspectors to watch over everyone. ...will this work? Will this promote liberty and justice? Will it stop incompitence, or will it enrich and empower government control freaks?
Check out this anonymous response to the above letter:
My guess is you didn't spend much time reading this and you did not follow the link provided and read material there. You may even work for L&I...This gentleman is dead right, government is totally out of control. These L&I thugs need to leave common, descent people alone. I've worked in maintenance nearly my entire life (automation) and have (many times) been called out by friends to correct problems created by "licensed" idiots. Anyone can get a license, insurance, and bond. Just pay up and your in.
You really don't understand. . .
I had to contact that anonymous guy through Cragslist and thank him for posting. He made some great points. The truth is, every government employee thinks that everyone who is not part of the system is the "bad guy," unless they are part of the "public" whom they think they are protecting. They want to control and stop the "bad guys" from injuring the public. The governement employees think people who place flyers on bulletin boards are "guilty" without trial. So, they violate the public's protections which are expressly guarnteed in our state and federal constitutions. --Stop the individual from hanging flyers on bulletin boards. Stop the individual from hiring the guy he wants to hire. Stop the individual from offering his services to his neighbor until he pays a third party for approval. The government must recieve its cut for every transaction...--
To be a government employee, one has to be blind to the inalienable rights of individuals which are clearly written in our state and federal constitutions. And, THAT IS WHAT WILL BE THE CASE IN MY HEARING. They will ignore individual rights to free speach, free association and agreements between neighbors, freedom to work, and freedom to hire... etc. They will further ignore our rights to a trial by jury before being fined $1500.00. Currently, government employees are stuck in a delusional world where they are the good guys and the protectors and the saviors of the helpless public. --And too many people graduating from government schools fall for that nonsense! We need to teach history in government schools. Our founders fought for freedom and against tyranny. Thomas Jefferson said, "Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God." We especially need to teach government employees about our constitutions.
Here is my respomse to the Craigslist whiner:
To the guy who wrote the "Re: Restraining government revenue seekers" saying that I need to get off my pipe.
Please come to the blog site above and post in the comments section. We can have an open debate there. I will show how silly you are very easily in our debate. We need a society based in trust of family, friends, and neighbors, and based in truth. The truth is, YOU chose to hire the guy who you say caused your house to burn down. You and only you are responsible for your choices. If the guy did not do a safe and quality job for you, and you can prove it, you have a liability lawsuit available to recoup your losses. We don't need government programs to control our lives and protect us from all of OUR OWN CHOICES. Remember, YOU chose to use the unlicensed electrician. You may have burned your own house down due to that choice. Also note: If your electrician FALSELY claimed to be licensed by the state, then you also have fraud charges you can file against him and buttress your civil suit to recoup damages. It appears to me that you may be incompetent, unable to make good decisions and take responsibility for your own decisions and life. So now you want the government to be your savior and save you from yourself! You want government to make all of your own decisions... good grief!
Please come comment on the blog site.
My stand on this blog site seems to be completely foreign to these government employees. They really want to hide behind "protecting the helpless public" to justify their assault on my life, liberty, property, and pursuit of happiness...
We need government to control the bad guys," they think, but truly, they aren't even doing that. Prisons pump out more highly trained criminals. While pumping iron in the weight rooms, the inmates educate each other and make connections with criminal groups on the outside. Wisdom and love your neighbor are missing from prisons AND governemnt... My view? Well, I believe that everything government does is done wrong and makes problems worse because it is purposefully done without the "pillars of society."
Washington State Constitution
SECTION 1 POLITICAL POWER: All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.
Will they listen? Will they learn? Will they stop deluding themselves and stand up for the Constitution as they are supposed to do according to their own oath of office?
April 14, 2012
About 3 days after the phone conference I recieved the ALJ's order for a hearing date, May 24, 2012. The hearing order came with a pretty detailed list of instructions with deadline dates for submitting evidence, witness lists, stipulations, and briefs.
So far, my 1" binder is over full. The burden of paperwork is obviously excessive. As government grows, so do the troubles dealing with government grow. That is why our founders wrote our state and federal constitutions. They desired to chain government down so that it wouldn't grow into an uncontrollable monster. But the American public has been manipulated to believe that government control and programs are necessary. Every time a problem arises in our society, there are millions of government employees eager to take the credit for fixing the problem with a new law or a new government program. Notice that the government employees never take the blame for making things worse... In their own egotistacal eyes, they are the good guys and their intentions are noble... but notice the destruction of the black family (fatherlessness) due to LBJ's "Great Society" welfare program to eliminate poverty. Obviously, the government employees hired to run these programs are delusional. They overlook rewarding irresponsibility and ignorance with welfare, rent subsidies, free abortions, and food stamps. Who needs a father in the home if the government is provider, miseducator, and rewarder of incompetence? Does America desire to eliminate God's own design for famlies? Redefine what a "family" is? ...unintentional consequences... the blind leading the blind into a ditch... good grief!
Anyway, here are the documents with the instructions for proceeding with the hearing set for May 24, 2012:

I took advantage submitting a Pre-Hearing Brief to the Administrative Law Judge in order that my defense would be officially recorded. This is very important stuff because an incomplete defense provides opportunities for the government employees to do what they want to do without abiding by our constitutions and without protecting the innocent in their courts. There are so many statues, regulations,codes, and administrative laws on the books that every citizen is guilty of some infraction. It is nuts!...
Here is my Pre-Hearing Brief:
In The Matter Of: OAH Docket Nos.: 2012-LI-0026
Infraction No(s).: NTHRM00462
Russ Hinds, lawful citizen under
the protection of Washington PUBLIC DOCUMENT
State Constitution
Date of Hearing: May 24, 2012
Appellant/Defendant 9:00 a.m.
1. The evidence at hearing will show that Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is a natural born citizen of the United States of America lawfully guaranteed basic human rights guaranteed in state and federal constitutions, which are specifically recorded in our constitutions and given supremacy* over all other “regulations, statutes, codes, and administrative laws”-- which said regulations, statutes, administrative laws, and codes may be misapplied to penalize and fine individual citizens in inconsistent unequal selective ways which clearly violate the protections provided by the Constitution of the State of Washington, --by poorly trained revenue seeking** Inspectors at Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.
*Washington State Constitution, Article I,
SECTION 2 SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land.
**Fines collected go into the state treasury which funds the salaries of government employees. Currently, many Washington state legislators are seeking ways to raise taxes, increase revenue, to avoid budget shortfalls and government employee layoffs.
2. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is not a threat to any person (government employee or private citizen). Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has not injured any neighbors or government employees, either.
3. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is not an aggressor nor an initiator of any adverse action against any person involved in this hearing, or any other person. On the contrary, Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is the target of an adverse action initiated by the State of Washington by and through Inspector Phillip Jordan and Inspector Michael Thrams, Washington Department of Labor and Industries. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is simply defending his life, liberty, and property and seeking the return of the $400.00 fees plus reasonable compensation for time, expenses, and energy taken away from his normal business and affairs due to these citations, NTRHM00462 and EJORP04884.
4. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is not a threat to any authority assumed by the state of Washington or agency of the state of Washington. The Washington State Constitution is the “threat” to any and every government employee who fails to support the proper function of government as ordained by the people of Washington and written in their Washington State Constitution. The first function of employees of the state of Washington is to “protect and maintain individual rights” as stated in Article I, Section 1 of the Washington State Constitution.
5. It is not the burden or duty of Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds to “force” or convince employees of Washington State government to support the Washington State Constitution, rather the “Oath of Office” requires judges to support the Washington State Constitution, and by logical extension all other officers of the court including law enforcement officers/inspectors who may or may not have taken the Oath of Office.
Oath of Office for Judges, RCW35.20.180:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Washington, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of judge of the municipal court of the city of . . . . . . (naming such city) according to the best of my ability; and I do further certify that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of an organization that advocates, the overthrow of the government of the United States by force or violence."
6. No action taken by Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds shall be construed by any persons involved in this hearing to be “anti- government,” “anarchist,” “radical,” “extremist,” or other “red flag” phrase used to describe “terrorists” and misused to describe Tea Party groups within (or outside) the U.S. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is merely defending himself against misguided government employees who have been insufficiently trained in Constitutional Law, our Bill of Rights, our United State’s founding documents, and the history of America’s pilgrims, settlers, pioneers, and statesmen.
Three examples of “statesman”:
Abraham Lincoln, “We, the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution.”
John Adams, “Representative government and trial by jury are the heart and lungs of liberty. Without them we have no other fortification against being ridden like horses, fleeced like sheep, worked like cattle and fed and clothed like swine and hounds.”
Thomas Jefferson, “I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.”
As you can see from a true statesman like Abraham Lincoln, it is the civic duty of every American citizen, soldier, and government employee to uphold and defend our Federal and State constitutions. Many men have fought and died for the freedom, liberty, justice, and inalienable rights guaranteed to the people in those constitutions. Therefore, we would be ungrateful fools to disregard our Constitutions in preference for excessive and poorly written regulations, statutes, penalties, codes, and administrative laws. It would be like robbing the graves and taking a dump on the men who died in service to “liberty and justice for all.” Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is simply doing his civic duty to defend his own rights and the rights of his neighbors against overzealous misapplication of regulations, statutes, penalties, codes, and administrative laws.
7. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has not and will not waive his Constitutionally protected right to due process of law, which includes:
A. Trial by jury. WA CON. Article 1, Section 2 and U.S. CON. Amendment 7
B. Right to hire an Attorney.
C. Right of Appeal.
D. Right to petition the government for redress of grievances.
E. Right to file civil and criminal complaints against government employees who falsify, mislead, or omit pertinent facts in official statements and documents placed into the record in order for employees of the state to demand payment, confiscate income, and threaten the additional adverse actions against Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds which were written in the official state letters that came with Citation Nos. NTHRM00462 and EJORP04884. Pursuant to RCW 42.20.040 and any other applicable statutes.
Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is trying to resolve the above citations without further expense to himself and the state, although he is not a trained officer of the court who deals with matters at law on a full time basis. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is calmly relying on the Constitution of the State of Washington which directs the court to “protect and maintain individual rights,” WA CON Article 1 Section 1. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is simply following the instructions included in the citation letters and the other correspondence with government employees involved in his appeal. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has not waived any other protections provided to him by law and by the state and federal constitutions.
8. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has not waived his basic human right to publish and advertise a list of his skills on a flyer, a bulletin board, a resume, a T-shirt, in a newspaper, on the internet, or through an employment agent in an effort to find a job to put food on his table and a roof over his head. Pursuant to the Constitution of Washington State Article I, Section 5 FREEDOM OF SPEECH and Section 2 SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. Please see the U.S. Constitution Amendment I FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
9. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has not waived his basic human right to offer his services to any employer, neighbor, government agency, or church in order to find a job and put food on his table and provide a roof over his head. All his life he has performed services for many employers, neighbors, and government agencies. Please see the U.S Constitution Amendment XIV CIVIL RIGHTS Section 1:
1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Please note the following chronological list of events that occurred after Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds posted his flyer:
1. On or about Oct. 18, 2011, Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds posted a flyer (copy of flyer included in evidence) on a local bulletin board to solicit some work in order to provide a living for himself. This flyer was a factual and true flyer listing some of his skills and offering some of his services to neighbors. The flyer did not contain any false claim of certification or licensing, nor did the flyer contain a mailing address. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds does not believe that the state should provide a living for him, but he will be happy to apply for state welfare benefits if the state prevents him from finding work and prevents homeowners from hiring him at a cheap rate.
2. On or about Oct. 25, 2011, Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ father received a phone call from someone who claimed to need some work performed on his home. This caller said that he got the phone number from a flyer at Yokes Fresh Market in Deer Park, WA, but he needed a mailing address so that he could send over some blueprints for a bedroom remodel. Since I was out of town, Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ father gave him the mailing address in order that Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds could estimate the hours to perform the work he wanted done and to see if Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds wanted to accept the job. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ hourly rate as stated on the flyer is $25.00 per hour. No bidding or contracting is advertised on the flyer,
3. On or about Oct. 25, 2011 following the above phone call to Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds father, Mr. Hinds received a threatening phone call on his cell phone while he was in Richland, WA. The caller identified himself as Phillip Jordan, an agent of Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. Jordan threatened Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds with a $500.00 fine for including the word “electrical” on his flyer. Mr. Hinds replied that he could change a light switch without third party interference. Insp. Jordan informed Mr. Hinds that he could not perform such work without an electrician’s license issued in Washington. Apparently, Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds cannot be hired to change a light bulb without having state approval and licensing according to some poorly written RCW. Insp. Jordan again asked for the mailing address and threatened Mr. Hinds with additional fines for each flyer that he had placed on local bulletin boards. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds did not know his father’s house number, but he told Mr. Jordan the name of the street--which confirmed the address that Insp. Jordan deceptively extracted from Mr. Hinds’ father. The conversation was unpleasant from the beginning as Insp. Jordan told Mr. Hinds the amount of the fine he must pay. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds told Insp. Phillip Jordan that he is causing fire to shoot from his eyes and that he is a public servant. These public servants should be helping their neighbors, not harassing and threatening them!
4. On or about Oct. 25, 2011 Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds called his father to see if he had received a call pertaining to the flyer. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ father said someone called with a job offer, but the guy was going to send us some plans in order to get a bid [and entrap Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds into bidding contracts without a contractor’s license]. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ father had given the caller his mailing address. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds told his father that the caller was an L&I agent posing as a customer seeking our mailing address in order to mail Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds a citation. His father doubted the assumption. They never got the blueprints…
5. On or about Oct. 26, 2011 Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds received a phone message from another agent of L&I who said that he was following up on the Electrical Division’s complaint and Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds would be receiving a citation in the mail. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds ignored the message and went about his own business working in Richland. Where would the L&I agent get the correct mailing address? …from the entrapment call to Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ father?
6. On or about Nov. 1, 2011, Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ father signed for a certified letter with the correct mailing address from L&I which contained citation EJORP04884 with a fine of $500.00 or an appeal with a $200.00 fee to be paid before the appeal would be heard by the Unnamed Chief Electrical Inspector. This citation included intimidating threats here:
If you fail to pay the penalty assessed or properly appeal the citation, private collection activity will be initiated 35 days from the date of this letter. As a result of this action you could face legal proceedings, additional costs, and or impaired credit rating. Typically, the collection agency will add an additional 50% to the penalty assessed plus additional interest and penalties. The department will also deny renewal of an electrical certificate or license if you have a citation(s) that has not been paid
7. On or about Nov. 8, 2011, before Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds could file for an appeal, Mr. Hinds’ father signed for another certified letter from WDLI with another citation for $1000.00 from Dean Simpson and Michael Thrams, NTHRM00462. The same flyer on the same bulletin board for the same date has attracted 2 citations with penalties totaling $1500.00. Evidently, the overzealous revenue seeking inspectors at WDLI went into a feeding frenzy over Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds flyer looking for a job.
8. Citation No. NTHRM00462 included an additional intimidating threat of a WARRANT by the Superior Court and named Mr. Hinds’ spouse and household as defendants. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ spouse and household are not mentioned on his flyer, therefore they are not legally subject to government employees’ threats and fines. Washington state government employees are obviously trying to intimidate Mr. Hinds and family into paying ridiculous fines. By some definitions found in Webster’s dictionary, these intimidating tactics could be considered extortion.
9. Without waiving his basic human right to a trial by jury, Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds promptly followed the procedures to appeal both citations. All correspondence from WDLI and the Office of Hearings and Appeals did not provide an option for a trial by jury before being fined $1500.00. In fact, Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has had zero face to face contact with any government employee presenting official credentials.
10. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds notified his state representatives and created a website with the full documentation of these citations and appeals in order to keep “we the people” informed, and in order to provide an example of how to hold government employees accountable to our constitutions. A paper copy of this website (blog) has been sent to the office of Administrative Law Judge Mark Kim to be entered into the record of this appeal and hearing. The website can be viewed online at:
The argument in favor of acquittal/dismissal is based in simple principles of a free and civilized society. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is arguing to preserve his right to post flyers on bulletin boards which list his skills and competence. Note: The citations are written for “advertising” and “offering to do work.” Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds was not issued a citation for actually doing any work described in the RCWs referred to in the citations--as questioning of the “accusers“ will prove.
1. We have state and federal constitutions which are written to protect and maintain individual rights and the rights of “We the people” in a civilized society. These constitutions were written precisely to limit the power of government authority over the lives and property of individual citizens. Many men gave their lives in war in order to write those constitutions, and many more men and women have given their lives in defense of those constitutions and the liberty, justice, and rights guaranteed to the people by the constitutions which were ordained by the people. This is serious stuff. Liberty and justice are not cheaply maintained in our world of dictators, tyrants, and men who would make themselves kings and lords over their neighbors. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds would be an ungrateful fool to not defend his and his posterity’s rights to freedom of speech and freedom to serve family, friends, and neighbors free from state interference, control, fees, and fines. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ father risked his life fighting in Viet Nam. Three of Mr. Hinds’ sons have risked their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has not served in the U.S. military, so he feels that it is at least his duty to defend the constitutions at home within the United States of America.--even if he is the only man alive who will hold government employees accountable to our constitutions.
Obviously, Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has a right to hang a flyer--listing his skills and offering his services--on a private owned bulletin board, just as other individuals do. It is baffling and infuriating to think that Mr. Hinds is here now defending that right, and opposing ridiculous fines imposed in order to prevent him from posting flyers looking for a job. The flyer posted was not false, slanderous, or indecently offensive, therefore the flyer falls under the protection of both state and federal constitutions where FREEDOM OF SPEECH is protected.
2. In a free and civilized society individuals are considered “innocent until proven guilty.” Our constitutions protect the individual’s innocence by requiring a conviction by a jury of his peers in a public trial before losing any of his freedom, privileges, and property. Unfortunately, our state (and federal) governments and bureaucracies have wrongly assumed the role of “nanny, protector, and provider.” They have written too many regulations, statutes, and codes to “protect” individuals from every other individual and, often times, to protect individuals from themselves. Some well written regulations, statutes, and codes perform well, while other poorly written regulations, statutes, and codes can be easily misapplied, especially when government employees assume the role of “protector,” “the good guy,” and “the hero” while inventing a “bad guy,” “the scofflaw,” “the incompetent,” and “the dishonest” in order to protect an invented victim (the public).
Let’s look at the portion of RCW 19.28.041 that Inspector Jordan is basing his citation, EJORP4884, upon:
“It is unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity to advertise, offer to do work, submit a bid, engage in, conduct, or carry on the business of installing or maintaining wires or equipment to convey electric current, or installing or maintaining equipment to be operated by electric current as it pertains to the electrical industry, without having an unrevoked, unsuspended, and unexpired electrical contractor license, issued by the department in accordance with this chapter.”
This code could be literally interpreted to include making it illegal to change a spark plug on a chain saw, or solder a wire on a solar powered LED garden light without possessing a state issued electrician’s license. This code was obviously NOT written to be applied to ALL electrical wires, conductors, and switches. There are many simple “electrical” repairs that can be made by unlicensed individuals. Therefore, a government employee who issues a citation and $500.00 fine on the basis of “advertising” and “offering to do work” must ASSUME that the advertiser’s use of the word “electrical” to describe his skills is offering to do work on residential/commercial electric wiring connected to the local power company’s grid. CITATIONS, CONVICTIONS, AND FINES MUST NOT BE BASED ON ASSUMPTIONS! They are supposed to be based on findings of fact, supported by the truthful testimony of witnesses, and supported by applicable physical evidence. If government employees are going to use assumptions to issue and prosecute infractions, then the state of Washington can send yearly seat belt tickets to every state citizen on the ASSUMPTION that at some time during the year each citizen will travel at least 6 inches in their vehicle with their seat belt unfastened. Perhaps send 2 tickets in the mail for the whole year and double the fine on the second citation… more revenue that way.
Can you see the result of “law” enforcement without common decency and civility? Is this court ready to set the precedent legalizing the issuance of citations and fines based on ASSUMPTIONS? Are we a civilized nation, or not? Do government employees care about civility, common sense, their neighbors, and their neighbor’s freedom, rights, and justice? Gee, I think I heard someone say that it is a good thing to love your neighbors as you love yourself.
Perhaps a government employee assumes that he is the good guy, the protector, and the hero defending the helpless public. A government employee may look at RCW 19.28.041 and believe that it is his duty to protect the helpless public from the “guilty,” those who he sees as violating RCW 19.28.041. This government employee will insult the dignity and reputation of one individual looking for work by ASSUMING that the “advertiser” is guilty of incompetence, unsafe work habits, and dishonestly willing to defraud the “helpless public.” In his effort to heroically protect one individual (the helpless public) the government employee mistakenly and blindly injures another individual by sending him a $500.00 citation in the mail. The government employee invents a “bad guy” in order to become a hero protecting a “helpless public.” Turns out that this government employee’s ego is so huge that, in his own mind, he becomes a hero and can save the “public” from a guy who innocently posted a flyer on a bulletin board looking for a job. Meanwhile, the poor guy looking for a job finds himself accused, insulted, angry, fined, and embroiled in a huge mess defending himself, his family, and his property. Seems our “hero” is a little blind on one side, huh? Seems the government employee sees the “public” as children with bullies preying on the “children.” The truth is, the “heroic” government employee becomes the bully and the aggressor.
Now, about the inconsistent selective enforcement (EJORP04884) of regulations , statutes, and codes (RCW 19.28.041). We all know that many people use bulletin boards to post flyers looking for jobs. They list their skills and offer their services without being mailed $1500.00 in fines. So, why is Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds singled out and sent 2 fines totaling $1500.00? Why are some employers like apartment managers allowed to hire unlicensed technicians to replace garbage disposers, dishwashers, and dryers in the apartments? Why can’t a homeowner hire an unlicensed technician to replace a garbage disposer, dishwasher, and dryer which requires attaching the appropriate electrical cords to the new appliances? RCW 19.28.041 is clearly being inconsistently and selectively enforced by Insp. Philip Jordan in violation of Amendment XIV of the U.S. Constitution., “Equal protection under the law.”
This item #2 shows how the volumes of regulations, statutes, and codes can be misapplied, abused, and twisted to do what the government employees want them to do. Shall we ASSUME government employees want the regulations, statutes, and codes to generate revenue for the state and for the salaries of government employees? Well, there you go! Just issue hundreds and thousands of intimidating $500.00 citations through the mail! That will save the budget and government employee salaries… You can do it one individual at a time, and do it in the name of heroically protecting the public. Most individuals will pay up rather than expend the time and money required to oppose the fines. Once again, it is our civic duty to uphold and defend state and federal constitutions. Many good men gave their lives to establish it and defend it. Our constitutions and civil rights are serious stuff which only fools would ignore.
3. How much training in constitutional law, freedom, liberty, and justice do government employees receive prior to, and during their employment? Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds did not receive any constitutional law training during his 8 year employment with the federal government as a National Park Service maintenance technician performing electrical repairs without being a licensed electrician. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds received quarterly training in Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action regulations, but no constitutional law training. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds argues that WDLI employees are insufficiently trained and perhaps misguided in executing their duties in correct accordance with the State of Washington’s Constitution. Evidently, WDLI employees aren’t even trained to courteously contact individual citizens in person, while ready to present their credentials as official agents of the state. Evidently, WDLI employees find it acceptable to misrepresent themselves and deceive individuals in order to extract mailing addresses so that they can send citations through the mail, rather than presenting them in person with official credentials. Evidently, WDLI employees are insufficiently trained in RCW 42.52.900 Legislative Declaration, excerpt here:
The citizens of the state expect all state officials and employees to perform their public responsibilities in accordance with the highest ethical and moral standards and to conduct the business of the state only in a manner that advances the public's interest. State officials and employees are subject to the sanctions of law and scrutiny of the media; ultimately, however, they are accountable to the people and must consider this public accountability as a particular obligation of the public service. Only when affairs of government are conducted, at all levels, with openness as provided by law and an unswerving commitment to the public good does government work as it should.
Obviously, some government employees need to take the plank out of their own eye before trying to remove the speck in Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ eye. Insp. Phillip Jordan and Insp. Michael Thrams obviously need more training and education. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is surprised, aghast, and angry at finding himself arguing over two foolish citations totaling $1500.00 in fines issued to him for posting the same flyer on the same bulletin board on the same day to innocently look for a job. Before this experience, Mr. Hinds would never have thought it possible, given his knowledge of the proud history of the United States and its founding fathers and statesmen. Have government employees gone insane? Or do they need an education in the proud history of the United States, its founding fathers, and its Constitution, and its statesmen?
Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds argues that this is a bright and beautiful opportunity to start educating government employees on the rights of individual citizens and the restraints to government employees as articulated in our state and federal constitutions. Perhaps these proceedings will serve as some education for Insp. Phillip Jordan and Insp. Michael Thrams.
4. NOTE: It is not the desire or intent of Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds to embarrass or disgrace government employees. In fact, it is impossible for Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds to do that. Government employees embarrass themselves by disregarding state and federal constitutions. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN BRING EMBARRASMENT AND DISGRACE ON THEMSELVES. Government employees can avoid embarrassment and disgrace by supporting state and federal constitutions and maintaining the “highest ethical and moral standards” as stated in RCW 42.52.900.
5. The preceding 4 points of ARGUMENT are clearly written in simple and complete language which is common to American citizens. The facts and assertions stated therein would be easily understood and often evenhandedly agreed upon in any conversation over coffee at a café --and virtually all of Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds conversations with friends and neighbors finds them agreeing that government is out of control.
Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds seeks to minimize time and expense to himself and this court, therefore Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has not taken the time to “prove” every detail, observation, and assertion of common sense and common decency, especially because Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds does not know exactly which detail, observation, and assertion the prosecution may wish to contest. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is relying on the objective judgment of the Administrative Law Judge and his sense of common decency and justice according to his Oath of Office, his own conscience, and according to our state and federal constitutions --and according to the justice of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” --Phillip Jordan and Michael Thrams wouldn’t like it if Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds sent them $1500.00 fines in the mail for innocently posting a flyer looking for a job.
6. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds asks the Assistant Attorney General (the prosecution) to avoid mischievously contesting the details, observations, and assertions contained in this ARGUMENT for the purpose of overburdening Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds and his defense. This case is simple. The facts are simple. And the state and federal constitutions are written in simple plain English easily understood by the “We the people” who ordained them and defended them in war and at home. On the contrary, poorly written and unspecific regulations, statutes, and codes can easily be misunderstood and misapplied to suit whatever objective of misguided, insufficiently trained, and poorly educated government employees.
7. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds asks the Assistant Attorney General and the Administrative Law Judge to accept these best efforts of Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ defense without raising unreasonable objections based in technicalities and complicated court procedures. Government employees are servants of the public and the public needs to be able to defend themselves in court without excessive obstacles and burdens being placed in the way of their defense. The objective of our courts is to administer justice based in simple truth while protecting the innocent.
1. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has not waived his Constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech to include using the word “electrical” in a published list of his skills, re: EJORP04884.
2. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has not waived his Constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech to include using the words “job quote” to solicit calls from employers who may need an hourly estimate for a blown down fence repair, or a bathtub re-caulked, and etcetera, re: NTHRM00462.
3. Re: EJORP04884 --Prosecution has failed to prove that Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds was “advertising” and “offering to do work” that is specified in RCW 19.28.041. “Please call Russ Hinds at ***-**** for pleasant service or job quote” written on his flyer does not constitute “advertising” and “offering to do work” as specified in RCW 19.28.041. “Pleasant service” and “job quote” do not mean anything specific to RCW 19.28.041. Prosecution cannot prosecute a citation based on the assumption that “pleasant service” and “job quote” mean offering to do work that is specified in RCW 19.28.041. In fact, there is nowhere found on his published flyer that attracted Citation No. EJORP04884 any reference to Russ Hinds being a licensed electrician, nor any specific reference to doing electrical work that is specified in RCW 19.28.041.
4. Re: NTHRM00462 --Prosecution has failed to prove that Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds was “advertising” and “offering to do work” that is specified in RCW 18.27.200(1)(a). “Please call Russ Hinds at ***-**** for pleasant service or job quote” written on his flyer does not constitute “advertising” and “offering to do work” as specified in RCW 18.27.200(1)(a). “Pleasant service” and “job quote” do not mean anything specific to RCW 18.27.200(1)(a). Prosecution cannot prosecute a citation based on the assumption that “pleasant service” and “job quote” mean offering to do work that is specified in RCW 18.27.200(1)(a). In fact, there is nowhere found on his published flyer that attracted Citation No. NTHRM00462 any reference to being a licensed contractor, nor any reference to submitting a bid, proposal, or contract.
5. The facts above show that Insp. Phillip Jordan and Insp. Michael Thrams overstepped their bounds and need more training in law and Constitutional law before being allowed to issue citations on behalf of Washington State Department Labor and Industries. Circumstances in this case also show that Insp. Phillip Jordan and Insp. Michael Thrams need more training in how to resolve simple problems with the citizens whom they are supposed to be serving. Investigating, informing, and respectfully asking for compliance are much more civilized ways to perform their duties before issuing excessively expensive citations to people innocently looking for a job. They are “public servants.” The public pays their salaries, not to be preyed upon, but to help insure safe and competent work practices which result in safe buildings, domiciles, roads, and etc.
1. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has a constitutionally guaranteed right to publish a list of his skills, just as any other citizen of the State of Washington has.
2. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has a constitutionally guaranteed right to offer his services to his neighbors to include any employer, just as any other citizen of the State of Washington has.
3. Prosecution failed to conclusively prove beyond an assumption that Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds advertised, offered to do work, or performed work as specified in RCW 19.28.041 and RCW 18.27.200(1)(a).
4. Therefore, this Office of Hearings and Appeals awards Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds the full return of the appeal hearing fees ($400.00) plus expenses equal to the amount of the fines imposed ($1500.00) for the time, expense, and stress involved in defending himself, his family and household, his reputation, and his property.
5. It is further ordered by this Office of Hearings and Appeals through the Washington State Attorney General that: Washington State Department of Labor and Industries provide their employees comprehensive education and training in state and federal Constitutional Law to include the history, the wars fought, and the lives given in order to establish and preserve liberty and justice for all, and for our posterity, to include the notable statesmen who wrote and stood for our Constitutions against powerful ill-intentioned adversaries. Let it be that state and federal government employees work with the citizens whom they are serving to preserve and protect our state and federal constitutions which were established to maintain freedom, justice, property rights, and individual rights for all citizens in pursuit of unmolested life, liberty, and happiness.
Appellant/Defendant: ____________________________________ Date: ________________
And here is a copy of the cover letter for the Pre-Hearing Brief:
George Washington Patrick Henry
April 11, 2012
TO: ALJ Mark Kim
Office of Administrative Hearings
221 N Wall Street, Suite 540
Spokane, WA 99201-0826
FROM: Russ Hinds, neighbor.
10421 E. Jutte Ln
Elk, WA 99009
SUBJECT: OAH Docket Nos.: 2012-LI-0026 and 2012-LI-0027
ALJ Mark Kim,
Please find the enclosed PRE-HEARING BRIEF and WITNESS LIST from Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds.
Item 5.4.4 of the NOTICE OF HEARING AND SCHEDULING ORDER FOLLOWING PREHEARING CONFERENCE OF MARCH 20,2012 does not require me to serve the other party a copy of the PRE-HEARING BRIEF. Feel free to send Assistant Attorney General Steven J. Nash a copy if he needs a copy. I will save the expense of doing it myself.
A copy of the WITNESS LIST has been mailed to Assistant Attorney General Steven J. Nash, Office of the Attorney General, 1116 W. Riverside Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201-1194 in accordance with item 5.2.2 of the NOTICE OF HEARING AND SCHEDULING ORDER FOLLOWING PREHEARING CONFERENCE OF MARCH 20,2012.
This letter serves as a CERTIFICATE OF MAILING.
Here is a copy of my Winess List:
In The Matter Of: OAH Docket Nos.: 2012-LI-0026
Infraction No(s).: NTHRM00462
Russ Hinds, lawful citizen under
the protection of Washington WITNESS LIST
State Constitution
Date of Hearing: May 24, 2012
Appellant/Defendant 9:00 a.m.
Witness : David Carr
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
Ph. 509-292-8150
David Carr, will testify to the truthfulness and credibility of Insp. Philip Jordan in his official statement where Mr. Jordan states:
10/26/2011 9:57 AM call to 509-292-****, answered by David Carr(?)
I was told that Russ was working out of town, but would be available Friday night or Saturday, I asked for Russ’s mailing address, the man on the phone toldme that Russ received mail at 10421 E. Jutte Ln Elk WA 99009
David Carr will testify that he has not received a phone call at his home phone no. 509-292-**** from anyone identifying himself as Washington State Department of Labor and Industries Insp. Phillip Jordan. And to the probability that he was dishonestly deceived by Insp. Phillip Jordan posing as a prospective client to Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ flyer.
David Carr has been subpoenaed at home by Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds, his son, and Mr. Carr will appear in person, health permitting.
There you have my defense stratagy in my attempt to hold government employees accountable to our state and federal constitutions. What a mess we have allowed our government and society to become these last fifty years. And you will please note that 50 years ago, the Supreme Court ordered that scripture and prayer be removed from government schools. No more "Highest Authority" in our public schools anymore. The school administrators are not accountable to the Creator's laws of common sense and common decency. They are only accountable to the whim of politicians and judges, and they graduate upcoming generations to be submissive to the whims of government authority. No wonder there is so much ADHD and rebelliousness in government schools. Having whimsical nonsensical authority using the force of government to control and oppress and confuse children in government schools would drive anyone insane, including me. Been there done that. I went to a government school and I saw the nonsense there. I was the guy who stood up to the bullies, even standing up for others. I saw bullies bring kids to tears... that is where I learned to apply, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Rather than be accountable to idiots in positions of authority, I'D PREFER TO BE ACCOUNTABLE TO THE AUTHOR OF "LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF." Let's see... what man or government is worthy to be bowed down to? I can't think of anyone walking around today who I would willingly bow down to... I bet these guys at the hearing will want me to bow down to them...
Yesterday, I received a notice that Assistant Attorney General Steven J. Nash has been replaced by Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini. Did Mr. Nash pull rank on her so that he could avoid having his name all over this blog? Was Nash given the option to be removed if he had reservations about prosecuting these citations? Who knows? But, Nash has missed his opportunity to be a hero defending our state and federal constitutions. Do any government employees want to be real statesmen like our founding fathers?
Here is a copy of the notice:

WOW! They changed the name of the hearing office! This document heading says "BEFORE THE BOARD OF INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE APPEALS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON." The Notice of Hearing document has this heading, "BEFORE THE STATE OF WASHINGTON OFFICE OF ADMINSTRATIVE HEARINGS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES." What is up with that? Are they disorganized, or are they trying to pull a new stunt? Geeze... I'm a little worried because I don't know if I can have an honest intelligent conversation with these guys for my defense...
I'll say a prayer.
April 17, 2012 Letters to state Reps and Governor
I forgot to post a copy of the letter I sent to our state representatives. They have not responded to my first 2 letters, yet. Probably too scared... don't want to appear to be on either side of the fence. No courage to stand up for our state and federal constitutions. This country is in a mess... We need real statesmen and leaders, but these guys are afraid to come out of their comfort zone.
Here is the letter:
April 11, 2011
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
TO: Rep. Larry Crouse (R) 4th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT
Olympia Office:425A Legislative BuildingPO Box 40600Olympia, WA 98504-0600(360) 786-7820
SUBJECT: Update to Illegal citations sent to me in the mail
Dear Rep Larry Crouse,
Please find the enclosed PUBLIC DOCUMENT regarding 2 revenue seeking citations from your out of control bureaucracy, Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.
This letter is to keep you informed of the progress being made in defending myself and family against the intimidating citations totaling $1500.00 which I received last November, at which time I sent your office 2 letters--which went unanswered.
You know what? Many people wonder why there is a growing “anti-government” movement in America. Well, THIS NONSENSE THAT I AM GOING THROUGH IS EXACTLY WHY THERE IS A GROWING “ANTI-GOVERNMENT” MOVEMENT IN AMERICA.
Can you please respond to these three letters I have sent to your office. You were elected to office to represent the people of the state in accordance to the Constitution of the State of Washington, and to support that constitution, weren’t you?
Russ Hinds
I'll be waiting for a response...
April 21, 2012 WOW! I got a call from the office of a state representative.
On Wednesday, April 18, 2012, I checked a message on my cell phone from Scott, who said that he was on the staff of Rep. Larry Crouse. I called the number he left in the message at about 9:30 AM Thursday. Scott and I talked for about 5 minutes and I thought that he sounded like an average guy just doing his job, no agenda. He said that he placed a call into the Washington Department of Labor and Industries. This act, if true, shows that he would like to educate himself on my case. I told him to also go to my blog site, which the URL was included in my Pre-Hearing Brief. Scott also said that he did read the Pre-Hearing Brief. Those are the good things I got from the call. I will now explain some of my concerns about the call.
The message Scott left on my phone said that he is following up on "your lawsuit with Washington State Department of Labor and Industries." Now, this is a wierd thing to say. I don't have a lawsuit against Labor and Industries, they have a lawsuit against me seeking $1500.00 in fines. At the beginning of our phone conversation, I corrected Scott about the fact that I don't have a lawsuit against Labor and Industries,and they have a lawsuit against me. Scott almost cut me off agreeing with that fact, as if he realized that he mis-spoke in the message he left me. You know, like after he hung up, he had a second thought about the message he left. The way I see it is; these government employees are so sensitve and defensive that they naturally (almost subconsciously) consider any and every challenge to their authority and positon as a possible threat. This causes a natural reaction of blaming "an aggressor" as the trouble maker. In his mind government is completely innocent, and they are just "doing their job." Subconsciously, anyone who challenges government authority is an "anti-government extremists." Therefore, his slip of the tongue, "your lawsuit," naturally came out of his view of himself and government being innocent, and all others guilty. But that is the conditioning that all Americans have lived under for decades. Everyone is "bad." Our neighbors are bad and we need government programs to protect us from our neighbors. Everything on the news is bad news--we need government and more taxes to fix the problems that the bad news media bring into our living rooms. Most people ignore it and escape into the Superbowl or whatever. They don't acknowledge the increasing filth, licentiousness, and destruction of the pillars of a civilized society, "morality and religion." The government employees and politicans foolishly try to be the saviours, the good guys, the protectors of the public while they enslave us to taxes in order to pay their salaries... "
"Religion and morality are the essential pillars of civil society." President George Washington. Our government has removed religion and morality from our schools. Now we have 3 generations of inadequately educated citizens and inadequately educated government employees. A society without morals and religion cannot stand. Yet, the uneducated masses proclaim "You cannot legislate morality" and the phrase is used with the intent of abandoning morality altogether. Everyone must be free to choose their own morals, and worse yet, some deviant lifestyles and "morals" must be protected and advanced by government and government schools. Spitting in the eye of our Creator will surely lead to trouble, just as forgetting to love your neighbor, and forgetting to love justice and liberty will lead our nation into slavery and depravity and violence and chaos. I got a little off track, but the point is, I had a conversation with a guy whose natural inclination is to defensively protect himself and defensively protect government and its authority. We need people in government whose natural inclination is to protect honesty, justice, liberty, private proerty, and individual rights. That is what I am doing. I am defending honesty, justice, liberty, private property, and individual rights. Evidently, I am scary to those guys! Evidently, light bulbs need to come on in their heads--"I saw the light, I saw the light, No more darkness no more fright..."
I mentioned to Scott that the state legislature has oversight of the bureaucracies. He flatly stated that they do not. I said that in the federal government the congress has oversight of the bureaucracies. I said, "Someone has to have oversight. The bureaucracies can't just run hog wild over rthe people." I regret that I didn't think fast enough to say that the bureaucracies were created by the legislature, the representatives of the people, therefore the legislature obviously needs to oversee and make sure that their bureaucracies are working as they were intended to work. I am sure that Scott is mistaken. Washington State Legislature MUST have oversight of its bureacracies and they absolutely need to be well informed of what the executive (law enforcement) branch of government is doing. If the executive branch of government is preying on the tax paying public with revenue seeking fines, the legislature, the representatives of "we the people," ABSOLUTELY NEED TO REIGN IN THE BUREAUCRACY!!!! You can't go around issuing $1500.00 in fines to people who post a flyer on a bulletin board looking for a job! DUH!
I also mentioned to Scott that I have been in courts before and I have experience with judges saying, "Its the law. My hands are tied." Scott attempted to defend this idea saying, "Well, that is often times the case." To which I replied, "Their hands are not supposed to be tied to their misintepretation and misapplication of law. There are too many ways to personally interpret statutes, regulations, codes, and administrative laws." So, the more laws and regulations and penalties on the books, the more we Americans allow idiots in authority to foul things up and assault the innocent lives of fellow Americans. We do this under a government which is full of minions who seek "self-preservation" rather than liberty and justice preservation. Government employees seek to preserve their jobs, salaries, and authority first. They are totally and naturally reluctentent to give their employer and their associates a black eye. They will admit no wrongdoing, no mistake, and no overstepping of bounds. This "self-defense" naturally increases their stubborness insisting that their way is right. And in their justification of their actions, government employees will rely on false accustions, wrong assumptions, and slippery inferences, rather than simple truth. They often want the simple truth buried, obfuscated, and ignored. And to accomplish buring the truth, their imaginations are unlimited. They can invent nonsense on a dime...obscuring, subtly twisting, and contradicting their own words from statement to statement without conscience. I have seen it personally. Some people will conveniently forget their own words written one page ago, and then move on to contradict themselves in the next page without conscience and without blinking an eye. Many Bible literate people understand that "That old slippery serpent" is just that. You can't pin him down on truth, logic, reason, and justice because his imagination is as unlimited as there are an infinite number of lies and distortions that can be invented in the minds of men. An infinite number of subtle personal interpretations and applications of law, statutes, regulations... That is why we have a constitution and also why that constitution guarantees a right to a trial by a jury of your peers and neighbors, NOT GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. It is a conflict of interest for a government employee (a judge) to rule against his employer and associates. But a jury of citizens will view a case on how they would feel if they were being fined $1500.00 for posting a flyer looking for a job on a private owned bulletin board...
Well, I was very glad to recieve a call from Scott, the assistant to Rep. Larry Crouse. At least I wasn't ignored. Scott and I agreed that we need to play it out. Wait and see what the outcome of the hearing is. Following that, I will seek an in person meeting with Scott and Rep Larry Crouse to either thank them for keeping aware of the bureaucrats, or ask them to educate the bureacrats (all state government employees) on our constitutions, our history, our statesmen, and the lives given in support of our constitutions, liberty, and justice.
April 25, 2012 Amusing Craigslist postings.
As I try to get the public aware of crazy things the government does, like sending $1500.00 revenue fines in the mail without having a face to face conversation, I have utilized the local Craigslist site "Local News and Views." I already posted some amusing correspondence from Craigslist in this blog back on March 24, 2012, but my update posts in Craigslist keep getting flagged for removal. I very much suspect that one of the government employees who fined me is flagging my Craigslist posts for removal. It is an automated flagging system which anyone can flag for any reason. The removal of a "Local News" post is "automatic," not approved by a moderator with an eye looking out for legitimate complaints and fairness. The "Local News and Views" on Craigslist is "self-policing," therefore, if you upset someone, they can frivolously remove your posts and ads, etc.
Apparently, I have gotten under the skin of someone on Craigslist. Perhaps I have gotten into the heads of the guys who fined me. How paranoid must you be to flag my harmless updates? And I have been completely out in the open with this blog site. I have informed Washington Department of Labor and Industries, my state representatives and governor, the Office of Hearings and Appeals, Facebook, and many other news outlets and friends and family.
So, in an effort to solve a mystery I am going to see what the readers of this blog think. I will post my updates and "anonymous's" responses. See what you think. Am I in the head of a paranoid government employee? I must ask this question this way because these government employees are totally keeping me in the dark. Absolutely no government employee has come by to introduce himself to me, upfront and out in the open. Nor has any government employee given me a phone call, except the staff member of Rep. Larry Crouse. They do all this stuff "in the government background," not out in the open, except for the silly phone conference, which Insp. Phil Jordan was absent from ...perhaps he was "sick" that day. Actually, even the phone conference was "behind the scenes," not open to the public. This is why most average citizens are not well informed on what damage the government is doing to businesses, doctors, and individual citizens, and our entire economy.
On April 15, 2012, I posted this update:
Another update on "Restraining Government revenue seekers" (Elk, WA)
Man Fined $1500.00 for Looking for a Job
Please check out a very important update at the end of my blog. The "PUBLIC DOCUMENT" which is the official Pre-Hearing Brief for my defense has been sent to the Administrative Law Judge. Finally coming to the end of this silliness and we'll see if the government employees have the courage to stand up for and uphold the rights of the people which are guaranteed in our state and federal constitutions.
Also note that they changed "prosecutors." Don't know if the first Assistant Attorney General chickened out because he didn't want his name all over the internet for his neighbors to see, or for what other reason they changed "prosecutors." It is curious, though... Thanks!
This resulted in the following response on the same day, April 15, from the paranoid guy:
RE: Update govt revenue seekers
Your an idiot! You have been on here bitching about the fact you got caught performing contracting work UNLICENSED & UNBONDED!!! Thank you to L&I & the State of Washington for stopping you. To many people get hurt & loose their belongings to fires & other issues because you are not competent enough to get a license! Now go back & get on your pipe so we can enjoy CL.
Another point! You list your rants in Local news. Got news for you ...your not news until your found guilty.I plan on being at the hearing to testify!
one of your previous customers
Oh, I noticed you quit printing your name in your rants. What happen ? Some additional people come forward with complaints! LOL You are a bright one.
Hmmm...notice the terminology, "performing contracting work UNLICENSED & UNBONDED!!!" Sounds like that guy is very familiar with this field of work. Perhaps he is a licensed contractor who is worried about competition?...Nah! I don't think a real independent contractor would bother worrying about a guy who posted an innocent flyer on a bulletin board looking for a small job. I have been working with contractors for many years, and I know that they are not crybabies and whiners. They just try to get the job done while government loads them up with more and more fees, regulations, codes, burdensome employee policies, and ETC!!! And ALL the contractors I know, CERTAINLY DON'T GO AROUND THANKING GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRACIES FOR DOING A GOOD JOB! Bureacrats and inspectors are too often big pains in the contractor's ass, costing everyone money!
Also notice that this guy thinks I am one of those libertarian guys who wants to legalize the dope he smokes in his pipe. Good grief! He probably thinks I am an anti-government extremist, too. Well, I do appreciate ALL of my rights guaranteed in our state and federal constitutions, free speech, innocent until proven guilty by a jury, right to bear arms...etc.
So, I answered the guy on April 16, 2012 here:
In regard to: RE: Update govt revenue seekers-
I shall clear up your post for you. Your words will be in quotes.
"Your an idiot!"
No, I am just a guy who wants to be left alone while I help my friends and neighbors.
"You have been on here bitching about the fact you got caught performing contracting work UNLICENSED & UNBONDED!!!"
No. I was not caught performing contracting work unlicensed and unbonded. I was cited for posting a flyer looking for work. Truth is, I was newly arrived to the area and had not performed any work in the state of Washington as a result of posting my flyer.
"Thank you to L&I & the State of Washington for stopping you."
Perhaps you can have the freedom to hire who you want--government certified or whatever. Please give your neighbors the freedom to hire who they want--government certified or whatever.
"To many people get hurt & loose their belongings to fires & other issues because you are not competent enough to get a license!"
What gives you the right to claim I am "not competent?" I don't fling abusive accusations at people whom I do not know and whom have not harmed me. Why do you have such a negative view of your neighbors? Are they all incompetent according to you? Should all your neighbors be sent citations in the mail for being incompetent according to you and your word? Shouldn't they be proven guilty in a court before being convicted of being incompetent?
"Now go back & get on your pipe so we can enjoy CL"
Boy! You sure don't like people using their right of FREEDOM OF SPEECH," do you? Seems you want to control your neighbors. What is up with that? Shall all your neighbors bow to your "wisdom" and opinions? Good grief!
"Another point! You list your rants in Local news. Got news for you ...your not news until your found guilty."
Many people like being informed of out of control government employees...
"I plan on being at the hearing to testify!"
Great! I look forward to meeting you. It amuses me to meet blatant liars...
one of your previous customers"
Gee, that is funny! I haven't done any work for anyone as a result of my flyer. I did find some temporary work for a large company, though.
"Oh, I noticed you quit printing your name in your rants. What happen ? Some additional people come forward with complaints! LOL You are a bright one."
My name is Russ Hinds. What is your name?
Of course the guy didn't come forth with his name. My post was just flagged for removal by whom?... I reposted it changing the word "liars" to "fibbers," but it was quickly flagged for removal again. I gave up. It is impossble to intelligently reason with paranoid people--government employees, maybe? What do you think so far?
On April 22, 2012, I posted another update:
Call from office of state representative-update to Restraining gov. Check out the latest update to "Restraining Government Revenue Seekers" at the end of my blog:
I got a call back in response to my letter keeping my state representatives informed of my progress defending myself and reputation from the fines and intimidating tactics of Washington Department of Labor and industries. Very glad of that! Check it out
Thank you,
Russ Hinds
That post of mine was quickly flagged and removed, too. And a response to it was left on Craigslist "Local News and Views" here:
re Call from office of state representative-update to Restraining gov.
after seeing you whine and post over the last few weeks , if you would put that much effort in finding a job that suits your needs rather than a mystery pain or what ever you would be earning rather than whining get over your self and do something we all need to contribute
I responded once more on April 23, 2012:
re: re call from office of... (elk)
To the guy who wrote:
"after seeing you whine and post over the last few weeks , if you would put that much effort in finding a job that suits your needs rather than a mystery pain or what ever you would be earning rather than whining get over your self and do something we all need to contribute"
Are you the one flagging my updates? And why are you responding to my updates? What significance are they to you? Why are you so concerned about my little old news updates. Other people don't seem to be bothered by them. In fact, I get a lot of hits on my blog from craigslist. People seem to want to be kept informed, except you. What is your problem? You are making yourself look like you are an employee of Washington Department of Labor and Industries. I am sure I am not the only one who has considered that possibility.
Well, I expect that you will flag this post for removal, too. Why do you take my posts so personally? If you are the fella who sent me a $500.00 fine in the mail for posting a flyer on a bulletin board looking for a job, it appears that I am getting under your skin. Your actions here on craigslist are amusing and entertaining me. Right after recieving my $500.00 fine, a friend told me that his buddy got a fine for posting an ad on craigslist. So, watch out. There are government employees getting paid to monitor craigslist ads... imagine that! Good grief!
And what is this silly statement of yours, "we all need to contribute." I was trying to "contribute" to helping my neighbors but WDLI sent me 2 fines in the mail for $1500.00. I refuse to "contribute" to your salary and retirement so that you can continue to send $500.00 fines in the mail to your neighbors...
Please stop "whining" about my updates. And stop flagging them for removal. If you are not an employee of WDLI please explain why you are so concerned about my updates and not concerned about other posts here on Local News and Views? If you are a WDLI employee, be a man and admit it!
I guess we will see if you flag this post too. Poor guy...
That one was removed in 2 hours. I reposted it on April 24, but it either got flagged again, or the automated system rejected it. So today, April 25, I posted this inoffensive notice:
Government Employee Training (Spokane)
See why we need government employee training on our state and federal constitutions and the rights guaranteed to "We the people."
I went incognito in that post, trying to avoid being detected by the parnoid guy who is flagging my posts for removal. I still want to get local hits on my blog from Craigslist.
I would like to reach out to my neighbor, Insp. Phillip Jordan. Please, please make contact with me. You can call my phone, you have my number, or you can post in the comments section of this blog. Obviously, a hoaxster could post in the comments section, so a phone call would be safer and true. Please Phil, if you are not the guy flagging my posts and making paranoid comments on Craigslist, please let me know. If you do not call, HOW WOULD YOU EXPECT ME TO TAKE YOUR NON-RESPONSE? I will likely assume that you are the guy who has been doing that silly stuff! I assume that you guys are monitoring my blog, since I have kept everyone informed of its existence.
Plus, Phil, don't you think that it would be a courteous thing to contact me before our hearing on May 24? You guys could be a little more courteous and civil in your effort to extract $1500.00 from me, you know. Certainly, the threats included in your citations are a little over the top, uncivil and backed up with the full force of government resources and cops with guns and the authority to arrest... good grief!
So, what do the readers think here? Who is bothering to moniter and flag off my posts on Craigslist? Leave a comment... you guys can have some fun with this, too!
May 3, 2012 Got a correction from the Attorney General's office.
It is very nice to see that the "big dogs" at the Attorney General's Office are keeping up with my blog. Thorough and complete communication is beneficial to all parties. They can see clearly where I am coming from in my effort to defend myself, my family, my reputation, and my income. Too often, administrative hearings and court hearings proceed too quickly to allow a complete defense to be heard, but these guys are getting my full defense in this blog. Sometimes defense testimony is cut short by a judge for nominal reasons because the judge has another case coming up and he has a squeezed time schedule. Way too often, time constraints outway justice, truth, common sense, and common decency. Many people are railroaded through the system and run over by the "big dogs." And when they complain about it, once again the "big dogs" label him a "bad guy" --the malcontents, scofflaws, and anti-government extremists, etc. The guy simply defending himself "just wants to rock the boat" and undermine the administration and authority of government" according to the government employees. See why it is so hard to "overcome" against the resources of the state? The poor guy is brushed off and stonewalled without opportunities for further appeal. Bureaucratic Adminstrative Law does not provide for jury trials. Very dangerous stuff... It sets precedent for tyranny by bureacratic control of commerce, labor, construction, and use of your own private property.
I say that it is nice to see that the "big dogs" are keeping up with my blog because I received a "correction" to the NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES. In my April 14th Update, I pointed out that the heading to the first NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION said, "BEFORE THE BOARD OF INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE APPEALS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON." Do you remember? I wondered if they were disorganized or trying to pull off some kind of stunt. Anyway, here is a copy of the corrected NOTICE with the heading changed to OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS..:
So, I guess it is safe to assume that my "judges" are reading my blog and they discovered their error here. Well, as they "judge" my defense and motives, I hope that they are forming a good opinion of me from my blog. My memories of this episode in my life will be good memories. I will remember standing up for what is right. I will remember standing up for freedom, and justice. I will remember refusing to be accused of incompetence and "potentially" a threat to my neighbors for hanging a flyer looking for a job on a private bulletin board. Remember the guy on Craigslist who thinks that I might "potentially" cause someone's home to burn down? Therefore, I should be fined "more than" the $1500.00 that they are fining me? So now, some people want the government to issue revenue citations for "potential" harm to a non-existant invented victims, the helpless public. Government employees invent a "potential victim" in order to convict a "potential bad guy!" Good grief! Talk about living in a delusion! And it is a delusion where the government gets to be the good guy and the saviour of the helpless public, the invented non-existent victim. And all they have to do is write citations to POTENTIAL bad guys. And when the "potential bad guy" objects, "LET'S CIRCLE THE WAGONS AROUND EACH OTHER AND PROTECT THE GOVERNMENT FROM THE (SO-CALLED) ANTI-GOVERNMENT EXTREMIST." I say all of this from personal experience. I have been through this stuff too many times already. Remember what I mentioned earlier--one of those times was having my children, income, commercial drivers license, and freedom taken from me without a jury trial. The judge thought that divorce law was written to make it legal for at-fault adulterous mothers to throw away not-at-fault fathers and keep his children and income. And when I got angry about having my children and income taken from me, I was the bad guy again. Like it was a sin for me to get angry about being forced to watch my sons raised in shack-ups and bars. I could not get my sons back to raise in a wholesome home because "shacking up and tending bar are not sufficient grounds to remove the children from their mother" in an immoral court according to a judge who said, "This is not a moral court. It is a court of law." But, I have good memories standing against that evil, too. They still did the wrong thing, but I did the right thing. The "big dogs" ran over me, but I have a clear conscience standing against them, unfortunately all alone.
Have you ever thought about the power of memories? What kind of memories do you like to make? I made a lot of good memories with my sons despite the obsticles put in my way by their mother and the judge. We had a lot of fun times together when they were young. And those good growing up memories are essential to becoming a stable productive adult. Memories are very very powerful, and way too many children today miss out on wholesome loving memories. Intact families are becoming extinct. God is love, but love and virtue have not been taught in government schools for too many generations. Today's neglected children grow up without wholesome guidance and aspirations. Many children of divorce want an intact wholesome family of their own, but they can't get it because they or their partner ruin the love in a marriage by committing sins, adultery, selfishness, neglect, violence... Young couples today have difficulty getting on the same page of common sense, common decency, and respect for the dignity of their partner. They don't know how to walk in the path of wisdom, love, virtue, peace, and joy. Our schools and churches have failed too many generations... They wind up making too many bad memories... everyone, especially children suffers for it.
Anyway, I will have some more good memories standing up for good things in this episode of my life. I wonder what kind of memories government employees will make? Will the government employees be proud of their memories sending out $500.00 and $1000.00 revenue tickets to their neighbors? Neighbors like you who may also be "potential" bad guys? Just like I am a "potential" bad guy... Will the "big dogs" be proud of their memories of imposing $1500.00 in fines on a "potential" bad guy? Will they assuage their conscience by convincing themselves that they are "saving" an invented victim from a potential bad guy? Will a "potential" bad guy and a non-existant victim be present at my hearing IN THE MINDS of my judges, the Administrative Law Judge, the Assistant Attorney General, and the Inspectors in Washington Department of Labor and Industries?
I have pointed out that I like making good memories. I like competently helping my neighbors by performing services for them. I like it when I can successfully make them happy customers so that they will call me back. I like making new friends, therefore why would I seek to be a "potential" bad guy. I don't want to make bad memories for my neighbors, or myself. Why do inspectors at WDLI suspect that I am incompetent and a danger to my neighbors? Thereby deserving huge fines? They will say I deserve to be suspect because I do not have a Washington State Electrician's license. BUT THEY HAVE ASSUMED THAT MY USE OF THE WORD "ELECTRICAL" IN MY LIST OF SKILLS MEANS THAT I WILL DO WORK THAT IS COVERED IN THEIR RCWs. Crimes cannot be prosecuted based on assumptions...To do that is completely ridiculous! So, evidently WE CAN ASSUME THAT THE STATE IS SENDING OUT REVENUE TICKETS IN THE MAIL TO BALANCE THE STATE'S BUDGET! These Inspectors SURELY MUST KNOW that crimes in America are not punshed based on assumptions, therefore they are deliberately sending intimidating citations in the mail to increase state revenue. WHEW!!!...but suppose these inspectors really didn't know that assumptions don't count in convicting someone in a court of law??? Are government employees really that ignorant? There are many "electrical" repairs that people can make without requiring permits, inspections, and licensed electricians... like replacing an electric valve on an irrigation line. Have these inspectors sent fines in the mail to landscapers who replace low voltage electric valves on irrigation lines without having an electrician's license? You and I know that they have not, and we know that there are many electric things that can be repaired without getting state approval, permits, inspections, and licenses. Does Insp. Phillip Jordan send auto mechanics citations in the mail for repairing electrical problems on vehicles without having an electrician's license? No, he doesn't. But government employees can send intimidating citations to poor guys who post flyers and craigslist ads... Most simple guys seeking a little work aren't equipped to stand up for themselves against the "big dogs," and they will just pay the fine to get the government off their back... Insp. Phil Jordan and Insp. Michael Thrams certainly must know all that...??? They certainly can't claim ignorance to all I have written above, can they?
My Gosh! I don't think government is supposed to work that way!
Here we are deeply embroiled in a pissing contest to see who has authority over the other, WHEN ALL PARTIES INVOLVED SHOULD BE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF TRUTH, JUSTICE, LIBERTY, COMMON SENSE, AND COMMON DECENCY. And under the authority of our state and federal constitutions which established the authority of government and placed limits on that authority. I have heard the term "under the rule of law" bandied about for 10 or more years, but in this case here, it seems like government employees want to ignore the "Supreme Law of the Land," our constitutions. They want their personal interpretations of Regulations and Codes of Washington (RCWs) to be the supreme law of the land. It even looks like they want to use the RCWs to generate revenue while they pretend to be the heros protecting the helpless public. I know that I couldn't do their job the way they are doing it... I'd be looking for ways to make life easier for electricians, contractors, homeowners, and poor guys who place flyers on bulletin boards looking for a job!
Hey! Ya wanna talk about fishing licenses? People like to go fishing to get away from hassles of work and town. The lakes opened up last weekend. Dad, sis, and I went fishing and there they were! Standing and sitting around the boat launch, nosy busy-body inspectors wanting to know what you have done (where your boat has been recently-Invasive species like millfoil and mussels), what you are going to do (what you are fishing for), and what you have accomplished when you return to take your boat out of the water (how many and what kind of fish you caught). The deputy sherrif was acting as game warden checking the fish and licenses. Man, talk about annoying! I almost asked him if he wanted to put his hands down my pants like the TSA does! Anybody think government is out of control???
So, I heard a song on the radio and I got an idea. I'd like to dedicate the old song Why Can't We Be Friends by the band "WAR" to Phil and/or Michael from BeBe P. (bulletin board poster). I'll call a few radio stations this week. Gotta getta few laughs out of this expensive and time consuming mess the government employees have me in. Feel free to call a radio station yourself, especially if your female! I'd bust a gut if I heard that dedication come over the radio! Laughter is good medicine, too! Oldies 101.1 played it when I heard it. I wonder if they will air a song dedication?
God Bless! Sincerely,
There is a God, you know. He teaches about love and virtue, and common sense, and common decency, and about helping and loving your neighbors... That is why we have "In God We Trust" written on our money! It's true! Doing the right thing brings good memories, and with that comes joy. Doing dumb things brings bad memories, and with that comes a guilty conscience that has to be resisted, ignored, and buried under lies and false rationalizations (Like being fined $1500.00 is a "mystery pain" according to the guy on Craigslist. He doesn't want to admit that a $1500.00 fine is a BIG pain in the arse). Well, I'm a human being, too. I have loved ones and living expenses...
May 12, 2012 I'm bummed out...NOT!
The Assistant Attorney General, Angela Zurlini, officially responded to my PRE-HEARING BRIEF. This is a welcomed opportunity for me to rebut the "DEPARTMENT'S" position defending their $1500.00 citations for posting a flyer looking for a job. One thing I keep noticing is that these government employees keep referring to an "entity" that is not human and cannot be held responsible for its actions. For instance, how do I hold a "DEPARTMENT" responsible for sending me 2 fines in the mail totalling $1500.00? I cannot hold a "DEPARTMENT," or the STATE, responsible for anything. The "DEPARTMENT" is not a human being, it is a government creation on paper and "in law," therefore I can only hold the government employees accountable to our state and federal constitutions. It is amusing to see the government employees shift their responsibilty to the "Department." Is the "Department" the bogeyman? Should I be afraid of the "Department?"
The sad part is, many government employees shift responsibility to the "DEPARTMENT" in their own minds. Then they can convince themselves that they are just doing their job, and that they are not responsible for their own actions. Government employees seek to avoid making waves for themselves and pass personal responsibility up the ladder. When they reach the top of the ladder, they put responsibilty onto "the law." They will say, "My hands are tied. It is the law. I cannot do anything about it. If you disagree with the law, you need to get the law changed." So, rather than applying "the law" correctly under constitutional principles, they send their victim off on an impossible task, a wild goose chase, to form some activist group that will lobby the legislature for modifications to "the law."
Moral of the story: Government employees seek to escape personal responsibility for their own actions while using "the law" as a club to hold the citizens personally responsible for their actions, the supposed violations of RCWs. The public is accountable to the government employees' misapplication of law, but the government employees are not accountable for misapplying "the law" in ridiculous ways that violate constitutionally protected inalienable rights, such as freedom of speech, freedom to look for a job, etc, etc. A little hypocritical and blind, ya think?
(Did the "DEPARTMENT" write it, or did AAG Angela Zurlini write it?)
I am struggling with saying something here on this blog. What I want to say is completely true and it shows that God has a sense of humor, but it could be a little over the top for some people. I'll go ahead and say it because this is my blog. It is not an official document which is supposed to have at least some amount of decorum. I recieved the envelope containing the above documents on the evening of May 3. It was late, so I opened the envelope to see what it was. I saw that it was the "DEPARTMENT'S RESPONSE..." so I put it back in the envelope and left it on my desk. I did not want to read it and go to bed angry. The next morning, after getting my coffee and checking my emails, I got up to go to the "library." I grabbed the envelope for reading material in the "library." After reading for just a minute or two, I burst out in a huge laugh. The first sentence under the DEPARTMENT'S "argument" cracked me up! Evidently, I was in the right place to read a load of cr**! ...It's true! Mom heard the laughter coming from the bathroom. I can call her as a witness to testify!
In The Matter Of: | OAH Docket Nos.: 2012-LI-0026 | 2012-LI-0027 | Infraction No(s).: NTHRM00462 | EJORP04884 Russ Hinds, lawful citizen under | the protection of Washington | PUBLIC DOCUMENT State Constitution | | Date of Hearing: May 24, 2012 Appellant/Defendant | 9:00 a.m. ______________________________| "Copy and paste" messed up the above court refence No.s...COMES NOW the Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds before the Administrative Law Judge Mark Kim to rebut Angela R. Zurlini, Assistant Attorney General, regarding her RESP0NSE TO APPELLANT’S PUBLIC DOCUMENT which she submitted “for” the Department of Labor and Industries of the State of Washington, by and through ROBERT M. MCKENNA, Attorney General.
1. Procedures governing our courts give the defendant the last word. Therefore, I pray the court’s attention to this REBBUTTAL to DEPARTMENT’S RESPONSE TO APPELLANT’S PUBLIC DOCUMENT, Pre-Hearing Brief.
2. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds does not enjoy raising sharp and disturbing observations concerning the “DEPARTMENT” and the qualifications and motives of government employees administrating the Office of the Attorney General for the Department of Labor and Industries of the State of Washington.
3. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds regrets that it is necessary to use his words like a hammer, smashing nonsense to pieces. Appellant/Defendant ONLY HOPES TO RETURN GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES TO BEING PUBLIC SERVANTS ASSISTING THE “PUBLIC” IN MAINTIANING JUSTICE, LIBERTY, AND SIMPLE COMMON DECENCY (“CIVILITY” IN A CIVILIZED SOCIETY). According to the Washington State Constitution, government employees are given the duty to “protect and maintain individual rights,” not expand the power and revenue of Washington State government, its DEPARTMENTS, and its employees.
4. The first and ultimate “precedent” established and approved by the people of the state of Washington reads thus:
PREAMBLE We, the people of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this constitution.
SECTION 1 POLITICAL POWER. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.
The PREAMBLE acknowledges the “Supreme Ruler of the Universe” as the authority over our liberties. In 1889, 100 years of experience with “precedents” and examples of state and federal constitutions equipped the people of the territory of Washington to draft and approve a State Constitution which was required for entry into the United States of America as a state under the U.S Constitution. The “people” knew the history of the U.S. well enough to understand the meaning of “Supreme Ruler of the Universe.” Perhaps some citizens in the state of Washington at the time could remember a grandfather who fought in the War for Independence, under the Declaration of Independence. Quote here: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.--
The points are:
A. Inalienable rights are given by our Creator, not by government employees. “We the people” know that there is a Creator, a life-giver, an Author of our liberties (our inalienable rights), and the Definer of the very words we use to communicate, defend, and maintain a wholesome, free, and civilized society. From the founding of the U.S.A., our governments are established to: “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty, to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
The generation which ordained and established the Constitution of the State of Washington understood what their constitutions meant, and they also benefited from our Bill of Rights which was written in plain English to define and preserve the liberties of the people (as authored by “the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, our Creator, and Nature’s God) and to limit the powers of the government and its employees. It is unfortunate that this generation of government employees and too many citizens have had to deal with an overdose of nonsense through the television, through the government schools, and through deficient and confused institutes of “higher” education.
The people of the state of Washington wrote our constitution for the same reasons our founding fathers wrote the U.S. Constitution. Quote: The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests. Founding Father Patrick Henry. Patrick Henry could have been more specific by adding one word in two places in order to prick the conscience of the individuals who are administering state and federal government. Enhanced quote here: The Constitution is not an instrument for the government employees to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government employees --lest it (they) come to dominate our lives and interests.
Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds cites the “precedent” Bill of Rights, Amendment I, of our U.S Constitution which is elevated to the “Supreme law of the land” by the Constitution of the State of Washington. ARTICLE I, SECTION 2 SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND.
The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land.
Our rights are given by our Creator, not by government employees, and our constitutions charge the government employees to protect those inalienable rights, and not to curtail those rights.
B. For application and contrast, Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds cites a modern statesman, former Arizona Congressman Sam Steiger. Congressman Steiger is credited with “Steiger‘s Law,” “People involved in a structure spend more time and energy maintaining that structure than in working toward its [constitutionally delegated] goals."
How is Steiger's Law applicable to Appellant/Defendant’s defense? Washington State government, having been created to serve the people, has degraded to the point that it is more concerned with perpetuating itself than with carrying out its constitutionally delegated duties. Rather than serving the people by protecting individual rights, as charged by the Constitution of the State of Washington, the government employees have goals and objectives of their own, such as revenue collection, often in conflict with our individual rights by expanding the authority and control over the individuals of the state of Washington beyond the boundaries set by the Constitution of the State of Washington. While “the people” may have all the rights (the Constitutions specifically say so), the government employees have all the power. When the individual’s rights and the government employees’ goals are in conflict, the individual loses.
We the People created the government of the state of Washington to serve the citizens, not the other way around. Today it would be difficult for an outsider to determine that the citizens of the state of Washington don't exist to serve the government employees.
Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds observes that AAG Angela Zurlini’s RESPONSE TO APPELLANT’S PUBLIC DOCUMENT seeks to expand the government employees’ authority over the individual by penalizing the constitutionally protected right of “freedom of speech” and increasing government employees’ revenue by imposing fines on the use of the words “electrical,” and “job quote” in a published document. Government employees are clearly instructed to protect freedom of speech and individual rights in the State of Washington’s Constitution. Imposing penalties and fines on the use of words in a published document IS CURTAILING THE RIGHT OF “FREEDOM OF SPEECH.”
Freedom of Speech is an individual right specifically guaranteed to the individual in the State of Washington’s Constitution: ARTICLE I SECTION 5 FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Every person may freely speak, write and publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that right.
Freedom of Speech is also an individual right specifically guaranteed to the individual in the “Supreme law of the land,” the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution: Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
1. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds agrees with the Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini’s short procedural history, with the exception of her omissions.
2. PROCEDURAL HISTORY omits the fact that Insp. Phillip Jordan failed to thoroughly investigate what Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds was actually advertising to do on his flyer posted on a private bulletin board looking for a job. No face to face conversation occurred and no warning was given regarding a POSSIBLE violation of RCW 19.28.041 prior to sending an intimidating $500.00 citation in the mail.
3. PROCEDURAL HISTORY omits the fact that Insp. Michael Thrams failed to thoroughly investigate what Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds was actually advertising to do on his flyer posted on a private bulletin board looking for a job. No face to face conversation occurred and no warning was given regarding a POSSIBLE violation of RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) prior to sending an intimidating $1000.00 citation in the mail.
4. PROCEDURAL HISTORY omits the fact that no review of these citations occurred in the DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES after it was notified of Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ objection. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ finds himself caught up in provocative, burdensome, and costly procedures which clearly violated his constitutionally guaranteed individual rights from the get go. A review by people within the Department of Labor and Industries who care about state and federal constitutions may have corrected this nonsense before creating this huge headache for all.
5. AAG Angela Zurlini’s omissions place the burden of holding government employees accountable to our state and federal constitutions on Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds. Not to mention holding them accountable to common decency and RCW 42.52.900, Ethics in Government, and RCW 42.52.040, False Report.
This is an unfair burden placed on Appellant/ Defendant Russ Hinds. If government employees cannot govern themselves according to our state and federal constitutions and their own RCWs with all their resources, manpower, and funding, HOW IN THE WORLD CAN APPELLANT/DEFENDANT RUSS HINDS CONVINCE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES TO ABIDE BY OUR STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS? If government employees cannot constitutionally govern themselves, how can they constitutionally govern the people of the state of Washington? We have state and federal constitutions for a reason. They must not be tossed aside on the whims of government employees. To many lives and too much treasure has been given in order to write and defend those constitutions for “We the People,” whom the government employees are supposed to be serving.
Quotes from AAG Angela Zurlini’s ARGUMENT will be in blue and in quotation marks.
1. “Naked castings into the constitutional sea are not sufficient to command judicial consideration and discussion.”
Uh… Errr… Huh?… What the hell is a “constitutional sea?” What is a “Naked casting?” With a silly sentence like that it sounds like AAG Angela Zurlini is attempting to cast a spell on the Administrative Law Judge and the people of the state of Washington! Our constitutions are not so vast and deep as the sea to wit the people of the state of Washington cannot understand them! The people of the state of Washington ordained and established the Washington State Constitution, for goodness sake! Geeze… if the Washington State Constitution is too vast and too deep for AAG Angela Zurlini to understand, perhaps she should seek employment somewhere else! If AAG Angela Zurlini’s definition of a free country includes sending $1500.00 fines in the mail to poor people who post flyers on a private bulletin board looking for a job, then she needs to apply for a job in North Korea or some such place. My bold defense citing our CONSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATIONS is more than sufficient to command judicial consideration and discussion. That is what our constitutions were written for! And that is why judges take oaths to support our constitutions, RCW 35.20.180. Good grief!
Ms. Zurlini,
Your words carry no more weight than my words carry. Our words stand on their own merit. Get over yourself and come down to earth to properly serve the people of the state of Washington under the constraints of our constitution. Then I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you did not invent that sentence yourself, but that you learned it from a pinheaded professor in some supposedly prestigious government run university.
2. “In re Rosier, 105 Wash.2d 606, 616, 717 P.2d 1353 (1986) (quoting United States v. Phillips, 433 F.2d 1366 (8th Cir.1970)); State v. Blilie, 132 Wash.2d 484, 493, 939 P.2d 691 (1997). Citations to the federal and state constitutions alone are not sufficient to prove a constitutional violation.”
Citing precedents is a weightless “legal authority“ for clearly unconstitutional actions (writing citations against free speech) performed by under-educated government employees. How many precedents can you find on the books that uphold our constitutions and restrain the actions of under-educated government employees? Obviously, there are quite a few. Citing precedents only proves that there has historically been both wise men and idiots sitting on the judicial bench.
Example: If a prosecuting attorney wanted to get rid of people who attempt to cast spells on others by convincing them to believe nonsense, the prosecuting attorney could cite the Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692 as a precedent.
Another example: A corrupt governor or president who believes that government is the highest authority on the planet would site precedents that increase the government’s (and his) power and control while ignoring precedents that curtail the government’s (and his) power and control.
America’s jurisprudence was not founded on precedents. The laws governing the first American settlements and colonies were based on the moral laws of God. See the Declaration of Independence for “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” Many of the first settlers and colonists came to America to escape the tyranny of the state (Kings) and persecution by the dominant Roman Catholic Church, and other European State Churches. It does not take years of study to learn of mankind’s quest for liberty and Truth, but it does require an open mind to a Supreme Lawgiver whose Laws defining goodness have been preserved for mankind in a 3000 year old book. America’s founders were not willing to bow to the arbitrary laws of men, rather they sought the laws of Nature’s God to govern ALL men. Following the moral “Laws of Nature‘s God” provides for a society that cares for the well being of family, friends, and neighbors. Elevating poorly written and variously interpreted RCWs above the moral Laws of Nature’s God leads to the same slavery and tyranny that our fore-fathers fled. Feudalism [and slavery in America] was rife with the abuses of man over man, and king (state) over man. Pretty simple stuff to understand. People who see “the government” as the highest authority on the planet will be led to commit all kinds of atrocities against their neighbors. I can cite numerous examples of ignorant government employees following the dictates of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.
I challenge AAG Angela Zurlini to cite the moral foundation for fining a guy $1500.00 for posting a flyer on a bulletin board looking for a job. --Perhaps Ms Zurlini would like to be completely oblivious to obscure RCWs which are not taught in government schools when she receives fines in the mail for $1500.00 for posting a flyer on a private bulletin board looking for a job.
Moral Law of Nature: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.“ Who is the bigger criminal? Me for posting a flyer on a bulletin board looking for a job, or the government employees for fining me $1500.00? How would our founding fathers answer that? How would a dictator like Stalin answer that? As a society, we have got to have consciences based in caring about our state and federal constitutions and based in caring about our friends and neighbors. Perhaps we should care enough about our neighbors to educate our children correctly in our government schools. A mind is a terrible thing to waste!
3. “While Appellant cites to a constitutional right to free speech, due process and equal protection, Appellant fails to provide any legal authority/analysis to support that the issuance of Non-Compliance Citation No. EJORP04884 and Non-Compliance Infraction No. NTHRM00462 violated such rights.” Appellant /Defendant Russ Hinds’ constitutional rights to free speech, due process (trial by jury of peers), and equal protection are written in state and federal constitutions in plain English language and his citation of those rights fall under the legal authority of said ordained and ratified constitutions. The fact that the Department’s misapplication of Citation No. EJORP04884 and Infraction No. NTHRM0462 violate Appellant/Defendant’s constitutional rights is self-evident. Any clear headed jurist would agree. Any 12 person jury of peers would also agree. Let the ALJ not rely on the words of AAG Angela Zurlini alone. Let’s have a trial by jury. If ALJ Mark Kim upholds the $1500.00 fine, have the Washington State Attorney General bring charges against ALJ Mark Kim, AAG Angela Zurlini, Insp. Phillip Jordan, and Insp. Michael Thrams for obstruction of free speech, denial of due process (trial by jury), unequal protection of the law, and extortion. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds will be glad to act as prosecutor on the government payroll with all available government resources at his disposal. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds will select 12 jurors from the citizenry who are not under-educated government employees and who have not been brainwashed out of constitutional law in the government administered institutes of supposedly higher learning. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds would be eager to provide due process, trial by jury.
4. “Freedom of speech is not an absolute nor is the mere issuance of a citation/infraction prima facie evidence of a due process or equal protection violation.”
Freedom of speech is not an absolute because slander, perjury, fraud, and obscene offensive speech are not protected under our state and federal constitutions. Posting a truthful flyer on a bulletin board looking for a job does not fall under “slander,” “perjury,” “fraud,“ or “obscene offensive speech.” AAG Angela Zurlini’s broad and general statement, “Freedom of speech is not an absolute,” is a careless unspecific statement which may have been deliberately made in order to sway an unseasoned inattentive jurist. The statement “mere issuance of a citation/infraction” minimizes and obscures the actual truth of a huge $1500.00 fine which accompanies those “mere” citations. Again, possibly a deliberate effort to sway an unseasoned inattentive jurist. “prima facie (at first glance) evidence of a due process or equal protection violation.” The issuance of citations is not a violation of due process, or an equal protection violation. However, it is the duty of ALJ Mark Kim to prevent the issuance of Citation No. EJORP04884 and Infraction No. NTHRM0462 from becoming violations of freedom of speech, due process, and equal protection under the law as specified in our state and federal constitutions.
5. “Appellant’s constitutional arguments are without legal support and should be disregarded.”
WOW! That is an incredible statement in line with throwing our state and federal constitutions into the vast, deep, and unfathomable sea! It would have been better if the constitutions were never written, then the blood and treasure paid to defend and support our constitutions, our liberty, and justice would not have been necessary to be expended. Good grief! Apparently, reality does not exist in the minds of some people employed by the government.
6. “A statute is presumed constitutional and the party challenging it has the burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it is unconstitutional. State v. Scherner, 153 Wn. App.621, 632, 225 P.3d 248 (2009).”
Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds would be eager to prove that the DEPARTMENT’S misapplication of RCW 19.28.041 and RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) is unconstitutional beyond a reasonable doubt before a jury of 12 citizens if he is provided the resources which the taxpayers provide the government employees. Misapplying RCWs could constitute a misuse of taxpayer funds and abuse of government employee authority in order to prey on the taxpaying public to increase revenue for the salaries and expenses of government employees by sending $1500.00 citations in the mail to people who publish a list of their skills with the intention of finding a job. Our state and federal constitutions were written to prevent misuse of taxpayer funds and prevent government employees from preying on the taxpaying public by issuing outrageous and excessive fines through the mail to increase revenue for the government employees. Why can’t the government employees just do their job right? Why are we arguing over Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ right to publish a list of his skills? These citations are literally retarding liberty, exhausting, and outrageous!
7. “Appellant did not provide any legal authority to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that RCW 19.28.041 and RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) are unconstitutional.”
What more “legal authority” does AAG Angela Zurlini require beyond the plain English of the most costly document ever established to restrain government employees and preserve justice, liberty, and the individual rights of the people of the state of Washington and these United States? Be specific Ms. Zurlini. Don’t cobble words together attempting broad and vague “legal authority” for your untenable position defending the misapplication of RCW 19.28.041 and RCW 18.27.200(1)(a).
8. “Any argument to that effect is untenable and should be given no weight.”
What argument of Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is untenable? Be specific, please. I’ll try to clarify my argument for you. I’ll spell it out, even draw pictures if necessary. What specific argument should be given no weight? Are you attempting to blow off Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ whole argument in one short sentence in order that you may tell the people of the state of Washington that they have no constitutionally protected right to publish a list of their skills in order to find a job?
9. “RCW 19.28.041 and RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) are constitutional and legally enforceable by the Department.”
AAG Angela Zurlini, Will you go on TV and broadcast your desire to increase state revenue by fining people $1500.00 for publishing a list of their skills in their attempt to find a job?
Quotes from AAG Angela Zurlini’s CONCLUSION will be in blue and in quotation marks.
1. “Based on the foregoing, the Department respectfully requests Appellants proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law and request for dismissal be denied and the matter be moved to a hearing on the merits.” AAG Angela Zurlini has presented an incomplete RESPONSE TO APPELLANT’S PUBLIC DOCUMENT, therefore she is prematurely asking ALJ Mark Kim to deny Appellant./Defendant’s “request for dismissal.” While Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds has taken the time to provide at least some of the legal and historic foundations of his defense, AAG Angela Zurlini has not provided any background information to support the Department’s misapplication of RCW 19.28.041 and RCW 18.27.200(1)(a).
A. What were the writers of RCW 19.28.041 and RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) desiring to accomplish?
What is the “intent” of these regulations and how were they intended to be executed and enforced under the Constitution of the State of Washington? Perhaps the interpretations of these RCWs has progressively changed over the years to suit the varying opinions and goals of the various government employees responsible for the execution and administration of those RCWs.
B. How was the wording of RCW 19.28.041 and RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) chosen?
Who were authors of and how were the RCWs approved for enactment with the intention of being enforced under the protections of the Washington State Constitution?
C. How has RCW 19.28.041 and RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) been enforced FROM THE DATE OF ENACTMENT? Were double citations issued from the statutes’ inceptions without providing POSSIBLE violators with warnings and an opportunity to correct their POSSIBLE mistake? Have these RCWs been used to fine individuals $1500.00 for posting a list of their skills on a private owned bulletin board in an effort to find a job FROM THE DATE OF ENACTMENT? Or have these RCWs only recently been used to generate revenue for the state? Can she provide the appropriate records to prove that 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago, inspectors at Washington Department of Labor and Industries have been monitoring private bulletin boards and internet sites to prevent people from posting flyers looking for a job? By issuing $1500.00 fines to individuals attempting to find some work?
D. Did the writers of RCW 19.28.041 and RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) assume and intend these RCWs to be enforced in accordance with the Washington State Constitution by prosecuting fraudulent “advertisers?” Example: People falsely claiming to be state licensed electricians in their advertisements should be fined according to the appropriate RCW. Fraud (deception), slander, perjury, and obscene offensive language are not protected under our state and federal constitutions. SEE? There are ways to constitutionally use the regulations in order to provide the public with trustworthy competent electricians and contractors. This example also shows how the regulation can be enforced without taking away an individual’s freedom to hire who he wants to perform jobs which do not require state permits and inspections.
Based on the above, AAG Angela Zurlini is untenably defending the Department’s misapplication of their RCWs. She has requested that Appellant’s proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law and request for dismissal be denied based on her incomplete RESPONSE FOR THE DEPARTMENT, which is also loaded up with broad unspecific glittering generalizations. Is this an example of laziness, or incompetence, or is it based on her opinion that the Department should act as a “nanny” for the people of the state of Washington by protecting them from their own choices about who they hire to replace a plug end on an extension cord? Perhaps some people within the Department have convinced AAG Angela Zurlini that the Department needs to be the “nanny of the people” so that the Department can sneakily “justify” issuing $1500.00 citations to supposedly ”protect” the public in order to sneakily balance the Department’s budget. Obviously, the Department is not delegated to be a “nanny” of the people of the state of Washington in the Washington State Constitution.
2. “In addition, the Department requests this tribunal disregard Appellant’s statement of facts until such time as witnesses are placed under oath.”
Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ STATEMENT OF FACTS were submitted as an official affidavit with all honesty and integrity desiring not to mislead the Tribunal. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ STATEMENT OF FACTS and the STATEMENTS of Insp. Phillip Jordan and Michael Thrams should not be disregarded by the Tribunal, rather the Tribunal is charged with the duty to determine whose statements are honest, complete, and desiring not to mislead or deceive the Tribunal. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ STATEMENT OF FACTS will stand up very well against the STATEMENTS of Insp. Phillip Jordan and Insp. Michael Thrams at such time as witnesses are placed under oath. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ also asks the Tribunal to note that Insp. Phillip Jordan failed to sign his official STATEMENTS. AAG Angela Zurlini has made a baseless and ridiculous request to disregard Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ STATEMENT OF FACTS… How in the world can Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ maintain his composure under all this provocative nonsense (time and work) created simply because he placed an honest flyer on private bulletin board looking for a job? Good grief!
Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds stands behind his PUBLIC DOCUMENT Pre-Hearing Brief and this REBUTTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT’S RESPONSE TO APPELLANT’S PUBLIC DOCUMENT. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds recognizes ALJ Mark Kim’s freedom to conduct his HEARING and rule on whether or not Citation No. EJORP04884 and Infraction No. NTHRM0462 were issued correctly in compliance with the original objectives of RCW 19.28.041 and RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) under the proper protections and authority of our state and federal constitutions. Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds thanks ALJ Mark Kim for the opportunity to present his defense/arguments in full, and
Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds is eager to provide clarifications and/or additional evidence at the hearing. Let civility, common sense, and common decency be present at the hearing on May 24, 2012.
And let ALJ Mark Kim understand that the assault on Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ dignity, integrity, freedom, and income by the issuance of these citations is certainly greater than any “offense” or insult that the AAG Angela Zurlini, or any other government employee, may claim is present in Appellant/Defendant Russ Hinds’ defense.
With all sincerity,
Russ Hinds, May 10, 2012
"Naked castings into the constitutional sea..." Man, that is still funny!
May 22, 2012 UPDATE TWO MORE DAYS...
Yesterday after work, I went to 221 N. Wall St., Spokane, WA, to check it out so that I wouldn't be lost on Thurs. the 24th for the Hearing at 9;00 AM. The place is right downtown with no parking except for meters and "Pay to Park" lots. Good grief! Do you know how much this stuff has cost me? All because an under-educated government employee likes to send tickets in the mail to his neighbors.
I think this mess can be boiled down to a common and petty beginning. Two insecure government employees get their feelings hurt over the phone because a real man won't kiss their ass. They decide, "I'll show him who is boss! I'll send him citations in the mail."
Perhaps the government employees think that they will earn my respect that way? They won't... Respect has to be earned, not demanded by force of government. So, this petty beginning has to go through the long tedious process of my appeals for a hearing. The appeals bring in the big dogs to get involved in the petty hurt feelings of the first under-educated government employees. And what do the big dogs do? They circle the wagons and defend the petty hurt feelings of the guy who sends $500.00 citations in the mail to his neighbors because his neighbor brings up the U.S. Constitution in response to threats over the phone. Remember? Inspector Phillip Jordan doesn't like the U.S. Constitution, as he made clear in his official statement. He must certainly be a little under-educated in America's history and liberty and justice for all.
But, what about the Assistant Attorney General? Why doesn't she like the U.S. Constituton? It gets in the way of her program defending the "government's" citations. The state and federal constitutions don't back up the actions of Phillip Jordan and Michael Thrams. So, AAG Angela Zurlini wants to throw the constitutions out of the hearing. Part of doing that is attempting to get me to accept throwing out our constitutions on the basis of her silly sentence, "Naked castings into the constitutional sea..."
Oh, you know that I have never spoke to Inspector Michael Thrams over the phone. You will recall that Dad got 2 calls regarding my flyer posted on a private bulletin board. the first call was from Insp. Jordan posing as a customer fishing for an address to send citations to. The second call Dad got was from another guy asking about hiring me for his job, but Dad had to tell him that he is sorry that I can't do any work anymore. Dad told the second caller I can't do any work for people because I got a $500.00 citation in the mail from Labor and Industries. Dad figured that this second call was another phoney entrapment call, so he went on speaking, "What kind of lowlife piece of s*** would send a poor guy looking for work a $500.00 citation in the mail?" The guy on the phone had to listen to Dad rant on and on, otherwise admit that he was an Inspector at Labor and Industries. Obviously, the second caller (Thrams) he got his feelings hurt and sent me a $1000.00 ticket in the mail, and his citation named my spouse and household as violators. Evidently, under-educated government employees want to force everyone to "respect" and bow down to their demands.
Anyway, now I may have hurt the AAG's feelings... What a mess! And stuff like this happens to people all the time. Get pulled over by an insecure cop, and he gets his feelings hurt when you don't tremble in fear and plead for leniency. Then the cop escalates the confrontation--give a guy a drunk test on his way to work at 8:00 AM... just to get him to kiss butt. Ever had some silly thug stick his finger in your face and tell you to watch it with your eyes and not move your head? Know how annoying that is? How disrespectful that is? Well, tell the cop that you don't want to play kids' games and then he has an excuse to arrest you for not cooperatinng. Off to the hoose-gow in handcuffs you go. He showed you! Plus the system gets some revenue for his trumped up citations...
I'd like to meet some wise neighborly government employees. Boy, that would be a change!... We'll see how the hearing turns out. Will they continue to circle the wagons around the petty egos of L and I inspectors? Is government out of control?
God save America!
May 26, 2012 Hearing was held 2 days ago. UPDATE
I giggled and laughed all day yesterday. The hearing went fairly well, and there were several amusing incidents. First was a surprise visit by an observer from the office of State Representative Matt Shea. I won't publish his name out of courtesy, but on one of the breaks we took, he commented that there was $600.00 or $700.00 an hour of taxpayer money sitting in the conference room to prosecute my citations. He said other encouraging things... obviously, he prefers small government over out of control government! The elected representatives of the people (Rep Matt Shea's office) have oversight over the bureaucracies they created, and for decades, those bureaucracies have been growing and growing and growing. I believe that my keeping my reps informed of my citations was one of the few opportunities that our state representatives have been given to observe their bureacracies in action. This blog is here to help inform the electorate of the many problems with out of control government. And to provide information to the public about who they vote for, because it makes a difference. The small government reps in the state legislature are battling with the statist BIG GOVERNMENT NANNY STATE ANTI-CONSTITUTION reps. Seems too many people in state and federal legislatures believe government needs to be the protector, provider, and all powerful savior of our fellow citizens. (Remember the American Indians were told of the "Great white father in Washington?" Well, government still wants to be daddy. And the government still speaks with forked tongue. LOL) Of course, politicians and bureaucrats who believe that nonsense also see themselves as the protector, provider, and savior of the public. They put themselves on their own pedistal to stroke their ego and pat themselves on the back--pretending like their government regulations and controls are fixing everything when in fact, regulations, taxes, and idiotic administration is breaking everything. It is back-breaking the the small businesses, and people looking for work. How much red tape is there required to start your own business? The government employees forget about such things as freedom, justice, and liberty for all, and they forget about CONSTITUTIONAL RESTRAINTS on the government employees' power and role. Give them control of everything (licensing, taxing, inspecting, regulating, approving) and they will create utopia for us all! It is pure nonsense and delusion, but bureacrats, state attorneys, and judges easily fall into that tyrannical statist delusion. The observer from Rep. Matt Shea's office was definitely a positive presence in the room, although he had other appointments after lunch and could not stay. He also said that I was doing a good job, even going against trained and practiced government employees. He asked me to keep him informed of the judge's ruling.
I do have good things to say about the Administrative Law Judge, Mark Kim. Had he been unfair and overbearing, I would not be as happy as I am. The judge has a hard decision to make, but he seemed to be very attentive to both sides. By statute he has 90 days to make/write his decision, but he said that he would like to be done in a month. I'll say more later about the judge and what I presented him.
Back to the giggles--I finally got to meet the guys who sent the citations in the mail to me. I got glares and daggers at the beginning of the hearing from them, but after getting grilled and sitting like lumps on a log for over 5 hours, their demeanor had noticably changed. I think that they became a little torn inside their hearts and minds after hearing my defense and seeing the Assistant Attorney General attempt to defend the citations. They had to resort to including simple repairs being covered under their RCWs, which of course makes it illegal for a neighbor to hire a neighbor to replace a "P" trap under a sink or paint a window sill without having state licensing and approval. The ALJ saw their extreme interpretations and application of the RCWs. If I was the ALJ, I would have been shaking my head in amazement listening to that extreme interpretation and application of RCWs. I know that the observer from Rep. Mat Shea's office was amazed. Electrical Insp. Phil Jordan testified that his "thorough" investigation included the phone call to me. He sent the citation based on me saying that I can replace a light switch without being licensed. I have a whole lifetime of replacing light switches for my employers, be they neighbors or apartment management companies. Of course, I was ignorant of Washington State's extreme interpretation and application of their RCWs when I hung up my flyer. I let the judge know of my ignorance and shock at being sent a $500.00 citation in the mail for looking for a job. The other Insp. Michael Thrams simply based his citation on the wording of my flyer. That was the extent of his investigation before sending me a $1000.00 fine in the mail. The judge was also informed that there were no warnings issued. Then these guys had to sit through and answer the AAG Angela Zurlini's questioning, the ALJ's questioning, and my questioning. They should have felt silly listening to the AAG and themselves defend the citations as they made it illegal for people to install a new garbage disposer for a neighbor without being either a licensed plumber or a licensed electrician. Apparently, there are exceptions written in the RCWs which allow an electrician to incidently do plumbing work installing a disposer without being a licensed plumber, and allow plumbers to do incidental electrical work installing a disposer without being a licensed electrician. That way, a home owner doesn't need to hire a licensed electrician and a licensed plumber when his old garbage disposer breaks. See how ridiculous this gets? It gets more ridiculous as there are exceptions to employers like apartment managers who can hire young technicians to replace light switches in apartments, too. They can hire a kid to do it for $10.00 an hour instead of paying a journeyman licensed electrician $60.00 an hour! From Insp. Michael Thrams, it came out that I can't even repair a blown down fence for my neighbor if I am not a licensed contractor! When is the state gonna start requiring licenses to breath air? Good grief!
Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini seemed to be totally committed and enthusiastic about enforcing their RCWs to the full. She did as I said she would do earlier in this blog. Quote: "The laws are their to protect the public and protect people from doing work that could cause an injury." And she believes that! Yet, somehow the government has not made it illegal for an inexperienced homeowner to replace his own wall switch. Why doesn't Angela get the law changed to protect homeowners? Seems she would like to be their protector, too! Perhaps she would feel better about herself knowing that she lobbied to protect home owners from injuring themselves while replacing light switches or installing a new cieling fan. I'm sure there are many government employees who would applaud her efforts to protect homeowners, too They could protect homeowners from themselves by issuing the $1500.00 in fines if they replace their own wall switch. They would all pat each other on the back for their wonderful lobbying and accomplishment. Then she would also get a great deal of satisfaction defending her new law from rogue constitutionalists like me.
Angela also objected to me bringing up the constitutions several times. "It is irrelavent," she said. I couldn't even question the Inspectors about their civic duty as citizens and government employees to support and protect our state and federal constitutions. "It is irrelavant."
She objected to my dad testifying to the credibility of the state's witness, Insp. Phil Jordan, but the ALJ allowed dad to testify. It was good! Dad let them know how he felt about being implied a liar and decieved over the phone, because DAD NEVER TALKED TO ANYONE IDENTIFYING HIMSELF AS A GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE FROM WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES. Therefore, Jordan's unsigned official written statement that Dad gave him the mailing address was a lie. Ethics in government, anyone? False report, anyone? Let's see... there are RCWs that require ethics in goevernment, and RCWs that prohibit government employees from filing false reports.
RCW 42.52.900
Legislative declaration.
Government derives its powers from the people. Ethics in government are the foundation on which the structure of government rests. State officials and employees of government hold a public trust that obligates them, in a special way, to honesty and integrity in fulfilling the responsibilities to which they are elected and appointed. Paramount in that trust is the principle that public office, whether elected or appointed, may not be used for personal gain or private advantage.
The citizens of the state expect all state officials and employees to perform their public responsibilities in accordance with the highest ethical and moral standards and to conduct the business of the state only in a manner that advances the public's interest. State officials and employees are subject to the sanctions of law and scrutiny of the media; ultimately, however, they are accountable to the people and must consider this public accountability as a particular obligation of the public service. Only when affairs of government are conducted, at all levels, with openness as provided by law and an unswerving commitment to the public good does government work as it should.
The obligations of government rest equally on the state's citizenry. The effectiveness of government depends, fundamentally, on the confidence citizens can have in the judgments and decisions of their elected representatives. Citizens, therefore, should honor and respect the principles and the spirit of representative democracy, recognizing that both elected and appointed officials, together with state employees, seek to carry out their public duties with professional skill and dedication to the public interest. Such service merits public recognition and support.
All who have the privilege of working for the people of Washington state can have but one aim: To give the highest public service to its citizens.
42.20.040 RCW
False report.
Every public officer who shall knowingly make any false or misleading statement in any official report or statement, under circumstances not otherwise prohibited by law, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
But of course those are irrelevant, too. For them to be relavant, I would need to file a compliant or counter-suit and try to get the RCWs enforced... which would be a different case not relevant to this one. So, basically, there are no protections for citizens unless they have a lot of money and time to spend filing complaints and holding government employees accountable to our constitutions and ethics.
In her closing statement, Angela asked the judge to rule in favor of applying the full amount of the fines as required by the statute. --forget about any need for a warning with an opportunity to correct the flyer and forget about any constitutional right to a trial by jury-- Then she humorously pointed out that Jordan and Thrams were required by statute to send me fines in the mail. Evidently, she didn't like it when I stated that those guys were trying to balance the state's budget by sending fines in the mail in my closing statement. Evidently, government employees are not personally responsible for the citations they write. Angela is completely brainwashed. She doesn't get any satisfaction out of being nice to her fellow citizens. Her loyalty is to her employer, the state and its RCWs. She is devisive, pitting the government against the citizens. If the judge rules in her favor, she will be happy about charging a neighbor $1500.00 for hanging a flyer looking for a job. She must live a fulfilling life...(sarcasm)... but, geeze, I feel sorry for her. I simply couldn't and wouldn't do that stuff to my neighbors. I would hate myself and hate to look in the mirror. Here is an opportunity for ALJ Mark Kim to help Angela. If he rules in my favor, perhaps Angela will learn the need to treat fellow citizens with common sense and common decency. When people do that, they can easily look in the mirror, keep a clear conscience, and make good memories to replace the bad ones. That is a much better life than worshipping government power and ridiculously applying poorly written RCWs. Angela is hurting herself by believing that all people who post flyers looking for a job with a list of skills is a potential danger and guilty of committing a crime against the state's RCWs. The potential bad guy and the non-existant victim WERE FIRMLY PRESENT AT MY HEARING INSIDE THE HEAD OF THE AAG ANGELA ZURLINI. ALJ Mark Kim also has the wonderful opportunity to help Insp. Phil Jordan and Insp. Michael Thrams. If he rules in my favor, they won't have their bogus testimony at my hearing stuck in their memory to tweak their conscience with feelings of guilt. They know inside how ridiculous the state's RCWs are being applied. They know the unequal enforcement that they are participating in. Jordan and Thrams are probably wondering why they are not "protecting" $10.00 per hour maintenance technicians and apartment dwellers from unlicensed electrical and contracting work performed in apartment homes. Maintaining AAG Angela Zurlini's delusions is very difficult to do if a person believes in logic, common sense, and common decency. But, doing the right things brings great rewards. Doing the right things brings good memories and a clear conscience. Doing the right things makes simple sense and brings clear vision without tangled rationalizations and delusions clogging up the mind. I like this song, "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.." ALJ Mark Kim has a huge opportunity to apply the RCWs properly under the authority and protections of our state and federal constitutions... "MAINTAINING INDIVIDUAL LIBERTIES" as the state constitution directs. There are sensible and constitutional ways to provide safe competent options for the public without burdening the state, taxpayers, and courts over people posting flyers on bulletin boards looking for a job.
Another giggle comes from the State Trooper who was assigned to sit through the hearing as a security guard. I don't want to get him in trouble, but I sure appreciated his support. After the hearing was over, he was assigned to follow me out of the building. He was friendly and said that he was rooting for me. I said, "Wow! Thanks man! That is the first time I have had a cop on my side." He could see the 5 hours of nonsense we just went through... I like being able to keep a sense of humor over this silliness. Many thanks to the observer, the trooper and all others who have supported me in standing against the nonsensical and questionable abuse from an out of control government which has tossed our constitutions into the unfathomable sea.
I made ALJ Mark Kim's decision more difficult by being completely honest and forthcoming. I started off my defense by going down the path of "assumptions." The inspectors had assumed that I was advertising and offering to do work that is covered under their RCWs. They had not caught me in the act of doing anything at all. You can't prosecute people based on assumptions about their intentions. That is where I started going and the ALJ reminded me that I was not required to testify and the burden of proof rested on the state. But, when I heard Jordan's statement that I said I could change a light switch over the phone, I had no way to know how the ALJ would recieve that testimony. I suppose I could have argued that it was a half question and half statement when I said it, but that just leads the court into more silly minutia. I decided to testify and allow Angela to question me about my intentions and what work I would actually do for people who called me from my flyer. She got me to admit that I would have changed a light switch before I knew that it was a crime for me to do that in the state of Washington. She got me to admit that I would have painted a bedroom before I knew that it was a crime for me to do so in the state of Washington. She got me to admit that I would have changed a leaking "P" trap before I knew that it was a crime for me to do so in the state of Washington. So, now the ALJ cannot rule that the Inspectors based their citations on their own assumptions. Now, ALJ Mark Kim has to impose the fines or find a way to use our state and federal constitutions to override poorly written and poorly applied RCWs. I have given ALJ Mark Kim all he needs to write a judgment in my favor, but it will take courage on his part to write it. Will he rule in favor of increasing government control and expense, or will he rule on our constitutional rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness unmolested by government employees and $1500.00 fines? He can rule that I am constitutionally allowed a trial by jury. I am sure that ALJ Mark Kim can write an intelligent defense of liberty, justice, and constitutional protections, but again, it will take courage to oppose the tyrannical statist mindset overwhelming the majority of government employees from top to bottom. The government was not created to be divided against the people, but it was created to serve the people and maintain, liberty, justice, and freedom to work and keep the fruits of one's labor. Serving our neighbors brings joy and good memories. That is why I like fixing things for my neighbors. Government employees can also find joy and good memories in maintaining liberty, justice, and freedom, but evidently they have been placed under some spell that makes them invent guilty "potential bad guys" and invent "non-existant victims" of potential bad guys. The government should not engage in hysterical worry about "potential" bad guys and nonexistant victims of "potential bad guys." What happened to "innocent until proven guilty?" What happened to freedom and freemarkets and free commerce? The bureaucrats regulated it out of existance, that is what happened!
About a sensible way to provide safe and competent options for citizens, homeowners, and neighbors: Simply construct voluntary organizations which will train and certify skilled electricians and contractors. Then people can choose to hire who they want. A neighbor could hire the neighbor who has been maintaining and installing switches, cieling fans, and garbage disposers for decades. He can pay for services agreed upon, or he can hire someone who has been certified through the voluntary organizations. Permits and inspections could still be required through local county codes for new construction and/or remodeling projects to insure safe buildings, etc.. We certainly don't need to be turning people who are looking for work, or homeowners looking for help repairing things around their house, into criminals deserving excessive fines.
Well, considering all the above, ALJ Mark Kim's decision might not be that difficult after all. It really is pretty simple. But hysterical self-agrandizing government employees and politicians have so completely muddled the role of government and destroyed logic, common sense, common decency, and constitutional protections that too many people graduating from government run schools and universities don't know what freedom, liberty, justice, and personal responsibility are anymore. People today are so use to living under growing and growing government control that they have no idea how free this country used to be prior to the 1960s.
Before the Civil War there were laws on the books that made it illegal to teach a black person to read. The slave masters didn't want the slaves reading the Bible and "Love your neighbor as you love yourself," and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
In 1961 and 1962 the Supreme Court outlawed scripture and prayer in government schools, too. The government "slave masters" evidently don't want school children reading the Bible and "Love your neighbor as you love yourself," and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Then Lyndon Baines Johnson got his "Great Society" welfare program passed. Government exploded in size and power. It began rewarding ignorance and irresponsibility with welfare, free rent, and free mis-education in government schools. Now we are applying laws to make it illegal to post a flyer looking for a job... Things are 180 degrees out of whack, almost to the point of calling "evil" good, and "good" evil. It has become illegal to work without some government employee's permission and approval, while we are rewarding people who are not working with welfare, free rent, unemployment benefits, free job training programs... on and on... Someone needs to put the brakes on government stupidity. It is the duty of America's fathers (and mothers) to educate their children in common sense, common decency, and "love your neighbor," but they have been duped by the government to send their children to the atrocious government schools where they are indoctrinated into socialism (government control) and peer pressured into drugs and immorallity and "go along with the crowd." I hope ALJ Mark Kim has the courage not to go along with the misguided crowd!
We will see how it turns out. We could have a bright and beautiful future with Constitutionally guaranteed rights, or we can enslave ourselves and our posterity to the government employees who tax and fine and control and bully...
How soon we forget history...Government is not reason. Government is not eloquence. It is force. And, like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington
Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle. George Washington
Government is not the highest authority on the planet and it does not define our liberties and freedoms. Government was instituted to maintain and protect our inalienable rights for ourselves and our posterity, not to curtail and remove our inalienable rights. It is simple stuff, but it hasn't been taught correctly in the government schools for 3 generations... I hope this blog opens some eyes. As George said,"How soon we forget history... "
As you know, I have been keeping my state representatives and the governor informed of these crazy citations. At my own expense, I have been sending my correspondence certified mail and I have been recieving the "proof of recept" green card with the reciever's stamp or signature. Finally, on June 12, I got a response from the governor's office. Once again, I find that there is a lot of carelessness and incompetence within government. Given the fact that the natural tendiencies of government employees (and the whole of mankind) is to protect their own position and comfort rather than stand for anything of value (like liberty, justice, civility, and our constitutions) I am not at all surprised to recieve a letter that basically tells me to go away. There is no "Thank you" for keeping the governor informed of the out of control bureaucracies that are under the supervision of the governor's office."
The people populating government offices are oblivious to the joy and satisfaction of promoting and defending individual rights, justice, and freedom to pursue "life, liberty, and happiness" without government interference and fines. They are "just doing their job." Ask one! I dare you! Find a government employee and ask him if it is his civic duty to support and defend our state and federal constitutions. Ask the cop who is giving you a seat belt ticket! I guarantee he will say, "I am just doing my job."
So, here is a copy of the letter I recieved from the governor's office:
(note: the letter has an official green heading which my scanner did not pick up.)
"Thank you for your recent letter to the Governor concerning citations you recieved from the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I)."
Oh, you are so welcome! I am just doing my civic duty to keep you informed of your out of control bureaucracies which you are supposed to be Chief Executive Officer over. Thank you for your cordial "thank you" sentence. It warms my heart to know that you are appreciative of my efforts to do my civic duty for my fellow citizens. I am sure there are many other fellow citizens who have recieved outragious intimidating citations in the mail. Could you help me find out exactly the number of citations and fines for posting flyers looking for a job have been issued in the last year? And how about comparing that number with previous years, say like for the past 30 years. Perhaps this will show how the application of these laws has changed, possibly changed in order to increase state revenue over the last decade or so. Or perhaps you have a foreign view of the role of government? One that seeks power over the people and seeks to justify the growth of government and revenue collection by claiming that the government employees are supposed to protect neighbors from neighbors and from their own free choices and freedom. (Did you know Bloomberg has outlawed the sale of soft drinks over 16oz. in New York?) I could go on, but suffice it to say, had these idiotic citations been issued in 1776, 1850, or 1950 real men of that time would have stood up and slapped the government employees down. Outrage at such nonsense would have prevented even ignorant government employees of that day from doing anything so stupid as sending $1500.00 in fines through the mail to a neighbor for hanging a flyer listing his skills on a bulletin board in an attempt to find a job.
Oh, I must go on, --your Assistant Attorney General cited precedents in her defense of these citations. AAG Angela Zurlini (who is under your direct supervision in the executive branch) cited 3 precedents for the years 1986, 1997, and 2009, but those precedents don't even pertain to my citations. Two of her precedents defend her statement "Naked castings into the constitutional sea are not sufficient to command judicial consideration and discussion." According to her and her precedents, citing the liberty and individual rights protected for the people in our constitutions are not worthy of "judicial consideration." Heck, according to her, we can't even discuss such matters in my case! Why is your bureaucracy trying to blow so much smoke up my rear-end? Haven't many men given their lives in defense of our constitutions, liberty, and justice? Her other precedent (2009) defends her statement, "A statute is presumed constitutional and the party challenging it has the burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it is unconstitutional." Tell me, is issuing $1500.00 fines to people who post a flyer listing their skills on a private bulletin board in an effort to find a job constitutional beyond a reasonable doubt? Only an idiot would believe that the government has authority to do that under our state and federal constitutions, which are written to maintain individual rights and restrain the government employees.
I bet AAG Angela Zurlini can't find a single precedent of a citation issued to any citizen of Washington for posting a flyer looking for a job in 1950. If she can't find one, that is sufficient proof for "government employees have grown out of control and are in dire need of training in constitutional law and history." Please consider implimenting government employee training so that they can find the joy in supporting, observing, and protecting individual rights, liberty, and justice for the people of the state of Washington according to our state and federal constitutions. Our founding fathers found that joy, even in the midst of tribulation and a costly revolutionary war against the tyranny of the British king.
"Our office does not have a record of the two letters you claim to have sent at the end of 2011. All correspondence received by this office is filed and retained, and we respond to the majority of it."
Hmmm... I wonder how you lost them. I still have the green "proof of recept" cards for them in my files. You can also find a copy of the content of those letters on my blog:
The body of my previous letter to your office would be the same as the letters I sent to my state representatives which are scanned into the blog.
"The governor appoints the L & I director, but does not intervene in individual cases."
Does your appointee know about our state and federal constitutions, and does he/she take an oath to support those constitutions?
"When a citation is sent, L & I staff inform you of the appeals process so you can defend yourself."
Yes, they did that, but it is expensive and time consuming to defend myself in these clearly nonsensical and unconstitutional matters. Especially since those ignorant misguided government empolyees assaulting me are trying to exclude our state and federal constitutions from my defense. Please see my blog for the documentation supporting the previous sentence.
"You can also retain an attorney to advise you and represent your side of the issue."
Do you know how expensive it is to retain an attorney? It would be cheaper for me to allow the state of Washington government employees to extort $1500.00 from me for hanging a flyer listing my skills on a private bulletin board in an effort to find a job. But, if I allow them to do that, they will continue to issue intimidating citations and huge fines to my neighbors who look for work through bulletin boards, business, cards, craigslist, and resumes. Someone needs to stand up to out of control government employees. If not me, who?
"Again, this is a matter you need to resolve directly with L & I as the Governor"s Office does not have either the staff or the authority to assist you."
Well... that is nonsense! So, are you saying that you need to raise my taxes in order that you may have enough staff to supervise your bureaucracies in the executive branch to insure that they are correctly operating and executing their duties in compliance with our state and federal constitutions? If you have not enough staff, who is supervising them now? Are they running amuck?
And, you don't have the "authority" to correctly supervise your subordinates in the executive branch? What in the world are you talking about? If you don't have the authority, who does? Is there some mystical bogeyman supervising them now? Is this "spiritual being" residing in the book of RCWs? To which all government employees must vow love and support for? Just who is ordering government employees to issue $1500.00 fines to people who post a list of their skills on a private bulletin board in an effort to find a job?
Please note that I was not asking for your assistance. I was keeping you informed of out of control government employees. It is our civic duty to support and defend our state and federal constitutions because much treasure and many lives have been lost in order to establish and defend those constitutions and the freedom, liberty, and justice those constitutions were written to preserve for our posterity.
Oh, if you don't have staff or authority to control your subordinates, please give me the address of the guy who does have the authority. Evidently, I mailed my information to the wrong address.
Didn't you and your office take an oath to support our state and federal constitutions? Will you send me a transcript of your Oath of Office, please? I can't find it on the Washington State government website.
That is the end of the letter from the governor. I'll send the governor's office a letter including all of the above and see if I get a response. I bet they will "lose" that letter, too. Good grief!
July 23, 2012 Ruling from Office of Administrative Hearings
Well, according to the regulations and codes, ALJ Mark Kim does not have the authority "to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of chapter 19.28 RCW. Addressing these arguments falls outside the scope of what this tribunal has authority to address. "[T]he power of an administrative tribunal to fashion a remedy is strictly limited by statute."Skagit Surveyors and Engineers, LLC v. Friends of Skagit County, 135 Wash. 2d 542, 558, 958, P. 2d 962, 970 (1998). The appropriate forum for such claims is in a court of general jurisdiction such as, Washington State Superior Court." The bold above is taken from ALJ Mark Kim's Final Order. See? ALJ Mark Kim CAN'T BASE HIS DECISION ON OUR STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS! Notice that the ALJ cites a precedent (in Italics) but does not cite the statute (the RCW) that "strictly" limits the tribunal's authority. Notice that all this squirming and self preservation (government can't be wrong) performed by insecure government employees just convolutes simple common sense constitutional protections and complicates simple neighborly common decency. There is no need for this. For 8 monthes I have been confined to this state of Washington because if I moved on and ignored these citations then ALL THE THREATS OF COLLECTIONS AGENCIES, LIENS ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, AND FURTHER LEGAL ACTION which are contained in the citations will go into effect. And remember that one of the citations names my family and household. Their property is under assault, too. Evidently, these citations make me a criminal worthy of losing my constitutionally protected individual rights. Do you think the the power given to government employees has grown out of control. These people do not realize how their excuse "just doing my job" affects the lives of decent citizens who are minding their own business, not seeking confrontations and battles with under-educated government employees. But, government employees use "the government must protect the public" to justify more and more regulations, codes, programs, and licensing--which of course secures the salaries and benefits of more and more government employees to enforce the regulations, codes, and programs--thus requiring more and more taxes and fines to be paid to fund all those salaries and benefits. Government employees and legislators disregarding the state and federal constitutions for the last fifty plus years has resulted in the creation of an out of control beast that sucks the life out of the taxpaying public and our commerce/economy/livelyhood.
So, ALJ Mark Kim has protected his and the government's authority, by "just doing his job" under the RCWs by claiming he doesn't have the statutory authority to make a decision based on our state constitution. He has found a way to aviod making a fair judgment based in neighborly common sense and common decency. ALJ Mark Kim even admits that something may be wrong with the RCWs in his Final Order here: "It appears to this Tribunal that the penalty in the Appellant's case seems extreme in light of the fact that the Appellant was only seeking minor jobs hoping to earn some extra income. Further, it appears to this tribunal that the legislature has written RCW 18.27.200(1) so broadly that it essentially covers almost every activity of work, some of which might not directly impact the public policy of the statute." These two excerpts from the Final Order are convoluted and confusing! The bold quote above admits that something may be "extreme" and wrong, but ALJ Mark Kim is helpless and without authority to correct any extreme wrong. He must rule according to the words written in the RCWs by the legislator and applied "extremely" by the inspectors who issued the citations which may be an effort to increase the state's revenue in order to pay salaries and benefits of government employees. My accusation of government employee motive to increase state revenue is based in factual observations and my present and past experience dealing with out of control government employees. Never ending efforts by our state and federal governments to raise taxes is a factual observation. How is it possible for me to not draw the conclusion that government employees want to increase revenue for their own security, salaries, and benefits. ALJ Mark Kim mentions "the public policy of the statute." Well, the public policy of the constitution of the State of Washington requires government employees to "protect and maintain individual rights," Atricle 1 Section 1. See how "extreme" application of RCWs violates the Washington State Constitution and steps on my "individual rights." See how simple this stuff is when we do discuss, defend, and uphold our state and federal constitutions? Yet, these government employees are oblivious to those constitutions and the lawyers who make a living off litigating and enforcing the statutes, codes, and regulations ADAMENTLY SEEK TO EXCLUDE THE CONSTITUTIONS FROM AN INDIVIDUAL'S DEFENSE. The efforts of government officials and lawyers (officers of the court) turns into an effort to convince common individuals to disregard our constitutional protections or accept an incorrect interpretation/application of our constitutions. Why? Why don't people and government employees find the joy of upholding our simple and clear constitutions rather than seeking to grow government and government authority beyond the limits prescibed in our constitutions? It is a mess. How convoluted and jumbled up must a government employee's mind become in order to make sense out of what government and its employees do? How convoluted must ALJ Mark Kim's mind be? Check out this quote from the Final Order: "Therefore, the central issue is whether or not the Appellant intended to communicate a willingness to perform electrical work requiring him to be licensed by the department." Evidently, ALJ Mark Kim thinks that it is illegal for me to communicate, and communicate a willingness to do work, and communicate a willingness to do electrical work requiring him(me) to be licensed by the department. Can I communicate a willingness to teach subordinates how to make small electrical repairs to apartment homes--replace light switches? How do I advertise or apply for an apartment maintenance supervisor position if I cannot "communicate a willingness to do work?" Mark Kim has just made it illegal for me to communicate that I know how to make electrical repairs and supervise $10.00 per hour maintenance technicians as they make small repairs to apartment homes. Are they selectively enforcing their RCWs? Are they selectively "protecting the public" from unlicensed electrical work? How does Mark Kim justify "protecting homeowners" from unlicensed electrical work while at the same time failing to protect apartment dwellers from unlicensed electrical work? How can I have an inteligent discussion of my individual rights with people who have inconsistant and selective reasoning capabilities? I recently took my motorcycle in for repairs to its carberators. About 200 miles after the repairs a bolt fell out of a carberator mount and it started leaking gas. I took my bike to a government licensed business yet the government did not protect me from shoddy mechanical work that could have caused a fire and a crash. The motorcycle parts and repair business "communicated' a willingness to perform mechanical repairs to motorcycles, yet the government failed to "protect the public (me)" from shoddy work performed on my motorcycle. How about protecting me from ignorant government employees who have not been trained in constitutionally protected individual rights, "[governments] are established to protect and maintain individual rights," Article 1 Section 1. According to our state and federal constitutions, I have individual rights to communicate, publish flyers, perform work, travel, and receive a trial by jury and a conviction of guilt before losing any of my rights and property. It is simple stuff to understand, therefore I fail to see how government employees can fine a guy $1500.00 for posting a flyer on a bulletin board looking for a job.
ALJ Mark Kim included appeal rights and instructions in his Final Orders. I must appeal the electrical citation to the Electrical Board. I must appeal the contractor ciation to a Superior Court of the State of Washington.
Here is the 5 page electrical order:
So there you have the Electrical Order that upholds fining me $500.00 for posting a flyer on a bulletin board looking for a job. Of course, all this entanglement prevents me from leaving the state and getting on with my life. After wasting 8 months of work arguing with under-educated government employees who lack the courage to "protect and maintain individual rights as the Washington State Constitution directs," I now have to appeal to the Electrical Board. This craziness is a strange and burdensome way to educate government employees. Seems they ought to know our state and federal constitutions since they are supposed to serve the public under the constraints of our state and federal constitutions. I appealed to the Electrical Board, but I wonder if I am such a criminal and such a pain in their rear, why don't they just put me in jail or Guantanamo Bay for posting a flyer on a bulletin board in an effort to find a job? This stuff is so nuts and bizarre to me, I have to wonder what planet these government employees think they are on? Are we slaves to the government, now? Do we ask the government for permission to post flyers and permission to offer to do work, etc? Man, how do I break the spell that they are under?
Here are my appeal documents.
July 18, 2012
TO: Chief Electrical Inspector
Department of Labor and Industries, Electrical Section
P.O. Box 44460
Olympia, WA 98504-4460
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
RE: Cover letter/Appeal of Administrative FINAL ORDER
Please file, and place on the docket of the Electrical Board of Washington , the enclosed NOTICE OF APPEAL for relief from outrageous unconstitutional fines and threats against myself and my family. Please send correspondence and documentation to the address above.
I am requesting a waiver of fees in this appeal because I already have been charged fees in an appeal to the Washington State Office of Hearings and Appeals. That appeal was a waste of time and expense because “The Office of Administrative Hearings is unable to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of Chapter 19.28 RCW. Addressing these arguments falls outside the scope of what this Tribunal has authority to address,” quoting ALJ Mark Kim in his ORDER concerning my appeal of Citation EJORP04884 issued by Washington Department of Labor and Industries.
Let it be noted here that I, Russ Hinds, have desired to live a simple peaceful life serving my family, friends, and neighbors without myself and family being harassed, fined, and further threatened by government employees for posting a flyer on a private bulletin board in an effort to find a job. The citation no. EJORP04884 includes the following threats:
If you fail to pay the penalty assessed or properly appeal the citation, private collection activity will be initiated 35 days from the date of this letter. As a result of this action you could face legal proceedings, additional costs and/or an impaired credit rating. Typically, the collection agency will add an additional 50% to the penalty assessed plus additional interest and penalties. The department will also deny renewal of an electrical certificate or license if you have a citation(s) that has not been paid.
Phillip Jordan, the L&I inspector who issued the citation no. EJORP04884, passed my flyer to Insp. Michael Thrams of the contractor program. Insp. Thrams mailed me another citation no. NTHRM00462 with a fine of $1000.00 which included additional threats to myself and household. Evidently, they are unaware of constitutional protections against being punished twice for the same posting a flyer on the same bulletin board for the same day.
From the above facts, I cannot help but think that government employees are issuing intimidating fines through the mail in order to cover a shortfall in state revenue. Issuing costly citations through the mail accompanied by threats entangling innocent citizens in expensive and burdensome appeals and litigation is an easy way for a bully government employee to exploit a peaceful citizen who might prefer to pay an outrageous fine rather than do their civic duty and become embroiled in a ridiculous battle to uphold citizens’ constitutional protections. Government employees need training in upholding our constitutions AND an education in the history of the U.S.A. Many government employees take oaths to support our state and federal constitutions, as well as the individuals who risk their lives serving in the military to defend our constitutions against “all enemies foreign and domestic.”
According to our state and federal constitutions, I am entitled to “due process of law” which includes a trial by a jury of my peers before property, income, and liberty can be confiscated by government employees. Therefore, I will be requesting a trial by a jury of my neighbors. Perhaps they will recognize government employee harassment and over stepping their constitutional authority by issuing citations to fellow citizens for publishing a list of skills in an effort to find a job.
I, Russ Hinds, innocently posted a flyer on a private bulletin board at Yokes Fresh Market in Deer Park, WA eight months ago. I did this with a happy heart looking forward to meeting my neighbors and making new friends. It never crossed my mind that I would receive 2 citations in the mail totaling $1500.00 in fines and accompanied with threats to my (and my family’s) real and personal property. I appealed the citations expecting a speedy trial and due process of law, however, I was denied a speedy trial and an opportunity to request a trial by jury and this burdensome harassment has unduly continued over 8 months.
In simplest terms, issuing citations for publishing a list of skills in an effort to find a job is clearly unconstitutional according to both state and federal constitutions, and government employees are required to uphold those constitutions which guarantee freedom of speech. In fact, many men and women have given their lives defending the liberty and individual rights defined in those constitutions. My father and three of my sons risked their lives serving in the military to defend liberty and justice for all. Two of my stepsons are still serving in the military attempting to keep the world safe for freedom, liberty, democracy, and individual rights. They have taken oaths to defend our constitutions against all enemies foreign and domestic. They did not and are not risking their lives in order that government employees may issue outrageous fines and threats to people who post flyers on private bulletin boards in an effort to find a job and make new friends.
Given the above facts, any seasoned and attentive board member or jurist would see the wisdom of dismissing this citation EJORP04884 and the second citation NTHRM00462 issued for the same flyer posted on the same bulletin board for the same day. Further litigation is expensive/burdensome to all parties, including Washington state taxpayers.
Russ Hinds
ENC: Appeal Documents.
CC: Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini and Administrative Law Judge Mark Kim
Washington Department of Labor and )
Industries, )
Plaintiff )
) Citation. No. EJORP04884
V. )
Russ Hinds, )
Defendant )
______________________________ )
Russ Hinds, defendant, seeks review by the Electrical Board, (WAC 296-46B-995(13)(a), of the FINAL ORDER written by Mark Kim, Administrative Law Judge for the Office of Administrative Hearings.
A copy of the FINAL ORDER is attached to this notice.
A cover letter also accompanies this NOTICE OF APPEAL.
July 16, 2012
Russ Hinds, Defendant
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
Washington Department of Labor and )
Industries, )
Plaintiff )
) Citation. No. EJORP04884
V. )
) Motion and Declaration For Waiver
Russ Hinds, ) of Civil Filing Fees and Surcharges
Defendant ) (MTAF)
________________________________ )
1.1 I am the defendant in this action.
1.2 I am asking for a waiver of all filing fees and surcharges.
2.1 GR 34 allows the court to waive “filing fees and surcharges the payment of which is a condition precedent to a litigant’s ability to secure access to judicial relief” for a person who is indigent. As outlined below, I am indigent.
Dated:______________ ___________________________________
Signature of requesting party
Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
I declare that,
3.1 I cannot afford to meet my household living expenses and pay the filing fees and surcharges imposed by the court. Please see the attached Financial Statement which I incorporate as part of this declaration.
3.2 In addition to the information in the Financial Statement I would like the Electrical Board to consider the following:
3.2a I have already paid $400.00 in fees to obtain a hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings which was a waste of 8 months and expenses because the ALJ said in his FINAL ORDER, “The Office of Administrative hearings is unable to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of chapter 19.28 RCW. Addressing these arguments falls outside of the scope of what this Tribunal has authority to address.” You can find all of my hard work on the website: THIS WEBSITE ADDRES
3.2b I have been made indigent because I have been attempting to educate ignorant government employees about our state and federal constitutions, liberty, justice, protecting the innocent, civility, and due process of law for 20 years. I ran into an immoral judge who thought divorce law was written to make it legal for adulterous at-fault mothers to throw away not-at-fault fathers and keep his children and income. Judge Stromsness said, “This is not a moral court, it is a court of law. Shacking up and tending bar are not sufficient grounds for removing the children from their mother. If I removed the children, I would have to remove children from all other mothers who are shacking up and tending bar.” I thought to myself, “How do I win an argument with an idiot in an immoral court.” While I refused to comply with outrageous court orders to pay the bar tab of my ex-wife, I appeared before courts many times. One such time, I was placed in handcuffs, leg-irons, and a holding cell for telling a judge, “No one loves my sons more than I do. You guys certainly don’t. I have asked for my sons return every time I have set foot in a court room. I would love to provide for my sons in my own wholesome home where I can protect them from shack-ups, drunkenness, and bars…” Before the judge had me placed in a holding cell, he threatened me with contempt of court, to which I responded, “I have seen nothing but contempt of Russ in every court I have set foot in.”
In an unwanted divorce, without a trial by jury and a conviction of fault, abuse, neglect, or incompetence, I had my children taken from me against my protests.
In an unwanted divorce, without a trial by jury and a conviction of fault, abuse, neglect, or incompetence, I had my income taken from me against my protests and my wages garnished.
In an unwanted divorce, without a trial by jury and a conviction of fault, abuse, neglect, or incompetence, I had my commercial drivers license taken from me.
In an unwanted divorce, without a trial by jury and a conviction of fault, abuse, neglect, or incompetence, I was forced to watch my sons raised in shack-ups and bars. I shed many tears over hearing about the name-calling, the shouting, the drunken fighting going on in the shack-up and bar environment which my sons were raised in.
I endured many slanderous accusations from Assistant District Attorneys, and my sons heard their mother accuse me of wrongdoing for refusing to pay her bar tab and support her unhealthy lifestyle. Parental alienation eventually set in after such a long battle for common sense and common decency. Fortunately, in the beginning, from ages 5 through 13 following the divorce, I was able to provide many happy and wholesome memories for my sons.
I wrote a memoir hoping to turn the hearts of fathers back to their children, and the hearts of children back to their fathers, but I have been unable to find a publisher willing to stand up for the God given right of decent fathers to love, lead, TEACH, take care of, and PROTECT their children.
Frustrated and distraught at not being able to find courageous and understanding men who desire to uphold and do their “Creator” given role, I got on a bicycle and rode 1000 miles from Klamath Falls, OR, to Kalispel, MT, and back to my father’s house in Elk, WA. The peaceful bike ride was refreshing, but I failed to find men who are ready to take back their God given role to love, lead, TEACH, take care of, and PROTECT their children from the atrocious government schools, the bullying, and the overwhelming unchurched peer pressure into sex, drugs, and gang mentality. The valueless and amoral government schools have been destroying the minds of children and undermining wholesome parental guidance for too many generations. Perhaps that is why we now have government employees who do not know that law, justice, and civility are based in morals, honesty, loving your neighbor as you love yourself, and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Anyway, we now have a system of government that enables and rewards ignorance and irresponsibility with welfare, free rent, food stamps, child support for adultery and kidnapping, and free abortions for promiscuity, WHILE FINING A MAN $1500.00 FOR POSTING A FLYER ON A PRIVATE BULLETIN BOARD LOOKING FOR A JOB! Good grief! This country is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah because it taxes and fines good people in order to reward the ignorant, irresponsible, and hedonist people who have been mis-educated in the government schools! Seems there are too few people with courage and wisdom to stand against those who call “good” evil and “evil” good. Too few real men with courage to stand for “liberty and justice for all” as defined by the individual rights guaranteed to the people in our state and federal constitutions, which many men gave their lives to write and defend.
History lesson:
"We, the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution." Abraham Lincoln
“Representative government and trial by jury are the heart and lungs of liberty. Without them we have no other fortification against being ridden like horses, fleeced like sheep, worked like cattle and fed and clothed like swine and hounds.” John Adams
“I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution,” Thomas Jefferson
I filed this motion by mail. I enclosed a self addressed stamped envelope with the motion so that I can receive a copy of the order once it is signed.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct.
Signed at (city)_______________________(state)______ on (date)________________
_________________________________ _______________________________
Signature Print or Type Name
Case Name: ____________________________ Case Number: ___________________
Case name and number have not been assigned as of the date of this mailing. Init. ____
Financial Statement (Attachment)
I am currently unemployed and living with my father helping and comforting him as he battles cancer.
I have no income, and very little motivation to look for a job since I have been fined $1500.00 for attempting to do so.
I have personal property totaling less than $1500.00, an old car and an old motorcycle.
I do not have a checking or savings account.
Cash on hand is less than $500.00.
I have been made “indigent” by government employee abuse, ignorance, and disregard of our state and federal constitutions. Thank you! …Hey! After this episode of my life is over I can add a new chapter to my memoir. I’ll title the chapter, “How Government Employees Use the People’s Tax Dollars Against the People.” I think I’ll call my memoir My American Dream (NIGHTMARE!). Maybe I’ll find a publisher!
Oh, I saw an appropriate bumper sticker the other day. It said, “Mean People Suck!” I would add “Mean Government Employees Suck!”
Date: __________________ Signed: ____________________________
Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln
Elk, WA 99009
Here is the ALJ Mark Kim's Final Order (5 pages) for the $1000.00 contractor program fine:
And here is my cover letter for the Appeal to the Superior Court of Washington:
July 18, 2012
TO: Spokane County Clerk, Clerk of the Superior Court
And appropriate Judge
Spokane County Courthouse, Room 300
1116 West Broadway Avenue
Spokane, WA 99260
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009 Ph. 509-***-****
RE: Cover letter/Appeal of Administrative FINAL ORDER
Please file, and place on the docket of the Superior Court of Washington for Spokane County, the enclosed NOTICE OF APPEAL for relief from outrageous unconstitutional fines and threats against myself and my family. Please send correspondence and appropriate documentation to the address above.
I am requesting a waiver of fees in this appeal because I already have been charged fees in an appeal to the Washington State Office of Hearings and Appeals. That appeal was a waste of time and expense because “The Office of Administrative Hearings is unable to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of Chapter 19.28 RCW. Addressing these arguments falls outside the scope of what this Tribunal has authority to address,” quoting ALJ Mark Kim in his ORDER concerning my appeal of Citation NTHRM00462 issued by Washington Department of Labor and Industries.
Let it be noted here that I, Russ Hinds, have desired to live a simple peaceful life serving my family, friends, and neighbors without myself and family being harassed, fined, and further threatened by government employees for posting a flyer on a private bulletin board in an effort to find a job. Quote from Citation NTHRM00462 issued to myself and family here:
“Russ Hinds and Spouse/or partner,
and the marital community composed thereof or
a registered domestic partnership,
A Sole Proprietorship”
The above words of record not only implicate myself, they also implicate my family and those words are accompanied with threats against the private property, income, and livelihood of the people named. Threats included with the citation here:
“If you neither appeal the infraction nor pay the penalty within the required time, the penalty amount will become an unsatisfied debt that you owe to the Department. Under RCW18.27.370, the Director may, without further notice, file a WARRANT with the Superior Court Clerk for the unpaid balance of the assessed amount - plus interest, penalties, and a filing fee - which will become a LIEN upon the title to and interest in all of your real and personal property, the same as a JUDGEMENT. Additionally, the Director may issue a NOTICE TO WITHHOLD AND DELIVER to satisfy the debt.” From the above facts, I cannot help but think that government employees are issuing intimidating fines through the mail in order to cover a shortfall in state revenue. Issuing costly citations through the mail accompanied by threats entangling innocent citizens in expensive and burdensome appeals and litigation is an easy way for a bully government employee to exploit a peaceful citizen who might prefer to pay an outrageous fine rather than become embroiled in a ridiculous battle to uphold citizens’ constitutional protections.
According to our state and federal constitutions, I am entitled to “due process of law” which includes a trial by a jury of my peers before property, income, and liberty can be confiscated by government employees. Therefore, I will be requesting a trial by a jury of my neighbors. Perhaps they will recognize government employee harassment and over stepping their constitutional authority by issuing citations to fellow citizens for publishing a list of skills in an effort to find a job.
I, Russ Hinds, innocently posted a flyer on a private bulletin board at Yokes Fresh Market in Deer Park, WA eight months ago. I did this with a happy heart looking forward to meeting my neighbors and making new friends. It never crossed my mind that I would receive 2 citations in the mail totaling $1500.00 in fines and accompanied with threats to my (and my family’s) real and personal property. I appealed the citations expecting a speedy trial and due process of law, however, I was denied a speedy trial and an opportunity to request a trial by jury and this burdensome harassment has unduly continued over 8 months.
In simplest terms, issuing citations for publishing a list of skills in an effort to find a job is clearly unconstitutional according to both state and federal constitutions, and government employees are required to uphold those constitutions which guarantee freedom of speech. In fact, many men and women have given their lives defending the liberty and individual rights defined in those constitutions. My father and three of my sons risked their lives serving in the military to defend liberty and justice. Two of my stepsons are still serving in the military attempting to keep the world safe for freedom, liberty, democracy, and individual rights. They have taken oaths to defend our constitutions against all enemies foreign and domestic. They did not and are not risking their lives in order that government employees may issue outrageous fines and threats to people who post flyers on private bulletin boards in an effort to find a job and make new friends.
Given the above facts, any seasoned and attentive jurist would see the wisdom of dismissing this citation NTHRM00462 and the second citation EJORP04884 issued for the same flyer posted on the same bulletin board for the same day. Further litigation is expensive and burdensome to all parties, including Washington state taxpayers.
Russ Hinds
ENC: Appeal Documents.
CC: Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini and Administrative Law Judge Mark Kim
The rest of my Appeal documents to the Superior Court read the same as the Electrical Board Appeal, except for the address and headings. Now I have to go to separate hearings. Whether I get a Constitutionally mandated trial by jury, who knows? How many more months will this take? Why do we have state and federal constitutions if government employees won't abide by them? Why do government employees work against the public? Why do government employees provoke the public into anger, frustration, and costly battles defending themselves from government assault? Even using the public's own tax dollars to do that? How did government employees get so far out of control? Well, I think that the public are slow to anger and slow to put up a fight. As the government took our constitutionally protected individual rights away from us inch by inch, the American man tried to put his nose to providing for his family and enduring the increasing taxes, fees, and regulations. While a father is trying to provide for his family, there is very little time left over to run for an elected office or attend council meetings, public input meetings, and school board meetings. It is easier to hopefully trust those who are serving the public in government positions. And individuals all alone cannot take on the lawyers employed by the government. The founders knew this because they came from Old Europe and their fathers suffered under the oppressive power of kings and the powerful Roman Catholic Church. They wrote the constitutions to prevent state oppression and oppression by the rich, the banks, and the corporations. The bankers have figured out that they can print money backed up by the American taxpayer and use that revenue to control their fellow citizens and build a world government to control world commerce and development. Their agenda is opposite the founders' vision of local government and individual liberty and unfortunately, technology has advanced to the point that individual numbering of the people can call up every bit of personal data that the government has stored in their computers. Instead of local charity forcing the neediy to improve and seek employment or be shamed for living off the charity of their neighbors, we have given the far away central government the charity responsibilities. Welfare etc, does not encourage people in the same way a concerned neighbor can encourage a neighbor to seek a better lifestyle and independence. And now the government employees administering the government programs seek to keep their positions, power, and government paychecks. Seems like only a large segment of America’s population insisting that government get back into the constitutional box will improve things. Hopefully, individuals like me can inspire patriots to get together for support and encouragement while standing up for our constitutions. Remember Janet Napolitano using the phrase "federal family" to describe the federal government employees? Well, only a "Patriot Founders family" can stand against the huge out of control "federal family" and the expanding "state employee family." A family of God (who is the Author of Liberty) can stand together and the Godless, the moral truthless, and the bullies will flee. They will run from the light exposing their ignorance and lack of concern for their neighbor and for what is good, right, and just. I bet Phillip Jordan and Michael Thrams would like my appeals to go away. Even though they get a paycheck doing what they do, they don't like me opposing them and raising a stink. I don't get paid to stand up to them, but they get paid to issue $1500.00 fines to neighbors who post flyers on bulletin boards looking for a job. Will they eventually come out of their spell? Can they? Or will they push the limit, eventually have me in jail for not paying their outrageous fines? My crime may change from hanging a flyer on a bulletin board to "disobeying a court order." They will find something serious enough to put me away without stirring up my family, friends, and neighbors. Perhaps I can be charged with undermining the authority of government because of this blog. I think ALJ Mark Kim would be uncomfortable with that, but Jordan and Thrams would be eager to put the citations they wrote behind them and move on with their "I'm just doing my job." When does it end? Depends if we have state and federal constitutions, or not. Depends if we have a public that is willing to fight for our constitutions and restraining government employees. Because we have too many government employees "just doing their job" without a conscience based in liberty and justice for all, and based in love your neighbor as you love yourself. Still hoping for real statesmen and real patriots who will do their civic duty to uphold and protect our constitutionally guaranteed individual rights.
III. Declaration
II. Basis for Motion
I. Motion
July 27, 2012 Update on my Notice Of Appeal to Spokane County Superior Court
I sent my Notice Of Appeal documents to the clerk of the Superior Court of Spokane County. The government enployee must have found fault with my documents. He has turned the tables on me once again. Instead of him being a servant of the public, he has asked me to serve their system. "Mark, Deputy Clerk" sent my documents back to me along with other forms which ask me to repeat my first documents. So, Mark wants me to jump through more hoops before getting the government employees off my back and granting me a Dismissal of the citations or a trial by jury. Is this another trick to try and get me to kiss rear and meekly go along with all their silly demands? Perhaps bog me down in more paperwork to discourage me from pressing forward? If they would just do the right thing which our state and federal constitutions prescribe, wouldn't they be better neighbors and save themselves the embarassment of further persecuting me for hanging a flyer on a bulletin board in attempt to find a job? Anyway, I filled out the additional paperwork, wrote a letter to "Mark, Deputy Clerk" and mailed (certified) ALL of my documents back to him. I wonder why "Mark, Deputy Clerk" left his last name off the documents he sent me? Perhaps these government employees are fully aware of this blogsite and all my family, friends, and neighbors reading it. You know what? I would still like a neighborly person to person phone call from someone involved in this harassment, or even a call from a state representative. Honestly, this nonsense could be dropped so easily and without further expense. It could have ended a long time ago with an appropriate warning which would allow me to post a flyer communicating a willingness to do work for my neighbors. As it is now, according to ALJ Mark Kim "the legislature has written RCW 18.27.200(1) so broadly that it essentially covers almost every activity of work, some of which might not directly impact the public policy of the statute." Apparently, I must have a contractor's license before I can perform any activity of work for my neighbors, and post a flyer communicating a willingness to do work. No warning and no instruction on what words I can use in my flyer and which words I can't use (censureship). It is too late for a warning and these government employees have essentially made it illegal for me to post any flyer at all in an effort to find a job, completely illegal and worthy of $1500.00 in fines. They keep digging their hole deeper... has anyone in government got the courage to call me, or come for a visit and coffee? No, they simply want to continue their defensiveness, continue to accuse me of being a bad neighbor worthy of $1500.00 in fines, and convince myself and others that all of that is constitutional. Can they convince a jury that "nobody knows what our constitutions say and mean?" The government employees and politicians have been successfully doing that for 50 years with their socialist grow the government, tax the people, "government employees can fix everything" agenda. We the citizens who have lived under this growing monster know that growing government power and bureaucracies make things worse. It never fixes anything! Esecially when under-educated government employees are "just doing my job" and drawing a paycheck. I desire to be a good neighbor, but government employees apparently don't care about being good neighbors... Good grief! They are way out of control!
Here is my letter to Mark, deputy Clerk:
Superior Court of Washington
Spokane County Clerk, Clerk of the Superior Court
And appropriate Judge
Spokane County Courthouse, Room 300
1116 West Broadway Avenue
Spokane, WA 99260
1116 West Broadway Avenue
Spokane, WA 99260
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009 Ph. 509-***-****
RE: APPEAL of Final Order from Washington State Office of Hearings
Dear Mark,
My father died Saturday night in my arms. He was battling cancer and I have been helping and comforting since last October. My dad was a good man with lots of friends. He helped a lot of people and made a lot of good memories. I have a lot of good memories with him. I watched him loan his new chainsaw to a friend. His friend brought it back broken, but Dad repaired it, sharpened it, and gave it back to the guy who borrowed it and broke it so that he could finish his job. But Dad had a low tolerance of liars, thieves, and fools who do not desire to treat their friends and neighbors with common sense and common decency.
Look! I sent you an APPEAL REQUEST as I was instructed to do by the WA Office of Hearings for the Department of Labor and Industries. You sent it back to me…
I am sending the APPEAL NOTICE/REQUEST with the additional forms that you sent back to me. Do the right thing according to liberty and justice for all. And according to our state and federal constitutions. You might consider treating your neighbors correctly, too.
Russ Hinds
I was a little angry over getting my hard work sent back to me, like they are trying to convince me that I have done something wrong and I need to jump through their hoops. I purposefully do not have an attorney because he is part of the court. He plays their game, and he will try to blow smoke up my rear as much as the other government employees. I don't have money to pay an attorney, anyway. They are public servants, but somehow they have cleverly convinced the public that they are serving the public, but actually the public serves them, pays them, and jumps through all their nonsensical regulations, policies, paperwork, fines, and fees. This mess here ought to be something of a straw that breaks the camel's back. The public servants need to learn the constitutions and start protecting those constitutions and liberty, freedom, justice, and peace for all.
Here are the documents I had to fill out and send back:
I post a flyer on a bulletin board with a happy heart hoping to meet my neighbors and make new friends, and this is what I get! $400.00 fees to get a hearing, hundreds of dollars in mailing costs, gasoline, office supplies, ink at $25.00 per cartridge, etc, etc. I get the run around and the grinding me down, and no calls from government employees to simply resolve this nonsense according to our simple constitutions. Just because these guys are blind, fearful, and stupid doesn't mean that they can convince me and a jury that we are blind, fearful, and stupid about what our constitutions clearly say.
Since posting that flyer 8 months ago, I have made many friends and met many neighbors. You know what we often talk about? Out of control government and ignorant government employees, "Just doing their job." It is also very refreshing to see this country starting to wake up, with the tea party groups and all the other patriot groups who know the constitutions and the history of this nation and our desire for freedom and throwing off tyranny. Meanwhile the government employees keep wanting more taxes, more control over the people and healthcare, and etc, etc. Have you seen the news story about the bureaucrats shutting down a 13 year old boy who bought a hot dog cart in Michigan?
Boy, wouldn't it be refreshing to see government employees doing their constitutional job maintaining liberty, justice, and individual rights? How about it, judge? You got the courage to do the right thing?
August 7, 2012 More stonewalling by the crowd at the Superior Court of Washington, Spokane County.
Mark, Deputy Clerk, did the right thing and passed my APPEAL REQUEST on to a "judge." Well, actually it was a "Court Commissioner." Whatever that is? I think a Court Commissioner is a low level substitute judge who does minor duties and small cases in order to free up time for the official judges. Anyway, Court Commissioner Michelle Ressa sent my APPEAL REQUEST documents back to me with her ORDER DENYING EX PARTE MOTION. She denied my request for waiver of fees, which I really don't even know if I am required to pay more fees for my defense. Remember, I have already paid fees to the Office of Hearings and Appeals in the amount of $400.00. Charging fees to get a fair hearing/trial can only be comparable to "bail" in other criminal charges. Silly!... So, if I am charged fees "bial" for the APPEAL requesting my constitutional right to a trial by jury, then I would be required to pay 2 "bails" for the same offense, one "bail" for the Office of Hearings and another "bail" for the Superior Court.. ARE THERE ANY CONSTRAINTS TO GOVERMENT CONDUCT AT ALL??? Isn't this battle of mine pure exposure for these governmnent employees as they circle the wagons around their unconstituional conduct? As they continue to circle the wagons and avoid a simple trial by jury, they just expose themselves all the more and dig their hole deeper and deeper. It would have been cheaper, simpler, and wiser to give me a trial by jury at the get-go. But no, the ego got poked. Government can't be wrong sending intimidating $1500.00 citations in the mail to people who post flyers on bulletin boards attempting to find a job. Government employees are supposed to be right in all they do all the time, even when it destroys the "good neighbor" and "public servant" relationship that our constitutions prescribe. You see? Good neighbors don't restrict "freedom of speech" because communicating (civilly) is a God created inalienable right that we are all born with. Good neighbors WANT to communicate with each other. How else would anyone learn, and how else would anything get done if government fines people $1500.00 for publishing a list of their skills? Good neighbors don't deny each other a "trial by jury" either. Good neighbors don't place restrictions on thier neighbor's freedom of religion. See how our constitutions promote good neighbors? Good neighbors don't take guns away from their neighbors leaving them defenseless against bad neighbors. Good neighbors don't send outragious fines in the mail to their neighbors without warning and teaching and providiing a neighbor an opportunity to correct a problem with a flyer posted on a private bulletin board. Good neighbors don't falsely accuse one neighbor of being a bad neighbor. Government must not be allowed to justify accusing a neighbor of being a bad neighbor for posting a flyer looking for a job on the basis of protecting neighbors from potential "falsely accused" bad neighbor. Good neighbors don't miseducate their neighbors' children in atrocious government schools. Government schools ought to be teaching children how to be wise, moral, and caring neighbors... Evidently, government schools have failed to properly educate several generations of government employees and politicians. America's fathers, while trying to make a living and provide for their children, dropped the ball and allowed government schools to undermine family and neighborly values, even the values explicitly protected by our state and federal constitutions.
It is kind of funny, isn't it? Watching these government employees squirm and avoid our constitutions and watch them dig their hole deeper and deeper. How is this mess of theirs going to end? Will they give me a trial by jury, or will they continue to stonewall and brush me aside and embriol me in the bureaucatic maze? Will the government employees continue their march "just doing their job" as they carry out the threats contained in their citations? Collection agencies, file a WARRENT with the Superior Court, LIEN upon the title and interest of real and personal property, NOTICE AND ORDER TO WITHHOLD AND DELIVER(garnishment and bank account siezure), interest and penalties, etc. They can do all of that and I am pretty much helpless to stop them if they refuse to give me a trial by jury... I guess it is not funny! It is sad, pitiful, and dark... What a mess we weave when we forget our constitutions and "love your neighbor as you love yourself." Does anyone in government have a conscience anymore? Look around friends. Is this the kind of neighborhood we want to live in and pass on to our children?
So, here is Michelle Ressa's ORDER DENYING EX PARTE MOTION:
County of Spokane
1116 West Broadway Avenue
Spokane, WA 99260
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009 Ph. 509-***-****
RE: APPEAL of Final Order from Washington State Office of Hearings
Court Commissioner Michelle Ressa,
I have been attempting to get an APPEAL on the docket of the Superior Court of Washington County of Spokane as I was instructed to do by Administrative Law Judge Mark Kim. For the second time, I have had my paperwork sent back to me on the basis that my paperwork is not complete. I admit that my humble education leaves me at a disadvantage when trying to communicate correctly with the Superior Court, but I was taught in Middle School that our courts are our guardians of liberty and justice, protecting the innocent and supporting our state and federal constitutions for the rich and poor alike. “Equal protection under the law” is how I was taught in school as a child. I was also taught that people are responsible for their own actions, which means that people cannot be punished for the actions of another person, therefore the income of my mother (whom I am sponging off of) is not relevant to this APPEAL. She had nothing at all to do with me posting a flyer on a bulletin board in an effort to find a job and make new friends. All of this is very easy for Middle School children to understand. Even most adults can understand it. Sixth graders also understand a great deal about our state and federal constitutions. For instance, sixth graders know that “freedom of speech” means that government doesn’t fine people $1500.00 for publishing a list of their skills in an effort to find a job. Sixth graders have also been taught that our constitutions guarantee a “right to a trial by a jury of your peers” and that jury must convict a defendant of guilt BEFORE property and liberty can be confiscated by government. Most mature adults in our U.S. society today still believe what they were taught in school, however some people employed by the government seem to have forgotten these simple and basic protections which define liberty and justice in our free country. Most of the people I grew up with still believe that laws are based in maintaining a civilized society, which means a society of good neighbors, I.e.; neighbors who care about the well being of their neighbors as much as they care about their own well being. Most people I hang out with don’t tolerate bullies in their circle of friends, and they certainly resist bullies outside their circle of friends. In fact, people who respect and defend our “right to bear arms” will resist with deadly force a bully who breaks into their home bent on stealing from and/or assaulting the family. It is a natural thing to do. Probably relates to our survival and defense instincts--ingrained in our DNA perhaps. People naturally defend themselves against those who act “against the Laws of Nature” and act against civility intending to steal and injure. Our Declaration of Independence was written by our fore-fathers in defense of their basic inalienable rights and their dignity as people desiring to live in a civilized, peaceful, and free society.
With the preceding in mind, I draw attention to your ORDER DENYING EX PARTE MOTION. There must be some misunderstanding or a mistake because you have named me as the “Petitioner/Plaintiff.” I am not filing a “petition” or a complaint. I am the defendant in a complaint(s) “filed” and initiated by Insp. Phillip Jordan and Insp. Michael Thrams of the Washington Department of Labor and Industries. The fact that I am a defendant/appellant is clearly communicated on the documents I sent to the Superior Court according to the instructions of ALJ Mark Kim. A copy of ALJ Mark Kim’s FINAL ORDER, including his instructions to me, was also sent with my documents to the Superior Court.
The documents you sent back to me claim that I failed to fill out a financial statement for fee waiver “completely.” The Financial Statement that I sent to Mark, Deputy Clerk contained more than enough information to render an approval of a fee waiver, that is if fees are actually required of defendants. I included a cover letter to the Superior Court and 4 additional pages of information for consideration by the court. I correctly pointed out that I have already paid $400.00 in fees to get a hearing and due process of law from the Office of Hearings and Appeals. It turns out that the Tribunal at the Office of Hearings and Appeals does not have the authority to base their decision on a sixth grade understanding of our state and federal constitutions. (ALJ mark Kim pointed that out for me in his FINAL ORDER, Item 10 under his CONCLUSIONS OF LAW.) I also correctly pointed out that I am unemployed with no income. In fact, due to these citations and ALJ Mark Kim‘s FINAL ORDER, I am afraid to distribute a resume` in the state of Washington. Distributing a resume` might fall under some obscure RCW that outlaws “advertising” which may include more outrageous fines for “advertising/distributing”
As a defendant, I don’t even know if I am required to pay fees in an APPEAL of ALJ Mark Kim’s FINAL ORDER. The documents I received from Mark, Deputy Clerk didn’t even have an “APPEAL” box for me to check. I had to write one in myself. Have I filled out the appropriate documents and have they reached the appropriate people? I do not have the experience to know those things since I am not employed by the government and since my life does not revolve around government employee dictates and misapplication of law. My life revolves around being a good neighbor and friend to those who also want to be good neighbors.
Since you are a guardian of our liberty and justice, could you provide me with the name of a Superior Court contact (perhaps a public defender) whom I can trust to help me file my APPEAL as I was instructed to do in ALJ Mark Kim’s FINAL ORDER. I am trying very hard to complete this adjudication at minimum expense for all parties. Honestly though, the grievances written in our Declaration of Independence sound very similar to mine, quote: For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
Russ Hinds
Notice that I am trying to communicate with people, my neighbors. I get the feeling that these "neighbors" want me to communicate with the "government" and the all powerful bogeyman directing government employees to "just do their job." They "just do their job" for government, not for "serving the public" under the constraints of our constitutions. Can I ask the question why government employees are so eager to provide legal protections for murderers like the guy who shot the Representative to the U.S. Congress from Arizona last year, but they do not want to provide legal protections to me? The guy was caught in the act of shooting people in the head and yet he has still not had a speedy trial. Reports: Loughner to plead guilty in Arizona shooting rampage ...
Boy! Things are upside down in America! The American people need t wake up! Take back their government because the ignorant governing the asleep doesn't work. Actually, the quote is "If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a ditch." It could also be "the miseducated governing the miseducated brings on a repeat of the dark ages."
Boy! Things are upside down in America! The American people need t wake up! Take back their government because the ignorant governing the asleep doesn't work. Actually, the quote is "If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a ditch." It could also be "the miseducated governing the miseducated brings on a repeat of the dark ages."
I also updated my representative in the state congress:
August 5, 2012
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.FROM: Russ Hinds
Elk, WA 99009
TO: Rep. Matt Shea, Assistant Minority Floor Leader
Olympia Office: 101 Modular Building G PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504-0600 |
District Office:
502 S Sullivan Rd Ste 207
Spokane Valley, WA 99037
(509) 921-2353
SUBJECT: Update to illegal citations sent to me in the mailDear Rep. Matt Shea,
As you know, I have sent you copies of my APPEALs to the Electrical Board and the Superior Court of Washington, Spokane County.
The Superior Court, “Mark, Deputy Clerk,“ sent my documents back to me along with additional forms to fill out which ask me to repeat the same information that I sent him in the first instance. I filled out Mark’s documents, wrote him a letter, and sent the stuff back to the Court. Then Michelle Ressa, Court Commissioner, sent me an ORDER DENYING EX PARTE MOTION. Her denial was based on her opinion that the forms I submitted are not complete. I wrote her a letter because there seems to be some confusion/mistakes going on here. Or, it is just a form of stonewalling me… We know the tactics of insecure government employees.
I am sending you copies of this most recent correspondence for your info and amusement. Also, ALJ Mark Kim’s instructions said that I have 30 days to file an appeal with the Superior court. Evidently, they intend to execute the threats against myself and family which were written in the citation letters. After the court stonewalls for 30 days, the threats go into effect. Pretty interesting government we have these days, huh?
I have not heard from the Electrical Board at WDLI. Perhaps you can give them a call and light a fire under their butt. Thanks.
Russ Hinds
Your neighbor.
I hope I get some help to file my APPEAL for a Trial by Jury.
Wow! This is a lot of work! I just hope it becomes a useful tool for people to insist that government employees follow the constraints of our state and federal constitutions...
August 24, 2012, It worked! Wow, they waived the $250.00 court fee--well, $200.00 of it.
My letter to Michelle Ressa must have made sense to the Court Commissioner. Cool! Breaking through government employee stubbornness and ego and "circle the wagons" is quite an accomplishment. I must say that I think this blog here is a big help. I am a little concerned about having my blog disappear, though. Aren't you sure that they would have preferred to keep their assault on my freedom and dignity under the radar? You know, lost in the government files never to be scrutinized while they bury me in paperwork and stonewall until I give up? Many thanks to all the readers of this blog! I think that it needs to be a case study for law students in law school. Government, whether good or bad, is a huge influence on society. It can either maintain a civilized society by protecting liberty and justice, or it can create division and frustration and rebellion by ignoring liberty, justice, common sense, and common decency. Government should not be sending intimidating fines in the mail to citizens who are attempting to live a peaceful life serving their neighbors. Has government simply reduced itself to revenue collection? Are government bureaucracy budgets stressed to the max with the burden of salaries, benifits, vacations, and retirement pensions? Ha, ha! that is a no brainer question!
Anyway, after that letter to Court Commissioner Michelle Ressa, she granted a partial fee waiver. I only have to pay $50.00 in court fees now. It still ticks me off, but it does put a sort of legitimate "contract" relationship in place between the court and I. I paid my fees, now they must produce! Do something right, for goodness sake! Simply grant the trial by jury WITH ME AS A DEFENDANT! That is in all caps because Michelle Ressa still wants me to sue Washington Department of Labor and Industries. She wants me to be the plaintiff causing trouble for the government. NO, NO, NO! I didn't start this fight. They are the trouble makers. They filed their complaint against me, therefore they need to complete the deal before a jury of my peers.
So here is Court Commisioner Michelle Ressa's letter that grants a partial fee waiver and a letter from the Clerk at the Superior Court of Washiington Spokane County:
Now, what do I do? I am just a working guy who has no training in the games played in our judicial system. Well, at this point, it seems logical to present a MOTION to the court. I paid my fee, now they can do their part of the "contract." Here is my MOTION before the court:
August 22, 2012
TO: Spokane County Clerk,
And appropriate Judge
Spokane County Courthouse, Room 300
1116 West Broadway Avenue
Spokane, WA 99260
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009 Ph. 509-***-****
RE: Cover letter
Please find a $50.00 money order to be applied to the filing fee, as stated in a letter to me from the Spokane County Clerk, dated August 16, 2012. Copy attached.
Please assign a judge and case numbers and file numbers for the attached MOTION and EXHIBITS 1 through 7 before the Superior Court of Washington Spokane County.
Please send a notification identifying the judge, case numbers, and file numbers, and any other correspondence, instructions, judgments, orders, and notifications regarding this case to Russ Hinds at the address above. Thanks neighbor.
Russ Hinds
Enc: MOTION for the Superior Court of Washington Spokane County,
EXHIBITS 1 thru 7
Industries, Director Judy Shurke )
Plaintiff )
) Citation. No. NTHRM00462
V. ) [and EJORP04884]
Russ Hinds, ) MOTION to provide Superior Court Defendant ) authority and facilities to the ) Washington Department of Labor ) and Industries in order to prosecute ) above Citation[s].____________________________________ )
Your Honor,
COMES NOW Defendant Russ Hinds, with a referral from Administrative Law Judge Mark Kim, to MOVE the Superior Court of Washington, Spokane County, to provide the authority and facilities to Director Judy Shurke (and her subordinates), Washington Department of Labor and Industries, for her prosecution of Citation. No. NTHRM00462 [and Citation No. EJORP04884 to minimize time and expense] before a jury of 12 neighbors/peers as required by our state and federal constitutions, Washington State Constitution, Article I, Section 2 SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND; The Constitution of the United States is the Supreme law of the land,
AND U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendment VII; In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
On October 26, 2011, WDLI Inspector Phillip Jordan issued Non- Compliance Citation No. EJORP04884 to Defendant Russ Hinds for alleged violation of RCW 19.28.041. Enclosed with the citation was a letter dated October 18, 2011 which explained Defendant’s right to appeal. The letter demanded a $500.00 fine to be paid or a $200.00 appeal fee with a statement of the reasons for the appeal. Please see EXHIBIT 1 and also take notice of the intimidating threats which go into effect if the fine is not paid and an appeal is not requested. Defendant Russ Hinds paid the appeal fee and wrote a statement with the reasons for the appeal. Please see EXHIBIT 2 for the Appeal Request from Defendant Russ Hinds and his explicit request for a trial by jury in underlined bold type. On October 27, 2011, WDLI Inspector Michael Thrams issued Non-Compliance Infraction No. NTHRM00462 to Defendant Russ Hinds for an alleged violation of RCW 18.27.200(1)(a). On November 4, 2011, the Department mailed the Infraction with a letter demanding $1000.00 penalty/fine and explaining the Defendant’s right to appeal which included another $200.00 fee for the Appeal. Please see EXHIBIT 3 for the infraction and letter which is the second fine for the same flyer on the same bulletin board on the same day as the above Citation No. EJORP04884. In EXHIBIT 3, also take notice of the intimidating threats which ensnare the Superior Court of the State of Washington into complicity in executing the intimidating threats. If the Superior Court of the State of Washington is complicit in executing WDLI’s threats, then the Superior Court can also be complicit with WDLI in supporting constitutionally protected individual rights to a trial by jury. Defendant Russ Hinds paid the fee and wrote another Appeal Request, again asking for a trial by jury. Please see EXHIBIT 4.
Without giving up his right to a trial by jury, Defendant Russ Hinds spent 8 months listening to and responding to no less than 5 government employees trying to convince him that he is a bad neighbor deserving $1500.00 in fines for publishing a list of his skills in an effort to find a job and make new friends serving his neighbors. No offer of a trial by jury was presented to Defendant Russ Hinds. Evidently, according to the government employees in the Washington Department of Labor and Industries and the Office of Hearings and Appeals, Defendant Russ Hinds is a bad neighbor undeserving of a constitutional trial by jury, as well
After 7 months of dutifully following government employee instructions while defending his “freedom of speech” rights to publish a list of his maintenance and repair skills, a hearing was finally conducted in Administrative Law Judge Mark Kim’s conference room on May 24, 2012. This hearing resulted in ALJ Mark Kim’s FINAL ORDER(S) which contain the referral/appeal to the Superior Court of the State of Washington for the Citation NTHRM00462, and a referral/appeal to WDLI’s Electrical Board for Citation No. EJORP04884. Please see EXHIBIT 5 for ALJ Mark Kim’s FINAL ORDER for Citation No. NTHRM0462, and EXHIBIT 6 for ALJ Mark Kim’s PROPOSED DECISION AND ORDER for Citation No. EJORP04884.
On July 18, 2012, Defendant Russ Hinds mailed documents to the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County requesting an APPEAL of ALJ Mark Kim’s FINAL ORDER just as Defendant Russ Hinds was instructed to do in ALJ Mark Kim‘s FINAL ORDER. Defendant Russ Hinds’ documents were returned to him twice because of some “incomplete” forms which are required for a waiver of court fees. Finally, after sending in the forms 3 times, Defendant Russ Hinds got a partial waiver of fees which lowered the fees to $50.00. Defendant Russ Hinds is including a $50.00 money order with this MOTION.
On August 18, 2012, defendant Russ Hinds received a letter from Court Commissioner Michelle Ressa, EXHIBIT 7, with the Partial Fee Waiver. Once again, there seems to be some confusion and misunderstanding. Quote from the letter: “Unfortunately, the court cannot give you legal advice about how to proceed in this appeal because the court will decide the outcome of your lawsuit. You are the Petitioner/Plaintiff in this appeal because you are filing the lawsuit.” Defendant Russ Hinds is not filing a lawsuit. I, Russ Hinds, am still insisting on my defendant’s right to a trial by jury, just as I have been from the beginning and according to the instructions in ALJ Mark Kim‘s FINAL ORDER. I am exorcising my constitutionally protected rights and defending myself against outrageous fines for posting a flyer listing my skills on a private bulletin board in an effort to find an job, make new friends, feed myself, and serve my neighbors. I shall not allow government employees to label me a complainer, petitioner, or plaintiff before a jury of my peers. WDLI’s inspectors Phillip Jordan and Michael Thrams are the complainers. They filed their complaints/citations while I was happily minding my own business. I shall not have the tables turned on me before a jury of my peers by being portrayed as the aggressive party, the petitioner/complainer. Washington Department of Labor and Industries is the aggressive party seeking penalties which include many other outrageous threats if the penalties are not paid and an appeal is not requested. Rather than continue to have government employees attempt to convince defendant Russ Hinds of being a bad neighbor deserving $1500.00 in fines, let WDLI Director Judy Shurke and her subordinates convince a jury of our neighbors that Defendant Russ Hinds is a bad neighbor deserving $1500.00 in fines for publishing a list of his skills in an effort to find a job and make new friends.
Since Defendant Russ Hinds has patiently cooperated throughout the appeals process to arrive at the Superior Court of the State of Washington, County of Spokane, according to the instructions of ALJ Mark Kim in his FINAL ORDER under Appeal Rights, Defendant Russ Hinds moves the Superior Court of the State of Washington, Spokane County to: 1. Assign a judge and court case numbers to record this MOTION before the Superior Court of the State of Washington, Spokane County into the PUBLIC RECORD.
2. Officially serve/subpoena WDLI Director Judy Shurke with an offer to use the authority and the facilities of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, Spokane County, to prosecute Citation Nos. NTHRM00462 [and EJORP04884] before a jury of peers.
3. If the WDLI Director Judy Shurke accepts the offer, proceed to trial by jury. Defendant Russ Hinds is eager to participate in the proceedings (Questioning his accusers and calling witnesses) and eager to follow court instructions exorcising his constitutionally protected individual rights to a trial by jury and his freedom to publish a list of his skills in an effort to find a job serving his neighbors without being outrageously fined $1500.00 by inspectors at Washington Department of Labor and Industries.
4. If the Director declines the offer, dismiss the Citation No. NTHRM00462, and order the return of fees and court costs already paid by defendant Russ Hinds, $250.00.
5. If it pleases the court and WDLI Director Judy Shurke declines to prosecute before a jury, award defendant Russ Hinds, to be paid by WDLI, the equivalent of the fine assessed by Citation No. NTHRM00462, $1000.00 for all Defendant Russ Hinds’ time, expense, and aggravation while exorcising his civic duty to defend and support our state and federal constitutions. When the people of the state of Washington do not exorcise their rights and civic duties, we lose them--just as has been demonstrated by these outrageous unconstitutional Citations.
6. If Defendant Russ Hinds’ MOTION does not please the court, deny this MOTION and record the reasons for denial of a “trial by jury of peers” into the PUBLIC RECORD to inform the public that their taxes no longer pay the salaries of public servants who will support the constitutionally protected individual rights of Washington State Citizens as their Oath of Office requires, and provide copies of the ORDER DENYING THIS MOTION before the court to the defendant, Russ Hinds.
Russ Hinds
10421 E Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
Enclosures: EXHIBITS 1 though 7
Doesn't that sound reasonable? Perhaps the bureacrats at WDLI and the Office of Hearings and Appeals have been paralyzed because the Washington State Legislature has not granted them authority to conduct a trial by jury. Conducting trials is the duty of the Judicial Branch of government, not the Executive Branch (the out of control bureacrats). Can we get some cooperation between Branches of government? The proper way to enforce those citations and threats would have been WDLI filing a complaint with the Superior Court to get a JUDGMENT to enforce their fines and threats, not wasting 9 months trying to convince me that I am a bad neighbor deserving $1500.00 in fines for publishing a list of my maintenance and repair skills. If a government employee (Inspectors Phillip Jordan or Michael Thrams) writes a citation, he needs to be willing to uphold "due process of law," which in the U.S.A means that a trial by jury must be convened in cases where the dispute is greater than $20.00. Remember our Bill of Rights, Amendment VII.
So, instead of WDLI filing a complaint to get a judgment against me, they have forced me to do their job for them by seeking a trial by jury at the Superior Court of Washington. THESE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES HAVE WASTED NINE MONTHS OF TIME AND WAY OVER $1500.00 OF MY TIME AND EXPENSE, not to mention all my aggravation putting up with their nonsense! How many tax dollars have been wasted in trying to convince me that I am a bad neighbor deserving to pay the government employees $1500.00? How many government man-hours at $100.00 per hour have been spent trying to extract $1500.00 from my wallet?
Man, I hope these government employees are getting a real good picture of themselves, here. Remember, government employees can promote a civil society with liberty and justice for all, OR they can destroy society by taxing and regulating it to death in order to pay their salaries and benefits. Government employees can also guard and protect liberty and justice, or they can destroy liberty and justice, ignore it, and hide it under deception and twisted definitions of words. Maybe these guys and gals need to get their wagons out of the circle and start heading straight away toward liberty and justice. Perhaps then we wouldn't need cops on every corner to control an exasperated and rebellious population. Does anyone wonder why there is a growing constitutional movement in America? Anyone wonder why there is growing anti-government sentiment out there? People do not like being dogged by government employees at every turn. And WOW! Some politicians want to increase taxes to fund more of this nonsense? That is total insanity! Evidently, our government employees and politicians attended the atrocious government schools and watched too much TV... A mind is a terrible thing to waste! Hopefully this blog is educating them... Oh this is a good time to recall what Insp. Jordan's statement said, "Russ started in again about our nations constitution." See? These guys have no idea about our civic duty to uphold our state and federal constitutions! And we can't forget Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini's hilarious statement, “Naked castings into the constitutional sea are not sufficient to command judicial consideration and discussion.” Man, that is still funny! Ya think these government employees need some training in constitutional law and being a good neighbor?
September 18, 2012 Update: Finally a response from the appeal to the Electrical Board
Last week on September 12, I finally received an acknowledgement of my appeal to the Electrical Board for the $500.00 electrical division citation. I sent my Appeal Request on July 18, 2012. Almost 2 months to get a response from the Electrical Board. I was busy preparing for an estate sale so I put off responding to the Secretary for the Electrical Board until yesterday. The Secretary's correspondence had some instructions with it, but overall I couldn't make much sense out of it. The first paragraph draws attention to the dates associated with my timely Appeal Request. It goes so far to ask me to confirm the dates while pointing out "The Appeal appears to be timely based on the following dates: ..." Yeah, we know it was timely! I guess they are just trying to follow the rules to the letter, making sure that they don't make a mistake or bend the rules by one minute. It says, "Please compare the dates with your own records as soon as possible to verify they are accurate." Geeze...why so much emphasis on those dates? I am way more focused on getting the government employees off my back, and they want to distract me with dates and minutia?
The next paragraph points out that the Secretary of the Electrical Board will assemble the available information for the board's review, and "I am not responsible for jurisdictional issues." ...hmmm... Okay, you are not responsible for jurisdictional issues. What does that mean? What does that have to do with my hearing by the Electrical Board?
The secretary will send me an APPEAL packet with the info that he has gathered by October 1, 2012. He says I can notify him if I find the packet missing some relevant info. He scheduled the meeting for October 26, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. in Tumwater, WA. Gee, that is about 300 miles away from Spokane. Are they going to pay me mileage? He didn't say. Seems like paying me for mileage, lodging, and meals would be following equitable principles, doesn't it? Here are some synonyms for "equitable"--evenhanded, fair, reasonable, impartial, just, and unbiased. Those synonyms are good! They go along with "Liberty and Justice for all" very well. Liberty and justice for all is why we wrote and ratified our state and federal constitutions, right?
The next paragraph points out that the Board will "review the record and determine if the findings and conclusions by the Administrative Law Judge are supported by the facts and the rules and regulations pertaining to (eletrical installations)." What does parenthises and underlining mean? Good grief! "The Board may adopt, modify to a degree, or reverse the ALJ's Proposed Decision." BUT the Board "can only do what is permitted under the WAC rules and the APA." ????...hmmm... What are the WAC rules and the APA? Do I need to go find those rules and read them? So now the board can blame the rules for them not upholding our state and federal constitutions, huh? They can avoid any personal neighborly accountability for their decision... is there any end to silliness? NOW, CHECK OUT THE NEXT SENTENCE: "The board does not have the authority to render a decision based on equitable principles." WOW! The guys on the board only have authority to base their decision on UNEQUITABLE PRINCIPLES! How crazy is that? See why I can't make much sense of this correspondence? Who the heck am I dealing with? Our constituitons are not based on "unequitable principles!" Good grief! It sounds like I would get a more just decision from a council of stonage tribesmen! Have these guys abandoned civility, justice, liberty, and equitable principles?
"If either party wishes the Board to consider any written argument, it should be submitted at least forty five days prior to the scheduled hearing." Hmmm... 45 days prior to the scheduled hearing date is September 11, 2012. I didn't get this correspondence until September 12. I am getting sick to my stomach. I am going to throw up! How in the world do I communicate with these people? Is it possible to communicate with them? Are their brains missing circuitry based in civility, justice, liberty, and being a good neighbor? Have they tossed "equitable principles" out of their brains? How do you do that? Can I do it? If I could do it, perhaps I ought to go rob a bank. Then the prosecution and the judge could toss out "equitable principles" protecting the bank and let me keep the money! ...Toss out "equitable principals" protecting me and let WDLI keep my money and execute the threats contained in their citations... See? I am going to throw up in the waste basket under my desk! What planet am I on? Am I living in a cartoon where everything is upside down and backwards?
Here is the correpondence from the Secretary to the Electrical Board:
Here is my reponse:
September 17, 2012
TO: Larry Vance [for] Ronald E. Fuller
Secretary, Electrical Board
Department of Labor and Industries, Electrical Section
7273 Linderson Way
P.O. Box 44460
Olympia, WA 98504-4460
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
Ph. 509-***-****
RE: Correspondence dated Sept. 7, 2012 regarding Appeal of EJORP04884
Dear Larry and Ronald,
Thank you for the notification and instructions for an APPEAL hearing set for October 26, 2012. I do have some questions and concerns about the whole piece of correspondence. I admit that I have difficulty understanding things that don’t make sense.
First let me make a request. I would like to appear for the hearing before the Electrical Board via live video from Spokane. Will you please make arrangements for that because the expense incurred in traveling to Tumwater, WA, is more than I can afford. Remember that I was attempting to find some work when I posted my flyer on a private bulletin board. WDLI prevented me from finding work by fining me $1500.00 for posting that flyer. Thus, I have not found income necessary to travel to Tumwater. Doesn’t it seem a little foolish to fine the people whom you won’t allow to publish a list of their skills in an effort to find a job? How do you expect jobless people to pay outrageous fines?
Now, the dates which you cite on your correspondence do agree with my records concerning my timely submission of my appeal. My Appeal Request was correctly submitted within the 20 day time limit. However, your correspondence and instructions in response to my Appeal has NOT been submitted to me in a timely manner according to the instructions in your correspondence. Quote from your instructions: “If either party wishes the Board to consider any written argument, it should be submitted at least forty five days prior to the scheduled hearing. You are strongly encouraged to submit any written materials you wish the Board to consider as soon as possible as failure to timely submit written materials may result in exclusion of your materials.”
Your scheduled hearing date: October 26, 2012 at 9:00 a.m.
45 days prior to scheduled hearing date: Sept. 11, 2012
Date of delivery for your certified correspondence: Sept. 12, 2012
As you can see from the above dates, I received your correspondence and instructions 44 days prior to your scheduled hearing date. What is up with that? You know that I have been listening to and responding to government employees who have been trying to convince me that I am a bad neighbor deserving to be fined $1500.00 for publishing a list of my skills in an effort to find a job for 10 months. Are we attempting to write a script for a comic book? I have a lifetime of experience dealing with comical government employees. Unfortunately, the incompetence and disregard of Constitutional Law is not very humorous at all. Real people’s lives are seriously harmed by incompetence and disregard of our State and Federal Constitutions. And remember that many lives have been sacrificed in order to write and defend our constitutions which were written to preserve liberty and justice for our posterity. It really is very serious stuff. Our constitutions were written on the basis of preserving civilized society and good neighbors. For example: good neighbors don’t restrict their neighbor’s “free speech” right to publish a list of their skills in an effort to find a job. Good neighbors don’t selectively enforce law, “equal protection under the law.” Good neighbors don’t deprive their neighbors of a trial by a jury of their neighbors. Simple stuff to understand, but living in a comic book world seems to turn government employees into Wile E Coyote. He couldn’t do anything right, either. Does any public servant have enough dignity and self respect to uphold our constitutions?
Speaking of a trial by jury, here is another proposal for the Electrical Board. As you should know, your WDLI Electrical Inspector Phillip Jordan took my flyer to WDLI Contractor Program Inspector Michael Thrams. Mr. Thrams mailed me an additional citation for $1000.00. for publishing a list of my skills in an effort to find a job. According to ALJ Mark Kim’s instructions, I have appealed that citation to the Superior Court of Washington Spokane County. I have moved the Court to provide facilities and the authority to WDLI Director Judy Shurke in order to conduct a trial by jury for a judgment regarding Citation NTHRM00462 [with the option of including Citation EJORP04884]. Since it is unlikely that the Electrical Board will convince me that I am a bad neighbor deserving $500.00 in fines for publishing a list of my skills in an effort to find a job, will the Electrical Board, Dir. Judy Shurke, and the Superior Court of Washington get together to provide me with the constitutionally prescribed speedy trial by jury? Even though it is a little late for “speedy.” Being confined to the state of Washington for 1 year in order to adjudicate these citations is certainly not very “speedy” or neighborly.
Short list of requests by Russ Hinds in this letter:
1. Provide a live video hearing between Spokane and Tumwater.
2. Move the date of the Electrical Board Hearing to allow Russ Hinds to submit written documents for consideration by the Board 45 days before the scheduled hearing.
3. Merge EJORP04884 with NTHRM00462 and provide a trial by jury at the Superior Court of Washington Spokane County for a lawful judgment, acquittal or conviction by a jury of my good neighbors. See if you can convince 12 of my neighbors that I am a bad neighbor deserving $1500.00 in fines for publishing a list of my skills in an effort to find a job.
Response requested.
Need I say more? Am I living in a comic book cartoon? HELP!!!!
October 2, 2012 UPDATE: Recieved a letter from Ronald Fuller, Chief Electrical Inspector.
Wow! This letter contains an apology!
I don't know what to think of this letter. I need to analyze it very closely. I was also desiring to post a REVIEW UPDATE on this blog before I recieved this letter from Ronald. It turns out that analyzing this letter against a review of this whole outragious episode would be beneficial. So, let me do a short review then I will analyze this letter which contains an apology:
1. After a refreshing and peaceful 1000 mile bicycle ride, I innocently post a flyer on a private bulletin board hoping to serve my neighbors and earn some pocket money. I say "innocent" because there was absolutely no mischief concieved in my mind to decieve or take advantage of my neighbors. I was simply desiring to help my neighbors with minor repairs around their homes, and I was looking forward to meeting new friends. I have been doing maintenance repairs for years and years. As a maintenance supervisor at a large high end apartment complex, I have been teaching young inexperienced technicians under my supervision how to do electrical repairs and installations, and I made many friends of the residents in the apartment complex. Many of the residents were living there while waiting for their new house to be built in Reno, NV. When these friends would move into their new house, they would call me to perform repairs and installations for them. Often times, I would have to correct miswired three-way switches which were installed by the licensed electrical contractors. It was just "normal" for me, as I have never willingly asked any government employee for permission to do any work for anybody. I thought licenses and certificates were just resume enhancements, not something that gives permission while punishing those who do work without government employee permission, licenses and certificates. I have gotten along pretty well in life on my own competence and honesty, and it is shocking for me to believe that a homeowner does not have the freedom to hire who he wants to perform services without permission from government employees, third party interference. I still have a hard time believing that the state of Washington desires to interfere in every service, contract, and transaction performed in the state. "Almost every activity of work," as ALJ Mark Kim said.
2. Next, this retarded government employee who is paid to monitor private bulletin boards and craigslist ads PUNKS my father in order to extract a mailing address from him. So, here you have me honestly and innocently posting a flyer looking for a job, and that provokes a government employee to deliberately decieve my father in order to obtain a mailing address to send a $500.00 citation in the mail!
Decieving neighbors is "normal" for this government employee?
Failing to provide official credentials in a neighbor to neighbor conversation is "normal" for this government employee?
Issuing unsigned $500.00 citations through the mail without an "official warning" is "normal" for this government employee?
Passing the flyer AND ADDRESS to another retarded government employee with the intention of issuing a second citation for $1000.00 is "normal" for this government employee?
How in the world can all that be "normal" for these government employees? There are only 2 ways I can figure that can be:
a. These guys have been ordered and trained and convinced to do those things through misguided logic, by convincing Jordan and Thrams that they are "protecting" the public. So, they fail to protect the guy who innocently posts a flyer listing his skills in an effort to find a job, while believing they are protecting another member of the public. Throw in the poorly written RCWs and nothing makes much sense. They "just do their job" and collect a government paycheck.
b. I hurt the inspector's feelings by bringing up the U.S. Constitution and not kissing his rear. I poked his ego, and my father poked the other inspector's ego when Thrams called my father. This leads the inspectors to push the application of the RCWs to the extreme out of malice toward someone who stood up to them failing to cower and kiss rear... "That guy dissed me! I'll teach him a lesson!"
If "a." is true, then we can deduce that government from top to bottom seeks to constantly expand and control and collect revenue in order to exand and control. The career bureacrats at the top seek to grow their own little kingdom, and no elected representative of the people is checking up on them. Remember that the governor "does not have the saff or the authority" to supervise the career bureaucrats in the executive branch of state government. Boy Howdy! How would you like that job? Work your way into an executive position in the bureacracy and comfortably kick back and watch the revenue come in from fines and fees. Then, when you finally get some resistance from an informed intelligent citizen, you can send out miseducated Assistant Attorney Generals and unprofessional nonsensical correpondence; having little experience in upholding our state and federal constitutions while seeking to maintain your little kingdom at the top of the bureaucracy...So there you have it! They protect themselves and their bureacracy by protecting and expanding government power over the citizen, rather that "maintain individual rights" as the state constitution requires them to do.
If "b." is true, then we have witnessed the higher-ups circle the wagons around irresponsible and unneighborly conduct by the guys at the bottom of their totem pole. By circling the wagons, they are once again trying to protect their own power, jobs, and ego against their "enemy," an informed and intelligent citizen. But, "b." can't be true because the inspectors are giving everyone without a business license citations in the mail... They even stop by small out of the way convenience stores demanding to see their bulletin board and any stack of business cards that are left out for the locals to pick up. That seems like something Al Capone would do. Intimidating and bullying seems to be the name of the game.
WHY NOT SIMPLY UPHOLD OUR STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS ON THE SAME PAGE AND SAME SIDE THAT THEIR NEIGHBORS ARE ON? That would be the simple right thing to do. Liberty and justice for all! Instead, these retarded government employees want my constitutional defense thrown out of judicial consideration and discussion. HOW CRAZY IS THAT?!!!
3. So now, rather than go to court over these citations, I run into this creature called "Adminstrative Law" and "administrative law judges." I'm not allowed to defend myself in court in front of a jury. I have to listen to and respond to government employees trying to convince me that I am a bad neighbor deserving to pay $1500.00 in fines for posting a flyer in attempt to find a job. Do these guys really think that I am that stupid? They think that I am too lazy to defend myself against their intimidating citations sent to me in the mail? They expect me to go along with their "authority" over my life? Good grief! You would think that the higher up the totem pole in government you go, the more educated in constitutional law and American history you would get. But, that is not so. The top thinks that government is the good guy and everyone else are bad guys. They are in charge of fixing everything and taxing and regulating everything in order to pay their salaries to fix everything. Not very humble and decent people from my perspective. Although I sensed that ALJ Mark Kim had some remnants of a conscience seeking to do the right thing, he decided to affirm the citations. Not affirming the citations might undermine their whole bureaucracy. Perhaps undermine his own job, because without crazy citations and appeals, his job wouldn't be needed. He has to protect his paycheck, too. He just can't uphold our state and federal constitutions because his "tribunal does not have the authority to rule on the constitutionality of RCW 18......" What a tangled up mind people must have in order to work for government! I sure can't see how they do it. Perhaps it has to do with "compartmentilzation" as that word was used during the Clinton adminstration and his sexual exploits. Put your conscience and wisdom into a compartment while you are at work for the government for 8 hours a day. That is my guess. I can't do that, though. Anyway, these "administrative hearings" conducted by "Administrative Law Judges" amount to nothing more than another bunch of government employees attempting to convince victims of outragious citations to pay them. Like I am supposed to think, "Well, I had my trial and lost, now I guess I have to pay the fine, or else they will come after with all their intimidating threats." Well, I don't think that way!
4. So I follow the ALJ's instructions and attempt to file an appeal of the $1000.00 contractor citation with the Superior Court of Washington Spokane County. I get my filing sent back to me and then run into more stonewalling. The court wants me to sue the Department of Labor and Industries as the plaintiff and complainer. I finally get fees reduced and I file as a defendent seeking an APPEAL of ALJ Mark Kim's FINAL ORDER. I haven't heard from the court since I sent in my $50.00 money order and MOTION. What are they doing? Are they ignoring my MOTION, or have I confused them? Perhaps they don't know how to conduct an APPEAL from a defendent. Perhaps I don't fit in with their routine. I am still waiting for a decision on my MOTION before the court. What is taking them so long?
5. After almost 2 months I finally hear from someone at the "Electrical Board" regarding my APPEAL of the $500.00 electrical citation. Their correspondence and instructions don't make any sense, but it provides me with an opportunity to respond. We must have some communication. I am not going to follow every government employee dictate like some undereducated slave. And that brings me to this most recent letter. It is from Ronald Fuller, not "Larry Vance (for) Ronald Fuller." That is good, very good. I am not interested in dealing with a bunch of middle men mucking things up. Middle men usually are there simply to protect the senior bureaucrat and be the fall guy when things go wrong. I wonder if Ronald noticed my tweek--"Dear Larry and Ronald, ..." LOL
Before I put up the letter from Chief Electrical Inspector Ronald Fuller, let me explain my use of the word "retarded." I use this word for low level government employees because the government schools really have retarded their learning, their knowledge, and their understanding. Government schools do not instill moral and friendly foundations necessary for logical reasoning and independent problem solving capabilities. Government schools churn out people who are conditioned to obey authority. Obey the teacher, the principal, the cop, the government, and obey your superiors if you get a job for the government. It is not the same as making a law against teaching a black man to read like they did before the Civil War, but the results are the same. The slave owners wanted ignorant obedient slaves, they certainly didn't want logical thinking slaves who may question the "rightness" of selling their 12 year old child... They didn't want literate black slaves capable of reading the Bible, either. ["Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," and "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."]
Government school curriculum today, deliberately undermines family values and dumbs down (retards) the learning of their students. And the graduates don't even know that they have been dumbed down. Try comparing a 12th grade test given in 1900 to a 12th grade test given today. You will be amazed at how much 12th graders were required to know prior to graduation in 1900. I think you can find that stuff here on the internet pretty easy. Now we know how a government employee can punk an old man, mail an unsigned $500.00 citation to a fellow citizen, pass on the flyer and address to another inspector so that he can mail an additional $1000.00 citation, lie in their unsigned written statements, etc, etc. The above problem with government schools also explains AAG Angela Zurlini..., "Naked castings into the constitutional sea..." WHEW!!!
Here is the letter from Ronald Fuller, Chief Electrical Inspector:
The letter is addressed to me and AAG Angela Zurlini. Apparently Zurlini is still the attorney for Washington Department of Labor and Industries defending the citations and the actions of the Inspectors who issued the citations. It still just amounts to more government employees trying to convince me that I am a bad neighbor deserving $1500.00 in fines for publishing a list of my skills in an effort to find a job. It feels like I am simply being bullied into going along with their nonsense. I am amazed at their ability to overlook the RCWs which demand "Ethics in government" while trying to find me "unethical" and guilty of some crime. So, if I send a brief to the Electrical Board, Zurlini may respond to it. Gee, that will be fun, again!
Dear Mr. Hinds and Ms. Zurlini,
Tracy Prezeau, as Chair of the Electrical Board, has approved Mr. Hinds request to continue this matter until the next regularly scheduled Board meeting in January 2013. A formal letter notifying you of the date and time of that meeting will be sent well in advance so that you will both have adequate time to prepare any briefing you wish to submit.
Looks like they jumped on the opportunity to delay their "hearing." No mention of a jury trial, per my request. A jury trial is the last thing they want, because that takes their power and authority over the dumbed down slaves away and puts it in the hands of a jury of dumbed down slaves. These guys are the bosses, the people aren't the bosses. Career bureaucrats run the government while the people are distracted voting for impotent politicians incapable of overseeing the impossible to manage bureaucratic leviathon that grows and grows and spreads its tenticles into every possible activity that is performed by the individual citizens of the state. Evidently, they want to keep me chained to their system, probably hoping I'll give up my efforts to stand up to their nonsense. Then, following their hearing, they will agree with the Administrative Law Judge and affirm the fines, throwing out "equitable principles" and common decency. They will ignore the conduct of their inpectors, "It is not relevent to the violation," I can hear them say. Can you hear them say it? I can also hear them say, "If you have a grievance against the inspectors, you can file a grievance through the appropriate channels or take it to court." Forget about government upholding our state and federal constitutions and forget about government maintaining liberty and justice for all. PEOPLE, THIS IS NOT HOW GOVERNMENT IS SUPPOSED TO WORK! THEY WORK FOR US UNDER THE STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONAL GUIDELINES WHICH WE THE PEOPLE ESTABLISHED. Our public servants have become our slave masters. They cannot fathom "equitable principles," common sense, and common decency. They are skilled at using thousands of pages of rules, regulations, and codes to further their own careers and government power. They are skilled at using words and twisted definitions of words to curtail our constitutional protections. They will tax and fine and tax and fine while convincing themselves that they are "just doing their job" for the people. And there are too few people who will stand united against them looking them straight in the eye saying, "Uphold our state and federal constitutions and liberty and justice for all." Might as well not have our constitutions, as much a AAG Zurlini wants to throw them into the unfathomable sea.
In addition, Mr Hinds, please be advised the Electrical Board has, as a general rule, declined to allow appellants to appear telephonically. In light of this, please be advised that your request to appear "via live video from Spokane has also been denied by the Chair.
Okay. Continue to throw out "equitable principles" and common sense and common decency. Continue to ignore my request for a trial by jury... Continue to try to bully me into going along with your unconstitutional nonsense...
Finally, if you were advised that an additional appeal bond was required, that was in error and we apologize. No further appeal bond is required to appeal a decision from the Office of Administrative hearings to the Electrical Board.
WOW! Look at that! An admission of error and an apology! Albeit, "if" I was advised of an additional appeal bond. I wasn't advised, but how would I know what their proceedures and rquirements are? I don't work for the government and my life does not revolve around government employee dictates, rules, bonds, fines, and etc. However, government employee jobs are supposed to revolve around our state and federal constitutions and being a good neighbor.
I wonder why Ronald Fuller felt the need to include that admission of error and apology? Was it an attempt to appear human and friendly? Was he hoping to reach out to me? Insert the possibility that they may rule fairly and justly at the Electrical Board? Perhaps it was a little plea for me to stop making them look bad on this blog. You know what? I can't make people look bad. They make themselves look bad by their own words and actions. I can only point out their words and actions, BUT THEY ARE THE ONE DOING IT! They make themselves look bad. but if they upheld our state and federal constitutions and their own "Ethics" RCW, they would make themselves look good. And I wouldn't have anything to point out.
There you have it. I do not need to respond to this letter. We just extended "getting the government employees off my back" for another 3 months. And I am still waiting to hear from the government employees at the Superior Court of Washington Spokane County. Boy, aren't those guys wonderful public servants??!! They are so willing to adhere to our state and federal constitutions, aren't they? It is not like pulling teeth, is it? Speedy trial, anyone? Right to defend myself before a jury of good neighbors, anyone?
Let me point this out: I would have went along with a warning and changed the wording of my flyer. I would have griped and paid a $100.00 citation just to get the government employees off my back. I may have even paid a $500.00 citation after appealing it and making sure the government employees knew my protests. BUT PASSING ON A FLYER TO ANOTHER INSPECTOR SO THAT AN ADDITIONAL $1000.00 CITATION COULD BE SENT THROUGH THE MAIL WITHOUT THE COURTESY OF A FACE TO FACE CONVERSATION AND PRESENTATION OF CREDENTIALS!
Man, that is way over the top! That is flat out unfriendly abuse showing contempt for your neighbors! These inspectors should not be in government jobs where they are supposed to serve the public. AND THE HIGHER UPS SHOULD NOT BE DEFENDING UNFRIENDLY ABUSE SHOWING CONTEMPT FOR YOUR NEIGHBORS!!! That is not civilized behavior in a society that ought to promote friendly and just neighbors doing our civic duty to uphold our state and federal constitutions which were purchased and defended with the blood of patriots. American patriots did not go to war defending liberty and our constitutions so that government employees could send $1500.00 citations in the mail to people who publish a list of their skills in an effort to find a job.
See? I can't make people look bad. They make themselves look bad by their own actions...
October 15, 2012 UPDATE: Got a letter setting the date for the Electrical Board hearing.
You must know that I long to hang out with liberty minded people who desire to live lives unmolested by government employees... I often find refreshment on the internet, since I haven't found a serious group of educated men desiring to be free from parasitic government bureaucracy sucking the life out of people who are just trying to live peaceful productive lives. Well, I found this wonderful video of two young girls with parents who teach about liberty and the fact that many soldiers give their lives in defense of liberty and our constitutions.
WOW! What an inspiring refreshing video! I'd like to hang out with their parents! Is there a liberty force, club, think tank, brainstormers, near Spokane WA? Can I start a Liberty Force if there isn't one? We need men of courage with confidence in what they know is right and good to stand up to blind out of control government employees. If anyone wants to get together for support, encouragement, and brainstorming please contact me through this blog site here. Put your curser on the second icon under "MEMBERS" at the top right of this blog (("Russ Hinds" will appear under the icon) Click the icon, then you can click "send a message."
So, I wonder if Ronald the Chief Electrical Inspector has seen this video? Does Ronald think that our soldiers sacrificed their lives for his right to send $1500.00 tickets in the mail to people who publish a list of their skills in an effort to find a job? You know what? I still haven't recieved a phone call from anyone apologizing for this mess! Come on, Ronald! Do the courteous thing and give me a call expressing your concern about arguing this nonsense for 15 months. Ronald, you know that due to your threats contained in your citations I can't move on to another state and put this nonsense behind me because I am in your nationwide computor system--your citations and warrant (threat of futher legal action) will follow me whereever I go. You know that for the last year, you government employees have been getting paid to argue and bully while I am having to pay all of my expenses and devote my own time to standing up to your nonsense.
I blasted the entire Washington State legislature with an email to this blog and a few of them called me. That was very nice of them and our conversations were refreshing, talking about liberty and our constitutions. Ever had one of those converations, Ronald? I also had a couple of those conversations with some people who came to my garage sale. It was the second garage sale that we had this year. Are there any RCWs restricting my garage sales? Can I have another garage sale this year without upsetting a government employee? Do I have the liberty to do that, Ronald? You are the expert on Washington State RCWs. RCWs were never even mentioned in the school I went to. Things are getting crazy out here, you know, Ronald. I have seen news stories about little girls getting citations for lemonade stands. Good grief!
Hmmm... I wonder if there is an RCW retricting government employees from apologizing for their assaults on the public? Maybe that is why Insp. Phil Jordan and Insp. Micheal Thrams haven't called me to apologize. I would have apologized a long time ago if I were in their shoes, but then I wouldn't have sent $1500.00 citations to my neighbors in the first place...
I'll be back to put my new letter from Ronald up...
Here is the letter from Ronald Fuller, Chief Electrical Inspector and Secretary to the Electrical Board:
3. the extent or range of judicial, law enforcement, or other authority: This case comes under the jurisdiction of the local police.
4. the territory over which authority is exercised: All islands to the northwest are his jurisdiction.
So, Ronald is not reponsible to determine if my case falls under the Electrical Board's jurisdiction? If I claim that they have no jurisdiction over me, Ronald wants me to know that I can't complain to him because he is not responsible for juridictional issues? Is that what Ronald means? Or does he mean that he is not responsible for the decision that the Electrical Board may make? In other words, he doesn't want me to present an argument to him because he has no control of the Electrical Board's decision?
Okay... let's see..., the Electrical Board has established that it has jurisdiction over posting flyers on bulletin boards in the state of Washington. Nowhere have I claimed that the bureaucracy doesn't have jurisdiction, but I have claimed that it is outside the authority of our state and federal constitutions. This is silly! I suppose I could claim that the bureacracy has no jurisdiction over "private" bulletin boards. But I think Ronald really wants to inform me that I am not arguing with him, therefore correspondence needs to be addressed to the Electrical Board, and that if I don't like the outcome of their hearing, Ronald deserves no retribution for an unfavorable decision. Is he protecting himself from the angered public? Is he not responsible for upholding our state and federal constitutions? I think he means that he is not reponsible for his actions while employed by the government. All government employees are basically not responsible for anything. The RCWs are responsible, the WAC rules are responsible, the Administrative Procedure Act is responsible, and the bogey man is responsible. He is just doing his job... Mind boggling! I guess all government employees have been ordered to; "Do your government job oblivious to our state and federal constitutions." Been doing that for too many decades, haven't we?
This letter omits mentioning "equitable principals," which their first letter mentioned. Evidently my blog post got through to them. They don't want anymore discussion of equitable principles. I'm sure they would prefer to avoid common decency, morals, friendly neighbors, and civility, also. Sheesh!
Hmmm...the salutation is wierd to me; "Ladies/Gentleman." It just seems a little goofy, and I get strange vibes from it. It is like he is a little flippant, cavalier about being caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Like he knows the gig may be up, and that his role is looking bad on a blog website, but he has to "do his job" carrying out the established procedures whether he likes it or not because the bogeyman requires it. Perhaps I am getting through to them. In the back of their minds, they know that I am right, but they can't admit it. Admitting it might be devastating to the bogeyman's (the government's) authority, power, and revenue. Our state and federal governments simply can't "repent" of being miles outside constitutional authority ever since LBJs "Great Society," the welfare state. Our state and federal government would rather double down on socialism and "control" by implementing free government controlled healthcare. Man, when are the people going to wake up and put government employees into the unemployement line so that we can free up private employment opportunities by getting rid of overbearing taxes, fees, fines, and regulations?
You know what? I really really hope this blog plays a role in devastating the bogeyman's authority, power, and revenue. I'd love to see a monkey wrench thrown into the government machine and blow the whole excessive oppressive expensive government machine to pieces! Hey government employees, have an epiphany and start paying attention to state and federal constitutions while being good neighbors and friends!!!! Perhaps you would start earning the respect of the public instead of exasperating and provoking the public. If I can get a Liberty Force Club started, I will invite Insp. Phil Jordan, Insp. Michael Thrams, AAG Angela Zurlini, ALJ Mark Kim, and "Larry and Ronald" to attend our meetings for instruction on liberty, justice, our constitutions, and being good supportive and wise neighbors. We used to have a nation of friendly good neighbors. The French author Alexis de Toqueville excitedly and approvingly wrote about it in the 1840s, or there about. Perhaps I could make some new friends by educating government employees in a Liberty Force Club! That would be cool!
God bless, and enjoy that Franklin Girls video again as much as I did,
November 4, 2012: Silence from the Superior Court of Washington Spokane County for over 2 months.
I think it is good time to comment on the fact that it has been over 2 months since I mailed my money order, MOTION, and 7 exhibits to the Superior Court of Washington Spokane County. I haven't heard anything back from them. Did they assign a judge to hear my MOTION? Did they table the MOTION for whatever procedural reason they can think of, meaning my paperwork contains requests which they say cannot be performed by their offices? For example: My MOTION requests that the judge "officially serve/subpoena" the Director of Washington Department of Labor and Industries, Judy Shurke, to ask her if her Department would like to use the authority and facilities of the Superior Court to provide the constitutionally mandated trial by jury in order to prosecute their citation(s). Has this request stumped the government employees at the Superior Court? Is such a request by a DEFENDENT unprecedented and outside their job description and outside their common practices?
There really is a lot to be said here. To start with, I have made every request I can possibly make. "Have I filled out the appropriate paperwork and has that paperwork reached the appropriate people?" No answer...
"Could you provide me with the name of a Superior Court contact (perhaps a public defender) whom I can trust to help me file my APPEAL as I was instructed to do in ALJ Mark Kim’s FINAL ORDER?" No answer...
Are Superior Court employees "public servants" or "government servants?" If the Department of Labor and Industries went to the Superior Court for ORDERS enforcing the threats they included in their citations, the court would be right on the ball issuing ORDERs to sieze my bank account, my property, wage garnishment, etc. But, my MOTION before the court carries no weight? My MOTION is based on Constitutional Law, "free speech, due process of law, and trial by jury." Yet, no action by the Superior Court???
You mean, an idiot who works for the government can approach the court asking to sieze peoples' property and the court will jump to attention and issue the ORDERs and WARRENTs necessary to execute the threats included on the citations without first having a trial by jury and getting a conviction of guilt? Is that how "justice" works in our government these days? Good grief!!!! I think there is mass confusion within our government. I think government has slid way off course and way outside the limits placed on it by our state and federal constitutions! How's that for an understatement? There is too much "mass," too many people, around the water coolers in government buildings, and too much "confusion," IQs absent knowledge of our state and federal constitutions and knowledge of how to be civilized decent neighbors.
Did you know that I used to work for the government? Yes, I was a WG 8 employee of the National Park Service with about 7 years of service. I know about the "water cooler culture" found in government buildings. Everyone likes their secure government paycheck and everyone wants pats on the back for doing a good job. Do you think that anyone at the water cooler will tell Insp. Phillip Jordan that issuing $500.00 citations through the mail to people who publish a list of their skills in an effort to find a job is unconstitutional? Hell no!!! Phillip goes to the conversation around the water cooler desiring to legitimize his citations through the mail (his job and paycheck) and seeking pats on the back like the rest of the government employees around the water cooler. Of course the others want their jobs and paychecks legitimized, too. They all are happy to oblige each other with pats on the back. The water cooler is where you go when you need encouragement and confirmation for doing unconstitutional things. Can you hear the talk? "We need to stop people from posting flyers because we need to protect the public from unlicensed work." "Yeah, people can get hurt from shoddy electrical work." "Boy, that Russ Hinds sure has the gall to think that he doesn't have to obey the laws." See how that works? See how government employees descend into demonizing anyone who threatens their legitimacy and security and paycheck? It reminds me of the conversations in the small town bar where I grew up. Misery loves company, and people will sympathize with others even while the others are doing wrong things, like unconstitutional things, like sending $1500.00 citations through the mail for publishing a list of your skills looking for a job. Imagine what would happen if someone at the watercooler said, "Gee, we have constitutions which protect free speech and publishing a list of your skills in an effort to find a job." LOL... wouldn't that blow their minds and break up the pity party at the water cooler? Ha, ha... It sure would cool their jets. Everyone would hurriedly abandon the water cooler and run away from the guy who said that! I know... I used to work for the government... Geezo.. writing this stuff is too easy. All I have to do is recall my past experiences.
Government needs employees who will bring up our constitutions at the water cooler, but in this day and age, they are run out of town or pushed into corners where they cannot advance up the ladder. If you bring up the moral foundations of law, you will be even further excluded from the club at the water cooler. This causes things to get uncomfortable for the good government employee who has a conscience based in caring about our constitutions and being good neighbors. The good government employee will begin to dread going to work, and if he sticks to his guns, he may find it better to leave his government job. And what happens then? GOVERNMENT BECOMES ENTIRELY RUN BY THE SMALL MINDS PATTING EACH OTHER ON THE BACK AT THE WATERCOOLER.
So, what is happening at the water cooler in the Superior Court of Washington Spokane County? Probably, just same-o same-o... My MOTION is buried in a stack of paper on someone's desk. They don't know what to do with it. Perhaps they know that any correspondence that they send to me will be placed on this blog and torn to pieces using our constitutions and the moral foundations of law which define good neighbors and civilized conduct with liberty and justice for all. No one dares to bring up my MOTION before the Superior Court at the water cooler... I challenge someone at the Superior Court to bring up the state and federal constitutions and the file which contains my MOTION... Just see what happens...
--Sometimes the guy whose stack of files which contains my MOTION gets a thought about the file popping into his head;
"Oh yeah... ugh... Two and one half months have gone by for this file..."
"What do we do?"
"...thinking... thinking... thinking..."
"Oh... I have got to get this file over here done, then I can get back to that MOTION from Russ Hinds..."--
There sits my MOTION before the court...
I know what the government employees need to do! HAVE A PARADIGM SHIFT AND START UPHOLDING OUR STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS AND START BEING GOOD NEIGHBORS PROTECTING LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL BASED UPON THE MORAL FOUNDATIONS OF LAW!!!! We need a few people at the water coolers in government buildings reminding government employees to serve the public under the constraints of our constitutions while "maintaining individual rights." "Maintaining individual rights" is a quote from our Washington State Constitution. Have an epiphany and get out of your small mind... please... pretty please?
And, I will close this update with another wonderful recent video I found. I sure like to see people opening up their eyes to see what has been destroying America, our families, and our posterity's future for the last five decades.
PORTER STANSBERRY--Why there are no new jobs in America
November 18, 2012 UPDATE. ...Sorry readers, still no response from the Superior Court.
I guess they are ignoring me. And if they keep it up, I won't have much to write here until I send a new HEARING BRIEF to the Electrical Board. The new hearing date for the Electrical Board has been set for January 31, 2013, according to that last letter from Ronald which I posted here on October 15.
What can I do? It is just little ol' Russ, one member of the public whom they are supposed to be serving while they keep an eye on our state and federal constitutions with liberty and justice for all! I can't do anything, except get angry. But, I know that they would love it if I got angry and did something foolish, like threatening the government employees. Perhaps, that is their game plan. Delay and delay until they can provoke me into doing something stupid. How do you like that trick? Wouldn't they love to have some ammo to use against me? They would... I know, because I used to work for the government. I had a boss in the NPS who wanted to get me fired. I was an idealistic young man who wasn't afraid to speak up about nonsense going on in the National Monument where I worked. Trouble is, even after I tried to temper my zeal, you could read my face like a book. If I thought something was stupid and wrong, you could read it on my face. I didn't need to say anything at all. This trait of mine started to annoy me because I couldn't conceal my thoughts. I can come up with at least a dozen examples of stupidity which I protested. Lots of funny stories.
So, this maintenance forman at the National Park Service started keeping a file on me, which recorded his version of our "counseling" sessions. I wasn't informed of the file... then came the supposed "cave collapse" which was reported in the local Sunday newspaper. I was sent to barracade the cave so I got some flashlights to see this "collapse" for myself. I quickly figured out that it was no collapse at all, but it was vandalism. Simply trying to inform park management of the truth got me expelled from the administration office (I wasn't allowed to return), and my forman figured out that the superintendent would not object to getting me fired. The forman started the process with a LETTER OF ADMONISHMENT for my personel file. That is when I found out about his secret file on me. I was quite shocked at this because I had done nothing wrong. But, boy this forman knew how to write using vague words to infer that I was "insubordinate, threatening, and beligerent." He even made it sound like I used abusive and offensive language. However, for the last year, I hadn't used one cuss word, neither did I display anger, because my wife was divorcing me so that she could pursue a social life as a bartender. Previously, I had displayed too much anger at my wife for being asked to go to the bar every friday night after work and wasting $200.00 a month. She was trying to portray me as being violent in order to justify her divorce. I merely thought it was time to grow up and raise a family, and leave the bar behind. My sons were aged 5 and 7. After living with her while she deliberately tried to provoke me into hitting her in order to justify her divorce, I was wise to the provocations of my NPS forman. (I never did lay a hand on her.) One day, this forman approached me while shouting that I need to go home for breaking up and removing some deteriorated concrete that he wanted to pour new concrete over. He got so close into my space that our chests were touching. I knew he wanted me to swing at him, but all I did was rub noses with him like the Eskimos do in Alaska. LOL...Man, that was funny! I had already responded to 2 LETTERS OF ADMONISHMENT and 2 LETTERS OF REPRIMAND, prior to rubbing noses, and I had carbon copied my responses to the NPS regional offices in San Francisco. By then, the regional office government employees were figuring out that things were getting out of hand at Lava Beds NM. My forman issued a PROPOSAL TO SUSPEND FOR 14 DAYS for rubbing noses that day. It had not occured to him that he was showing his true colors to the regional offices. I filed GRIEVANCES for all of the adverse actions against me, which the higher up government employees circled the wagons around management against little ol' Russ. Eventually, we had a Hearings Examiner from Washington DC come to Lava Beds to conduct a hearing concerning all the goings on. Meanwhile, after wasting $50,000,00 on a study of the cave "collapse" it was officially determined to be vandalism in the FINAL REPORT. I was assigned to clean up the mess and repair the steel stairway in the lava tube cave.
See? I have too much experience dealing with government employees. I just wish it would end some time soon. I grew up watching The Andy Griffith Show, Little House on the Prairie, and Bonanza. The people on those shows knew how to stop stupidity from getting out of hand. In fact, Sherriff Andy Griffith had to enlighten Deputy Barney Fife on practically every show. How would Andy Griffith handle Inspector Phillip Jordan? Would he stop Jordan from issuing $500.00 citations through the mail? Would Andy Griffith and Michael Landon smooth things over between Insp. Phil and myself? Wouldn't they remind Barney (Insp. Phil) that we are neighbors and we ought to get along without provoking each other?
And, what would Ben Cartwright, Hoss, and Little Joe do if they found out that the town government had been fraudulently taken over by a criminal cabal? What if the criminal cabal was issuing fines and fees and regulations that enriched the corrupt town council while preventing the neighbors in town from freely working with each other? What would Ben Cartwright, Hoss, and Little Joe do? Wouldn't they organize the people of the town to take back their government? Wouldn't that provoke violence from the criminal cabal? Perhaps they would trump up some charges to get Ben Cartwright thrown in jail. Surely, the show would have to have some gunfire at some point, with the good guys coming out on top of course. The bad guys would be run out of town! Happy ending with justice and liberty for all!
So, where are the cooler and wiser heads in my case? Are they hiding from me? Well, that is not wise and it is not the right thing to do. Are there no "Ben Cartwrights" in the Washington State Legislature? Can they get together to smooth things over between me and the Department of Labor and Industries? Straighten up the out of control guys? I emailed the entire legislature, but only a few responded to me. They don't think that there is much they can do... the statist party (democrats) control the legislature and the governorship. Evidently, the bureaucracy has no fear and respect of individual representatives of the people. The liberty reps will be voted out after a couple terms if they rock the government boat too much... The bureaucracy can just bide its time...pretend to go along and be polite, while continuing their outragious control agenda and police state. And the Dems will surely devote the bulk of their campaign money toward defeating liberty minded "small government" legislators who stick their neck out and rock the boat. I wonder how much government employees contribute to big government Democratic campaign funds.
The truth is, the bureaucracy is a creation of the legislature and the reps of the people have oversight. They can make changes to the bureacracy according to serving their constituents, "We the People." They need courage, fortitude, and an ability to communicate the foundations which our founding fathers expressed. And, America is rich in goodness and good clean entertainment such as the TV programs I just mentioned. Although most of the good TV programing came from the 50s, 60, and 70s, it is still there and avaliable to educate government employees. John Wayne stood up to a lot of bad guys. He even advocated for constitutional government a time or two. Then, there are all the great Bible epics like The Ten Commandments, Samson and Delilah, Esther, The Story of Ruth, Ben Hur, Quo Vadis, and much more. How about The Sound of Music? Would the people at the Superior Court benefit from watching that? I am just considering what we can do to educate government employees.... Sometimes it takes a stubborn wise man to stop a stubborn bully...
I started out this update intending to be nice to the government employees. I just want to have a real person to real person conversation like we used to have back in the 50s, and 60s, and 70s. None of this nonsense, "I am a government official and you must do what I say because I am just doing my job." Somehow we have got to have an epiphany and go back to being decent people without being divided against each other by third party government interference in our lives... What a nice thought to end with. Wake up... there is joy found in doing the right thing and being good neighbors.
I hope you enjoyed this update even though I am unable to bring more silly "official" correspondence to it. Have a great day!
Oh, 45 days prior to the new hearing date is December 16. I will need to have my HEARING BRIEF in before then.
December 6, 2012, UPDATE: Emails, stats, and some creepy videos...
Unfortunately, I have not heard from the Superior Court of Washington Spokane County regarding my APPEAL. What in the world is going on with these people? Where are they? Absolutely no contact with me since I paid $50.00 to file my APPEAL and MOTION three and one half months ago on Aug. 24. The longer they cowardly avoid doing their job correctly and constitutionally, the more intense the laughter becomes from the readers of this blog. I have enjoyed a lot of supportive feedback from my readers, and, when I went to a "grassroots" conservative meeting, I was quite surprised. No one knew who I was at the meeting until it became my turn to offer up an idea for a bill that needs to be passed through the Washington State Legislature. I said, "We need a law to make it mandatory for all government employees to receive training in state and federal constitutional law and American history." And when I started pointing out that our constitutions were written to maintain good neighbors and civility, "Good neighbors don't restrict their neghbors freedom of speech, deny their neighbors the right to defend themselves before a jury...," the room erupted!
"Your the electrician!..," at least three people said it, almost in unison! Evidently, there are quite a few readers of my blog here in Spokane. LOL... I was among friends who can see how out of control government employees have become. Once again, the government employees need an epiphany. They need to start upholding our state and federal constitutions and being good neighbors! They don't need to put themselves on a pedastel above the citizens of the state, like they are superior citizens or something. In fact, they would probably find a great deal of relief by stepping off their phony pedastel. They can become fellow citizens of a constitutional republic, instead of power tripping government saviors of the helpless public. Yeah, yeah, ...we know... all the "good intentions" of writing thousands and thousands of pages of laws, regulations, and policies... The government employees supposedly have good intentions and just want to fix all our problems for us...
So, if they have such good intentions, why do they cause so many problems? The following are some examples of the emails I have recieved. I really hope that the authors don't mind me putting them up on this blog. I won't include any email adresses or names...
"The dept of labor and industries did the exact same thing to me. I posted an ad on craigslist offering heating and air services changing filters doing routine maintenance . A week later i had a couple calls asking my rate etc.... A couple days later an inspector called and told me of my violations and the penelities I will need to pay... being almost bankrupt i could not afford my $2500 fine... 6 months later i now owe $6,300 im screwed.. Next year it should be over $10,000 they would not accept payments after 90 days past due... Good Luck with your case"
"It is these kinds of efforts made by L&I described by Russ that has made small repairs very costly for homeowners. Chances are though, the "contractor" you call for a some small plumbing or electrical repair is going to send someone over who is not licensed or necessarily trained or even experienced and probably underpaid. It's become a racket."
"I just read your complete blog about dealing with L&I. Good for you trying to take on the man!..." This email goes into detail about a contractor who was fined $1500.00 for a one day lapse in his insurance coverage. I don't want the details to give away his identity, so I am not posting the full story. The thing is, his insurance didn't lapse. The renewal was just late being recorded into Labor and Industry's computors. The guy had to file for bankruptcy after spending almost a year defending himself. L and I simply refused to settle the case based on common sense and common decency... took it all the way to court, wasting the taxpayers' money and the judge's time, not to mention the contractor's time and livelihood. How do you like people who assault other people's livelihood? That is like stealing someone's tools. Take away a guy's ability to work and feed his family... Is that the government's "good intentions?"
"Wishing you the best of luck.
Found your story online when my brother received a call from the same a-holes you did when he tried to post to craigslist an ad for house painting. Yeah.
I am very interested to see how this all unfolds.... Best of luck! If I was on your jury, youd get a not guilty from me!"
That is enough of those... I want to thank these people and the others for emailing me, and I hope that they don't mind me using the emails on my blog. These poor ignorant government employees need to be able to step back and examine themselves. Are they really "just doing their job?" Or, are they out of control and out of civility, out of common sense, out of common decency, out of equitable principles, and etc?
My blog has a "statistics" page where I can see how many people are viewing it daily. In this page is a chart that shows "where" the views come from. From a Google search, or from the Tea Party web page where I posted a link, and from other websites like friends from facebook, etc. It even has a chart that identifies the country where the viewer is located. I am quite impressed with the worldwide statistics. Hundreds of views each from Russia, Germany, UK, France, Canada, Sweden, and others. There are a lot of views from other small countries. It is quite fascinating to watch the stats. For instance, Germany is in a different time zone. Late at night, when I don't get very many hits, it is daytime in Germany. Recently, I got 15 hits from Germany all at the same time. I could tell by the spike in the graph. Why would 15 Germans visit my blog simultaneously? If I were a conspiracy theorist, I might think that the German part of the "World Bankers for the New World Order" were gathered together to keep an eye on my blog and discuss the merits of it. Perhaps those who control the world banks and international commerce are a little worried about America returning to being good neighbors under a Constitutional government. If Americans got LIBERTY back from their out of control government, that would throw a monkey wrench into the plans for a one world government without sovereign nations and without a sovereign U.S.A. Hmmm... I don't know what is going on with that New World Order stuff, but it is interesting and amusing to keep an eye on it. Are the top bureaucrats and judges involved in the conspiracy to subdue the American patriots who love liberty and small government? Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Perhaps the government employees are just ignorant pawns who have been miseducated in government schools... "I'm just doing my job," the pawns say...
Here are some creepy videos about the New World Order:
So, what do you think? Is there an effort to dumb down and subdue the American people and the way of life our founding fathers envisioned? Is growing the size and power of government necessary to controlling the traditional liberty loving American? Is that why our state and federal governments have not been able to contain themselves within the boundaries of our state and federal constitutions for the last fifty plus years? Have those who are able to print money out of thin air been using that power in ways to grow government, destroy public education, and demoralize the American people with drug addiction and filthy atrocious entertainment media? Do the money printers want to keep Americans dependent on free government welfare, rent, social security, and healthcare? If the value of the dollar collapses, will the American public be clamoring for the government to save them, perhaps a United Nations bailout which puts Americans under a United Nation's constitution instead of the constitution that our founding fathers wrote for us? Does a United Nation's Constitution allow for freedom to publish a list of your skills in an effort to find a job? And, does it provide for a trial by jury before property and liberty can be taken away? How about the right to bear arms?
Fascinating stuff... Perhaps both the American public and American government employees ought to learn about these things... and keep a close eye on themselves and the money printers, and the people's representatives...
All this ... just because little ol' Russ published a list of his skills in an effort to find a job. Why won't the Superior Court get back to me? What in the world is going on??? Are they afraid of our state and federal constitutions?
I wonder if I will be allowed to continue to update my blog when I am placed in the FEMA camp?...LOL
Until the next update, I hope you enjoy my sense of humor. Truth and humor go well together, and I am still trying to put the truth together in ways which makes sense, and in ways I can understand it. I am going by the seat of my pants, eyes wide open... and still learning.
God Bless America, and raise up righteous men of courage.
December 14, 2012, UPDATE: Mailed my HEARING BRIEF to the Electrical Board.
Yeah, I mailed it on Dec. 11. It should get there before the 16th, which is 45 days prior to the new Hearing Date of Jan. 31, 2013. Before I put up the HEARING BRIEF, it occurred to me that the Superior Court is acting childish. It really does remind me of my childhood school days. A kid doesn't get his way, so he goes off and pouts and he woan't talk to you. My proof of reciept says that the Court Clerk got my APPEAL documents and my $50.00 money order on Aug. 23, 2012. Ever have that happen to you in high school? The popular "elitist" rich kid comes up with a stupid idea and you call him on it. He goes off angry and pouty because he was embarrased in front of the whole class. Pretty quick you start hearing about false rumors and accusations going around the school because the "elitist" punk is spreading lies about you. He wants to build himself back up by tearing you down. Ever have that happen? Gee, you can see the same thing in our political campaigns. Today's candidates for political office have brought with them the tactics common to a high school IQ. How does the American public like being ruled by people who are stuck in a high school mentality? Oh, you get a few good candidates with right motives who make it into office, but wow, they are overwhelmed by the lack of common sense and common decency in the system. Who can you trust? Who will watch your back instead of stabbing you in the back? Where is the vision of our founding fathers in government? There isn't a united vision based on the principals of our founding fathers in government anymore. As the government has expanded and grabbed unconstitutional power, the real statesmen have been pushed out of public service. Run over by the tax and spenders who want to "fix" society and get their name on a government building or public highway. It is shameful!
But it is actually worse than shameful. These bureaucrats and politicians who believe the nonsense that government can bring utopia to the people are mean. Even meaner than high schools kids spreading lies and rumors. They have to be that way in order to tamp down any and every threat to their statist ideology. They don't want to hear about government abuse of the people because they have good intentions and they are the saviours of the people. They are going to eliminate poverty by controling everything--the money, the small businesses, the resources, and every individual who will go along with their out of control programs and regulations and fees and fines and taxes. So, from the campaigns for office all the way down to the petty bureaucrat at the bottom we can see the "lies" that government employees want the public to believe. "The government employees are the good guys." "I'm from the government and I am here to help." "We are here to save the environment...and the fish, and the wildlife." "We are protecting the public." There is no corruption here in government, but we need more taxes and fees so that we can do a better job being the good guys and the guys giving you all your freebies." "Come on you farmers. we have a program for you that will ensure a good sized windfall without any risk or effort on your part. We can help you." "Check out this small business program your government has provided for you--lots of money in it." "How about that $700,000,000,000.00 bank bail out we have for you bankers? Don't you love that?" "HEY, IF YOU GUYS DON'T LET US RAISE YOUR TAXES, YOUR CHILDREN WILL SUFFER BECAUSE THERE IS NOT ENOUGH MONEY FOR THE GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS." And so on...
So, the natural thing for the news media is to take the side of the authorities. The executives in the news media believe the "authorities" are in charge and they have good intentions trying to solve all the other problems the news media reports on. The American public is deprived of the truth and forced to live under the bombardment of "We need the government to fix all these things and protect us from Al Queda." This leaves the common working man confused because he knows something is very very wrong, but he can't put his finger on the problem, much less stomp on the problem and kill it! It has become a tug of war in the working man's head, and in order to avoid a headache, it is easier to watch a football game and have a beer. I think most of the honest politicians are confused, too. Tackling "out-of-control government" is too confusing when you don't have the same experiences which inspired our founding fathers to write our Declaration of Independence and our state and federal constitutions. First hand experience of living under a tax and spend tyrannical King of England is different than living under our creeping government expansion and control of all things over the last 50 years and more. And you can bet that when the founding fathers told the king to stop pissing on their heads, the king tried to convince them that he wasn't pissing on their head. "Oh yeah? Then why is my head wet and my whig turning yellow," said good old George Washington?!!! LOL... The founding fathers didn't fall for the propoganda of King George and his minions... So the king of England tried to force the colonists to go along with his taxation (and spend) without representation program by sending his Red Coats to the 13 colonies.
Unfortunately, most of the readers of this blog don't know what it is like being pissed on by government employees and then listening to them try to convince you that you are not being pissed on. After all, they are the "good guys" just doing their job.... I guess they are trying to convince me that I am a bad guy for publishing a truthful list of my skills in an effort to find a job. Sorry guys, I'm not falling for it.
Here is the HEARING BRIEF that I sent to the Electrical Board:
Industries, )
Plaintiff )
) Citation. No. EJORP04884
V. )
Russ Hinds, )
Defendant ) Hearing Date: Jan. 31, 2013
___________________________________ )
Today’s date is 12-11-12. In previous correspondence that I received from Chief Electrical Inspector Ronald Fuller, I was informed that I would receive a packet containing all the records which the Electrical Board will be reviewing in regard to my APPEAL of ALJ Mark Kim’s PROPOSED DECISION AND ORDER. This packet is supposed to reach me around 01-01-13. I look forward to receiving it and examining it to ensure that it is complete.
I am recommending the Electrical Board also review the blog:
I have created this blog on the World Wide Web in order to provide a complete perspective from the point of view of your neighbor and fellow citizen who has a civic duty to uphold and maintain our state and federal constitutions. This civic duty is the same as our neighbors who enlist in U.S. military to defend liberty, justice, and our constitutions according to the oath they take upon volunteering for military service, “…against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” My blog contains the record of my best effort to communicate with people in the Washington State bureaucracy who seem to be deliberately disregarding our state and federal constitutions by sending intimidating citations through the U.S. Mail which demand the payment of outrageous fines for publishing a list of skills in an effort to find a job. Obviously, our constitutions protect the right of free speech and publishing a list of skills in an effort to find a job.
Now, I could play the game and make an argument which points out that I may have listed my “electrical” skills intending to “advertise” and inform licensed landscaper companies that I am ready to perform electrical repairs and plumbing repairs on low voltage irrigation systems. Perhaps I was “advertising” to apartment management companies to inform them that I am capable of replacing broken wall switches, garbage disposers, and ceiling fans. Obviously, many electrical repairs are performed by unlicensed maintenance technicians employed by property management companies.
The services mentioned in the previous paragraph are not covered under RCW 19.28.041, and they are not subject to fines being imposed on the property managers or the technicians performing those repairs. Thus, imposing fines on “select” neighbors who post flyers on a private bulletin board is obviously a violation of our constitution’s requirement that government employees maintain “equal protection under the law.” Fining one individual for offering to do work, while NOT fining another individual (maintenance technicians) for offering to do work, is NOT EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW as required by “the Supreme Law of the Land.” Must I point out that the “Supreme Law of the Land” is a quote from the Washington State Constitution referring to the U.S. Constitution? Is it necessary for me to cite the Bill of Rights and the Amendment which prescribes “equal protection under the law?” Do I need to write ten pages of “HEARING BRIEF” in order to educate the members of the Electrical Board and bring them up to speed in order that we may communicate on a foundation of good neighbors? Good neighbors don’t restrict their neighbor’s constitutional right to publish a list of their skills in an effort to find a job, Bill of Rights Amendment One. Good neighbors don’t deny their neighbors the right to defend themselves before a jury of their good neighbors, Bill of Rights Amendment Seven.
I will not write ten pages of HEARING BRIEF. Suffice it to say that I am not a person willing to be pissed all over by bureaucrats who are not up to speed on our civic duty to uphold and defend our state and federal Constitutions. This should be obvious to all parties involved in this years long argument. Neither am I inclined to be deceived into ignoring my rights which are protected by the Supreme Law of the Land. If “We the People” don’t stand up for our rights protected by our state and federal constitutions, we lose those rights to government employees who seek to legitimize their jobs and increase their power, salaries, and benefits. Obviously, I am quite concerned about how our state and federal bureaucracies have gradually expanded way out of constitutional boundaries by deceiving the public and convincing the public that we need larger government and more taxes in order to “protect” the individual from themselves and from their good neighbors. We are supposed to be united in our civic duty to uphold and defend our state and federal constitutions…
I will be attending the hearing on January 31, 2013, in case the Electrical Board wants to surprise me and be good neighbors upholding our state and federal constitutions. You will be able to look into my eyes and see my sadness and concern over government employees who seem to be incapable of understanding and upholding our constitutions and the liberty and justice that those constitutions protect. And I will be able to look you guys in the eye and stand on my civic duty to defend our constitutions and liberty and justice on the same page as those who wrote our state and federal constitutions.
Please review my blog, “Man Fined $1500.00 for Looking for a Job” for a no-nonsense education in doing our civic duty to uphold and defend our state and federal constitutions.
Thank you,
December 11, 2012
TO: Ronald E. Fuller, Secretary of the Electrical Board
Department of Labor and Industries, Electrical Section
7273 Linderson Way
P.O. Box 44460
Olympia, WA 98504-4460
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
Ph. 509-292-8150
RE: Cover Letter for HEARING BRIEF regarding Appeal of EJORP04884
Dear Ronald,
Please find the enclosed HEARING BRIEF for the members of the Electrical Board. Please forward a copy of this HEARING BRIEF all other parties involved in this hearing, such as AAG Angela Zurlini. Perhaps Ms. Zurlini would like to respond to it.
Thank you,
I really hope this is over soon. I don't like having to educate government employees who do not want to be educated... I wonder if they will sick the "Red Coats" on me? Or a SWAT TEAM raid in the middle of the night to confiscate my computor? Good grief!... wouldn't that be childish?
I'm tired... really, really tired of this sh**!
We really, really need to return to being good neighbors doing our civic duty to uphold and defend our state and federal constitutions.
December 20, 2012: Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini submits her HEARING BRIEF to the Electrical Board.
Yep, she said in her cover letter that she has provided 20 copies of her BRIEF so that they can be distributed to all concerned parties. Gee, how many government employees are on the Electrical Board getting a government paycheck? LOL... Can we set up a "We the People" Board?
I recieved my copy of her BRIEF yesterday. Aside from the fact that it states some of the same things that she wrote in her DEPARTMENT'S RESPONSE TO APPELLANT'S PUBLIC DOCUMENT, I was struck by the "hysterical"ness of her assertions and observations. She takes my honest simple answers to her questioning at the ALJ's hearing and uses them in a way which makes me guilty of some horrible egregious sin. She even omits part of my answer, "before I knew it was a crime in the state of Washington."
"Mr. Hinds, if a homeowner asked you to replace a broken wall switch, would you have done that for them?"
"Yeah, I would have done that before I knew it was a crime in the state of Washington."
This is so silly to me. I cannot relate to the hysteria over replacing a wall switch. I replaced wall switches in government buildings when I worked for the government. When I worked for a lighting company in Reno, I did a lot of work in buildings that were leased to government agencies. I even replaced fluorescent lamp ballasts in federal court rooms. Why is the state of Washington in a state of hysteria over me replacing wall switches? Like I am a serious threat to all my neighbors for fixing their lights for them... They really are not in hysteria over me doing those things. Washington State Government has maintenance technicians who are not licensed electricians making electrical repairs on their facilities, too. AAG Angela Zurlini and the rest of the government employees are in hysteria because I have challenged their revenue collection. And, I have shed light on their sham that they are the good guys protecting the helpless public.
So, now I know where the snottty little tattletail girl on the grade school playground went when she grew up... "The teacher said that you can't play football at recess anymore because Mike and Jeff got hurt yesterday."
"We are not playing football, we are playing catch."
"The teacher said that you can't get a football from the equipment room. I'm going to tell her..."
"This is my football. I got it out of my locker. Why don't you just bug off and mind your own business?"
"Your rude! You can't talk to me like that. I'm going to tell the teacher..."
"Good grief! Go tell her and get out of my face. Go away.... good riddance!"
Yep! Now we know where the hysterical little witch went when she grew up! And remember that AAG Steven J Nash didn't have the gonads to take this case (bottom of the April 14 UPDATE). Nash took a pass on the case probably because he knew that he wouldn't be able to write the nonsense Zurlini writes and keep a straight face. LOL... Nash knows what I am talking about. He probably played football on the gradeschool playground, too. Truth is, if Nash is older than me, his education included some Bible scripture and Constitutional civics and history in the curriculum of the government school he attended. Zurlini missed out on that. She is younger than me and they radically changed educational curriculum in the 70s after they removed the Bible and prayer in 1961 and 1962. The highest authority in Zurlini's mind is the state. The government is the highest authority on the planet because God was kicked out of government schools. Zurlini only knows the authority of the teacher, the principle, the cop, and the government. And it is her job to protect that authority. No more Highest Authority in which all people are accountable to. No more "Nature's God" writing the common sense rules for being good neighbors. Only men writing rules... and femenist women writing rules... in her mind. I guess Zurlini hasn't read the Declaration of Independence, "the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them." See? I have a separate and equal station to the government employees. I don't need their permission to live my life serving my friends and neighbors. I wasn't butting into their business attempting to fine them $1500.00 for hiring maintenance technicians to make electrical repairs on government buildings without the necessary Electricians License. In fact, I have a higher station than the government employees because they are under the constraints of our state and federal constitutions. They are public servants, not public masters. They are supposed to be our guardians of liberty, justice, and civility while upholding our Constitutions and Bill of Rights. Isn't it fascinating how quickly a generation can forget about our American history and our Constitutions. Government schools can brainwash one generation into believing government is the highest authority on the planet. Hmmm... Didn't Kim Jung Ill make himeslf and his government the highest authority in North Korea? Didn't Lenin do the same in Russia and have his name and portrait all over government buildings, and even a law that every home and business must have a Lenin portait hanging in a visable location? And there certainly wasn't much concern about government employees having civility, common sense, and being good neighbors in those countries, was there? I'd say the government emplyees in those countries were a little out of control, also.
AAG Angela Zurlini brings up some "precedents" in her BRIEF again. I will put up her BRIEF and then take some excerpts out of it. And, I will give her some "precedents" to consider, as well. I can pick and choose from "case law" as well as she can. Perhaps she should consider going back to "common law," as the law schools used to teach around 100 years ago. Common law was based in the people's natural sense of common decency. You know, that small voice that tells you something is wrong when you see something wrong. Everyone has a good small voice in their head. Except a lot of people are very skilled at ignoring it in order to get their way. And some are skilled at using deception and "laws of men" to justify ignoring common sense and common decency, and attempting to get others to ignore common sense and common decency, as well. Convince enough people around the water coolers in government buildings to go along with the crowd, and WOW! Government can expand power, control, and revenue... Way beyond the constraints of our state and federal constitutions. Time for that epiphany, don't you think?
Right now, I need to go shovel snow and plow... I'm back.
Five more pages for my file... WOW! About half way through my second 2 inch binder. It would have been simpler and cheaper to give me a speedy trial by jury. ...Your tax dollars providing job security to government employees... too many lawyers in America?
Anyway, Section I is a short statement of the case. I posted a truthful flyer on a bulletin board in an effort to find a job. You know the rest...
Section II ISSUE PRESENTED Whether Appellant offered or advertised to perform electrical work without having a valid electrical contractor license?
Section III LEGAL STANDARDS -- Subsection A--I have the burden of proof. I must prove that the ALJ's proposed decision and order is incorrect. THAT IS SIMPLE! We have state and federal constitutions protecting my right to publish a list of my skills in an effort to find a job. What is all the fuss about? Do the government employees need to keep the revenue stream going? Collecting fines from honest people looking for a job? Oh wait! There is a Subsection B... Constitutional Arguments--Quote: "The Electrical Board does not have the authority to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of RCW 19.28 or the issuance of citation number EJORP004884." Geeze... all I can do is sit here and laugh! You have got to read the rest of that paragraph on the page I uploaded. She cites a precedent that limits the scope of the Electrical Board's authority. Should the Electrical Board totally ignore our constitutions on Zurlini's precedent? Did Zurlini just cast a spell on the Electrical Board so that they would forget about our constitutions and our civic duty to uphold and defend those constitutions? The last sentence in that paragraph is another spell and incantation, "Mr. Hinds constitutional arguments are without legal support and should be disregarded." Gosh! Are not our state and federal constitutions the "Supreme" legal support? You know, the Supreme Law of the Land! Her whole paragraph is simply hogwash. Come on guys! You are smarter than that, aren't you? Whew! Man, I hope the guys on the Electrical Board are smarter than that nonsense!
Section IV ARGUMENT-- Zurlini presents her evidence in support of the ALJ's decision and order. It is in this section that she leaves out, "before I knew it was a crime in the state of Washington." LOL... Boy, aren't I an outlaw! I should be thrown in jail! See how silly this stuff is? Doesn't it remind you of playground arguments and taking sides? But, I guess if you have a public citizenry who are paranoid of people posting flyers and making small electrical repairs, then it becomes a serious issue worthy of paying the government $500.00 or serving time in jail. I don't think the public is that paranoid and needing to pay for government supervision of their lives and all they do.
So, here are some precedents on my behalf:
"The Constitution of these United States is the supreme law of the land. Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution is null and void of law." Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137
Obviously, making a law against publishing a list of your skills in an effort to find a job is repugnant to the Constitution, the "Supreme Law of the Land" as it is referred to in the Washington State Constitution. RCW 19.28 is null and void of law. Freedom to publish is protected in the Bill of Rights, Amendment One.
"No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it." Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 78 S.Ct. 1401 (1958).
Oh boy! The executives on the Electrical Board and all the others are warring against the Constitution and violating their oath and civic duty to support the Constitution!
"The court is to protect against any encroachment of Constitutionally secured liberties." Boyd v. U.S., 116 U.S. 616
The courts and all government employees are supposed to protect against any encroachment of Constitutionally secured liberties. Gee, doesn't it seem like the Washington Department of Labor and Industries is undermining Constitutionally protected liberties?
"When a judge acts where he or she does not have jurisdiction to act, the judge is engaged in an act or acts of treason." Cohens V Virginia, 19 US (6 Wheat) 264, 404, 5LEd 257 (1821).
According to our constitutions, Washington Department of Labor and Industries does not have jurisdiction over publications and bulletin boards and craigslist. Do you think that they can be accused of being engaged in acts of treason? What is worse? Publishing a list of your skills in an effort to find a job, or fining a guy $1500.00 for publishing a list of his skills in an effort to find a job?
Definition of "Treason"--
1: the betrayal of a trust : treachery
2: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance
These guys on the Electrical Board have been trusted to perform their government jobs in compliance with our state and federal constitutions. We the People ratified those Constitutions. Are they betraying that trust? Are they attempting by overt acts to overthrow the constitution of the state to which they owe their allegiance? Hmmm... you decide.
What do you think of those precedents, Angela? I'm sure I can find some more that will apply to this case. You are not just violating one of my constitutionally protected rights. You guys are violating at least three of them, freedom to publish, equal protection under the law, and right to a trial by jury. Are those precedents enough to break the spell that has been cast on the Electrical Board, ALJ Mark Kim, the inspectors, and the rest of the government employees patting each other on the back around the watercoolers in government buildings?
The people of the state of Washington do not need to put up with all this. We don't need government turning every citizen into a criminal for revenue collection. All we need to do is set up Private "Certifications" and schools or "Unions" which will "license" people as a resume enhancement. Then, if homeowner wants to hire a "licensed" electrician, he can look in the phone book and find one. If a homeowner wants to hire a neighbor to replace a wall switch, he ought to be free to do that. Homeowners will need to be on the lookout for liars who claim to be knowledgable, but I have made repairs to electrical installations that were done by incompetent licensed electricians, too. Claiming to be licensed when you are not is fraud. There are laws against fraud, but I put up a truthful list of my skills.
New construction and remodels can still be inspected and kept up to building codes. Wouldn't that free up work and productivity? Cut way back on the state taxes and budget and government employees who fine people for publishing a list of their skills in an effort to find a job.
We just need some common sense, some common decency, civility, and our civic duty to uphold and defend our state and federal constitutions.
It has occurred to me that the readers of this blog may be getting burned out and bored with it. Here it is another year and this case drags on and on, and much of what I write is repetitive. I stand on just two things; our constitutions and being friendly wise neighbors doing our civic duty to uphold our constitutions with liberty and justice for all. After all, we send our boys to fight for liberty and justice and defending our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. How many times must I repeat my defense before it sinks into the minds of government employees? Evidently, I must repeat it to the point of boring my blog readers to death. WOW! A new strategy for government employees. Simply delay, distort, distract, put off, deceive, pass the buck, take no responsibility, hide, forget equitable principles, ignore MOTIONS, pretend to be servants of the public, and etc. until everyone is sick to death and having no interest in finally resolving the matter correctly and according to our state and federal constitutions and “being good and decent civilized neighbors.” That seems to be the strategy, now.
Man, I’ll be glad to finally go to that Electrical Board meeting! There we will be. All together to decide matters of world consequence. Does Russ have a right to publish a list of his skills in an effort to find a job, or does the state of Washington have the right to fine him $500.00 for publishing a list of his skills in an effort to find a job. The whole world is waiting for an answer. How will the Electrical Board rule? Will they toss out equitable principles? Will they toss out our state and federal constitutions? And will they toss out taking personal responsibility for their decision? Will they blame the bogeyman, the RCWs, the APA, and the WAC rules? I can already hear them say, “Our hands are tied. We have to rule in favor of the law. If Mr. Hinds disagrees with the law then he needs to work to get the law modified. Meanwhile, pay us $500.00!” That is a cop out and a cowardly dodge of our civic duty to uphold our constitutions. It is a filthy lie used to assuage their conscience. These guys know very well that they wouldn’t send their family and friends $1500.00 citations in the mail for posting a flyer looking for a job. Would Phillip Jordon and Michael Thrams send their sister or mother a citation for advertising babysitting without having a DayCare License? No, they would not, but obviously, the goals of lawyers and administers of the law are bent on finding ways around our constitutionally protected rights and liberties, rather than upholding our constitutionally protected rights and liberties. The goal is to confuse everything to the point that common sense and common decency are thrown out the window along with our Bill of Rights. I know… I have heard it before… I came Elk, Washington on a bicycle to get away from arguing with idiots employed by the government…
I’ll respond, “Screw you! I’ll appeal your decision. I will not pay it, and I will defend myself, my integrity, and our constitution all they way to the end.”
So there you have it! This can go on for another year, perhaps 2 years, 3? 4? 5???? When does it end? It is absurd and ridiculous, but this is what you get when you let government employees and lawyers run amuck for 50 years while reducing the government school curriculum to nothing more than “socializing” and secularizing, and “there are no moral absolutes.” Gray area governing is what we have today. Nothing is right, and nothing is wrong, therefore the government employees can do whatever they want, regardless of constitutional protections. As long as they can spout half-truths and nonsensical precedents to deceive their victims and the ignorant masses while superficially justifying abuse of government power, taxation, regulation, and fines. How long will this go on? Why are we leaving this nonsense to upcoming generations?
So, the government employee position is to assuage your conscience by claiming, “I am just doing my job.” We saw this at ALJ Mark Kim’s hearing when AAG Angela Zurlini pointed out that Inspectors Jordan and Thrams are required by statute to send $1500.00 worth of tickets in the mail to their neighbors. Well, there is a “Supreme” law that takes precedence over statutes and RCWs. And many people are awakening to the fact that we have let government employees get out of control over the last five decades or more. We have allowed our representatives to pass laws and create bureaucracies and personal data records that are fast becoming tyrannical. Fortunately, this problem has created a backlash. People are rediscovering our state and federal Constitutions. Check out this video from Oath Keepers.
See? I am not alone. This country does have a history based on people actually supporting and defending our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Why on earth would members of the Electrical Board allow themselves to be deceived into ignoring our state and federal constitutions? Perhaps they think that they need to go along with the bogeyman’s agenda in order to preserve their paychecks. Jordan, Thrams, the Electrical Board, all of them have mortgage payments and mouths to feed. They have vacations they need to take, and retirement funds to protect. Would they risk all that if they wrongly believed that ruling in favor of our Constitutions would cause them to lose their job? Tough decision…
We the people have a tough decision, too. Are we going to have liberty and justice under the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God? Are we going to preserve the inalienable rights given to us by our Creator as our Declaration of Independence declares? We have a choice and the country seems to be divided almost down the middle. Half wanting the government to take care of them, and the other half wanting the government to butt out of their lives. Currently, there is a battle brewing over our right to bear arms. The control freak politicians are using a tragic school shooting to introduce legislation to take away our guns and create a gun registration program.
Just what we need. Another computerized record of every individual who owns a firearm. Yep! The power of technology today places your life story into the hands of government employees, our “supervisors.” This is why I am fighting this battle. I have a record. So, now every employer who does a background check on me will see that I have two citations for posting an “illegal” flyer on a bulletin board. This employer might think that I am a risk to employ because I don’t play by the rules. “Gee, Russ Hinds might cause some problems if I give him a job and expose my other employees to his ‘bad’ attitude. I better not hire him.”
Thank you Jordan and Thrams! Your nonsense may have an adverse affect on the rest of my life. Perhaps the cop on the highway can instantaneously run the license plate on my car and bring up my record, too. He might see your $1500.00 citations and see that I have a seat belt ticket and a speeding ticket. He might see that I had a “resisting arrest” charge dismissed in 2010. Perhaps this cop will then make the judgment that I need to be reminded to obey authority today. And Russ Hinds’ vehicle has a brake light out. Now, he has an excuse to pull me over. Perhaps Russ has a weapon in his car, or some other contraband. “I’ll pull him over and check him out. He needs to be reminded to lick my boots. Resisting arrest… that guy needs to respect me. I’m a government employee…I’ll make that guy respect me. Boy, I love my job and my power over people. I’m the king in my story…”
This is why I am standing so firmly against this nonsense. I have been doing this since 1992 when judge Chris Stromsness made it legal for at-fault adulterous mothers to throw away not-at-fault fathers and keep his children and income without a trial by jury. Twenty years later and the government has the technology to track every move and transaction of every citizen. And with lawyers like AAG Angela Zurlini, the government can destroy your life one cut at a time. The death of a thousand cuts. This is not what we want to pass on to our children. It is insane, demented, sick, and it kills the spirit of life, love, and goodness. Check out America’s suicide rate. How high is the suicide rate for the military where every detail is controlled and recorded in the recruit’s file? How high is the suicide rate for American high school children? My son had a classmate who killed himself. How high is it among the divorced, the homeless and the hopeless?
America has a decision to make… Some people in the 1950’s saw this coming and tried to warn us.
Cecil B Demille:
What will it be? Liberty and justice under the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, or tyranny under ignorant out-of-control government employees? Civilized good neighbors who know how to love family, friends, and neighbors, or misguided uncivilized government employees running amuck seeking revenue for their salaries, benefits, and pensions? It is the father’s role to love, lead, teach, take care of, and protect his children. Why are fathers and mothers allowing the government schools to miseducate and cripple the minds of generation after generation?
Adolf Hitler quote:
“When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”
Have the government schools miseducated today's government employees? Wake up America! Get a brain and use it for good and not for bad! Clean up the schools, the news and entertainment media, your neighborhood, and the out of control state and federal governments... man, oh man open your eyes to love God, truth, your children, and your neighbor...
January 14, 2013, UPDATE: No packet containing the records that the Electrical Board will review.
Sheesh! Now they decide to leave me alone... I wish they would have done that in the beginning. LOL! How nice it is to be left alone in peace without being harassed by government employees. Don't you think that is why George Washington and the guys wrote our U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land? They didn't like being run over by King George and his minions, either.
Really! I have no idea what is going on with those people. What are their plans for dealing with this mess now? That question goes out to both the Superior Court and Washington Dept. of Labor and Industries. Neither the court, nor the WDLI want to keep me informed. I guess I will just go to the Electrical Board hearing and see what happens.
Our state and federal constitutions were written with the knowledge that divided powers in government would protect the people from tyranny. The writers of our constitutions divided power into three branches of government.
1. The legislature is made up of the elected representatives of the people. They are the closest to the people, and they are the ones who write the laws that the people will live under. Of course, there are constitutional limits to what laws may be written. Laws which infringe on the inalienable rights of the people cannot be written by the legislature according to our constitutions. Some of those inalienable rights are protected in our Bill of Rights. Our founding fathers also required that all Representatives of the people swear an Oath of Office which binds them to support our constitutions. The legislature also controls the checkbook; revenue collection, and disbursment of operating funds to the entire state government.
2. The executive branch of government administers and enforces the laws. They are charged with prosecuting the laws which are passed by the legislature. The executive branch includes the governor, the state police, and the state's prosecutors, and the bureaucrats running the state programs which the legislature creates, the bureaucracy.
3. The judicial branch administers justice, punishing the guilty and protecting the innocent.
The process is simple. The legislature writes a law against theft of property. The executive apprehends a suspect and files charges against the suspect. The charges are taken to the judicial branch for adjudication; finding of guilt or innocence. See how simple and clear? See how this protects against the tyranny of a king? Example: The tyrannical king writes the law, the tyrannical king arrests the suspect, and the tyrannical king determines guilt or innocence.
Has the executive branch become a tyrannical king in my case? Have I exposed their error, and now they don't want to talk to me? I believe that the RCWs were mostly written by bureaucrats and lawyers for the executive branch, then sent to the legislature for an approval vote. The legislator does not have the necessary training to write concise laws clearly defining specific and proper application. Many RCW's are vague enough to be interpeted and enforced in ways that the legislature would not approve of, if if they knew how the poor wording may be misconstrued. The legislature are our neighbors from all walks of life, and they are easily steered to voting for things without a lot of time consuming deliberation. The larger government gets, the more haphazard the function of government.
So, here we have the bureaucracy participating in the writing of laws. Then the bureaucracy administers the law and issues me two citations. Then we go to the bureaucracy (the executive branch)for adjudication; the Administrative Law Judge, Mark Kim, is paid by the executive branch. He is not required to follow the constitutional Judicial Rules established by our constitutions. He is not required to provide a trial by jury to get a verdict of guilt or innocence. GEE! NOW WE HAVE A TRYANNICAL KING! THE BUREAUCRACY IS UNLAWFULLY PERFORMING ALL THREE OF THE SEPARATED POWERS OF GOVERNMENT! And in the case of the $1000.00 citation, the judicial branch of government is unlawfully refusing to find guilt or innocence through a trial by jury. THIS IS CHAOS! This is government running amuck! WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE'S REPRESENTATIVES? Why are they allowing tyranny? Where is the Oath of Office and where is our state and federal constitutions? Where are "We the People?" Where is the "fourth branch of government," the Press, keeping the people informed of the bureaucracy usurping the powers of the other two branches of government? What in the world is going on? Is everyone under a trance with a sign on their forehead, "Do Not Disturb? Nobody cares????" Too much atrocious TV to care?
Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini boiled it down to one paragraph for me. I am going to excerpt that paragraph from her BRIEF to the Electrical Board here:
"The Electrical Board does not have the authority to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of RCW 19.28 or the issuance of citation number EJORP004884. Addressing these arguments falls outside the scope of what the Electrical Board has authority to address. The power of an administrative tribunal to fashion a remedy is strictly limited by statute. Skagit Surveyors and Engineers, LLCv. Friends of Skagit County, 135 Wash. 2d 542,558,958, P.2d 962, 970 (1998). While Mr. Hinds cites to a constitutional right to free speech, due process, the right to a jury, and equal protection, Mr. Hinds fails to provide any legal authority to support his position that the Electrical Board can decide such issues. Mr. Hinds constitutional arguments are without legal support and should be disregarded."
Why have these government employees steered me to the Electrical Board for an adjudication of citation number EJORP004884 if they don't have the authority to adjudicate it? What are we doing there? Wasting time and money? Where is my due process and trial by jury? What game are we playing? I have no idea what game! I grew up believing that we had constitutions!
Look, I have been following their instructions, but Zurlini claims that I said the Electrical Board can adjudicate my citation on the basis of "free speech," "due process," "equal protection under the law," and "trial by jury." She just said that I have no legal authority to support my claim that the Electrical Board can adjudicate a remedy based on "free speech, due process, the right to a jury, and equal protection." I repeat, "I have been following their instructions while asking for my constutional rights to be upheld!" THEY SENT ME TO THE ELECTRICAL BOARD! I SAID THAT IT IS THE DUTY OF ALL CITIZENS AND GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES TO SUPPORT AND UPHOLD OUR CONSTITUTIONS! I lawfully asked for a trial by jury! THEY SENT ME TO THE ELECTRICAL BOARD! Good grief! Now, Zurlini wants the Electrical Board to ignore our state and federal constitutions.
Every citizen and government employee has the civic duty to uphold our constitutions. The Washington State Constitution says that state employees must "maintain individual rights." WE NEED TO CUT OUT THE CRAP AND SIMPLY DO OUR CIVIC DUTY TO UPHOLD OUR STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS! Must I argue in circles with idiots forever?
I just want to defend myself against these accusations before a jury of my good neighbors. That is what our Bill of Rights clearly say that I am entitiled to before having my liberty and property taken from me. Yet, these government employees are running me through a gristmill. It is nonsense and chaos! Those guys must like chaos and ignorance. They like doing crazy things and collecting revenue by sending intimidating citations through the mail. And they are trying very hard to get away with it and continue the revenue stream. What a mess!
Truth is, the Electrical Board can base their decision on our civic duty to uphold our constitutions and their Oath of Office (if they swore an Oath of Office). Nobody can take away our right and civic duty to support and uphold our constitutions. What a ridiculous effort on Zurlini's part! Do we really have government employees trying to take away our civic duty to uphold our state and federal constitutions? My goodness! Why must I write this stuff? It ought to be common knowledge. Have lawyers like Zurlini distorted, contorted, muddled, and deceived to the point that our constitutions mean the opposite of what they say? Have I not shown patience with all this nonsense? Do you know how much frustration I have held back?
Well, I guess I can send the entire legislature in Olympia a copy of Zurlini's parargraph above along with an explanation of what is going on... Will they do their civic duty???? It is not that hard to uphold our state and federal constitutions as required by our Representative's Oath of Office. Good grief! If we would simply constrain our state and federal governments to our constitutions, this country would prosper! We would have an expanding economy with opportunity for everyone, even the homeless. Employers would be sneaking over to their competition's employees offering higher wages... It would be great! Government at the local level works best, but money from federal and state coffers always comes with strings attached (orders and obligations). Liberty is better than slavery to taxes, fees, fines, and regulations! Give me liberty!
Perhaps I ought to be thankful that I have this opportunity to educate government employees... Will our state representatives please help me educate? Please...
January 15, 2013, UPDATE: I Emailed the entire Washington State Legislature.
The following is the text of my email to all our Washington State Representatives who take Oaths Of Office to support our constitutions. We'll see how many get back to me. Here it is: January 14, 2013, UPDATE: No packet containing the records that the Electrical Board will review.
Sheesh! Now they decide to leave me alone... I wish they would have done that in the beginning. LOL! How nice it is to be left alone in peace without being harassed by government employees. Don't you think that is why George Washington and the guys wrote our U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land? They didn't like being run over by King George and his minions, either.
Really! I have no idea what is going on with those people. What are their plans for dealing with this mess now? That question goes out to both the Superior Court and Washington Dept. of Labor and Industries. Neither the court, nor the WDLI want to keep me informed. I guess I will just go to the Electrical Board hearing and see what happens.
Our state and federal constitutions were written with the knowledge that divided powers in government would protect the people from tyranny. The writers of our constitutions divided power into three branches of government.
1. The legislature is made up of the elected representatives of the people. They are the closest to the people, and they are the ones who write the laws that the people will live under. Of course, there are constitutional limits to what laws may be written. Laws which infringe on the inalienable rights of the people cannot be written by the legislature according to our constitutions. Some of those inalienable rights are protected in our Bill of Rights. Our founding fathers also required that all Representatives of the people swear an Oath of Office which binds them to support our constitutions. The legislature also controls the checkbook; revenue collection, and disbursment of operating funds to the entire state government.
2. The executive branch of government administers and enforces the laws. They are charged with prosecuting the laws which are passed by the legislature. The executive branch includes the governor, the state police, and the state's prosecutors, and the bureaucrats running the state programs which the legislature creates, the bureaucracy.
3. The judicial branch administers justice, punishing the guilty and protecting the innocent.
The process is simple. The legislature writes a law against theft of property. The executive apprehends a suspect and files charges against the suspect. The charges are taken to the judicial branch for adjudication; finding of guilt or innocence. See how simple and clear? See how this protects against the tyranny of a king? Example: The tyrannical king writes the law, the tyrannical king arrests the suspect, and the tyrannical king determines guilt or innocence.
Has the executive branch become a tyrannical king in my case? Have I exposed their error, and now they don't want to talk to me? I believe that the RCWs were mostly written by bureaucrats and lawyers for the executive branch, then sent to the legislature for an approval vote. The legislator does not have the necessary training to write concise laws clearly defining specific and proper application. Many RCW's are vague enough to be interpeted and enforced in ways that the legislature would not approve of, if if they knew how the poor wording may be misconstrued. The legislature are our neighbors from all walks of life, and they are easily steered to voting for things without a lot of time consuming deliberation. The larger government gets, the more haphazard the function of government.
So, here we have the bureaucracy participating in the writing of laws. Then the bureaucracy administers the law and issues me two citations. Then we go to the bureaucracy (the executive branch)for adjudication; the Administrative Law Judge, Mark Kim, is paid by the executive branch. He is not required to follow the constitutional Judicial Rules established by our constitutions. He is not required to provide a trial by jury to get a verdict of guilt or innocence. GEE! NOW WE HAVE A TRYANNICAL KING! THE BUREAUCRACY IS UNLAWFULLY PERFORMING ALL THREE OF THE SEPARATED POWERS OF GOVERNMENT! And in the case of the $1000.00 citation, the judicial branch of government is unlawfully refusing to find guilt or innocence through a trial by jury. THIS IS CHAOS! This is government running amuck! WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE'S REPRESENTATIVES? Why are they allowing tyranny? Where is the Oath of Office and where is our state and federal constitutions? Where are "We the People?" Where is the "fourth branch of government," the Press, keeping the people informed of the bureaucracy usurping the powers of the other two branches of government? What in the world is going on? Is everyone under a trance with a sign on their forehead, "Do Not Disturb? Nobody cares????" Too much atrocious TV to care?
Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini boiled it down to one paragraph for me. I am going to excerpt that paragraph from her BRIEF to the Electrical Board here:
"The Electrical Board does not have the authority to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of RCW 19.28 or the issuance of citation number EJORP004884. Addressing these arguments falls outside the scope of what the Electrical Board has authority to address. The power of an administrative tribunal to fashion a remedy is strictly limited by statute. Skagit Surveyors and Engineers, LLCv. Friends of Skagit County, 135 Wash. 2d 542,558,958, P.2d 962, 970 (1998). While Mr. Hinds cites to a constitutional right to free speech, due process, the right to a jury, and equal protection, Mr. Hinds fails to provide any legal authority to support his position that the Electrical Board can decide such issues. Mr. Hinds constitutional arguments are without legal support and should be disregarded."
Why have these government employees steered me to the Electrical Board for an adjudication of citation number EJORP004884 if they don't have the authority to adjudicate it? What are we doing there? Wasting time and money? Where is my due process and trial by jury? What game are we playing? I have no idea what game! I grew up believing that we had constitutions!
Look, I have been following their instructions, but Zurlini claims that I said the Electrical Board can adjudicate my citation on the basis of "free speech," "due process," "equal protection under the law," and "trial by jury." She just said that I have no legal authority to support my claim that the Electrical Board can adjudicate a remedy based on "free speech, due process, the right to a jury, and equal protection." I repeat, "I have been following their instructions while asking for my constutional rights to be upheld!" THEY SENT ME TO THE ELECTRICAL BOARD! I SAID THAT IT IS THE DUTY OF ALL CITIZENS AND GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES TO SUPPORT AND UPHOLD OUR CONSTITUTIONS! I lawfully asked for a trial by jury! THEY SENT ME TO THE ELECTRICAL BOARD! Good grief! Now, Zurlini wants the Electrical Board to ignore our state and federal constitutions.
Every citizen and government employee has the civic duty to uphold our constitutions. The Washington State Constitution says that state employees must "maintain individual rights." WE NEED TO CUT OUT THE CRAP AND SIMPLY DO OUR CIVIC DUTY TO UPHOLD OUR STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS! Must I argue in circles with idiots forever?
I just want to defend myself against these accusations before a jury of my good neighbors. That is what our Bill of Rights clearly say that I am entitiled to before having my liberty and property taken from me. Yet, these government employees are running me through a gristmill. It is nonsense and chaos! Those guys must like chaos and ignorance. They like doing crazy things and collecting revenue by sending intimidating citations through the mail. And they are trying very hard to get away with it and continue the revenue stream. What a mess!
Truth is, the Electrical Board can base their decision on our civic duty to uphold our constitutions and their Oath of Office (if they swore an Oath of Office). Nobody can take away our right and civic duty to support and uphold our constitutions. What a ridiculous effort on Zurlini's part! Do we really have government employees trying to take away our civic duty to uphold our state and federal constitutions? My goodness! Why must I write this stuff? It ought to be common knowledge. Have lawyers like Zurlini distorted, contorted, muddled, and deceived to the point that our constitutions mean the opposite of what they say? Have I not shown patience with all this nonsense? Do you know how much frustration I have held back?
Well, I guess I can send the entire legislature in Olympia a copy of Zurlini's parargraph above along with an explanation of what is going on... Will they do their civic duty???? It is not that hard to uphold our state and federal constitutions as required by our Representative's Oath of Office. Good grief! If we would simply constrain our state and federal governments to our constitutions, this country would prosper! We would have an expanding economy with opportunity for everyone, even the homeless. Employers would be sneaking over to their competition's employees offering higher wages... It would be great! Government at the local level works best, but money from federal and state coffers always comes with strings attached (orders and obligations). Liberty is better than slavery to taxes, fees, fines, and regulations! Give me liberty!
Perhaps I ought to be thankful that I have this opportunity to educate government employees... Will our state representatives please help me educate? Please...
January 15, 2013, UPDATE: I Emailed the entire Washington State Legislature.
Rep. or Sen. So and So
I understand that I may not be in your district, but I am sure that my
representatives would welcome your support in addressing the following issue:
The Electrical Board and Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini have somehow
fell prey to deceptive tactics which prohibit our civic duty to support and
uphold our state and federal constitutions. We all have learned in grade school
that as Americans we have a civic duty to support and defend our constitutions.
Our military takes an Oath to defend our constitutions, and our representatives
take Oaths of Office to support our constitutions. These are common facts that
everyone knows, but the following excerpt from AAG Angela Zurlini's BRIEF to the
Electrical Board seeks to prohibit supporting and upholding our state and
federal constitutions:
Quote from BRIEF:
"The Electrical Board does not have the authority to render an opinion regarding
the constitutionality of RCW 19.28 or the issuance of citation number
EJORP004884. Addressing these arguments falls outside the scope of what the
Electrical Board has authority to address. The power of an administrative
tribunal to fashion a remedy is strictly limited by statute. Skagit Surveyors
and Engineers, LLCv. Friends of Skagit County, 135 Wash. 2d 542,558,958, P.2d
962, 970 (1998). While Mr. Hinds cites to a constitutional right to free speech,
due process, the right to a jury, and equal protection, Mr. Hinds fails to
provide any legal authority to support his position that the Electrical Board
can decide such issues. Mr. Hinds constitutional arguments are without legal
support and should be disregarded."
Zurlini has just made it illegal to uphold and support our constitutional rights
in adjudicating this ridiculous $500.00 citation for publishing a list of my
skills in an effort to find a job. Have you ever thought that something so
egregious could actually happen? I am amazed!... I have responded on my Blog to
the AAG here:
"I have been following their instructions, but Zurlini claims that I said the
Electrical Board can adjudicate my citation on the basis of "free speech," "due
process," "equal protection under the law," and "trial by jury." She just said
that I have no legal authority to support my claim that the Electrical Board can
adjudicate a remedy based on "free speech, due process, the right to a jury, and
equal protection." I repeat, "I have been following their instructions while
asking for my constutional rights to be upheld!" THEY SENT ME TO THE ELECTRICAL
SUPPORT AND UPHOLD OUR CONSTITUTIONS! I lawfully asked for a trial by jury! THEY
SENT ME TO THE ELECTRICAL BOARD! Good grief! Now, Zurlini wants the Electrical
Board to ignore our state and federal constitutions. Every citizen and
government employee has the civic duty to uphold our constitutions. The
Washington State Constitution says that state employees must 'maintain
individual rights.'"
You can see the rest of my response on the January 14 UPDATE on my blog:
--Blog url--
Scroll way down to the bottom, but before the comment section. Please check out
my efforts to educate government employees on my Blog and please help me educate
them. We can have a huge economic boom by adhering to our constitutions. Perhaps
your office can send an observer to my hearing, as the legislature has oversight
of the bureaucracies it creates.
Thanks very much,
Russ Hinds
Electrical Board Hearing:
PLACE: Dept of Labor and Industries 7273 Linderson Way SW Tumwater, WA 98501
DATE: January 31, 2013
TIME: 9:00 AM
Well, that is my email. I did request a reponse. Hey, you readers are welcome to come to the hearing, too. I don't know if they will let you in, but it could be fun to look them in the eye and hold them to our constitutions!
January 21, 2013, UPDATE: Responses from the Washington State Legislature.
First let me acknowledge the God of our Founding Fathers. “God governs in the affairs of men,” was stated by Benjamin Franklin in a speech at our Constitutional Convention. I have seen this hand of “Providence” throughout my effort to educate government employees on this blog. To start with, my past experiences standing up for myself and for what is right and true have prepared me for this. I would not have been able to write this blog without first practicing and fine tuning my writing skills in previous disputes with government employees. Isn’t it amazing that I get on a bicycle and ride 1000 miles to enjoy the peace and freedom of the road AND GET AWAY FROM ARGUING WITH GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, and then-- What are the chances of posting a flyer on a bulletin board and receiving two citations in the mail with fines totaling $1500.00? In the states I come from, those chances are nil. So, from my perspective I believe something bigger than me is doing something with me. I didn’t ask for any of my arguments with government employees. I just wanted a wholesome family, a decent job, and my own home. That is what I wanted when I got married at the young age of 19. I sure ran into a lot of government obstacles in my pursuit of the American Dream! This blog contains some brief stories of my past experiences, and now I’d like to point out some recent moves of “the hand of Providence.”
Less than a week before I received my copy of AAG Angela Zurlini’s BRIEF to the Electrical Board, I received an Email with a story about a case making its way to the Supreme Court. For some reason, I saved that email. That story contained the four “precedents” that I used in my response to AAG Zurlini’s BRIEF on this blog. I did not have to go looking for precedents. They were dropped in my lap by “the hand of Providence.” Now, if this God of Providence, our Creator, desires his creation to live as good neighbors with liberty and justice for all, ISN’T HE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO WILL CARRY THAT MESSAGE TO THEIR NEIGHBORS? Does our Creator desire his creation to live as slaves to a police state with overburdening taxes, fees, fines, and regulations? NO!!! Our Creator does not desire slavery to the state, but there are men on this earth who do desire to live off the labor of others. There are men who wish to gather authority, power, and control over the people of the earth. We can name a lot more dictators and corrupt governments on this earth now than we can name courageous statesmen guarding liberty and justice for “We the People.” “Wisdom calls out” from the rooftops, the streets, and from Nature itself, for men and women to seek it out and find the Truth, and the courage to stand against slavery and tyranny. See the first chapters of Proverbs for wisdom calling out for people to find it. See also, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” and drop precedents and things in your lap. LOL! He sure will!
Next, I go to this “conservative group” meeting on the 17th of January. There just happens to be an ex-Legislative Assistant to a state senator giving a talk about how bills get passed in the state legislature. I would have preferred to hear about how to get bills repealed… but oh well. This LA told us how to best contact your state representatives, and how they deal with Emails, phone calls, and written letters. Basically, everything gets filtered through the Legislative Assistant. Written and mailed letters from people within the legislator’s district will almost always get a response. Phone calls and Emails get filtered through the LA. Emails from non-constituents mostly get deleted, unless they are considered important by the LA’s standards and what he/she knows are the priorities of their boss, the Senator or the Representative.
Obviously, many of my Emails to the entire legislature were likely deleted because I am not a resident of their district. Only the legislators can bypass the Legislative Assistants and directly email their colleagues in the legislature.
Now, if the LA did forward my Email to his boss, what is that Senator or Representative going to do? He can simply make a mental note of it and move on. Or, he may call someone to get some more details. Perhaps he calls one of the legislature's attorneys, or the Attorney General’s Office. Or, he may call a contact within the Washington Department of Labor and Industries. What are the government employees going to tell our state Representative when asked about my $1500.00 fines issued by the bureaucracy? They are going to assure my representative that everything is okay and going along fine according to the law. They may even say that I am just a disgruntled citizen who doesn’t want to play by the rules. That may satisfy ‘We the people’s” representative, and he can move on to his busy work schedule. IF THE LEGISLATOR DOES NOT READ MY BLOG, HE WILL LIKELY TAKE THE WORD OF THE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE OVER MY WORD IN MY EMAIL.
From the above, I can consider myself very lucky (or blessed) to get more than a few positive responses to my Email to the entire legislature. These Senators and Representatives are not my adversaries. They are just busy people trying to do their job as best they can. Our elected neighbors in the legislature are often being pulled in fifty different directions at the same time. I am not looking for enemies in the state legislature. On the contrary, I am looking for friends, for good neighbors. The bureaucracy is my adversary because they have accused me, and cited me, and inserted themselves into my business and my wallet, and they are circling the wagons around their unconstitutional citations for publishing a list of my skills in an effort to find a job. I have no quarrel with my state representatives, and I know that they are more closely aware of our constitutions and their responsibilities as “We the people’s” representatives. I just need a few of my supporters in the legislature to directly Email their colleagues and alert them to my blog in order to fully understand my efforts to educate out of control government employees about our state and federal constitutions and our civic duty to uphold those constitutions, and liberty and justice for all. So, I am here asking that one of my state representatives email all their colleagues with the recommendation that it is well worth reading my blog in order to get a clear picture of what the citizenry are living under. We are living under an out of control bureaucracy which defensively circles the wagons around unconstitutional conduct in order to maintain the status quo and avoid admitting to any error in their misapplication of law assaulting the citizens of the state of Washington.
In order to verify what I have stated so far in this UPDATE, “the hand of Providence” has provided me with correspondence that will inform my readers of the truth here. I plead for the understanding of our state representatives as I copy and past some of their correspondence to my blog. The following “anonymous” responses to my email are not meant to harm my state Representatives. I just want the public to better understand the internal workings of our system of government.
This first response comes from a representative who tried to help me by finding out what is going on. He even agrees that what is happening is not right, but I guess he feels that he has done all that he could do. This representative is also a little overwhelmed by the demands of people pulling him in different directions. His response is directed to his Legislative Assistant, rather than to me. Evidently, he thought that when he pushed “reply” on the email, the reply was going back to his Legislative Assistant. He was not aware that his “reply” was coming to me. I want to thank him for his efforts and concern about my $1500.00 fines. Thank you very much!!!
Here is the email:
“Thank you for your message. I am aware of the situation. To recap, he advertised on Craig's list and the Department intercepted this advertisement to say that an advertisement in Washington State represents that he would be working/licensed in the state. He was not. I agree that he is being fined unfavorably and then he missed the opportunity for an appeal because of a bond that was required. The Department has now levied a fine that he is forced to pay. In this instance, the Department did follow their proper procedures in how they handled this case. Unfortunately, that does not make it right.
Rep. or Sen.”
From this rep’s email, you can see that he has been misinformed about the facts of this case. Did a Department government employee misinform him? I did not advertise on Craig’s list. I hung a flyer on a bulletin board. I did not miss an opportunity to appeal. Notice that “the Department did follow proper procedures in how they handled this case.” Obviously, this rep talked to a Department employee circling the wagons and covering his ass. Nevertheless, this legislator agrees that I am being fined unfairly and something is not right! ISN’T IT DISGUSTING HOW THE “DEPARTMENT” MISLED THIS REPRESENTATIVE? Here is the value of this blog. Everything that has happened is on this blog. I hope this legislator does find the time to check out this blog. Perhaps one of his colleagues will encourage him to find the time to read my blog.
This next response to me is another attempt to help me, but this rep. once again consults a government employed attorney who misleads him and even tries to tell the rep that “ethical restraints” prevent the legislator from intervening on my behalf. Check out this response to my Email that I sent on Jan. 15 to the entire Washington State Legislature:
“Mr. Hinds:
Thank you for your email, which I sent to our Caucus Attorney for his thoughts. His recommendation was this;
It appears that you are in an administrative adjudication of some sort, and this should be taken seriously. Depending on the results of that action, you may then-- after exhausting your administrative remedies, be able to go to a traditional court. You do risk serious penalties if you do not attend the appeal. There is nothing that the Representative can do to assist with this particular process.
Unfortunately, as a State Representative, I am bound by ethical restraints, which prohibit me from providing legal advice, or from intervening in this matter. If there is some requirement in the RCW that you believed should be changed, that is something that might be the subject of a bill, and something we could look into.
Rep. or Sen.”
Unfortunately, the Caucus Attorney wants me to become a lobbyist instead of them simply upholding our state and federal constitutions. It is not my job to lobby for more laws or modifications to existing laws. It is my job and all government employees’ job to uphold and support our state and federal constitutions. I had to respond to that Email. Within my response to that Email is correspondence from another legislator who tried to help me. Once again, I thank these neighbors for their efforts and concerns. I do not want to offend them, but we must go back to our civic duty and Oaths of Office binding us to support and defend our state and federal constitutions. Here is my response to the previous rep’s Email:
Dear Rep. or Sen.,
Thank you so much for taking my email to the caucus Attorney. Yes, I do plan to attend the hearing at the Electrical Board. But, this email is to alert you about putting too much trust in attorneys. You took an ethical Oath of Office to support our state constitution. I think they still do that in the legislature, although I have not looked into it. I did run across an Oath of Office for judges in the RCWs. Anyway, I'm sure you were taught in school, as I was, that it is our civic duty to support and uphold our constitutions, reserving the right to change them when enough people think that it is needed, as the constitution was ratified by the people of the state whom you are supposed to represent.
As our representative you are expected to defend your constituents when their constitutional rights are ignored by government. This is just common sense and it is ethical. As Americans, we are supposed to care about our neighbors. The best way for me to further keep you alert to your freedom in carrying out your duties
, and your obligations to your constituents, is to show you the following correspondence I had with another legislator. I will give you the name if you request it, but for now it will be anonymous. Legislator's response to the same email I sent you on Jan. 15:
Dear Mr. Hinds: We have received your email to -------------------- concerning your displeasure with the Electrical Board. We are sorry your experience has been so distasteful.
We note that the Electrical Board is a "hearing body" of limited jurisdiction subject to the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act. The Board lacks the authority to issue opinions on the constitutionality of statutes or agency acts. However, under the Administrative Procedures Act, you have appeal rights (within a specified period of time) to the state court system in which constitutional issues may be determined.
You state in your email that the "legislature has oversight of the bureaucracies it creates". It is the Governor's office, not the Legislature, that has oversight of the executive state agencies such as Labor and Industries. Perhaps Governor Inslee, who was sworn in today, can be of more assistance to you. Sincerely,
Okay, that was the legislator's response. Here is my very interesting response to that nonsense:
Legislator, Thank you for your response. Very much thank you, as I have received few responses from the legislature so far. You know what? This over a year long problem could simply have been avoided if our government employees would support our state and federal constitutions at the get go, or even at some point after the get go! We should not have to go through years long arguments just to find out if our constitutions mean what they say!!! We have a jury process that can decide guilt or innocence in a matter of days. It is costly to the taxpayers and an undue burden on the individual who simply desires to peacefully live and prosper without being molested by government employees.
Regarding your statement that the legislature does not have oversight of the bureaucracies it creates, you place the authority for oversight in the governor's office. Please read the following excerpt from a letter I received from the governor's office: "Again, this is a matter you need to resolve directly with L & I as the Governor’s Office does not have either the staff or the authority
to assist you." Evidently, the governor doesn't have authority to assure that her subordinates are supporting our state and federal constitutions either! I hate to be the only guy in the room who cares about our constitutions, especially since we have Oaths of Office binding many public servants to supporting our constitutions... What am I supposed to think, here? What would you be thinking if you were in my shoes? Incompetence? Nin-com-poops? Silliness? Childishness? Where are the cooler and wiser heads? Why doesn't our government work smoothly under the constraints of our constitutions? Does anyone know what our constitutions say? They are written in black and white plain English! My goodness... There is an uploaded copy of the letter I received from the governor's office on my blog. All of the documents I have received have been uploaded. Well, most of them. Some are duplicates and "proofs of mailing"--- Anyway, my no-nonsense responses and fellow citizen neighborly perspective are also found on the blog. I really don't like embarrassing people so I am not going to put this correspondence up there at this point. I still prefer a simple, correct, and constitutional resolution to this nonsense just as I have desired all along. It would have been a lot less costly to follow constitutional guidelines, too. Check out the blog. The governor's letter is at the June 16, 2012, update.Blog urlThank you again, Russ Hinds
See what I mean? Regardless of what the caucus attorney says, YOU have the freedom to grab the bull by the horns and uphold our constitutions, state and federal.
The Washington State Constitution declares the U.S. Constitution to be the Supreme Law of the Land. When our public servants are not constrained by our constitutions then the government employees, attorneys, and representatives can do anything and everything they want to do to the people. If no one stands for our constitutions then government can deny freedom of speech, equal protection under the law, right to a SPEEDY trial by jury, right to bear arms, and theft of property, etc. Please seriously consider upholding our constitutions as many of our fore fathers have given their lives for the blessings of liberty that our constitutions were written to preserve for our posterity.
Russ Hinds.
What can I say? All I can do is thank all the legislators who are trying to help me. Thank you very very much! And also thank you to “the hand of Providence” for providing me with these Emails. “God governs in the affairs of men.” He has provided me with these very useful Emails to make the public aware of what is going on in government that has grown too big to manage because of deliberate misinformation and the personal agendas of government employees (CYA). Government is trying to do too many things, and those things are not required by our constitutions. In fact, our constitutions were written to restrain government, not restrain the people. The growth of government is beyond the ability of “We the people” to restrain it. It is up to our elected representatives to restrain our government, now. I hope my blog inspires our representatives to relax the grip of the bureaucracy on the people. If something isn’t done, it may be that the “hand of Providence” will collapse the whole thing. Government debt, corruption, and monetary systems worldwide are strained to the max. The collapse of the dollar will harm everyone, even government employees, not to mention our upcoming generations.
Mary Anne Shepherd posted the following on Providential History Festival website:
Our fledgling nation was in danger of losing what it had fought so hard to obtain. But, just when there seemed to be no hope of finding an effective human solution, God worked. From the pit of frustration and despair, Benjamin Franklin rose to speak:
“The small progress we have made after 4 or five weeks close attendance & continual reasoning with each other — our different sentiments on almost every question, is methinks a melancholy proof of the imperfection of the Human Understanding. We indeed seem to feel our own wont of political wisdom, since we have been running about in search of it. We have gone back to ancient history for models of government, and examined the different forms of those Republics which having been formed with the seeds of their own dissolution now no longer exist. And we have viewed Modern States all around Europe, but find none of their Constitutions suitable to our circumstances.
In this situation of this Assembly groping as it were in the dark, how has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of lights to illuminate our understandings? In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain, when we were sensible of danger we had daily prayer in this room for Divine Protection. — Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a Superintending providence in our favor. And have we now forgotten that powerful friend? Or do we imagine that we no longer need His assistance?
I have lived, Sir, a long time and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth — that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, Is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings that “except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it.” I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall be become a reproach and a bye word down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may, after this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Governments by Human Wisdom, and leave it to chance, war, and conquest.
I therefore beg that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven and its blessing on our deliberations be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business.”
God bless America and raise up wise men of courage like our Founding Fathers! Government is not the highest authority on the planet…The inalienable rights given to mankind by our Creator must not be destroyed by our neighbors in government!
January 24, 2013, I can't resist uploading this video!
This video takes place here in Washington State. WOW!
Check out that mayor! He knew about our oaths of office and our constitutionally protected liberties! Come on, guys and gals. It is time to stand against the control freaks who want everyone to bow down to their demands.
Did you see that guy get his feelings hurt and leave the council meeting? I just cannot relate to that kind of thinking. The bald guy is a big man, but he is afraid of living in a free country, and he wants to convince everyone else to be afraid, too.
The trick they use is a simple one. Just accuse people of being untrustworthy and incompetent and then force everyone to be under the government's supervision. This poor guy who wanted the gun permit holder to leave the meeting has forgotten about our fundamental right to be "innocent until proven guilty." He accuses the gun permit holder of being a threat to his neighbors. Just like Insp. Philip Jordan and Insp. Michael Thrams accused me of being a threat to my neighbors. Well, if they think I am a threat to my neighbors, then they need to take it to a jury OF MY NEIGHBORS and prove it! INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY! This is a foundation of maintaining a civilized society. SHOULD WE ALLOW GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES TO ACCUSE EVERY CITIZEN OF BEING A THREAT TO THEIR NEIGHBORS IN ORDER TO INCREASE THE POWER AND REVENUE OF GOVERNMENT? NO, NO, NO!
That guy who walked out of the council meeting fascinates me. I mean, "What is going on in his head?" Other than being a baby and picking up his toys and going home. Wow! What an idiot! Is there any other word to describe that? Perhaps I should feel sorry for him because he wasn't fully educated in the government school he went to. But, maybe he really wants to be the guy with all the power controling everyone else around him. Is he that insecure? Is he seeking accolades for "trying to do something worthwhile for the people?" It just fascinates me... He got his feelings hurt when the accolades he expected didn't come from the people in the room. "Wah, wah, wah... I'm going home. Wah, wah, wah..."
Good grief! Amazing...
January 28, 2013, Last UPDATE before going to Electrical Board hearing.
I am a peacemaker at heart, as are all true Christians. Christians don’t go around looking for a fight and they realize that everyone has been given a freewill by their Creator. Therefore, true Christians are not inclined to force compliance to God on their neighbors. This naturally leads churches and pastors to avoid controversy which may “condemn” or convict non believers of error, although the Bible doesn’t condemn, rather it offers salvation from condemnation. Mankind is born ignorant of Truth, but the Truth will save and set you free. Some may read my blog and think that I am “condemning” the government employees who are assaulting my liberty, wallet, and sensibilities. I am not condemning anyone, rather I am insisting that my liberty and property be respected by people who have the army of government at their back.
I believe that most of our neighbors employed by the government want to be good neighbors and they do consider themselves to be good neighbors. Even that guy in the video who walked out of the city council meeting thinks that he is a good neighbor. Unfortunately, the “players in the system” have been misled. They are unaware of their own inconsistent beliefs. For instance, the guy who wanted the gun permit holder to be removed from the city council meeting was completely unaware of the personal insult that he was throwing at the gun permit holder. He just thought that it would be wise and accepted as wisdom by the others in the room to have the veteran removed from the city council meeting. He wasn’t thinking about personally insulting the gun carrying veteran by inferring that he was not a trustworthy neighbor. The cry baby probably wasn’t attempting to lift up himself (and his “wisdom”) by tearing down the gun carrying veteran, either. In his mind, he was most likely just conforming to his friends who want our Second Amendment removed from our U.S. Constitution. He was simply caught up with “going along with the crowd.” You know, the crowd patting itself on the back around the water coolers in government buildings.
For fifty years the crowd around the government water coolers has been growing. They think that they are good neighbors. They think themselves to be “the good guys,” and their ego won’t allow them to let anyone tell them otherwise. This attitude and trait is natural and common to people who have not been taught that there is a “Highest Authority” which they and all men are accountable to. Then... I come along and supposedly put myself above them by pointing out their error. They defensively blind themselves to their (draw first blood) insult--citing me for posting a truthful flyer on a private bulletin board. I didn’t draw first blood by constitutionally posting a list of my skills on a private bulletin board. They drew first blood. I am a peacemaker, but these government employees hysterically blow up a simple and normal act of posting a flyer on a bulletin board into a years long battle.
These misguided people have been blindly doing this stuff for fifty years. While claiming to be reasonable people and good neighbors, non believers in God’s definitions of virtue, justice, and liberty have removed the Highest Authority (virtue, justice, and liberty) from public education. By removing our Creator and His definitions of "love your neighbor" from the minds of upcoming generations, government becomes the highest authority on the planet. Man runs the government, therefore man is the highest authority. Man will bow down to man(even evil men), rather than to his Creator according to the crowd blindly patting itself on the back around the water coolers in government buildings. Evil has opened the door and marched into America. I believe this has been done deliberately and is orchestrated by people with vast riches and human resources (as JFK said). There really are people at the top of world trade, world banking, and industry. And these people at the top have grand desires to build a fanciful world government under the banner of world peace. They delude themselves to believe that if they are in control, there will be world peace and prosperity. To accomplish their designs, they need people to submit to their authority and control, and they need blind minions patting each other on the back around government water coolers.
But, the government employees whom I am dealing with are most likely not knowingly participating in expanding government authority and control for the benefit of the globalist “New World Order” types. The people I am dealing with are my neighbors who think that they are good neighbors and “no one is going to tell them different.” Little ol’ Russ isn’t going to tell them different… But, this is why I have been so frank and outspoken with them. I want to shake them out of their blindness and their disregard of our constitutionally protected liberties.
Remember, I am a peace maker. I don’t go around picking fights, but a lot of people have come to me looking for a fight. These people have all been people in government who think that they are the good guys even while they insult me by saying I am a bad guy. If I stand up to them and insist that I am not a bad guy, they want to believe that I am an even bigger bad guy for standing up for myself. On this blog, this has become ridiculously obvious. Can you believe that AAG Zurlini actually seeks to justify $1500.00 in fines to her neighbor for posting a truthful flyer on a bulletin board attempting to find a job? I really felt sorry for her as she asked the ALJ to uphold the fines. I was amazed at her lack of compassion and coldness. She wasn’t concerned in the least. I was a bad guy deserving $1500.00 in fines in her mind. I don’t even want to believe my neighbors are capable of doing what she did, but there it was! It was reality. It happened. She unflinchingly stated it flat out. And, how many crazy citations have been issued to other honest people looking to serve their neighbors?
I seek peace and liberty and my right to be left secure in my property and life. I am not condemning anyone. I am not threatening anyone. I am not harming anyone, and I have no intention of harming anyone. Will the government employees and the Electrical Board back off? Or will they continue to compound the problem rather than find a peaceful and correct resolution in line with my constitutionally protected liberties? I hope they will support our constitutions as their Oath of Office requires.
Here is the point of this UPDATE. It is time for the church to be salt and light. It needs to loudly offer the kingdom of heaven to our neighbors (who were born ignorant of it like me) and seriously protect their children from the government schools and the overwhelming unchurched peer pressure found in the government schools. Jesus did not come to condemn government employees, rather He came to make the blind to see. He came to teach men to be good neighbors. Love God first and He will teach you how to love family, friends, and neighbors--not insulting your neighbors by accusing them of being untrustworthy and incompetent. The church has been avoiding confronting the misguided establishment for too many decades, and also the atrocious establishment government schools.
There are men on this planet who want to conquer, pillage, enslave, and control the planet. They know the value of “divide and conquer.” The U.S. Constitution has been the most difficult document for the elite world banking powers to overcome. In this country we have witnessed the growth of government with “good intentions” while winking at the constitution for fifty years. The government employees have been “just doing their job,” but now is the time to be united and undivided in our support of our constitutions. There may be JFK’s “Secret Societies” attempting to collapse the U.S., its dollar and its economy. If they are successful, that will bring on their Martial Law in which the government employees will be required to set aside our state and federal constitutions.
IF OUR PUBLIC SERVANTS ARE WILLING TO DISREGARD OUR CONSTITUTIONS NOW AND IN THE FUTURE, WHAT WILL BECOME OF OUR NATION IF A WORLD WIDE GREAT DEPRESSION ARRIVES? Soldiers on our streets? Curfews? Checkpoints on our highways? TSA sticking their hands in your pants? I would like my public servants to be on the side of supporting and defending our state and federal constitutions… I am a peacemaker and a uniter. I want to live as good neighbors under constitution that establishes the conduct of good neighbors who respect the right to freedom of speech, publishing a list of your skills in an effort to find a job, equal protection under the law, right to defend yourself before a jury of your good neighbors, and the right to bear arms. I am a good neighbor, and I have had enough of people trying to convince me that I am a bad neighbor by citing their unconstitutional “RCWs” and other outrageous nonsense and false accusations. We don’t need more laws and more government power enslaving people to taxes, fees, fines, and regulations. We don’t need to be divided…
Who will I meet at the Electrical Board hearing? They will demonstrate who they are. Do we have state and federal constitutions, or not? Do we have good neighbors and patriots employed by our government, or not?
Now for a little fun before I go. I will survive...
February 1, 2013, UPDATE: I went to the Electrical Board hearing…
Who did I meet at the Electrical Board hearing? Answer: More people who are not up to speed on our civic duty to support and defend our state and federal constitutions. I met the same type of people whom I have been dealing with regarding these citations. This did not surprise me, rather it saddened me. Minds cloaked in darkness completely comfortable with painting a neighbor as untrustworthy and incompetent in order to enforce ridiculous fines on a fellow human being.
ORCHESTRATED? I must consider the possibility that the whole thing was orchestrated with the outcome predetermined before the hearing actually took place. Why? Because AAG Angela Zurlini had a “legal document” prepared in advance of the Board’s vote and decision. I wasn’t a fast enough thinker to ask her if I could see the “legal document” which she prepared in case the Board’s vote went in my favor. Anyway, it is completely reasonable to believe that there was advance collaboration to predetermine the outcome of the hearing.
It was a civil and friendly hearing, though. I was given ample time to speak and answer questions from the Board. I am proud of my performance. I got many of my points across, even though I am not experienced in public speaking.
The Electrical Board is a “citizen” board composed of 15 people who are in the electrical industry, with one impartial “citizen” member. I also must giggle at the fact that the board has its own attorney present at their meetings to “oversee” and ensure proper procedures are followed. My opinion of it is, “It is a monster of a thing.” The Electrical Board is creature of the establishment. The individual minds of the people on the board are steered to following the RCWs and the “rules” constantly put before them by the attorney(s). No wonder they threw out “equitable principles.” We can’t have common sense and common decency clouding up the RCWs and “rules.” What a mess! Forget about seeking to maintain a civil society based on good neighbors supporting and defending our constitutions. Forget about free people doing things with one another without government supervision.
There were 10 of the 15 board members present. It met the definition of a “quorum.” When the vote was taken on whether or not to uphold ALJ Mark Kim’s decision to enforce the fines, 2 board members voted in my favor and 7 voted to impose the $500.00 fine--one position on the board is a non-voting member. Because of the question of whether it was orchestrated, I don’t know whether or not to thank those 2 board members for voting in my favor. See what a shame and a sham this is!!! Genuine honesty and openness is completely obscured. Thus, reality is constantly in question. People (me) are kept incapable of knowing who your friends are, and by that also kept from knowing who your adversaries are. It is a monster of a thing with confusion and obfuscation being the desired outcome. In order to maintain that confusion and obfuscation, the state and federal constitutions must be thrown out and disregarded--without a conscience and a conviction of “I am guilty of disregarding our constitutions.”
One of the board members even lost his cool at one of my answers and blurted out, “Don’t think you are the first person to come in here waving the constitution.” This guy is of the same mindset as the guy who walked out of the council meeting in Oak Harbor, WA--see the video I uploaded on my January 24th UPDATE. He was another big guy who is afraid to live in a free country. He also wants to be the “hero” saving the public from unqualified people who may miswire a switch and cause someone’s house to burn down. See what the “ego critter” in a person’s head does? He wants to pump up his ego by convincing himself that he is a savior of the helpless--perhaps also a hero protecting the electrical field workers from free market competition. He wants everyone who offers services to be under government supervision, actually HIS supervision by virtue of HIS position on the Electrical Board. He is the man with all the answers… I pointed out to him that if I wanted to hire my unlicensed friend Bob to help me wire up my garage, I ought to have the freedom to do that. He responded with a statement that the laws are there to save lives. I asked him if fining Russ Hinds $500.00 saves lives? He wimped out and said, “I’m done,” while raising his hands like he was backing off. Nevertheless, he voted to uphold the fines. The truth is, I ought to be free to get a guy off a barstool to help me rewire my garage, but these guys simply don’t know what freedom is. The state of Idaho allows people to wire their own homes while requiring inspections of new construction and remodels. Obviously, some people will feel more comfortable hiring licensed electricians because they don't have the knowledge of electrical codes and repairs, but some neighbors are comfortable in their own knowledge and abilities to hire a guy off a barstool to replace a broken wall switch. Some guys on the Washington State’s Electrical Board have darkened minds that place their own ego above the Truth, the truth about our Constitution and freedom, justice, virtue, and personal responsibility. The Electrical Board ignored the fact that $10.00 per hour apartment maintenance technicians regularly make electrical repairs to apartment homes without being fined for not having an electrician's license.
When all the men in a nation unloads their responsibility to educate their children onto government schools, this is what you get. The government schools do not educate the pupils into understanding freedom, justice, virtue, and personal responsibility for your own free choices and decisions. Government is now responsible for being the benevolent cradle to grave protector and supervisor--with ego powered control freaks happy to be given credit (and paychecks) for being protector and hero supervisor. It is a hideous deception. Paint people who believe in freedom and personal responsibility as untrustworthy and incompetent neighbors who require the “hero” government to regulate, fine, and supervise them. Make every neighbor fear their neighbor and ask the government to supervise their neighbor. Hideous, hideous, hideous… But the Bible teaches us to love our neighbor and treat your neighbor with respect and in honesty while striving not to injure others through deception, theft, and false accusations. If fathers truly loved their children, they would not hire the government to mis-educate their children.
So, these board members who voted to uphold the $500.00 fine first need to justify their decision in their mind by accusing me of being untrustworthy and incompetent. I am, in their minds, someone who dangerously does not play by their oppressive big government rules. Their own distrust and fear of their neighbor guides their decisions…
And, forget about innocent until proven guilty before a jury of your neighbors. They throw that out of their minds, too! In my mind I must ask, “How do people do that?” How do people judge others to be guilty before hearing all the evidence? How do people accuse me of being judgmental of government employees while they judge me of being a threat to my neighbors? In this blog, I have shown many times over how big government is a huge danger to our God given inalienable rights protected by our constitutions, yet they paint and judge me as the bad guy deserving to pay the government $1500.00 in fines.
What am I standing against? I mean what is the underlying belief system which perpetuates government expansion beyond the limits of our constitutions? Why do so many of Americans find it so easy to ignore our constitutions while our servicemen risk their lives and government office holders take an oath to support and defend our constitutions? All this is so simple to me. It is easy to understand, but what is blocking my adversaries from seeing it? I mean, these guys judging me would not like to be in my shoes, would they? I guess I am up against the ego critter which resides in the minds of all men who fail to admit that they were born ignorant of the Truth. They are not like the people who are “poor in spirit (ego)” who “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness” and His Truth. The inalienable rights of men (Truth) can be thrown out and disregarded without a conscience by the people on the Electrical Board. Absent a love for our Creator’s Truth and absent a love for our neighbors, any individual can rationalize their own conduct and choices based on their own desires and error (lies) rather than based on avoiding injuring their neighbor. In life we all have three choices:
1. Follow “self” and whatever your thoughts and emotions lead you to follow.
2. Follow other men--the crowd, the king, the president, the union, the guru, etc.
3. Follow the Truth of your Creator who defines goodness and love--preserving those definitions in Bible scripture for the benefit of mankind and for those who will stand against error, evil, and the invented lies of men. This is the narrow gate, and few are they that find it. Too few find it. We need a revival…
It is simple. Love God and His goodness first, and He will teach you how to love family, friends, and neighbors. And, if I love my neighbors, I will stand and teach the Truth, even to those who wish to fine their neighbors $1500.00 for publishing a list of their skills in an effort to find a job. I am trying to destroy lies and error in spiritual high places, which is in the minds of men. It really is a question of what an individual loves. Does he love the Author and Definer of goodness and love, or does he love his own error and made up nonsense? I cannot force people to love the Truth and drink the Living Water, but I can offer the Truth and the Living Water to my family, friends, and neighbors. Perhaps they will examine themselves and ditch the “ego critter” in their head, desiring to seek the blessings of liberty and righteousness, and a renewed mind with a clear conscience being forgiven of living in ignorance and darkness. Christ died for the forgiveness of sins and to provide a way to a renewed mind loving and knowing God and caring about your neighbor.
Truly, truly, light has come into the world, but the darkness has not understood it, John 1. Surely, many people have misunderstood me. That is why I hope that my efforts throughout my life to plant seeds will sprout into mature brothers and sisters in the family of God, who courageously live in the Truth of our Father in heaven.
Anyway, after the board’s vote and adjourning for a break, the atmosphere went back to being more friendly like in the beginning. AAG Angela Zurlini pointed out that I can now appeal to a regular court. I am left wondering if this "regular" court will give me a speedy trial by jury… Good grief! The hearing was another waste of time, ignoring our state and federal constitutions. Obviously, I don’t fit in with this world. And from what I saw in Tumwater, I am glad that I don’t fit in. It’s pitiful… Americans shouldn’t so easily abandon our state and federal constitutions and our Bill of Rights. They were written to protect us from tyranny, but Americans are willingly enslaving themselves to the government. Real, real pitiful!
Here is a real interesting thought, though. The friends and neighbors I hang out with don't behave like the government employees do. It seems that something happens to people when they get a government job. They magnify their own importance and the importance of government. This is silly, because our constitutions were written to limit the "importance" of government by keeping it small and by clearly defining its limitted powers. The writers of our constitutions desired government to be most powerful at the local level and least powerful at the top. They envisioned neighbors holding each other accountable to civility rather than individuals attempting to hold the huge centralized government accountable. This is why we elect some of our neighbors to serve us as representatives supporting and defending our constitutions... seems I can repeat the same themes over and over. Evidently, few people have ears to hear...
Another APPEAL coming…
February 8, 2013, UPDATE: 10 Summation points regarding the Electrical Board.
--I went fishing on the Snake River with my brother for 4 days. It was a very nice distraction from this nonsense on this blog. Well, mostly a nice distraction. Evidently, some government bureaucracy hired a college kid to go around accosting fishermen to "keep a record of the fish caught" everyday. Sheesh! A man simply cannot get away from government accosters! One guy caught a 17 pound steelhead and the government accoster came by and cut the head off his fish! Said it had some kind of tag in its head and he needed to take it back to some labratory or whatever. What if the guy wanted to have his fish mounted? What if he simply stood up to the government employee and demanded that the ding-a-ling leave his damn fish alone? There probably would have been an escalating argument on the river... Geeze, God did not put the fish in the river for the benefit of government employees! "Oh give me a home where the buffallo roam, and the deer and the antelope play, where seldom is heard a discouraging word, and the skies are not cloudy all day..." Your tax dollars pay for your own government annoyance and intrusion. Good grief! It probably is a good thing my brother didn't catch the 17 pounder. I wouldn't have put up with that nonsense. The guy who caught the fish was annoyed too, but he didn't have the courage to tell the kid to take a hike. What a mess! If the government accoster needed to get some tagged fish, why didn't he throw his own pole in the water to catch some? Wow, I might apply for that government job! I wonder if the goal of government is to acclimate the public to being randomly frisked by government employees while walking down the sidewalk? Yeah, get the men of the country used to kissing government ass and then the bullies can maintain control of their kingdom. Sick! Wake up, America! Come on men, get some gonads! Try watching some episodes of Bonanza.--
I am wondering if the readers of this blog caught the most important point of the previous UPDATE? This little "summation UPDATE" is here to expand on the most imprtant point of the previous UPDATE. In case you missed the most important point, here it is:
“Don’t think you are the first person to come in here waving the constitution.”
What on earth possesses a man to say something like that? Is he so deaf that he can't hear himself? He is bragging about ignoring the constittution and pissing all over other people who come before the Electrical Board. Then he throws his hands up and declares, "I'm done, I'm done" like I am some sort of aggressive angry white male ready to shoot up the place. I'm the bad guy, he's the good guy, and 6 other people on the Electrical Board fall for it. Fear... The idiot pretends like I am someone to be feared. His efforts infuse the room with emotional reactions. And yes, I did get a serious look on my face when I said, "Does fining Russ Hinds $500.00 save lives?" But that would have been a straight forward question coming from our founding fathers in their debates over our Constitution and Bill of Rights. There was a lot of righteous indignation in our Constitutional Congress. Men of courage stood up to tyranny and government abuse of power because they had experienced it first hand under King George III. Yet, this ignorant bully got "emotional control" of the other members of the Electrical Board WITHOUT ANY OTHER MEMBER OF THE BOARD WILLING TO STAND UP AND SUPPORT OUR STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS. I was the only guy in the room speaking about our civic duty to support and defend our constitutions. The others, except the 2 votes in my favor, sat there thinking that the ignorant bully had made a valid point, and that the constitution gave them the power to ignore the constitution and issue $500.00 citations to people who publish a list of their skills in an effort to find a job while ignoring "equal protection under the law" and my right to defend myself before a jury of my good neighbors.
This idiot on the board is just like the idiot who walked out of the city council meeting in Oak Harbor, WA. What if someone on the Electrical Board had the courage to speak up like the Mayor of Oak Harbor did? Let's go even further and ask, "What if the smarter-than-everyone-else bully on the Electrical Board had said, 'Russ, you have a good point. Our constitutions do protect your right to publish a list of your skills in an effort to find a job.'" That would have changed the vote outcome in a heartbeat. The play on emotions and unjustifiable fear of an honest citizen who is innocent until proven guilty would not have entered the room. A civil discussion of the poorly worded RCW may have followed the reasonable observation, "Russ, you have a good point. Our constitutions do protect your right to publish a list of your skills in an effort to find a job." Issuing $500.00 citiations to honest people posting flyers would be found unconstitutional. People do have the right to publish a list of their skills in an effort to find a job. Perhaps the Electrical Board could then make a recommendation to change the wording of the RCW to include more specifics. Specifics like, "Falsely claiming to be a licensed electrician in an advertisement shall be deemed fraud, punishable with a $500.00 fine." It could also be stated in the RCW, "No part of this regulation shall be construed to make it illegal for a homeowner to hire the person(s) of his own choice to perform services on their own home." It is already true. I can hire a guy off a barstool to help me wire up my garage and do other chores around my house. These government employed idiots just don't want homeowners to hire anyone at all without getting government supervision and licensing first. Just as ALJ Mark Kim said, "almost every activity of work." Getting the appropriate "new" electrical jobs inspected is still a reasonable requirement as long as the fees for inspections are not unreasonable. Our representatives need to reign in the out of control control freaks! Someone needs to start mentioning our state and federal constitutions in government buildings!
Oh, there is an update to the Oak Harbor, WA, council meeting concerning their ordinance against lawfully carrying a gun in the city parks. The council was forced to repeal the ordinance banning guns when their next council meeting was overwhelmed with gun carrying citizens upholding their constitutional rights. You can find a video of it on youtube. the press was there covering the whole thing, LOL. One guy had an "assault" weapon on his shoulder while at the podium speaking to the city council. LOL, man that is good stuff! I'll take liberty and our constitutions over government employed idiots EVERYDAY! Small steps like this can snowball into shrinking the out of control government employees of our expensive and wasteful bureaucracies. Our founding fathers were not afraid to live in a free country where people take responsibility for their own decisions.
So here is a summation of the simple true points which apply to my case:
1. Our state and federal constitutions protect my right to publish a list of my skills in an effort to find a job.
2. Our state and federal constitutions protect the homeowner's right to hire who he wants to perform services on their home, licensed and bonded, or not. Homeowners take responsibility for their own choices. If a homeowner wants a licensed and bonded electrician to install a ceiling fan, he is free to call one. If a homeowner knows a trusted friend who can correctly install a ceiling fan, he can call his friend. The homeowner is responsible for his own decisions. Government is not responsible for superivising homeowners and every service performed by citizens. Government is not the hero savior who loves everyone, although some government employees want to pump up their ego and convince us that they are hero saviors who can do no wrong while ignoring our constitutions.
3. Our state and federal constitutions protect my right to defend myself before a jury of my good neighbors before having my liberty and property confiscated.
4. Our state and federal constitutions protect my right to "equal protection under the law."
5. All government employees and citizens have a civic duty to support and defend our constitutions.
6. Fining Russ $500.00 does not save lives, and neither does fining other honest competent citizens. Honest competent citizens don't do things that will injure their neighbors. Falsely accusing every citizen of being untrustworthy and incompetent is the antithisis of "innocent until proven guilty," and uncivil in a civilized society. Check out the most recent comment at the bottom of the comment section. The poor mother posted an ad on CraigsList without the father knowing about it and they got fined $1000.00. Now she is seeking help to get the government employees off their back. This is sad, AND SICK!
7. We are a nation of Americans who love their country and their civic duty to uphold and and defend our state and federal constitutions. Obviously, the bully at the Electrical Board meeting and the bully on Oak Harbor's city council have no love for our constitutions, our country, our service men who risk their lives defending liberty and our constitutions, and their innocent, trustworthy, and competent neighbors.
8. Government employees are out of control because government schools have failed to properly educate too many generations about justice, morality, liberty, and our founding principles of personal responsibility that guided our founding fathers.
9. Arguing with idiots and bullies employed by the government is futile unless you are someon capable like Judge Andrew Napolitano with the backing of other constitutional and liberty loving Americans. I wasn't given the opportunity to conduct a seminar on our civic duty to uphold our tate and federal onstitutions at the Electrical Board hearing. Even if I was given the opportunity to teach a seminar, the ego of the bully idiot would have prevented him from seeing the light. The others may have had an epiphany and voted in my favor, but the arrogant dude would not have. He needs more than just my 2 by 4 over the head. Perhaps his family and friends can reach him.
10. Government is doing too many things which are unconstitutional. Even to the point that they are rewarding and enabling the ignorant and irresponsible with welfare, free rent, free atrocious schools, and free healthcare--while punishing a guy for looking for a job! Promiscuous? That's okay, we'll be your hero saviour and give you a free abortion using the taxpayer's funds! Punishing the innocent and rewarding the guilty. There are consequences to these injustices. Can the moral and wise turn the country back to common sense and common decency in time to avoid catastrophy? I guess we shall see...
The above ten points are not arguable. Does anyone care? Will I ever get my speedy trial by jury? How long will these guys play unconstitutional games. Will the representatives of the people in the state legislature finally step up to the plate and fulfill their Oath of Office? Can our neighbors in the state legislature cut the state government back into compliance with our constitutions and thereby balance the state budget? Will government employees come out of their la-la land trance and have an epiphany? Or will they just continue to try and decieve the public while demanding more taxes and more compliance to government supervision?
On my fishing trip I found an ad in a Nickel Classified Ad paper. In the construction and services section was a Washington Department of Labor and Industries ad that warned people that "all advertising contractors" must include their license number and bond number in their ad or else be fined $5000.00. Apparently, everyone who advertises to do "almost every activity of work" is considered a contractor. Apparently, everyone seeking to serve their neighbors must pay the government for the priviledge of doing work for their friends and neighbors. Apparently, we need a contractor's license to mow our neighbor's lawn. Apparently our constitutions don't protect our right to work and earn an income in order to feed ourselves and family. Apparently, every citizen performing services in the state of Washington needs to be tracked, supervised, and charged license fees in order to work. How far and extreme will these bureaucrats go in order to CYA their extreme misapplication of the RCWs? They are showing me how ridiculous they are. I think a lot of my neighbors have been seeing through this nonsense for a long time, too. Hopefully, it is time to put a stop to the nonsense and get back to our civic duty and Oaths of Office supporting and defending our constitutions...
Now, I need to go figure out how to APPEAL the Electrical Board's vote.
February 23, 2013, UPDATE. Mailed my Petition for Review to the Superior Court of WA for Spokane County.
Yesterday, February 22, I mailed my PETITON FOR REVIEW to the court with copies to WDLI and the Electrical Board. What a pain in the rear! These government employees really do think that they have been put on this earth for every citizens’ life to revolve around. They are not Very Important People, they are public servants who need to stay out of the way. They have restrictions on their authority written in our constitutions and when they ignore those restrictions, they create huge messes. 16 months to resolve a dispute over a flyer posted on a bulletin board? How crazy is that? And I am still confined to the state of Washington until this is resolved because of the threats included in their citations. There ought to be punitive damages awarded to me for 16 months of “unlawful imprisonment,” too!
You see, to them, they are just doing their job, but they have no idea what the consequences of “their job” is. In their eyes they think they have a criminal who needs to pay the state $1500.00. According to “their job” they must do everything they can to make him pay it. The constitutions, the Bill of Rights, common decency, and common sense go out the window. They should have dropped their citations as soon as I mentioned my constitutionally protected right to publish a list of my skills in an effort to find a job. If not that, they should have given me my constitutionally protected right to face my accusers before a jury of my good neighbors. This is why we have constitutions! Good grief!
Instead of doing our civic duty to support and defend our constitutions, the government employees get defensive of their jobs and RCWs, and they circle the wagons, and they create hundreds of pages of paper, and they pretend to be about providing a fair trial by government employees… What? Do they think I am ignorant? Do they think that they can deceive me? Do they think I will give in to their outrageous unconstitutional demands? We simply need to get government constrained to the constitutions, again. If government employees can’t do their jobs correctly according to our constitutions, then we don’t need them doing extra-constitutional bureaucratic programs anyway!
You readers know what I am talking about. We don’t need government employees rewarding the irresponsible and ignorant with welfare, free rent, free atrocious schools, and free abortions (healthcare) WHILE FINING A GUY $1500.00 FOR PUBLISHING A LIST OF HIS SKILLS IN AN EFFORT TO FIND A JOB! This is what the productive taxpayers have been forced to live under--and the state and federal governments seek to continue to expand… I believe we can shrink government back to the size it was in 1950! And even farther back! And you can’t blame me for desiring to see over 50% of government employees in the unemployment line instead of living off the overburdened and enslaved productive taxpayer. Time for that epiphany! Time to get their heads on straight! Time for ex-government employees to learn how to be a good neighbor who supports and defends our state and federal constitutions in the private job market!
So, here is the Electrical Board’s FINAL ORDER, LOL, …LOL. The government is giving out final orders to the people. Ha ha ha, …that doesn’t sound right to me! Am I supposed to say, “Yes sir! Yes, Mr. Dictator, I will do whatever you say!” Sheesh, I thought we lived in a free country with liberty and justice for all! :
And here is my Petition For Review:
February 22, 2013
TO: Spokane County Clerk, Clerk of the Superior Court
And appropriate Judge
Spokane County Courthouse, Room 300
1116 West Broadway Avenue
Spokane, WA 99260
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
Ph. 509-***-****
RE: Petition for Review of ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER
Dear Clerk,
Please find the enclosed PETITION FOR REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER and its attachments which include the FINAL ORDER of Washington Department of Labor and Industry’s Electrical Board.
This is a timely request for review and the other parties in this case have been served copies of this PETITION FOR REVIEW via certified mail with return proof of receipt.
Please place this PETITION FOR REVIEW on the Superior Court docket and notify me of the assigned case numbers and dates of filing, etc.
----In another matter:
I have not received any case numbers for my previous MOTION to the Superior Court of Spokane County dated and mailed on August 22, 2012, nor any follow-up correspondence whatsoever concerning my motion for jury trial regarding WDLI Citation No. NTHRM00462. Is the court waiting for this second Petition in order to combine the double jeopardy citations, ie; two citations for the same flyer on the same bulletin board for the same day? (Citation Nos. NTHRM00462 and EJORP04884)
I am a member of the public who has granted power to our public servants to administer justice while supporting and adhering to our state and federal constitutions. It is the duty of public servants to provide access to justice (innocent until proven guilty) for the public. Ignoring my August 22, 2012, MOTION does not provide access to justice. Also, I have learned that my APPEALs do not require fees to be paid to the Superior Court. Please return my $50.00 which I paid to Petition for Review in the Citation No. NTHRM00462 per RCW 74.08.080(3)(a). Why didn’t you inform me that a filing fee was not required?
I am the only one trying to keep expenses at a minimum. I do not need to hire a $300.00 per hour attorney to defend myself against these ridiculous and unconstitutional citations. Also, it appears so far that I am the only one supporting and defending our state and federal constitutions. No wonder Washington’s state budget is not balanced. The $1500.00 revenue tickets issued to me fall far short of covering the state’s cost in defending their citations. It would have been constitutional and cheaper to give me a speedy trial by jury of my neighbors at the beginning instead of 16 months late.
Phillip Jordan and Michael Thrams have a beef with me. They issued me two citations for posting a truthful flyer on a private bulletin board. The intimidating citations carry $1500.00 in fines and they include threats of further legal action. If these two employees of WDLI consider me a bad neighbor worthy of $1500.00 in fines and additional threats, then they need to convince a jury of my good neighbors that I am a bad neighbor. I have a constitutionally protected right to face my accusers before a jury of my peers before having my property and liberty taken from me by Jordan, Thrams, and the state of Washington.
Please, let us be civilized and reasonable neighbors who live under state and federal constitutions which protect We the People. This silly argument needs to stop now with a dismissal of these citations with me being reimbursed for my time, expenses and loss of income.
Thank you.,
In re: |
| No._________________________
Russ Hinds, Defendant |
VS. | and/or
Accuser, initiator, complainant | (RCW 74.08.080(3)(a))
(Citation No. EJORP04884) | |
____________________________________ |___________________________________
1. The Defendant, Russ Hinds, whose mailing address is 10421 E. Jutte Ln., Elk,
WA. 99009, petitions for review pursuant to RCW 34.05.510 et seq. and RCW
74.08.080, of an administrative agency decision.
2. The decision is from the Washington Dept. of Labor and Industries (WDLI).
Their address is PO Box 44810, Olympia, WA, 98504-4810
3. At issue is the FINAL ORDER in OAH Docket No. 2012-LI-0027 which was
issued on January 31, 2013. A copy of the FINAL ORDER is attached to this PETITION.
4. The parties in the Electrical Board hearing were Defendant herein and the
Washington Department of Labor and Industries.
5. This PETITION FOR REVIEW is timely filed with the proper court.
Defendant has exhausted administrative remedies and is aggrieved by the FINAL
ORDER of the agency.
6. The Defendant is entitled to relief pursuant to RCW 34.05.570(3) because the
Defendant’s request for his constitutionally protected right to a speedy trial by jury was
ignored by Washington Department of Labor and Industries and based on one or more of
the following:
(a) the order, and/or the statute upon which the order is based, is a violation of constitutional provisions on its face and as applied; issuing a citation with $500.00 penalty for publishing a truthful list of skills in an effort to find a job is repugnant to the Supreme Law of the Land (our Bill of Rights Amendment I) and is null and void of law. "The Constitution of these United States is the supreme law of the land. Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution is null and void of law." Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137; or
(b) the order is outside the statutory authority or jurisdiction of the agency conferred by any provision of law; Private publications and private bulletin boards are protected by our state and federal constitutions and outside the jurisdiction of WDLI. "No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it." Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 78 S.Ct. 1401 (1958), and "When a judge acts where he or she does not have jurisdiction to act, the judge is engaged in an act or acts of treason." Cohens V Virginia, 19 US (6 Wheat) 264, 404, 5LEd 257 (1821); or
(c ) the agency is engaged in unlawful procedure or decision making process, or has failed to follow a prescribed procedure; in violation of the Oath of Office, RCW 3.34.080, which affirms our civic duty to support and defend our state and federal constitutions and “liberty and justice for all,” a member of the Electrical Board of WDLI bragged about ignoring our constitutions and p---ing all over other defendants who have come before the Electrical Board. Quote from a member of the Electrical Board during the defendant’s hearing: “Do not think that you are the first person to come in here waving the constitution.” Obviously, the correct decision making process includes supporting our state and federal constitutions, not bragging about ignoring our state and federal constitutions. Our constitutions were written to restrain government employees, not to restrain “We the People,” (see quotes from the real statesman Patrick Henry). "The court is to protect against any encroachment of Constitutionally secured liberties." Boyd v. U.S., 116 U.S. 616 Obviously, all government employees are required to protect against any encroachment of constitutionally protected liberties because government would be warring against itself if the judicial branch protected against encroachment of our constitutionally protected liberties while the executive branch brags about ignoring our constitutionally protected liberties and p---ing all over “We the People.” (Note: There was a stenographer at the Electrical Board hearing)
(d) the agency has erroneously interpreted or applied the poorly written RCW; or
(e) the order is inconsistent with a rule of the agency as it pertains to our constitutionally protected right to “equal protection under the law,” Bill of Rights, Amendment XIV; According to Insp. Phil Jordan in testimony at ALJ Mark Kim’s hearing, a rule of the agency protects unlicensed maintenance technicians and plumbers from being cited and fined for offering to perform and performing simple electrical repairs in apartment homes, commercial property, and other property managed by Real Estate Management companies. Government employees who assume that all maintenance technicians and plumbers who do not have a valid Electrician’s License are trustworthy, competent, and “legal” while fining an individual for offering to perform the same maintenance and repair is not “equal protection under the law.” WDLI is interpreting the RCW inconsistently in order to collect revenue from honest people who have a lifetime invested in obtaining their skills in order to do work and feed himself and family; or
(f) the order is inconsistent with the fact that a homeowner has constitutionally protected freedom to hire who he wants to assist in maintenance and repair of their home. WDLI cannot encroach on our constitutionally protected liberty to freely communicate and work with our neighbors; or
(g) our state and federal constitutions do not provide authority to government employees to act as supervisors of every transaction and service conducted by “We the People.” “Almost every activity of work,” as stated by ALJ Mark Kim in his FINAL ORDER; or
(h) “innocent until proven guilty” is the basis of our liberty. Proof of guilt is based on a determination of the facts. Government employees who assume that “select” neighbors involved in maintenance and repair are guilty of being a threat and a danger to their neighbors must prove it to a jury of our neighbors by a determination of the facts, not by their own personal assumptions and unconstitutional application of law. Issue a citation? Then back it up being ready to prove it to a jury of our good neighbors while supporting our state and federal constitutions and allowing the defendant his constitutionally protected right to question his accuser. Simple, simple, simple…; or
(i) the order is arbitrary or capricious.
7. WHEREFORE, Defendant asks the court for judgment:
A. Correcting the Electrical Board FINAL ORDER and granting other relief as follows:
(a) Dismissing the citation and $500.00 fine; or
(b) Ordering WDLI to provide the constitutionally protected right to a trial by jury in the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County.
B. Awarding reimbursement of costs to defendant.
(a) Expenses incurred while the defendant’s request for a trial by jury was ignored by WDLI, and while being forced to listen to numerous government employees trying to convince defendant that he is a bad neighbor who deserves to pay the government $500.00 for exorcising his constitutionally protected right to publish a list of his skills in an effort to find a job.
Mailing and office supplies----------------------------------- $ 200.00
Travel and accommodations to Tumwater for hearing---- 500.00
Travel to ALJ hearing---------------------------------- 40.00
Time responding/pleading with
WDLI @ $25.00 per hr.-- 1500.00 (b) Loss of work due to restricting ability to publish
a list of skills in an effort to find a job @ $500.00 per mo.- $8000.00
C. Awarding further relief this court believes proper:
(a) punitive damages for failing to provide an inexpensive
constitutionally protected right to a speedy trial by jury;
Amount of fine: $500.00 Additional award: $________-- $_______
(b) restraining order against all employees of WDLI
forbidding them from approaching, speaking to, or
mailing any correspondence to Defendant.
Defendant Pro Se
And here is the body of a letter I sent to 4 of my state representatives in the legislature:
RE: Man fined $1500.00 for looking for a job.
Dear Senator/Representative,
Please find the enclosed PETITION FOR REVIEW documents and please review them to increase your awareness of what your constituents are dealing with. I assure you that many other people are victimized by your Department of Labor and Industries bureaucracy. Please know that the longer I stand on my constitutionally protected rights, I keep running into many other people who have had abusive and nonsensical treatment by WDLI employees. Also, I have received many emails and comments on my blog from people who have been fined thousands of dollars, and do not have the skills and fortitude to make a stand like I have made.
It has occurred to me that these fines which come with threats of further legal action under a false color of law is illegal fraud and extortion, and prosecutable. Especially, seeing that no resolution is available after 16 months of arguing with government employees who want to convince me that I am a bad neighbor deserving to pay the state of Washington $1500.00 for publishing a list of my skills in an effort to find a job.
Perhaps it would be wise to have a qualified constitutional patriot attorney take a look at the fraud and extortion laws as they may apply to my case and others. May I also suggest that my enclosed documents be read on the house and senate floor in order to garner some media attention about out of control government employees who have been trained to ignore our civic duty to support and uphold our state and federal constitutions. Perhaps a bill can be introduced that requires all state employees to undergo training in how to be a good neighbor by abiding by our state and federal constitutions, the “Supreme Law of the Land.”
Thank you very much,
We will see if I get a response. Perhaps they will ignore me like the Superior court did with my first APPEAL and MOTION. Perhaps the people I am dealing with are still in a childish high school mentality. Playing games, pretending like they are governing and pretending like saviors of the helpless public.
March 3, 2013 UPDATE: Nothing from court yet.
I haven't heard from Spokane Superior Court yet, but I did get a letter from one of my representatives. He said that he can't interfere in my case because it is in the courts now. And he recognized that we have problems with the bureaucracy, but he can't do anything about that until we have a "majority" in the state congress. He means a Republican majority. These guys are helpless. Geeze, if they want a majority, they would do well to learn how to do our civic duty to support our state and federal constitutions, no matter who has the majority in the state congress. I wonder if the minority party in Germany said the same things while Hitler's NAZIs took over the german government? I guess I am still the only guy in the state of Washington doing my civic duty to support and defend our state and federal constitutions. Good grief! If the Republicans would aim for a few constitutional victories, perhaps it would catch on and we could restrain our state and federal governments back into constitutional limits. Need some victories? Well, why not start with my case? It does require sticking your neck out and rocking the boat, though. The Representatives need courage and a set of cajones, too.
Please take note of the following sentences which I included in my cover letter to the Spokane County Clerk for the Superior Court:
"Phillip Jordan and Michael Thrams have a beef with me. They issued me two citations for posting a truthful flyer on a private bulletin board."
The above sentences are true and simple. They hold accountable the individuals who issued the citations. Individual accountability is essential to a civil society. Jordan and Thrams are accountable for injuring their neighbors as much as I am accountable for injuries I cause my neighbors. The difference is that Jordan and Thrams can pass their responsibility on to “the government,” the RCWs, and the “bogeyman.” The bogeyman is their boss employed by the government. Jordan and Thrams know that their bosses will circle the wagons to protect themselves from me… ???Whew! Protect themselves from me??? Me, a member of “We the People,” is turned into a threat to government employees and government power. HOW THE HELL DOES THAT HAPPEN? Good Grief! I am turned into someone to be feared because I am the only one doing my civic duty to support and defend our state and federal constitutions. AND THAT IS ASS BACKWARDS! Government employees often take oaths of office to support our constitutions, but they live in la-la land, lying to themselves pretending to support our constitutions. The same misguided nonsense they use to rationalize their actions on the job is the same smoke and mirrors that they try to blow up my butt. Government employees do not want their delusions corrected. It upsets their ego and their entire (fake) reality. With correction, they become the bad guys and I become the good guy on the side of “We the People.”
The problem is, they are dishonest enough to turn a simple argument over my constitutionally protected rights into a 16 month long battle in order to protect their fake “good guy” status quo. All government employees have a huge desire to be the good guy fixing society and protecting “We the People” from bad guys. So, by using their RCWs, government employees can pick any unlucky citizen and unjustly accuse him of being a bad guy. And boy, if government employees succeed in getting an admission of guilt and compliance, their ego is fulfilled and ready to move on to the next “bad guy.”
Bureaucracy and out of control government is a monster, a beast bent on perpetuating itself while ignoring, obfuscating, confusing, and undermining our state and federal constitutions. It is a beast because the INDIVIDUALS employed by the government won’t accept personal responsibility for their actions. It is the same blame game and natural reaction common to man since the Garden of Eden. The way to correct this is to give each government employee about 40 hours of training in our nation’s history and constitutional law, “government of the people, for the people, and by the people.” As it is now, defensive and insecure government employees have an “us against them” mentality. That mentality drives their efforts to control We the People and maintain the establishment status quo.
When a cop points his radar gun at you and issues you a speeding citation, he has a beef with your driving too fast. If you contest the citation the cop is required to testify in court about his justification for issuing the citation. The defendant can question his accuser and defend himself before a judge or jury. The same goes for neighbors. If your neighbor has a beef with you, he must file a complaint with a court and take you to a trial where you are allowed to question your accuser before a jury of your other neighbors.
If I had Jordan and Thrams on the witness stand in court and asked them if they have a beef with me, what might they say? Would they say, "I don't have a beef with you, Russ. I was just doing my job, following orders." Angela Zurlini would then inform and confuse the jury by saying, "Jordan and Thrams are required by statute to issue those citations." She already told the Administrative Law Judge that. See? The government employees are not responsible for their own actions! The statute is responsible!
Bullshit!!! It is impossible for me to put the “statute” on the stand and question it before a jury of my good neighbors. It is not human and it has done nothing to me. Words in a law book do not jump off the page and mail intimidating $1500.00 citations to their neighbors. Only humans can do that.
So these government employees want to use their RCW book to accuse me of being a danger to my neighbors, a law breaker, and deserving to have my property and liberty taken from me. Well, I have a higher “Law Book” than theirs. This Law Book governs the conscience of men. Its words convict the hearts of men of error. “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” Jordan and Thrams have accused me of being a danger to my neighbors, a law breaker, and deserving to have my property and liberty taken from me by the State of Washington, the bogey man. (Remember, they are not responsible. The RCWs, the state, and the bogeyman are responsible in their minds. Well, I can’t put the state or the bogeyman on the stand and make them answer questions in front of a jury of my good neighbors, either.) Therefore, Jordan and Thrams must be held responsible for their actions before a jury.
Remember the Nerumberg trials which tried the individuals who ran the concentration camps for the NAZIs? Those individuals used the defense, "I was obeying orders." That defense did not work. Many of those who were tried at the Nerumberg trials were seriously punished for "obeying orders" because those orders were obviously inhumane and unconscionable.
Anyone with a conscience would not be able to carry out the NAZI orders. America used to have a conscience based in the moral laws of God, which grant inalienable liberties, freedom, private property, and which establish true justice with regard to maintaining a society of good neighbors who do not bear false witness, take property, confiscate freedom to publish, take away the right to bear arms, deny an impartial trial by jury, wrongfully imprison, etc.
My fines are not as drastic as NAZI concentration camps, but the principle is the same. Individuals, including government employees, must be held accountable for their actions. You can't blame the RCWs and the statutes.
My efforts on this blog are aimed at empowering We the People with their constitutions. In this blog, I have shown how our government schools have failed to educate too many generations into their civic duties and responsibilities. I have shown how the graduates of the government schools are lacking the tools needed to grow mentally and competently into a distinctly American civilization as was envisioned by our founding fathers. Civics, ethics, honesty, personal accountability, and good will toward your neighbor have not been taught in government schools for decades. The result is immaturity.
Government employees are still in the adolescent high school mentality. They avoid personal responsibility while seeking the security of the gang. I heard Janet Napolitano speak of government employees as “the federal family.” She meant the federal high school gang! I cringed when I heard that phrase “federal family.” It is exclusive and self centered, leaving We the People out of the “family.” It is not a unifying phrase around our land of the free and home of the brave.
We the People simply don’t have government employees, including elected officials, mature enough to support and defend our state and federal constitutions with good will toward men. High school egos, circle the wagons, pass the blame, and denial of “created equal with certain unalienable rights,” rule in the minds of insecure government employees who have sought out the security of a government job. Too many generations left behind in the atrocious government schools.
Isaiah 3:4,5
4 I will make boys and girls their officials; mere children will govern them. 5 People will oppress each other-- man against man, neighbor against neighbor.
The young will rise up against the old, the base against the honorable.
The only hope is a return to reality and truth. The rock solid rules of right, wrong, and common decency (love your neighbor) which are authored by our Creator. Our founding fathers used the words, “the Laws of Nature, and Nature’s God” in our Declaration of Independence. Our nation has gone over a cliff, but the “children” deny it. Print more money and grow more government to fix things…
It ain’t gonna work.
We can only turn to our Father in heaven and ask Him to teach us to be good fathers here on earth; doing our role to love, lead, teach, take care of, and protect our children from the atrocious government schools and the filthy media bombarding them with glorified evil and overwhelming temptations.
Malichi 4:6
He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.
It appears that the curse is here…
WAKE UP YOU IDIOT GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES! Admit you were born ignorant and kept ignorant of the Truth in government schools like the rest of us. Go find the Truth about “love God and neighbor” and about our history leaving the oppression of kings and clergy in Old Europe. You don’t have to remain in an immature high school IQ. The Truth can be found. “He who seeks, finds.” And, “Wise men still seek Him.”
March 8, 2013 UPDATE: Strange letter from the new Secretary of the Electrical Board.
Yeah, this letter is signed by Rod Mutch, Secretary, Electrical Board. What happened to Ronald? And Larry? LOL… Actually, Rod’s letter considerately informs me of a snag in my appeal. Thank you Rod Mutch! Hee, hee… I hope he doesn’t get in trouble with the crowd patting itself on the back around the water coolers in government buildings for keeping me informed!
My last UPDATE about the high school IQ got me thinking about my junior year in high school. I was selected to go to California Boys State. One honor student from each school in the state of California was offered the opportunity to go to Sacramento and participate in mock state elections. We were given tours of the capital and seminars about how government works and we were encouraged to campaign for our mock state offices. The students could run for governor, attorney general, the state legislature, and other elected offices. It was quite entertaining because the campaigns got a little out of hand with all the campaign promises and shenanigans. It was a pretty good program, but it could have had more discipline and common sense reality being taught. I didn’t run for an office because I was a little more reserved and serious than most of the other students. I was content to amuse myself watching the silliness, kids pretending to campaign and govern… etc. Besides, how could a serious kid like me campaign against a silly kid who wouldn’t understand the principles of good government? I would have had to educate the voters and my opponent, who were more inclined to amuse themselves by voting for the clowns who made ridiculous campaign promises. You know, like some of the immature kids just turned the Boys State program into a joke. It could have been run better… but I am proud that I was selected to go. Perhaps my selection was another act of the hand of Providence preparing me to be able to write this blog and stand up for our state and federal constitutions. Perhaps some of our current government employees never grow up…LOL.
Now it is my turn to clown around, “Hey Ronald! Where did you go? Did you get transferred? Retire? Run away? You left some unfinished business here, you know? Your correspondence was amusing me. I’m gonna miss that!” “Larry Vance (for) Ronald Fuller“… man, that was funny! Remember “Dear Larry and Ronald“? …tweek, tweek! [Sept. 18, 2012 UPDATE]
Anyway, Secretary Rod Mutch starts off right by keeping me informed. Here:
This is a great opportunity for me to find out what is going on at the Superior Court Clerk’s office. I sent the following letter to the Clerk with a carbon copy sent to Rod Mutch:
March 8, 2013
TO: Spokane County Clerk, Clerk of the Superior Court
And appropriate Judge
Spokane County Courthouse, Room 300
1116 West Broadway Avenue
Spokane, WA 99260
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E. Jutte Ln.
Elk, WA 99009
Ph. 509-***-****
RE: Electrical Board Notification re: Petition for Review of ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER
Dear Clerk ,
Please find the enclosed Notification which I received from the Electrical Board of WDLI. It states that “this office is unable to comply with the requirements of RCW 34.05.566 until we receive a copy of the petition for review that has actually been filed with the court.”
This is silly! They did receive a copy of my PETITION FOR REVIEW which I “actually filed” with your court. However, they claim to have run into a snag because “there is no cause number included” with the copy of the PETITION that I sent to them.
I would like some public servants to do their job and provide a way to move forward on my PETITION FOR REVIEW. Evidently, your court needs to provide me with a “cause number” and a “a copy of the petition for review that has actually been filed with the court” so that this appeal can move forward without delay.
Once I have what the Electrical Board claims it needs, I will forward it to them. However, your office can also communicate with the Electrical Board and send both parties named in the PETITION copies of the “conformed” and “cause numbered” PETITION FOR REVIEW.
I am also requesting a typical itinerary of future steps that I and we must take in order to resolve this dispute/APPEAL. I need to know what I need to do as my PETITION proceeds through the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County.
Since I am apprehensive about my efforts to communicate with my neighbors employed by the government, my communication will be in writing and by mail so that my words cannot be distorted and used against me. Also, I did not have the courtesy of a face to face conversation and presentation of credentials prior to receiving my intimidating $1500.00 citations in the mail, therefore I will save the unnecessary expenses and time involved in driving to and from your Superior Court. However, I do have a telephone. The number is in the heading of this letter. If my neighbors in the court need to see me in person, you can certainly call to inform me and I will be happy to show up in your office to further this case along.
Communication is a good thing! Thus far, I believe I am being ignored since I have not received any communication from your office after sending in my PETITION FOR REVIEW on February 22, 2013. We are human beings and neighbors who have a common language, English. We ought to be able to communicate and get this job done openly, honestly, and without delay. AND WITHOUT NONSENSICAL SNAGS POPPING UP SUCH AS THE ONE FOUND ON THE ENCLOSED LETTER FROM THE ELECTRICAL BOARD.
Here are some examples of communication which can be done in order to proceed with this APPEAL:
1. The Electrical Board can phone call the Clerk for the “cause number” it needs in order to “send a copy of the certified record to the court” and to me, the Defendant.
2. The Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County can acquire the “cause numbers” and all other requirements and inform both parties involved in this PETITION FOR REVIEW via written correspondence.
3. The Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County can acquire a typical schedule of actions which are necessary to resolving this APPEAL without delay and inform both parties in writing as to the deadlines for discovery, court briefs, and dates for trial, etc.
4. If any public servants with the Superior Court and WDLI have any questions and/or instructions for Defendant Russ Hinds, they can pick up a phone and call me at the number found in the heading of this letter, or they can send written correspondence via the U.S. Mail, just like Secretary of the Electrical Board Rod Mutch did. Thank you Rod Mutch.
The above 4 points will greatly assist in completing the process of adjudicating my PETITION FOR REVIEW.
There are many other things that we can do as neighbors who have good will for one another under the “Supreme Laws of the Land,” our state and federal constitutions. We are not helpless and we do not lack means of communication. We can make this process easy, logical, just, and according to the Supreme Law of the Land, or we can pretend like we are helpless, drag our feet, and look for ways to put our responsibilities onto others.
I am trying very hard to meet my responsibilities and keep things going smooth and simple, and complete. And I am willing TO DO ALL I CAN to help get this mess cleared up speedily and justly with public servants (neighbors) who are under the constraints of our state and federal constitutions. NO CONFUSION AND NO SNAGS ARE NECESSARY!
However, I do need to be kept informed of the process and progress. Thus far, I have been doing the best I can according to the instructions in the documents I have received so far. What else can I do? What else do you public servants want me to do? Please tell me AND let us proceed without delay.
Thank you,
Russ Hinds
Cc. Rod Mutch, Secretary, Electrical Board.
And here is the cover letter for Rod Mutch‘s carbon copy:
March 8, 2013
TO: Rod Mutch, Secretary of the Electrical Board
P.O. Box 44460
Olympia, WA 98504-4460
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E Jutte Ln
Elk, WA 99009
PH. 509-***-****
RE: Carbon copy of correspondence with Superior Court Clerk (Citation No. EJORP04884)
Sec. Mutch,
Please find the enclosed copy of correspondence to the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County regarding your Letter to me which states that you need “cause number” and “a conformed copy of the Petition.”
I am doing the best I can to communicate and follow the instructions I have received so far. I don’t know how to motivate public servants to get the job done timely, openly, honestly, and according to our state and federal constitutions with liberty and justice for all.
Thanks for keeping me informed of the snag.
Russ Hinds
Yep! I don’t know how to motivate government employees to be timely, honest, helpful, pleasant, and constrained by our state and federal constitutions. If only they were motivated by their own desire to be good neighbors upholding and defending our constitutions with liberty and justice for all. If only….
Oh, I forgot. I wondered what a "cause number" is. Is it a typo? Should Rod have said "case number?" I have never heard of a "cause number," but this Rod guy typed "cause" twice! Good grief! I hope it is not another snag as the result of government incompetence! Sheesh!... all I can do is laugh at the wonder of it all!
March 20, 2013 UPDATE: My letter to the clerk of the court worked!
Wow! I wish it didn’t take so much drama to get some communication and help from government employees (public servants), but it does. I guess they have the attitude of “If things don’t fit perfectly into the box, sit on it and wait for the citizen to call back, rather than inform the citizen of the problem.”
Secretary Mutch’s letter informing me of the snag was probably a mistake on his part. He might have thought that he would be helpful rather than sit on the problem. Being new to the secretary job, he probably did not know about the “sit on it” policy of government employees. No worries… Mutch will have “helpful public servant” beaten out of his psyche in a short time around the water cooler in government buildings. I was right about the “cause number” thing. The court clerk did send me a notice with the proper “case number” assigned to my Petition for Review. Don’t know if it was a typo, or if Mutch was a little confused about the proper terminology. You know what? I can give a little grace to government employees. I really can. Many of them are doing their job by the seat of their pants--learning along the way. SURELY, THEY SHOULD GIVE ME A LITTLE GRACE BECAUSE I AM DOING THIS BY THE SEAT OF MY PANTS AND LEARNING ALONG THE WAY, TOO!
And to prove that I can give grace to government employees, let me apologize to Ronald Fuller, the previous Secretary to the Electrical Board. “Sorry, Ronald. In my last update I failed to point out the other option to which you may have left your position as Secretary to the Electrical Board. You may have simply quit because you could not go along with the program of issuing $1500.00 fines to your neighbors for posting truthful flyers on private bulletin boards.” There… See? I apologized, and I do have grace and understanding for my fellow man. If Ronald quit because he wanted to maintain a clear conscience, I give him much praise and admiration for that! Ronald might have quit because he simply learned that it is futile to beat your head against his fellow ignorant government employees like I have learned. Nevertheless, I haven't given up....perhaps it is a contest to see who has the hardest head! LOL. "Lord, please make me as stubbornly right as the government employees are stubbornly stupid! Thank you Lord! I need your strength because I am just made out of dirt and born ignorant of your wisdom, love, and grace. Amen."
So, here is the letter I received from the Superior Court Clerk:
Yesterday, I went to the courthouse to get a copy of my “conformed” Petition for Review. It cost me $2.75 because they charge 25 cents per page. Gee, doesn’t my tax dollars pay for the copy machine, paper, and ink? Even pay for their salaries for the time it took to print out the copies? Amazing, isn’t it? I pay taxes so that I can pay fines and pay for defending myself against unconstitutional fines… Hmmm… silly, isn’t it? Gee, if we quit paying taxes then there wouldn’t be funds for the salaries of government employees accosting, fining, and pick-pocketing us! What a nice thought!
While at the court house, I filed a FOR THE RECORD brief into my court file for the judge. After that, I mailed conformed copies to the Electrical Board and to WDLI. Here is my FOR THE RECORD brief:
March 19, 2013
| Judge Gregory D. Sypolt |
|____________________________________________ |
Petitioner, | Case No. 2013-02-00803-8
Respondent |
1. I, Russ Hinds, am a taxpaying citizen whose forefathers established a constitutional republic with the intent of maintaining liberty, justice, and freedom for all citizens--We the Peoples’ freedom from being harassed, assaulted, or interfered with in pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. Our state and federal constitutions, which our forefathers wrote and ratified by a vote of “We the People,” were written to constrain the public servants (government employees) to the powers clearly granted them by those constitutions and to prevent the establishment of a tyrannical government imposing its own unconstitutional will upon “We the People.”
A. My father swore an oath to support and defend our constitution(s) against all enemies foreign and domestic upon entering military service. He risked his life defending our countrymen, including neighbors employed by the government. He did not risk his life defending our nation and constitution in order that government employees could unconstitutionally mail intimidating $1500.00 citations to “We the People” for publishing a list of their skills in an effort to serve their neighbors. My father risked his life in order to protect freedom to publish and freedom of speech under the First Amendment of our Bill of Rights.
B. Three of my sons swore an oath to support and defend our constitution(s) against all enemies foreign and domestic upon entering military service. They risked their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan in defense of their beloved country and fellow citizens, including neighbors employed by “We the peoples’” government. They did not risk their lives defending our nation and our constitution(s) in order that government employees could unconstitutionally mail intimidating $1500.00 citations to “We the People” for publishing a list of their skills in an effort to find a job. My sons risked their lives in order to protect freedom to publish and freedom of speech
Under the first Amendment of our Bill of Rights.
C. I, Russ Hinds, am not about to ignore the sacrifices of my father, sons, and fellow citizens who have fought to support and defend our constitutions against all enemies foreign and domestic. Too many of my neighbors have lost sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers in defense of our liberty, our constitution(s), and our nation. While I have not served in the military, I will also defend our liberty and constitutions against all enemies foreign and domestic, even defend them against misguided government employees who disregard their own oaths of office. It is not my role to figure out how government employees fail to uphold liberty and our constitutions, and it is not my role to educate government employees about our “Supreme Law of the Land.” However, this case has brought to my attention that too many government employees are not up to speed on our civic duty to support and defend our constitution(s) with liberty and justice for all.
Many government employees and elected legislators like to affirm “the rule of law” in their efforts to administer the law. Let us not overlook “the rule of the Supreme Law of the Land,” our U.S. Constitution and Bill of rights, which governs the public servants of We the People. Actions performed by government employees which are outside of constitutional authority are unlawful under the Supreme Law of the land. Too many government employees incorrectly place statutes and regulations above the Supreme Law of the Land.
We are all neighbors and citizens of the same nation, the U.S.A, who have placed ourselves under the rule of “the Supreme Law of the Land.” The Washington State Constitution declares the U.S. Constitution to be the “Supreme Law of the Land,” therefore I, Russ Hinds, cannot “lawfully” be fined $1500.00 for publishing a list of my skills in an effort to serve my neighbors under the Supreme Law of the Land. Clearly, the statutes referenced in the citations are repugnant to the Supreme Law of the Land.
2. Confusion, contradiction, and chaos: While the Supreme Law of the Land is clear, simple, and concise, many public servants are confused as to their constitutional role serving the public. Example: I asked the Clerk of the Superior Court for a simple and “typical” itinerary of the process required to move my PETITION FOR REVIEW through the Superior Court. I received a response from the clerk which stated: “We do not have an attorney on staff to answer any legal questions. In the Superior Court, without legal representation, you are acting on your own behalf, “pro se”. There is not an itinerary or instructions on how to file your appeal. When pro’se, you are responsible for doing all the research and work needed to execute your appeal.”
I did not ask any legal questions, I asked for “a typical itinerary of future steps that I and we must take in order to resolve this dispute/APPEAL. I need to know what I need to do as my PETITION proceeds through the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Spokane County.” Government employees should not keep secret “how” the process of adjudicating my APPEAL moves forward. We the People need to know “how” to defend ourselves against out of control government employees.
I STILL NEED TO BE INFORMED OF WHAT THE SUPERIOR COURT PROCEDURES ARE IN ORDER TO FULFILL MY PART OF THE APPEAL! Smart aleck statements like “We do not have an attorney on staff to answer any legal questions” when I didn’t ask any “legal questions” is unprofessional, unneighborly, and offensive. My access to justice requires that I know at least a basic outline of the appeal process that is ahead of me. The clerk could have at least directed me to a document or book that records typical Superior Court for Spokane County procedures. I want to do all that I am required to do in order to get the government employees off my back. I do not want “a technicality” to pop up which concocts an excuse for government employees to ignore my appeal and continue to harass and threaten me with $1500.00 fines and “other legal action” as stated in the citations.
Please be aware of the fact that the government schools I attended did not inform me of court procedures, requirements, and options. Neither did the government schools I attended inform me of the thousands of pages of statutes and regulations, which are secondary to the Supreme Law of the Land. I was taught about our state and federal constitutions, though. I did pay close attention to that part of my education believing that I have “certain unalienable rights” which are “endowed by my Creator.” My freedom and liberty come from my Creator, not from government employees, and my liberty and property are protected by the Supreme Law of the Land. (How’s that for a good deal?)
There need not be any confusion, contradiction, or chaos surrounding my unalienable right to publish a list of my skills in an effort to serve my neighbors. Also, there need not be any confusion, contradiction, or chaos surrounding my unalienable right to bear arms, my unalienable right to be secure in my “persons, houses, papers, and effects,” my unalienable right to “equal protection under the law,” and my unalienable right to “due process of law” which includes my unalienable right to defend myself and question my accusers before a jury of my good neighbors.
Let’s keep things simple, logical, easy, and according to the Supreme Law of the Land, please.
3. Regarding the clerk’s statement, “When pro’se, you are responsible for doing all the research and work needed to execute your appeal,” let us remember that I did not start this fight. I was happily and peacefully minding my own business attempting to serve my neighbors and meet new friends. It is government employees who started this fight by cowardly mailing me two citations totaling $1500.00 for publishing a list of my skills.
For 17 months, government employees have been trying to convince me that I am a bad neighbor who deserves to pay the state of Washington $1500.00 for publishing a truthful list of my maintenance and repair skills seeking to serve my neighbors. Any man placed in my shoes with common sense and common decency would uncomfortably experience the long term stress of hucksters, shysters, and bullies attempting to con him into handing over his wallet for almost a year and a half without the benefit of a speedy trial by a jury of good neighbors. Now the Clerk of the Superior Court wants to inform me that I am “responsible for doing all the research and work needed to execute your appeal.”
WHEN ARE THE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES REQUIRED TO DO ALL THE RESEARCH AND WORK REQUIRED TO PROVE ME GUILTY OF A CRIME BEFORE A JURY OF MY GOOD NEIGHBORS? Why do government employees want to bog me down with all this nonsense and responsibility while they get paid to sit back and do nothing but issue revenue tickets through the mail? Don’t I have a constitutionally protected right to be left alone to pursue life, liberty, and happiness while serving my family, friends, and neighbors?
4. I AM A DEFENDANT, NOT AN AGRIEVED PARTY filing a COMPLAINT against your so-called “defendant,” the WA ST DEPT LABOR AND INDUSTRIES. Inspectors Phillip Jordan and Michael Thrams filed a COMPLAINT against me by issuing me two citations through the mail… It flat out amazes me how quickly constitutionally ignorant government employees can turn justice upside down and backwards.
I repeat, “I did not start this fight.” Phillip Jordan and Michael Thrams started this fight. They are correctly the “aggrieved,” the complainant, the plaintiff, and the petitioner. I am defending myself against their “complaint,” their petition, and their citations. They are not defending themselves against me because I have not done anything to them or issued them any citations! No confusion is needed! I AM DEFENDING MYSELF AGAINST OUT OF CONTROL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES WHO ARE EITHER IGNORANT OF OUR STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS OR COMPLETELY HAPPY AND WILLING TO IGNORE OUR STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS!
Nothing like spitting on the graves of men who have died in defense of our liberty, our justice, and our constitutions, huh? Nothing like spitting on our current veterans of foreign wars…
5. What a shame. Literally, a shame. …I am cowardly mailed citations without the courtesy of a face to face conversation and presentation of credentials. And now, for me it becomes like pulling teeth in order to defend myself. I didn’t know Americans could act this way toward each other. Neighbor against neighbor. Government against We the People. Conflict, provocation, apathy, ignorance… does anyone in government care about our nation and our constitutions anymore? No wonder government employees need metal detectors and bullet proof glass in government buildings. Can’t do your job right constrained by our constitutions and according to liberty and justice for all? If that is the case, government employees are surely going to cause anger and much angst among the public whom you are supposed to be serving under the constraints of our constitution(s) with liberty and justice for all.
What a mess!
Please enter this into the record for Case No. 2013-02-00803-8.
Thank you
CC: the Electrical Board and
Washington State Dept. of Labor and Industries
Isn’t it about time that the government employees have that epiphany? About time some of them pull their head out of their ass?
Isn’t it about time that the American people wake up to the fact that hucksters, shysters, and bullies have been conning them for 50 years in order to grow government and build a control grid with computer files on every individual? Just look into it for a minute or two. Look at what information is collected on new born babies which opens the file on each individual. Assigning Social Security numbers to track the file and collect the info… It is disturbing to me, very disturbing. And, the individual does not have ready access to their own file, but the cops do. I’d like to know what is in my secret file so that I could respond to all the one sided incomplete “inserts.”
Give me liberty or give me death! How about giving me some statesmen in our legislatures who are skilled in defending liberty, justice, and our founding principles’ of small government and “local government governs best.”
Note: I did not ask the clerk about my appeal of the contractor citation which I mailed to them back on August 22, 2012. The place was busy and I did not want to cause a scene asking why they are incapable of informing those people who pay their salaries of necessary procedures, etc. Perhaps the judge or WDLI will suggest combining the appeals… we’ll see…yeah, right! LOL. I will have to mention it to him myself! I’m sure of it.
March 22, 2013 UPDATE: Sent a copy of "FOR THE RECORD" to my state reps in Olympia.
Yeah, yesterday I went to the expense of sending those state reps who have responded to my email notifications a copy of "FOR THE RECORD." I hope it is an opportunity for them (they do need an opportunity) to bring up our state and federal constitutions on the floor of the state legislature. I mailed it yesterday, so I'd give them some time to receive it before calling them. I think it would be great if they did get a bunch of phone calls from We the People who still care about out constitutions and liberty and justice for all.
Here is the letter that I sent with the brief:
March 21, 2013
TO: Rep. Shelly Short
436 John L. O'Brien Building
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600
FROM: Russ Hinds
10421 E Jutte Ln
Elk, WA 99009
(509) 292-****
RE: Court filing for “Man fined $1500.00 for Looking for a Job”
Dear Rep, Short,
Please find the enclosed FOR THE RECORD court filing in my effort to hold my public servants to their civic duty to support and defend our state and federal constitutions.
I am sure you will find this filing to be very appropriate for today’s political climate. If we don’t stand up for our constitutionally protected individual rights, we will lose them forever--future generations will despise our laziness, apathy, and ignorance. When my grandchildren ask me, “Grandpa, what did you do to stand for liberty and justice for all?” I will be able to proudly tell them of my efforts and show them my stand through the blog “Man Fined $1500.00 for Looking for a Job.” This blog is turning into a very useful tool for the average man to stand against out of control government employees. You can find a lot of additional info about my crazy battle with government employees who are not up to speed on our civic duty to support and defend our state and federal constitutions here:
"blog url"
I would like the FOR THE RECORD brief to be read into the record on the floor of Washington State Legislature. Please honor my request as a very concerned citizen, father, and grandfather--preferably with the legislators present. Thank you very much. I hope you will be able to look your children and grandchildren in the eye, like I am able to do.
This request has been sent to 15 of my legislators who have answered my previous email notifications. I thank you very much for your kindly responses and concern. Please coordinate with them…
Russ Hinds
Cc. Rep. Gael Tarleton, Rep. Jan Angel, Rep. Joe Schmick, Rep. Joel Kretz, Senator Karen Fraser, Senator Mark Schoesler, Senator Mike Padden, Senator Christine Rolfes, Senator Pam Roach, Rep. Chris Reykdal, Rep. Norm Johnson, Senator John Smith,
Rep. Frank Chopp, Senator Jeannie Darneille, Rep. Susan Fagan
We must do something to get control of our public servants and remind them of their civic duty to support and defend our constitutions with liberty and justice for all! Standing with me on this certainly isn't going to hurt anyone....
God bless America and raise up wise righteous men to love, lead, teach, take care of, and protect future generations in truth, liberty, and justice...
April 25, 2013, UPDATE: Got a schedule from the Judge.
Sorry about the delay, but I got a job which is very long hours. I have also been working on my HEARING BRIEF for the Superior Court. It is a pretty big task to get the HEARING BRIEF written and organized with references to my EXHIBITS which back up my claims in the HEARING BRIEF. You know that I have hundreds of pages of documents to use as exhibits! My goodness, this is crazy! Here are government employees “just doing their job” without attempting to be friendly public servants with common sense and common decency who do their civic duty to support and defend our state and federal constitutions with liberty and justice for all. Notice how I keep repeating that? They can’t argue with it. Obviously, they want to claim that they are doing their civic duty, and they justify their actions with delusions of “protecting the public,” but they know that this mess has gotten out of hand. They know that their delusions are being exposed and that they are not looking very good for fining a guy $1500.00 for posting a flyer on a private bulletin board, and then blowing more than $50,000.00 of taxpayer money trying to paint a neighbor as a bad guy deserving to be fined $1500.00. You know that they want to keep the revenue stream of fines coming in, also. I would still like to see a record of all the fines that they have issued and the total amount of revenue collected since they started fining people for “advertising” on bulletin boards and Craigslist. Perhaps I should file a request for that info. It must be open information for the public. I’ll look into how I can do that. Just this little old blog has generated a lot of comments from other people who have been fined… Man, I am glad I don’t go around assaulting my neighbors in order to collect revenue for the bureaucrats. I simply wouldn’t do it, and then I would be fired! LOL! I wouldn’t have a very high self-esteem if I had to go around assaulting my neighbors--even if I could do it cowardly by mail! Ha, Ha… I couldn’t be a coward mailing fines to people and then deluding myself by wrongly convincing myself that I am protecting the public. Falsely accusing members of the public of being “bad guys” is not “protecting the public.”
Let me say again that these “licensing programs” can and should be made voluntary. Having a “license” and etc, should only be a resume` enhancement. Government “requiring” licenses before being able to work and/or hire someone to do work leads to all kinds of nonsense. First, you must describe “every activity of work (as ALJ Mark Kim stated)” which can and cannot be performed with or without a license. And then that leads to complete government supervision of “every activity of work.” Apparently, the goal of out of control government employees is to require government permission and supervision of every activity of work! LOL, does that fit well in a free country with liberty and justice for all? The land of the free and the home of the brave…? Or is it “The land of the fee and the home of the slave???” Good grief! Government employees don’t even want to discuss what I am saying here! These government employees know that things are out of hand. Heck, you can’t even go fishing without getting accosted by a government employee. Spend $500.00 on a fishing trip and “licensing” and then get inspected, interrogated, and fined on the river for whatever frivolous violation they can come up with! I don’t think We the People and our founding fathers have/had that in mind for government employees to be doing…
Anyway, here is the letter from the judge and his schedule:
The judge has extended this mess for another four months. The schedule reads, “Appellant’s Brief and Transcript of Record must be in to the court by May 10, 2013.” So now I must do more work for these idiots! They started this fight and now they want me to prove my innocence, or prove guilt on the part of WDLI. “Transcript of Record”… good grief! They turned things around backwards here in the Superior Court. I am now a petitioner instead of a defendant defending myself against the outrageous citations. I have to gather all the information supporting “my” case against the government. Man, how do you argue with idiots who constantly turn things upside-down and backwards? I guess these guys want to assume the status of “good guy” defending themselves against an aggrieved citizen. How deceptive can you get? Blatant lies and deception turning justice on its head while still refusing to give me my constitutional “speedy trial by a jury” of my good neighbors. Man, I don’t know how government employees live in such a world of deception and lies. How do they block out a conscience based in common sense and common decency? Messed up in the head, I guess…
Then WDLI has until June 10, 2013, to submit their Response Brief.
Then I get to do a Reply Brief which is due in to the court by June 24, 2013.
Oral Argument is set for July 19, 2013.
21 months arguing over my constitutional right to publish a list of my skills in an effort to serve my neighbors. Has anyone ever heard of the phrases “left alone,” “left to live in peace,” “being left unmolested, and secure in their persons, houses, effects, against all unreasonable searches and seizures?” How about, “Left alone to live unmolested and in peace while pursuing life, liberty, and happiness?” Ever heard of those ideas? Are they too “ideal’ for government employees to understand?
Government has gotten too big. It is not the almighty supervisor of We the People and not the almighty authority who grants permission and rights to We the People. If We the People don’t change things soon, we and our posterity are going into poverty and slavery, perhaps worse. Ronald Reagan said something like, “Communism will collapse under its own immorality.” Dictatorial government is immoral. And it can only be maintained by force, threats, and fear. Dictatorial government should not be supported and expanded by ignorant government employees.
We need some fearless leaders like our founding fathers…
I’ll have my Hearing Brief put up on the blog within the next few days.
April 27, 2013, UPDATE. Home run HEARING BRIEF to the Superior Court.
The HEARING BRIEF is a home run. The judge and AAG Angela Zurlinin cannot argue with it. Funny how truth is that way--it exposes and destroys lies and confusion. I wonder if WDLI will consider dropping the citations before having a court hearing. You know, settle out of court before a judge has an opportunity to rule in my favor and thus blow a huge hole in their program of issuing intimidating citations through the mail.
Also, I wonder if I will get to subpoena witnesses for the ORAL ARGUMENT hearing. I’d put inspectors Jordan and Thrams on the stand and question them about their actions, their application of law, and their civic duty to support our Supreme Law of the Land. Of course, Zurlini would object to my questions and keep the truth out of the court, but it would be the judge’s discretion to overrule her.
So here is my HEARING BRIEF:
| Judge Gregory D. Sypolt |
|____________________________________________ |
Petitioner, | Case No. 2013-02-00803-8
Vs. | Hearing Brief and | Exhibits 1and 2
Respondent |
Comes now Russ Hinds, Petitioner, to DEFEND himself against Washington State Department of Labor and Industries employees who have filed unlawful unconstitutional complaints (citations) which demand payment of fines, $500.00 and $1000.00 , for publishing a list of skills in an effort to serve his neighbors and make new friends. Petitioner, Russ Hinds, also petitions the court for reimbursement of expenses and punitive damages. Russ Hinds’ DEFENSE rests on the Supreme Law of the Land including the Bill of Rights which were written to constrain public servants and which protects We the People, freedom to publish, equal protection under the law, due process of law, trial by jury of good neighbors, and other liberties.
On or about October 18, 2011, I, Russ Hinds, posted several “Maintenance and Repair” flyers on local private bulletin boards in an effort to generate some work and make new friends. Notice the date, almost 2 years have been spent by government employees trying to con me into giving up my God given right to publish a truthful list of my skills in an effort to find a job, and con me into paying the state of Washington $1500.00 for posting a truthful flyer on a private bulletin board. Also note that “We the People” have ratified state and federal constitutions to protect our “Creator” given rights to free speech, free association, right to bear arms, and right to a speedy trial by jury. Washington State Constitution Article I Section 1 states specifically that “governments are established to maintain individual rights.”
On October 25, 2011, I, Russ Hinds, received a call on my cell phone while I was working in Richland, WA. The caller identified himself as an electrical inspector for Washington Dept. of Labor and Industries. The caller identified himself as Insp. Phillip Jordan and asked me if I was the guy who posted a flyer on the bulletin board at Yokes Market in Deer Park, WA. When I said that I was, Insp. Phil Jordan began demanding my mailing address so that he could send me a citation in the mail. Jordan further threatened that I can receive a $500.00 fine for each flyer that I have placed in the neighborhood. I didn’t know my house number because I was new to the state, but I gave him the street name. When I asked why a fine, Jordan said that I cannot advertise to do electrical work without a valid WA electricians license. I said that I can make repairs like replacing a broken light switch without being licensed, to which Jordan said that I could not. All of this was shocking to me as I have been doing maintenance work all my life. I pointed out that we have constitutions which protect my right to hang up a flyer. Jordan ignored that and began dogging me again for my mailing address. Obviously, Jordan has not been trained in constitutional law which restrains the activities of government employees. Jordan’s disdain for our constitutions is further made clear in his written Inspector Statement regarding the phone call. Quote: “Russ started in again about our nations constitution.” Since Jordan has not had training in our state and federal constitutions, he lacks the ability to be a good neighbor. Threatening, dogging, and provoking your neighbors over the phone in order to issue a revenue ticket is not being a good neighbor. Good neighbors respect the God given rights of their neighbors which are protected by our state and federal constitutions which “We the People” ratified in order to maintain life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ourselves and our posterity. Obviously, we need to educate some government employees.
On October 25, 2011, following the above phone conversation, I, Russ Hinds, called my father at home and asked if I had received any calls regarding my flyer. Dad described to me a phone call that he received from a guy who needed someone to finish remodeling a bedroom. Dad said the guy wanted to send over blueprints so that I could give him a bid, but dad told him that I don’t do bids because I was working by the hour. The guy insisted on sending the blueprints so Dad finally gave in and told him what our mailing address is. After listening to dad, I knew that he had been punked and lied to by Inspector Phil Jordan to extract a mailing address in order to send me a revenue ticket. I told Dad that he had spoken to an inspector from WDLI who wanted to send me a citation in the mail. Dad didn’t believe me. I guess he didn’t want to believe that we have hucksters and shysters working for our government.
On October 31, 2011, to Dad’s surprise, he signed for a certified letter from WDLI which contained a $500.00 citation issued to me, Russ Hinds, for innocently posting a truthful flyer on a private bulletin board. I was back in Richland so I was spared witnessing the rage of my father. No one likes to be lied to by government employees, and dad was very upset. He had never heard of such a thing, but that is not all…
On or about November 3, 2011, Dad received another phone call regarding my flyer and asking for my services. He and my mother had removed my other flyers on other bulletin boards, so Dad knew it was another WDLI Inspector pretending to be a legitimate client seeking my services. Dad informed the caller that he was sorry, but we had to take down our flyers and stop offering to do work for our neighbors because we received a $500.00 fine in the mail from WDLI. He asked the caller, “What kind of lowlife piece of sh** would mail a $500.00 fine to their neighbor for looking for a job?” Further embellishing, dad forced the punk lying inspector to listen to his disgust of dishonest revenue seeking government employees. The Inspector continued to pretend to be a legitimate client seeking my services while listening to dad go off on him over the phone. --Wouldn’t it be nice if public servants would EARN some respect and EARN some trust?…
On November 5, 2011, I, Russ Hinds, sent a written request for an appeal of the $500.00 electrical citation (EJORP04884) to the unnamed Chief Electrical Inspector as instructed in the unsigned intimidating letter which was included with Insp. Phillip Jordan’s citation. I followed the instructions in the letter correctly and included a money order for the specified $200.00 fee for an appeal in order to avoid the additional intimidating threats in the letter--should I choose to not pay the fine and not file an appeal. My request for an appeal was based on my constitutionally protected rights to publish a list of my skills in an effort to serve my neighbors. I requested in bold writing a trial by jury, however my request for a “speedy” trial by jury was ignored, which is another violation of my constitutionally protected rights. Obviously, this dispute could have been resolved long ago if government employees would support our state and federal constitutions as their Oath of Office requires.
On November 7, 2011, Dad signed for another certified letter from WDLI which contained a citation for the same flyer posted on the same bulletin board for the same day as the “Electrical” citation. This letter contained a citation from Contractor Registration Program Manager Dean Simpson and Insp. Michael Thrams (the second caller whom Dad vented on?). This second citation (NTHRM00462) was issued to my entire household which included my dad: “Russ Hinds and spouse/or partner, and the marital community composed thereof or a registered domestic partnership, A Sole Proprietorship.” This second citation levied a fine of $1000.00 and included more intimidating threats of LIENS, WARRANTS, etc. Dad was so upset over this nonsense that he and I went to Idaho and placed earnest money on some real property there. He wanted to move out of the corrupt state of Washington. Shortly after that, dad was diagnosed with cancer. His offer on the Idaho property was not accepted, so he withdrew the earnest money to fight the cancer before moving out of the corrupt state of Washington. Dad passed away on July 21, 2012.
--------Since we have here at least two WDLI employees who do not have the integrity to honestly identify themselves to their neighbors over the telephone and who do not have any respect for their neighbors and their neighbor’s God given constitutionally protected rights, it is necessary to remind the court of Ethics in Government:
RCW 42.52.900 Legislative Declaration
Government derives its powers from the people. Ethics in government are the foundation on which the structure of government rests. State employees and officials hold a public trust that obligates them, in a special way, to honesty and integrity in fulfilling the responsibilities to which they are elected and appointed. …
RCW 42.20.040 False Report
Every public officer who shall knowingly make a false or misleading statement in any official report or statement, under circumstances not otherwise prohibited by law, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
Obviously, something is wrong with government employees who pass constitutionally protected flyers and mailing addresses to their cohorts in order to issue multiple citations and multiple fines to their neighbors who are innocently looking for a job.--------
On November 12, 2011, I, Russ Hinds, sent a written request for an appeal of the $1000.00 contractor program citation NTHRM00462 to Dean Simpson who typed his name at the end of the intimidating and threatening letter which was included with Insp. Michael Thrams citation. I noticed that all WDLI correspondence was unsigned, as if those who issued the citations did not want to take personal responsibility by signing them. (Please review copies of the citations on pages 2-4, and 7-9 in EXHIBIT 1) Insp. Phillip Jordan didn’t even sign his Inspector Statement form on the signature line provided by the form. Neither did Jordan sign the supplement statement where he claimed that he got my mailing address from a phone call to my home number. Dad testified before ALJ Mark Kim that he didn’t receive a phone call from an Inspector of WDLI, and that he only received 2 calls from people inquiring about using my services. (See pages 125- 132 of the hearing transcript, pages 59 and 60 of EXHIBIT 2) No wonder Jordan didn’t sign the statements! He didn’t want to take personal responsibility for them and he didn’t want to be charged with a gross misdemeanor under RCW 42.20.040! Ethics in government anyone?
Once again I paid another $200.00 fee to file the appeal as instructed in the letter in order to avoid the intimidating threats of WARRANT, LIEN, JUDGEMENT, and NOTICE TO WITHHOLD AND DELIVER which were included in the letter. Once again, I based this appeal on my constitutionally protected right to publish a list of my skills in an effort to serve my neighbors, and once again I asked for a trial by jury in my appeal, which was again ignored.
On May 24, 2012, I, Russ Hinds, attended a hearing before Administrative Law Judge Mark Kim. This hearing combined both citations, EJORP04884 and NTHRM00462. Evidently, the constitutional separation of powers is being ignored by the executive branch of WA government and WDLI. The executive branch seems to be participating in writing law, enforcing law, and adjudicating law by writing codes and regulations, issuing citations, and determining guilt or innocence according to their own haphazard and inconsistent interpretation of law. Still, I continue to be denied my constitutionally prescribed trial by jury within the judicial branch of government. I just keep encountering more government employees (bureaucrats) trying to convince me that I am a criminal deserving $1500.00 in fines.
At the ALJ’s hearing those higher up the chain of command circled the wagons around their out of control inspectors, Phillip Jordan and Michael Thrams, and dug in their heals. Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini attempted to absolve Jordan and Thrams of their personal responsibility and civic duty to be good neighbors who support and defend our state and federal constitutions by stating to the effect, “These inspectors are required by statute to issue citations for violations of RCW 19.28.041 and RCW 18.27.200.” (See lines 19 through 22, page 141, of Transcript for May 24, 2012, hearing before ALJ Mark Kim, Electrical Board Appeal Packet, Exhibit 2)
Please note that many thousands of our servicemen have given their lives to their countrymen after reciting an oath to support and defend our constitutions against all enemies foreign and domestic. Something is obviously sorely amiss here given the fact that our State and federal constitutions are the Supreme Law of the Land, and it is our civic duty as citizens and government employees to support and defend our Supreme Law of the Land. My father and my sons have risked their lives to serve our country to defend our constitutionally protected God given rights while government employees ignore, undermine, and destroy those rights by issuing $1500.00 in citations to their neighbor for publishing a list of his skills in an effort to serve his neighbors.
On July 10, 2012, I, Russ Hinds, received ALJ Mark Kim’s Proposed Decision and Order for EJORP04884 and ALJ Mark Kim’s Final Order for NTHRM00462. ALJ Mark Kim affirmed fining Russ Hinds $500.00 and $1000.00 for publishing a truthful list of his skills in an effort to serve his neighbors. ALJ Mark Kim justified his decision by making it illegal for himself to “render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of Chapter 19.28 RCW. Addressing these arguments falls outside of the scope of what this Tribunal has authority to address. “[T]he power of an administrative tribunal to fashion a remedy is strictly limited by statute. Skagit Surveyors and Engineers, LLC v Friends of Skagit County 135 Wash. 2d 542, 558, 958 P.2d 962, 970 (1998). The appropriate forum for such claims is in a court of general jurisdiction such as, Washington State Superior Court.” (See point 9 under Conclusions of Law of ALJ Mark Kim’s Proposed Decision and Order on pages 18 and 19 of the Electrical Board Appeal Packet, Exhibit 2)
The words in quotations above are taken from both the Proposed Decision and Order for EJORP04884 and the Final Order for NTHRM00462, even though NTHRM00462 was issued according to Chapter 18.27 RCW, not Chapter 19.28 RCW. Is this more evidence of government employee confusion, or a typo? Anyway, ALJ Mark Kim is obviously conflicted about his personal responsibility and civic duty to support our state and federal constitutions. He found it necessary to make it “outside the scope of his authority” to support our constitutionally protected God given right to publish a truthful list of skills in an effort to serve our neighbors.
After stating, “The appropriate forum for such claims is in a court of general jurisdiction such as, Washington State Superior Court,” ALJ Mark Kim referred an appeal of his Proposed Decision and Order for EJORP04884 to the Electrical Board. ????Gee, I thought you just said the appropriate forum for such claims is the Washington State Superior Court???? More time and expense wasted while ignoring our constitutional right to a simple and speedy trial jury. Now I must write two appeals and attend two more hearings, one of which is located 300 miles away in Tumwater, WA, and the other appeal being submitted to the Superior Court in Spokane, WA.
On July 18, 2012, according to the instructions included in ALJ Mark Kim’s Proposed Decision and Order for EJORP0484 I mailed my NOTICE OF APPEAL to the Chief Electrical Inspector WDLI. I asked for a review of ALJ Mark Kim’s Proposed Decision and Order for EJORP0484 before the Electrical Board.
On July 18, 2012, according to the instructions included in ALJ Mark Kim’s Final Order for NTHRM00462, I mailed my NOTICE OF APPEAL to the Superior Court of Washington for Spokane County along with a REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES.
On July 23, 2012, I received a letter from Mark, Deputy Clerk for the Superior court, which contained additional fee waiver forms which duplicated the information I had sent the first time.
On July 24, 2012, I mailed back the completed forms which came with Mark, Deputy Clerk’s letter.
On August 1, 2012, I received a DENIAL OF FEE WAIVER from Court Commissioner Michelle Ressa.
On August 5, 2012, I mailed a letter to Court Commissioner Michelle Ressa requesting a reconsideration of her denial of fee waiver, “if fees are even required for defendants such as I.”
On August 20, 2012, I received a notice from the court stating that Michelle Ressa had reduced my fees from $250.00 to $50.00. I have since learned that no filing fees are required for my Appeal of NTHRM00462 according to RCW 74.08.080(3)(a). Good grief!
On August 22, 2012, I mailed a money order for $50.00 and a MOTION to the Superior Court of Washington for Spokane County requesting a trial by jury for NTHRM00462. I have not heard anything from the court as a result of that mailing and payment of $50.00. No notice informing me of a case number…nothing. I have been doing everything according to the instructions I have received. Evidently, those instructions are not complete enough for me to properly defend myself. Why are my public servants failing to inform me of problems with my court filings? Do public servants lack communication skills? You take my money then sit on my time consuming and costly paperwork and ignore me? What is up with that? Is that why I pay taxes? Am I a slave to government employees, or are government employees my public servants? My understanding of civics leads me to believe that government employees serve the people under the constraints of our state and federal constitutions. I was not put on this earth to serve government employees. WE THE PEOPLE hire government employees to serve us under the constraints of our state and federal constitutions!!!!!!
On September 12, 2012, I, Russ Hinds, received a letter from the office of the Secretary of the Electrical Board Ronald Fuller regarding my Appeal of EJORP04884. This letter contained this statement: “If either party wishes to the Board to consider any written argument, it should be submitted at least 45 days prior to the scheduled hearing. You are strongly encouraged to submit any written materials you wish the Board to consider as soon as possible as failure to timely submit may result in exclusion of your materials.” The Electrical Board scheduled the hearing date for October 26, 2012. I received the notice from Larry Vance (for) Ronald Fuller on September 12, 2012, which was 44 days prior to their scheduled hearing date of October 26, 2012. ???? I am shaking my head in wonderment! My goodness! And We the People hire these guys and pay their salaries for this kind of work performance and public service?
On September 17, 2012, I mailed a response to the letter that I received from the Office of the Secretary to the Electrical Board asking for time to present “written materials” for the Electrical Board to consider.
On October 8, 2012, I, Russ Hinds, received a notice from Secretary of the Electrical Board Ronald Fuller with a new date for my appeal hearing, January 31, 2013.
On December 11, 2012, I mailed my Hearing Brief to the Electrical Board for their consideration. (pages 68,69 of EXHIBIT 1)
On December 19, 2012, I received AAG Angela Zurlini’s response to my Hearing Brief. In her Response to the Electrical Board, AAG Angela Zurlini attempted to make it illegal for the members of the Electrical Board to support and defend our state and federal constitutions here: “The Electrical Board does not have the authority to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of RCW 19.28 or the issuance of citation number EJORP04884. Addressing these argument falls outside the scope of what the Electrical Board has the authority to address. The power of an administrative tribunal is strictly limited by statute. Skagit Surveyors and Engineers, LLC v Friends of Skagit County 135 Wash. 2d 542, 558, 958 P.2d 962, 970 (1998)” (Lines 5-10 on page 72 of EXHIBIT 1)
Now, I must say that this is absolutely crazy! Perhaps a better word would be “insane!“ We the People ratified the state and federal constitutions with the intent that government employees support and defend them! We have Oaths of Office given to government employees in which they swear to support our state and federal constitutions. And we have millions of American servicemen who have risked their lives to defend our constitutions “from all enemies foreign and domestic.”
Consider this quote from Abraham Lincoln, “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution.” How do government employees find any joy in ignoring and perverting our constitutions? Isn’t there more joy found in supporting and defending those constitutions for ourselves and for our posterity? Our constitutions were written to secure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ourselves and our posterity. Our courts are supposed to be our guardians of liberty and justice for all. ----Are you starting to see that there is something seriously wrong with fining a guy $1500.00 for publishing a truthful list of his skills in an effort to serve his neighbors?
On January 31, 2013, I attended the Electrical Board hearing in Tumwater, WA, costing me about $500.00 in travel expenses. I was given ample time to speak and answer questions. One gentleman on the board, I didn’t get his name, pointed out for me that I am not the first person to come before the Electrical Board waving the Constitution. He said, “Don’t think that you are the first person to come before the Board waving the Constitution.” I took that to mean that I am not the first person to get pissed all over by the Electrical Board. Some “good neighbors” they are, huh? The Electrical Board voted 7 to 2 to affirm the $500.00 fine for citation number EJORP04884. Evidently, 6 members of the Electrical board thought that the arrogant guy has an IQ higher than he actually has. WDLI needs to provide the transcript of the Electrical Board hearing for Superior Court Judge Sypolt, or must I subpoena the transcript? Please let me know because I am not employed by the government and I do not know how their rules and procedures work in persecuting the citizens of the state of Washington. (WDLI needs to provide the Superior Court and Russ Hinds with a transcript of the January 31, 2013, hearing before the Electrical Board.)
On February 22, I mailed my APPEAL of the Electrical Board’s decision to the Superior Court of Washington for Spokane County. After some additional drama, I finally got my APPEAL on the court’s docket and a case number. So, here we are!
Whether Washington Department of Labor and Industries is acting within the constraints of our state and federal constitutions and in accordance with ethical and civil behavior while “maintaining individual rights” as directed in the Washington State Constitution.
And whether legal and moral standards are properly, consistently, and equally applied in the issuance of citation nos. EJORP04884 and NTHRM00462.
And whether the constitutional protections of the rights of the people have been supported, defended, and executed in the issuance of citation nos. EJORP04884 and NTHRM00462.
And whether Petitioner, Russ Hinds, is entitled to reimbursement of expenses, loss of income, and personal time spent while supporting and defending our state and federal constitutions against an out of control and misguided department of Washington State Government, WDLI.
And whether Petitioner, Russ Hinds, is entitled to punitive damages for being entangled in a ridiculous unconstitutional dispute and unjustly confined to the state of Washington for 21 months in order to resolve the dispute between himself and the employees of the state of Washington , (WDLI), when a constitutionally prescribed trial by jury at the beginning would have resolved the dispute simply in a few weeks.
When a citizen of the U.S. and the state of Washington has a dispute his neighbor, he (or she) will seek to have the dispute resolved through a court of law within the state where he/she resides. A citizen has an expectation that the officers of the court know the common basis of law, the law, the definitions of right, wrong, and justice with an honest desire for truth while protecting the innocent and holding the guilty accountable. This is a proper expectation because We the People pay taxes in order that competent and well educated officers of the court who know the history of American jurisprudence can properly and justly administer the law and adjudicate disputes. Officers of the court must know that the intent of law is “to create and maintain a civilized society of good neighbors who can live peacefully together with good will toward all men.” Every civilized society lives or dies on whether that society consists of responsible wise neighbors or irresponsible ignorant neighbors. Our founding fathers wrote and ratified our state and federal constitutions in order establish a basis for a civilized society to maintain, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ourselves and our posterity. American citizens expect officers of the court to know that the intent of the law is NOT to empower, expand, and enrich the government which We the People established to serve We the People.
Therefore, when bringing a case before a court, We the People do not expect to be required to educate and train officers of the court about common law, justice, the Supremacy of our State and Federal Constitutions, and Washington State Statutes and Codes. If We the People must educate government employees about the Supremacy of our State and Federal Constitutions when bringing any and every case before a court of law, we may as well throw the constitutions into the garbage can and allow government employees to do whatever they think they can get away with.
It is further assumed by the citizens of the U.S.A, and the states comprised thereof, that officers of the court presume innocence until proven guilty and that the pillars of the definition justice be observed. One of those pillars of justice is, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Justice cannot be maintained without incorporating the above quote into the definition of “justice.” Also, justice cannot be maintained when arrogant bully government employees embark on a goal to convince citizens of their “guilt” in order to collect revenue fines without providing a trial by a jury of good neighbors whom the government employees are supposed to be serving.
Nevertheless, I will attempt to establish a basic understanding of the fact that our state and federal constitutions constrain the actions of public servants to secure the blessings of life, liberty, and justice for We the People. And establish the fact that there is no fraud, deceit, or danger to the public as a result of the actions and publications of the petitioner, Russ Hinds.
FACT: Russ Hinds’ lawful publication which generated $1500.00 in fines from WDLI stated, “Maintenance and Repair” and contained a truthful list of his skills. There is no false claim of being a licensed electrician or a licensed contractor. In fact, the flyer specified and hourly rate, not contractual bids. A “job quote” would be based on the maximum hours required to perform requested services. Please see the copy of the publication (flyer) in question which is included in the exhibits.
FACT: The state of Washington does not require every individual who makes “electrical repairs” to be a licensed electrician. Apartment maintenance technicians are not required to be licensed electricians to replace a light switch, garbage disposal, or ceiling fan. Apartment maintenance supervisors are not required to be licensed electricians in order to train young inexperienced apartment maintenance technicians to make electrical repairs in their neighbors’ apartment homes. (See Cross Examination by Mr. Hinds, pages 51 through 68 of the Transcript of May 24, 2012 hearing on pages 40 through 44 of the Electrical Board Appeal Packet, Exhibit 2)
FACT: TV repairmen, landscapers, auto mechanics and others are not required to be licensed electricians before offering their “electrical” services to their neighbors.
FACT: Homeowners can hire an individual off a barstool to help with stringing Romex through attics and crawl spaces in permitted new construction and remodels as long as the work is properly inspected according to the permit.
CONCLUSION FROM THE ABOVE FOUR FACTS: WDLI and Insp. Phillip Jordan and Insp. Michael Thrams are selectively applying their RCWs rather than providing “equal protection under the law” as prescribed by the Supreme Law of the Land since they are not issuing citations to apartment maintenance technicians, TV repairmen, landscapers, and auto mechanics, etc.
FACT: WDLI justifies issuing citations to citizens (such as the petitioner, Russ Hinds, who offer their skills and services to their neighbors) by claiming that they are “protecting people from shoddy work and saving lives.”
FACT: WDLI contradicts the aforementioned FACT by failing to protect apartment dwellers, apartment maintenance technicians, TV repairmen, landscapers, auto mechanics, and automobile drivers because they do not issue $1500.00 citations to those individuals for doing “electrical“ work while not being licensed electricians.
FACT: Issuing $1500.00 fines to petitioner, Russ Hinds, does not save lives. Rather, it simply empowers, expands, and enriches public servants.
FACT: Falsely accusing one individual of being a danger to other individuals while claiming to “protect” other individuals in order to justify $1500.00 in fines without a trial by jury is abhorrent to a civilized nation. It is an assumption based not on facts and a conviction by jury, but on the whims of deluded public servants who desire the status and power of being “the loving protector,” the “good guy” saving the ignorant masses from a falsely accused “bad guy.” Why not protect the falsely accused individual from deluded public servants?
CONCLUSION FROM THE ABOVE FOUR FACTS: Fining the petitioner, Russ Hinds, $1500.00 without a trial by jury for publishing a truthful list of his skills in an effort to serve his neighbors is repugnant to the Supreme Law of the Land, null and void of law. "The Constitution of these United States is the supreme law of the land. Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution is null and void of law." Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137;
FACT: Ignorance of the Supreme Law of the Land is without excuse for public servants who have been hired by We the People to govern while being constrained by our state and federal constitutions to preserving the blessings of life, liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness for ourselves and for our posterity.
FACT: Our courts and our juries are our guardians of liberty and justice, and guardians of our Supreme Law of the Land. We the People established the Supreme Law of the Land in order to secure the blessings of life, liberty, and our pursuit of happiness for ourselves and our posterity by restraining and separating the powers of government.
CONCLUSION FROM THE ABOVE FACTS: WDLI employees need training in the Supreme Law of the Land and Ethics in Government in order to avoid trampling the individual rights protected for We the People by their lawfully ratified state and federal constitutions. Public servants who willfully disregard our state and federal constitutions need to be removed from public service until such a time when We the People amend the constitutions to allow willful disregard of those constitutions.
From the petitioner’s (Russ Hinds) first contact with Insp Phillip Jordan , Mr. Hinds has been treated as a criminal and a danger to his neighbors. He was harangued over the phone, issued intimidating and threatening citations through the mail without the courtesy of a face to face conversation and presentation of credentials. He was denied his lawful request for a speedy trial by jury and confined for nearly 2 years to the state of Washington in order to resolve the unconstitutional issuance of $1500.00 fines for publishing a list of his skills in an effort to serve his neighbors and make new friends. Obviously, the petitioner’s woeful experience in dealing with public servants who are ignorant of our state and federal constitutions is more an example of tyranny than it is an example of a civilized constitutional republic. It is a woeful experience demanding resolution, reimbursement, and punitive damages for the excessive time, stress, and unfriendly conduct of public servants who are ignorant of the Supreme Law of the Land, or willfully disregarding it.
The facts presented in this case show that the petitioner has been excessively fined, denied equal protection under the law, denied due process of law, and denied a speedy trial by jury in violation of the 1st, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America, the Supreme Law of the Land as stated in the Washington State Constitution, Article I Section 2.
No public servant would appreciate being treated the same way that Washington State government employees have treated the petitioner, Russ Hinds. Definition of “justice”-- Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Without waiving my right to a trial by jury, I, Russ Hinds, Petitioner, ask the Superior Court for the State of Washington for Spokane County for:
1. A dismissal of the citations EJORP04884 and NTHRM00462 and fines.
2. Reimbursement of expenses;
Fees for the Appeals------------------------------------------- $ 450.00
Mailing and office supplies----------------------------------- $ 300.00
Travel and accommodations to Tumwater for hearing---- 500.00 Travel to ALJ hearing---------------------------------- 40.00
Time responding/pleading with WDLI @ $25.00 per hr.-- 1500.00
Income lost by not being allowed to post a truthful flyer
on a private bulletin board; low estimate of 20hrs per mo.
for 21 mos. @ $25.00 per hour----------------------------------- 10500.00
TOTAL: $13290.00
3. Punitive damages for the unnecessary stress inflicted on Russ Hinds and family by the woeful conduct of public servants who are ignorant of, or willfully disregarding, our state and federal constitutional protections. Preferably damages to be paid for, not by the Washington State taxpayer, but by the public servants involved in unconstitutionally fining Russ Hinds $1500.00 and confining Russ Hinds to the state of Washington for almost 2 years for innocently publishing a list of his skills in an effort to serve his neighbors and make new friends. Also, consider all the tax revenue that has already been wasted by public servants who have been attempting to con Russ Hinds into believing that he is a “bad neighbor” deserving to hand over his wallet with $1500.00 in it.
The court might consider a reduction in salary of 10% for one year for every name below enough to pay for a fair and reasonable punitive award to the petitioner, Russ Hinds; thus removing the expense of a punitive award from Washington State taxpayers.
Insp. Philip Jordan
Insp. Michael Thrams
Contract Program Manager Dean Simpson
AAG Angela Zurlini
ALJ Mark Kim
Secretary of the Electrical Board Ronald Fuller
The seven members of the Electrical Board who voted to disregard our state and federal constitutions.
What better way to educate and inform We the People’s public servants of their personal responsibility to be good neighbors doing their civic duty to support our state and federal constitutions? Besides, there is much more joy found in fulfilling our personal responsibilities and civic duties than there is in falsely accusing your fellow countrymen of being a danger to their neighbors in order to generate revenue for the state. Epiphany time! Time to get back to wisdom, common sense, and common decency! Time to come out of darkness and into truth which our founding fathers understood.
It is easy and sensible to support and defend our state and federal constitutions, while it is confusing, frustrating, and harmful to misapply thousands of pages of RCWs against the constraints of our Supreme Law of the Land. Why are so many people in government afraid to support and defend the Supreme Law of the Land? Are they afraid to live in a free country of good neighbors? Have they been brainwashed into believing that the citizens whom they serve are their enemies in need of control and government supervision rather than their friends and neighbors? Issuing double citations with $1500.00 fines for publishing a list of skills without warning and without a courteous face to face conversation and presentation of credentials is flat out unfriendly abuse showing contempt for your neighbors. Courts and bureaucracies should not be defending flat out unfriendly abuse showing contempt for your neighbors. Incidents like this should not be occurring in a civilized nation, not to mention “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
Respectfully signed and submitted by Russ Hinds on April 25, 2013.
Enc. EXHIBITS 1 and 2
CC: AAG Angela R Zurlini,
Washington Department of Labor and Industries,
the Electrical Board,
And my state Representatives.
Note: To save my expenses, I did not send AAG Angela Zurlini, WDLI, and the Electrical Board copies of EXHIBITS 1 and 2, as they already have that documentation.
It is a long HEARING BRIEF because the judge is a new guy on the scene. He knows nothing of my woeful experiences dealing with ignorant out of control government employees. I must fill him in on all the details.
I wonder how Zurlini will argue in her RESPONSE. I have to wait and see. Her RESPONSE is not due till June 10, 2013. In the meantime, I’ll send my state representatives a copy of my HEARING BRIEF. They are sort of “new to the scene,” too. Hopefully, keeping them fully informed will encourage them to be good neighbors doing their civic duty to support and defend We the People’s Supreme Law of the Land.
May 17, 2013 UPDATE: Completely confusing correspondence from AAG Angela Zurlini and the January 31, 2013, Hearing Transcript from the Secretary to the Electrical Board.
I have to speculate and guess what is going on because the documents I have received recently are quite confusing. I can try to make a sensible assumption of what is happening, but it falls short of being complete.
AAG Angela Zurlini sent me a NOTICE OF APPEARANCE FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES. It is a document conformed and filed with the Spokane County Clerk. Evidently, Zurlini wants everyone to know of an appearance for WDLI. Okay, who is appearing for the Department of Labor and Industries?
Well, let me retype the body of the NOTICE here:
TO: Russ Hinds, Plaintiff
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries hereby enter(s) its special appearance in this action, by and through ROBERT W. FERGUSON, Attorney General, and ANGELA R. ZURLINI, Assistant Attorney General specifically reserving all its rights including those relating to jurisdiction because of lack of service of process and insufficiency of service thereof, and requests that all further papers and pleadings, except process service, be served at the address below.
What does all that mean? “Washington State Department of Labor and Industries hereby enter(s) its special appearance in this action” Okay, even though WDLI is clearly named as a phony "defendant" in my Appeal, their “appearance” in this action is “special?” What is so special about it? I have been notified of an appearance “FOR” the Department of Labor and Industries only to find out that WDLI announces its own “special appearance” “FOR” itself? Good grief! Is this communication, or gobbly-gook?
WDLI is a bureaucracy, and it cannot “appear” in this action, but the people administering the bureaucracy can appear and defend the actions that they performed against Russ Hinds.
WDLI has hired their own lawyer to represent them, AAG Angela Zurlini. The Attorney General’s office is required to defend the actions of government bureaucracies. The individuals involved in the actions against Russ Hinds are not mentioned, nor will they be appearing before the court. Perhaps I must subpoena them. See how the tables have been turned on me? In order to present my case before the court, I have to do all the work and go to all the expense of subpoenaing the individuals who disregarded our state and federal constitutions.
“specifically reserving all its rights including those relating to jurisdiction” --What “rights” do bureaucracies have? They don’t have any rights. Bureaucracies are not people, they are an organization, not a human being or an individual with rights and responsibilities. We are not a nation of bureaucracies, we are a nation of individuals with constitutions that order “bureaucracies” (government employed individuals) to maintain individual rights. “Maintain individual rights” is directly quoted from the Washington State Constitution.
Hmmm… I am learning by the seat of my pants, here. It looks like this case can easily be turned into total and complete nonsense with government employees not held accountable for their individual responsibilities to support our constitutions. I am bringing an APPEAL of a decision made by a bureaucracy rather than by individuals on the Electrical Board. Boy, this line of thinking leads down a rabbit trail. Hmmm… In the name of the bureaucracy, individuals have assaulted the constitutionally protected God given rights of Russ Hinds. Government employees have disregarded their civic duty and responsibility to uphold our state and federal constitutions, but Russ Hinds is required to APPEAL the Electrical Board‘s decision by bringing the bureaucracy WDLI (and not the individual government employees of WDLI) to Superior Court.
I have just complicated things, here, but the judge is quite capable of keeping things simple and clear. He knows what this case is about, and he has discretion to keep it simple while supporting our Supreme Law of the Land. I should not need to sue the individual government employees for failing to support our constitutions while assaulting my person, property, and sensibilities in the name of WDLI and the RCWs. WHEW!!! We will see if the judge wants to continue the meat grinder and turn my APPEAL into a joke on himself and his Oath of Office.
“because of lack of service of process and insufficiency of service thereof, and requests that all further papers and pleadings, except process service, be served at the address below” --So, Zurlini claims a problem with being kept informed of papers and pleadings. I have done everything according to their instructions. Perhaps they need to clarify and expand their instructions. What a whiner! They assault a citizen’s person, property, and sensibilities and then complain when the guy does his best to follow their instructions while defending himself from their assault! Good grief! Does Zurlini want to become the “victim” now? A victim of a citizen defending himself? Pretty damn crazy and confusing, isn’t it? That is why our founders established the “speedy trial by jury.” Lawyers and bureaucrats can’t confuse and confound justice in front of a jury when a defendant can question his accusers. But, Zurlini and the rest of the government employees can continue this mess indefinitely since they have all your tax money and time to do so. They can deny my Appeals and wear me down until I go away and no constitutionally correct decision is made. A proper decision that would surely throw a huge monkey wrench into the bureaucracy’s program of issuing outrageous fines through the mail to people who post flyers on private bulletin boards.
Please note that a copy of my conformed HEARING BRIEF was sent to WDLI, the Electrical Board, and AAG Angela Zurlini at her very same “address below.” What is her bitch? What is her problem? Be specific, Zurlini! Are you trying to plant seeds that I, Russ Hinds, am somehow failing to conduct myself properly and according to your instructions? Are you trying to leave the court with the impression that you have not been properly kept informed? Are you going to bring your witnesses, Jordan and Thrams, to your defense before the court? Or is that the last thing you want to do? Can we keep things simple and clear, or is that the last thing you want to do?
Here is the silly NOTICE OF APPEARNCE which I fail to understand:
The Secretary of the Electrical Board Rod Mutch is a good guy. I am quite impressed! He sent me a TRANSMITTAL OF A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE ORIGINAL AGENCY RECORD FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW UNDER RCW 354.05.566. It is basically all the correspondence related to my electrical citation, about 150 pages for the judge to read, however, the TRANSMITTAL does not have the stamp that conforms the filing with the court. ??? HUH? I have to mail conformed copies, but they don’t???? LOL!
Anyway, Secretary Mutch included the TRANSCRIPT of the Electrical Board Hearing which was held on January 31, 2013. How about that! Now I have the documentation backing up my claims which I made regarding the comments of people on the Electrical Board. But, there is some funny stuff going on here…
My niece traveled with me to Tumwater, WA, and she attended the hearing with me. On the drive home we discussed the hearing. She is a young twenty something and she was a little discouraged about the vote against me. She thought that the hearing didn’t go well and that I lost to the government employees. I told her that I thought I did pretty good. I got my points across very well in my opinion. I didn’t choke up and I forced those guys to do some serious thinking. I pointed out to her that I got the arrogant guy to say, “Don’t think you are the first person to come in here waving the constitution.” Then I told my niece that that was a victory because he is admitting to disregarding our constitutions.
The next day, February 1, 2012, I updated this blog. I mentioned the member of the board saying, “Don’t think you are the first person to come in here waving the constitution,” in my update. So that is what I heard at the hearing…
However, the transcript does not say what I heard. The transcript says something different which is hilarious and just as bad or worse than what I quoted the guy as saying. I wish there was a recording of the hearing so that we could check the stenographer. Here is what the stenographer transcribed:
BOARD MEMBER GUILLOT: …You’re not the only victim that’s ever come in here and waived the American flag. And I am telling you that the bottom line of all these rules-
MR. HINDS: Is the supreme law of the land.
BOARD MEMBER GUILLOT: No it’s not. It’s to save public lives. That’s it. We do not want our citizens burned down because of something that was done wrong.
MR. HINDS: So you save the life by sending them $1500.00 in fines?
LOL…. Man I have to laugh at this silliness! LOL… “You’re not the only victim…” See, he admits that I am a victim of some offense…LOLOLOLOL… “and waived the American flag…” American flag? I wasn’t waving the flag, I was waving the constitution, and I heard "constitution," not “American flag.” You can see that I was speaking about the constitution in my very next statement when I interrupted Guillot. “Is the supreme law of the land,” I said, meaning the “bottom line” is our constitution, and that idiot said, “No it’s not.” Good grief! La-la land. He thinks that it is the government’s job to keep our citizens from having homes that burn down due to something done wrong. Man, it is very difficult to break through nonsense that pumps up people’s ego and hands over power to them. Power that our constitutions do not allow, even. Power to “protect” people and create utopia with cradle to grave protection and welfare… is unconstitutional!
Licensing and certifying electricians was set up so that the public would know who has had a modicum of official training making them qualified to perform certain electrical jobs according to the fact that they have passed some tests and spent some specified amount of time as an apprentice electrician. Meanwhile, just about every citizen goes about their lives making electrical repairs. For example: A young woman buys a home and hates the bathroom lighting over the vanity. She goes to Home Depot and buys a new light fixture. Then she goes home and installs the fixture following the instructions included with the fixture. SO, MR. GUILLOT IS LIVING IN LA-LA LAND TRYING TO CONVINCE ME TO GO ALONG WITH HIS LA-LA LAND NONSENSE! And I did not go along with it… Notice my response, “So you save a life by sending them $1500.00 in fines?” Now, I may have said that, but I distinctly remember also saying, “Does fining Russ Hinds $500.00 save lives?” I remember saying that because after I said it, I had second thoughts, almost regretting having said it. According to the transcript, the chairwoman Prezeau interrupted and shut down my banter with Guillot. Also, After I said, “Does fining Russ Hinds $500.00 save lives?,” Guillot threw up his hands like I was pointing a gun at him, he said, “I’m done, I’m done…” That is when the Chairwoman interrupted. The stenographer left that out.
Once again, I wish I had a recording of the hearing rather than this transcript because some things have definitely been left out. But, the transcript does verify the mindset of disregarding our constitutions in order to change the role of government from “maintaining individual rights” to “It’s to save public lives.” No where in our constitutions does it say that the American people need government supervision to “save public lives.” The Washington State Constitution does say, “SECTION 1 POLITICAL POWER. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.”
Clearly, Guillot is wrong in assuming the power to fine people for publishing a list of their skills in an effort to serve their neighbors.
Thank you Rod Mutch, for including the hearing transcript in the agency’s documentation which you sent to me. I hope all is well with you, and perhaps there will be an epiphany around the water coolers in government buildings where government employees remember their Oaths of Office to support our constitutions, rather than pat each other on the back for doing unconstitutional things--like expanding government power and control beyond the constitutions and infringing on our God given rights. Clearly government is out of control when it openly advocates registering and confiscating the guns which belong to law abiding citizens. WAKE UP AMERICA! We don’t need government employees meddling in our lives, collecting data on every individual, and fining people for simply trying to serve their families, friends, and neighbors.
I cannot upload the entire transcript of the January 31 hearing. It is way too long. I really hope this mess gets straightened out soon, and according to our Supreme Law of the Land. I am getting tired. I also sent copies of my HEARING BRIEF to my state representatives two days ago. I asked for a response. Hopefully they will finally get a clear picture of what is going on. We will see…
May 29, 2013 UPDATE: Case number and judge assignment for my APPEAL of the $1000.00 Contractor Program fine.
Well, something must be happening in the halls of the Superior Court in Spokane. Evidently, my “electrical fine” HEARING BRIEF got some traction with a judge, who probably asked someone in the Superior Court offices why my “contractor fine” APPEAL has been ignored since August 2012.
I received an ORDER OF PREASSIGNMENT signed by Ellen Kalama Clark, Presiding Judge. Here is the document:
Hmmm… This document seems a little incomplete. It doesn’t even have the clerk’s date stamp on it. Why? Is it not “official” yet? Are they trying to figure out what to do with me? Are they looking for a way to save the out of control government’s face? And look, they did put me in the “defendant” position with WDLI in the “plaintiff” position. That is cool, but this document does not point out that I have initiated this APPEAL, or that it is an APPEAL at all. No reference to my APPEAL of ALJ Mark Kim’s FINAL ORDER. For all I know, this could be a whole new case initiated by WDLI, the Petitioner. That seems very unlikely, but gee… a little better and complete communication would be nice. Ha, ha… That is an understatement! Do you realize how simple and easy this mess could be solved? Even solved with good communication over the phone according to our personal responsibility to be good neighbors doing our civic duty to support our Supreme Law of the Land. Picture this phone conversation between three parties, WDLI representative, judge, and me.
JUDGE: We have here a citation containing a $1000.00 fine which was issued to Mr. Hinds for hanging a flyer on a bulletin board. At my first glance, this citation seems to fly in the face of our First Amendment “freedom of speech” constitutional protections. What say you, WDLI representative?
WDLI REP: Well judge, according to our RCW’s, Mr. Hinds cannot post such a flyer on a bulletin board. He is offering to do contractor work without having the proper state licensing.
JUDGE: Excuse me, where on this flyer does it say that Mr. Hinds is offering to do “contracting?” And even if he did offer to do work under a contract, how does enforcement of such an RCW square with our First Amendment protections?
WDLI Rep: Your honor, these RCW’s are “Administrative Laws and regulations” which are necessary for us to administer our program of control of the population. We can’t have people doing work outside our system and without our permission because someone could be killed or injured in the process. We have RCW’s to protect the public from shoddy work being performed by unlicensed individuals.
MR. HINDS: (Just listening…)
JUDGE; Mr. Hinds, do you do shoddy work that may kill or injure someone?
MR. HINDS: No, your honor. If I did that, I wouldn’t have any people offering me jobs. And besides, doesn’t WDLI have to prove to a jury that I am a danger to my neighbors before it can fine me for working or offering to do work? WDLI has failed to conduct itself according to our constitutions and they seek to justify that by accusing me of being a “possible” danger to the public. Now, they want me to pay them $1000.00 for hanging a flyer on a bulletin board. If WDLI wants to “protect the public” they can do an infinite amount of things in order to accomplish that objective. They can put one of their employees on every job being performed in the state. For example: I have recently been hanging sheetrock and I have noticed that I am breathing a lot of dust. I need a WDLI employee to protect me and others on the job by vacuuming the dust as I cut and install the panels. You see? That would really be protecting people--while fining people $1000.00 does not protect anyone. It just enriches the government and stops people from doing any work at all.
JUDGE: Mr. Hinds, that is little ridiculous. We can’t put WDLI employees on every job in the state and it shouldn’t be discussed here.
MR. HINDS: Yes, I know, your Honor, but I didn’t bring it up. You need to tell the WDLI guy not to bring up “protecting the public.” We cannot have a logical conversation with the WDLI Rep if he wishes to rationalize his actions with “protecting the public” and falsely accusing me of being a danger to the public. No where in the constitution does it state that government is instituted among men to “protect the public.” And the writers of the constitution intentionally wrote “protect and maintain individual rights” as the objective of We the People’s government. The writers knew, you know, and I know that “protecting the public” would give the government an excuse for doing everything and anything with disregard for individual rights. Perhaps the WDLI Rep would like to protect guys from mosquito bites. Perhaps he could write an RCW making it unlawful to take a piss outside because of the potential for a mosquito bite on the pecker. Wouldn’t that give the WDLI Rep a great feeling of self satisfaction knowing that he has protected many people from itchy mosquito bites? Wouldn’t he sleep soundly with thoughts of being a wonderful protector and savior of the public?
JUDGE: Mr. Hinds. Stop with the ridiculous comments. We cannot have a serious discussion if you continue to ridicule and belittle the WDLI Rep.
MR. HINDS: Your honor, we cannot have a logical discussion about this case if the WDLI Rep is going to assume powers that are not given to him in our constitutions. “Protecting the public” is an emotional play that sounds really good and places the government employee in the “good guy” category while demonizing everyone else in order to justify false accusations and unconstitutional fines, etc. I simply cannot converse with the WDLI Rep because he talks from the position that he is the good guy and I am the bad guy without any basis of fact or proof. He simply wants to bully me into believing that I am the bad guy deserving to pay the government $1000.00 without being convicted by a jury of my good neighbors. He wants to go to bed believing that he has “protected the public” from a bad guy like me. Well, I cannot fall for that crap. We have a Supreme Law of the Land which states that I have a right to a trial by jury before having my property and liberties confiscated. Please ask the WDLI Rep to refrain from “protecting the public” and move to “protecting and maintaining individual rights” on the basis of our Supreme Law of the Land. Hey WDLI Rep, am I a bad guy whom you need to “protect the public” from?
WDLI REP: Mr. Hinds, you broke the law according to the RCWs. We are a nation under the “rule of law” and you broke the law.
MR. HINDS: No. You broke the Supreme Law of the Land, Mr. WDLI Rep. You are the one who is disregarding the “rule of law.” And, you are confused about what your role is as a government employee under the constraints of our state and federal constitutions. You and your cohorts have mucked up this argument for 19 months trying to get me to go along with your deluded role as “protector of the public.” How about protecting me from the likes of you? Will anyone in government do that for me? No. That is why I stand on my only protector, the Supreme Law of the Land. And this is something that you and your cohorts want to disregard at all costs. Until you decide to be a good neighbor doing your civic duty to support and defend our Supreme Law of the Land, you and I simply cannot have a logical, reasonable, and productive discussion. We are on different pages. You need to come over to the Constitution page and stop with the false accusations and self promotion. In the USA, we all live under our constitutions, yet you seem to want to throw that out in favor of some la-la land belief that you are protecting my neighbors from me.
JUDGE: That’s enough, that’s enough… I have heard enough and I have read through this entire case. I have sworn an Oath of Office to support our constitutions. I am about to throw this case in favor of Mr. Hinds, but I want to give WDLI one more chance to convince me that I should disregard Mr. Hinds’ right to publish a list of his skills on a flyer, and his right to equal protection under the law, and his right to a trial by a jury of his neighbors before being fined $1000.00. WDLI rep, do you have anything more to say that will give good reason for fining Mr. Hinds?
WDLI REP: …silence…
JUDGE: WDLI rep, do you have anything more?
WDLI REP: Uh… well… uh… I was just doing my job…
JUDGE: Bullshit! Buddy, you just pushed my button! I am outraged. That is what the policeman said when he cited my daughter for running a red light. She followed a very slow moving semi-truck through the light and she didn't see it turn yellow because she couldn’t see over the truck. We have common sense and common decency in this civilized nation, but it appears that government employees don’t have any common sense and common decency, nor a respect of their neighbors and our Supreme Law of the Land! Your job is to be a good neighbor doing your civic duty to support and defend our state and federal constitutions. That is your job! Many men have given their lives for the freedom and liberty and justice that those constitutions seek to preserve fore ourselves and our posterity. You need to get some training and an education in order to “just do your job!”
Mr. Hinds, here is my ruling. You will be reimbursed for all your costs…
That would be a good phone conversation and it would be all that is needed in resolving my dispute with WDLI. And such a conversation could have resolved this matter within days of the citation being issued. Yet, government employees have gone completely insane over posting a flyer on a private bulletin board. And here I have another official document from the Superior Court. Evidently, we must avoid simple and constitutional resolutions at all costs… We must go through the system… We must trample our constitutions until someone in a high government position determines what our constitutions say and mean. Perhaps the Washington State Supreme Court, or even the US Supreme Court. Good grief! We the People know what our constitutions say and mean… Why don’t government employees know?
So, I guess I will be receiving some instructions with dates from the judge who has been assigned to my APPEAL. I assume this case number on this document is for my APPEAL of NTHRM00462, anyway. I will probably need to write another hearing brief… Geezo… a simple phone call would be easier…
Oh yeah, this document came all by its lonesome. Just this one piece of paper in the envelope from Ronald E. Miles, Superior Court Administrator. There was no Certificate of Mailing with it. It does state that a copy was sent to AAG Angela Zurlini. No reference to my APPEAL, no reference to my Citation Number, no Certificate of Mailing, no Clerk’s Date Stamp. It is just way too vague! Is this supposed to be considered good government communication?
I just wonder what is going on in those offices. I get the feeling that they do not know what to do with me. But, I must wait and see what this newly assigned judge decides to do. Will she schedule a hearing for my motion? You know the motion I sent in back in August 2012(See the August 24, 2012 UPDATE). Or will she set that aside and proceed in the same manner as Judge Sypolt in the Electrical Appeal? I don’t know, and that is what bothers me. I don’t like not knowing what is going on in those offices, but I am doing this by the seat of my pants. And, I shouldn't have to hire a lawyer in order to hang a flyer on a bulletin board… Good grief! Insanity! How do you deal with insanity!???
How do you communicate with and deal with government employees who are stuck in the fantasy that they are the “protectors of the public” in order to justify their positions in the bureaucracy? We need to get back to common law where government holds real criminals accountable. Their RCWs have turned every citizen into a criminal, a law breaker. But the Supreme Law of the Land overrules RCWs. It is supposed to, anyway. It is supposed to constrain government employees. Few government employees and elected officials know that, though. They are out of control and have been out of control for 50 years. Ever since LBJs “Great Society,” the welfare state. “The government will take care of you and protect you…” Man, I just want to be left alone to take care of myself and family! I don’t want the government in my life, and that is the same sentiment of our founding fathers! What a mess! How do you argue with idiots? I guess you try to educate them. I hope this blog is educating government employees…Will they open their ears and eyes and have that epiphany? I hope so. I’d like to live in a free country again, the land of the free and the home of the brave… “One nation under God,” you know, the God of common sense and common decency! “Love your neighbor as you love yourself” and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
April 25, 2013, UPDATE: Got a schedule from the Judge.
Sorry about the delay, but I got a job which is very long hours. I have also been working on my HEARING BRIEF for the Superior Court. It is a pretty big task to get the HEARING BRIEF written and organized with references to my EXHIBITS which back up my claims in the HEARING BRIEF. You know that I have hundreds of pages of documents to use as exhibits! My goodness, this is crazy! Here are government employees “just doing their job” without attempting to be friendly public servants with common sense and common decency who do their civic duty to support and defend our state and federal constitutions with liberty and justice for all. Notice how I keep repeating that? They can’t argue with it. Obviously, they want to claim that they are doing their civic duty, and they justify their actions with delusions of “protecting the public,” but they know that this mess has gotten out of hand. They know that their delusions are being exposed and that they are not looking very good for fining a guy $1500.00 for posting a flyer on a private bulletin board, and then blowing more than $50,000.00 of taxpayer money trying to paint a neighbor as a bad guy deserving to be fined $1500.00. You know that they want to keep the revenue stream of fines coming in, also. I would still like to see a record of all the fines that they have issued and the total amount of revenue collected since they started fining people for “advertising” on bulletin boards and Craigslist. Perhaps I should file a request for that info. It must be open information for the public. I’ll look into how I can do that. Just this little old blog has generated a lot of comments from other people who have been fined… Man, I am glad I don’t go around assaulting my neighbors in order to collect revenue for the bureaucrats. I simply wouldn’t do it, and then I would be fired! LOL! I wouldn’t have a very high self-esteem if I had to go around assaulting my neighbors--even if I could do it cowardly by mail! Ha, Ha… I couldn’t be a coward mailing fines to people and then deluding myself by wrongly convincing myself that I am protecting the public. Falsely accusing members of the public of being “bad guys” is not “protecting the public.”
Let me say again that these “licensing programs” can and should be made voluntary. Having a “license” and etc, should only be a resume` enhancement. Government “requiring” licenses before being able to work and/or hire someone to do work leads to all kinds of nonsense. First, you must describe “every activity of work (as ALJ Mark Kim stated)” which can and cannot be performed with or without a license. And then that leads to complete government supervision of “every activity of work.” Apparently, the goal of out of control government employees is to require government permission and supervision of every activity of work! LOL, does that fit well in a free country with liberty and justice for all? The land of the free and the home of the brave…? Or is it “The land of the fee and the home of the slave???” Good grief! Government employees don’t even want to discuss what I am saying here! These government employees know that things are out of hand. Heck, you can’t even go fishing without getting accosted by a government employee. Spend $500.00 on a fishing trip and “licensing” and then get inspected, interrogated, and fined on the river for whatever frivolous violation they can come up with! I don’t think We the People and our founding fathers have/had that in mind for government employees to be doing…
Anyway, here is the letter from the judge and his schedule:
The judge has extended this mess for another four months. The schedule reads, “Appellant’s Brief and Transcript of Record must be in to the court by May 10, 2013.” So now I must do more work for these idiots! They started this fight and now they want me to prove my innocence, or prove guilt on the part of WDLI. “Transcript of Record”… good grief! They turned things around backwards here in the Superior Court. I am now a petitioner instead of a defendant defending myself against the outrageous citations. I have to gather all the information supporting “my” case against the government. Man, how do you argue with idiots who constantly turn things upside-down and backwards? I guess these guys want to assume the status of “good guy” defending themselves against an aggrieved citizen. How deceptive can you get? Blatant lies and deception turning justice on its head while still refusing to give me my constitutional “speedy trial by a jury” of my good neighbors. Man, I don’t know how government employees live in such a world of deception and lies. How do they block out a conscience based in common sense and common decency? Messed up in the head, I guess…
Then WDLI has until June 10, 2013, to submit their Response Brief.
Then I get to do a Reply Brief which is due in to the court by June 24, 2013.
Oral Argument is set for July 19, 2013.
21 months arguing over my constitutional right to publish a list of my skills in an effort to serve my neighbors. Has anyone ever heard of the phrases “left alone,” “left to live in peace,” “being left unmolested, and secure in their persons, houses, effects, against all unreasonable searches and seizures?” How about, “Left alone to live unmolested and in peace while pursuing life, liberty, and happiness?” Ever heard of those ideas? Are they too “ideal’ for government employees to understand?
Government has gotten too big. It is not the almighty supervisor of We the People and not the almighty authority who grants permission and rights to We the People. If We the People don’t change things soon, we and our posterity are going into poverty and slavery, perhaps worse. Ronald Reagan said something like, “Communism will collapse under its own immorality.” Dictatorial government is immoral. And it can only be maintained by force, threats, and fear. Dictatorial government should not be supported and expanded by ignorant government employees.
We need some fearless leaders like our founding fathers…
I’ll have my Hearing Brief put up on the blog within the next few days.
April 27, 2013, UPDATE. Home run HEARING BRIEF to the Superior Court.
The HEARING BRIEF is a home run. The judge and AAG Angela Zurlinin cannot argue with it. Funny how truth is that way--it exposes and destroys lies and confusion. I wonder if WDLI will consider dropping the citations before having a court hearing. You know, settle out of court before a judge has an opportunity to rule in my favor and thus blow a huge hole in their program of issuing intimidating citations through the mail.
Also, I wonder if I will get to subpoena witnesses for the ORAL ARGUMENT hearing. I’d put inspectors Jordan and Thrams on the stand and question them about their actions, their application of law, and their civic duty to support our Supreme Law of the Land. Of course, Zurlini would object to my questions and keep the truth out of the court, but it would be the judge’s discretion to overrule her.
So here is my HEARING BRIEF:
| Judge Gregory D. Sypolt |
|____________________________________________ |
Petitioner, | Case No. 2013-02-00803-8
Vs. | Hearing Brief and | Exhibits 1and 2
Respondent |
Comes now Russ Hinds, Petitioner, to DEFEND himself against Washington State Department of Labor and Industries employees who have filed unlawful unconstitutional complaints (citations) which demand payment of fines, $500.00 and $1000.00 , for publishing a list of skills in an effort to serve his neighbors and make new friends. Petitioner, Russ Hinds, also petitions the court for reimbursement of expenses and punitive damages. Russ Hinds’ DEFENSE rests on the Supreme Law of the Land including the Bill of Rights which were written to constrain public servants and which protects We the People, freedom to publish, equal protection under the law, due process of law, trial by jury of good neighbors, and other liberties.
On or about October 18, 2011, I, Russ Hinds, posted several “Maintenance and Repair” flyers on local private bulletin boards in an effort to generate some work and make new friends. Notice the date, almost 2 years have been spent by government employees trying to con me into giving up my God given right to publish a truthful list of my skills in an effort to find a job, and con me into paying the state of Washington $1500.00 for posting a truthful flyer on a private bulletin board. Also note that “We the People” have ratified state and federal constitutions to protect our “Creator” given rights to free speech, free association, right to bear arms, and right to a speedy trial by jury. Washington State Constitution Article I Section 1 states specifically that “governments are established to maintain individual rights.”
On October 25, 2011, I, Russ Hinds, received a call on my cell phone while I was working in Richland, WA. The caller identified himself as an electrical inspector for Washington Dept. of Labor and Industries. The caller identified himself as Insp. Phillip Jordan and asked me if I was the guy who posted a flyer on the bulletin board at Yokes Market in Deer Park, WA. When I said that I was, Insp. Phil Jordan began demanding my mailing address so that he could send me a citation in the mail. Jordan further threatened that I can receive a $500.00 fine for each flyer that I have placed in the neighborhood. I didn’t know my house number because I was new to the state, but I gave him the street name. When I asked why a fine, Jordan said that I cannot advertise to do electrical work without a valid WA electricians license. I said that I can make repairs like replacing a broken light switch without being licensed, to which Jordan said that I could not. All of this was shocking to me as I have been doing maintenance work all my life. I pointed out that we have constitutions which protect my right to hang up a flyer. Jordan ignored that and began dogging me again for my mailing address. Obviously, Jordan has not been trained in constitutional law which restrains the activities of government employees. Jordan’s disdain for our constitutions is further made clear in his written Inspector Statement regarding the phone call. Quote: “Russ started in again about our nations constitution.” Since Jordan has not had training in our state and federal constitutions, he lacks the ability to be a good neighbor. Threatening, dogging, and provoking your neighbors over the phone in order to issue a revenue ticket is not being a good neighbor. Good neighbors respect the God given rights of their neighbors which are protected by our state and federal constitutions which “We the People” ratified in order to maintain life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ourselves and our posterity. Obviously, we need to educate some government employees.
On October 25, 2011, following the above phone conversation, I, Russ Hinds, called my father at home and asked if I had received any calls regarding my flyer. Dad described to me a phone call that he received from a guy who needed someone to finish remodeling a bedroom. Dad said the guy wanted to send over blueprints so that I could give him a bid, but dad told him that I don’t do bids because I was working by the hour. The guy insisted on sending the blueprints so Dad finally gave in and told him what our mailing address is. After listening to dad, I knew that he had been punked and lied to by Inspector Phil Jordan to extract a mailing address in order to send me a revenue ticket. I told Dad that he had spoken to an inspector from WDLI who wanted to send me a citation in the mail. Dad didn’t believe me. I guess he didn’t want to believe that we have hucksters and shysters working for our government.
On October 31, 2011, to Dad’s surprise, he signed for a certified letter from WDLI which contained a $500.00 citation issued to me, Russ Hinds, for innocently posting a truthful flyer on a private bulletin board. I was back in Richland so I was spared witnessing the rage of my father. No one likes to be lied to by government employees, and dad was very upset. He had never heard of such a thing, but that is not all…
On or about November 3, 2011, Dad received another phone call regarding my flyer and asking for my services. He and my mother had removed my other flyers on other bulletin boards, so Dad knew it was another WDLI Inspector pretending to be a legitimate client seeking my services. Dad informed the caller that he was sorry, but we had to take down our flyers and stop offering to do work for our neighbors because we received a $500.00 fine in the mail from WDLI. He asked the caller, “What kind of lowlife piece of sh** would mail a $500.00 fine to their neighbor for looking for a job?” Further embellishing, dad forced the punk lying inspector to listen to his disgust of dishonest revenue seeking government employees. The Inspector continued to pretend to be a legitimate client seeking my services while listening to dad go off on him over the phone. --Wouldn’t it be nice if public servants would EARN some respect and EARN some trust?…
On November 5, 2011, I, Russ Hinds, sent a written request for an appeal of the $500.00 electrical citation (EJORP04884) to the unnamed Chief Electrical Inspector as instructed in the unsigned intimidating letter which was included with Insp. Phillip Jordan’s citation. I followed the instructions in the letter correctly and included a money order for the specified $200.00 fee for an appeal in order to avoid the additional intimidating threats in the letter--should I choose to not pay the fine and not file an appeal. My request for an appeal was based on my constitutionally protected rights to publish a list of my skills in an effort to serve my neighbors. I requested in bold writing a trial by jury, however my request for a “speedy” trial by jury was ignored, which is another violation of my constitutionally protected rights. Obviously, this dispute could have been resolved long ago if government employees would support our state and federal constitutions as their Oath of Office requires.
On November 7, 2011, Dad signed for another certified letter from WDLI which contained a citation for the same flyer posted on the same bulletin board for the same day as the “Electrical” citation. This letter contained a citation from Contractor Registration Program Manager Dean Simpson and Insp. Michael Thrams (the second caller whom Dad vented on?). This second citation (NTHRM00462) was issued to my entire household which included my dad: “Russ Hinds and spouse/or partner, and the marital community composed thereof or a registered domestic partnership, A Sole Proprietorship.” This second citation levied a fine of $1000.00 and included more intimidating threats of LIENS, WARRANTS, etc. Dad was so upset over this nonsense that he and I went to Idaho and placed earnest money on some real property there. He wanted to move out of the corrupt state of Washington. Shortly after that, dad was diagnosed with cancer. His offer on the Idaho property was not accepted, so he withdrew the earnest money to fight the cancer before moving out of the corrupt state of Washington. Dad passed away on July 21, 2012.
--------Since we have here at least two WDLI employees who do not have the integrity to honestly identify themselves to their neighbors over the telephone and who do not have any respect for their neighbors and their neighbor’s God given constitutionally protected rights, it is necessary to remind the court of Ethics in Government:
RCW 42.52.900 Legislative Declaration
Government derives its powers from the people. Ethics in government are the foundation on which the structure of government rests. State employees and officials hold a public trust that obligates them, in a special way, to honesty and integrity in fulfilling the responsibilities to which they are elected and appointed. …
RCW 42.20.040 False Report
Every public officer who shall knowingly make a false or misleading statement in any official report or statement, under circumstances not otherwise prohibited by law, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
Obviously, something is wrong with government employees who pass constitutionally protected flyers and mailing addresses to their cohorts in order to issue multiple citations and multiple fines to their neighbors who are innocently looking for a job.--------
On November 12, 2011, I, Russ Hinds, sent a written request for an appeal of the $1000.00 contractor program citation NTHRM00462 to Dean Simpson who typed his name at the end of the intimidating and threatening letter which was included with Insp. Michael Thrams citation. I noticed that all WDLI correspondence was unsigned, as if those who issued the citations did not want to take personal responsibility by signing them. (Please review copies of the citations on pages 2-4, and 7-9 in EXHIBIT 1) Insp. Phillip Jordan didn’t even sign his Inspector Statement form on the signature line provided by the form. Neither did Jordan sign the supplement statement where he claimed that he got my mailing address from a phone call to my home number. Dad testified before ALJ Mark Kim that he didn’t receive a phone call from an Inspector of WDLI, and that he only received 2 calls from people inquiring about using my services. (See pages 125- 132 of the hearing transcript, pages 59 and 60 of EXHIBIT 2) No wonder Jordan didn’t sign the statements! He didn’t want to take personal responsibility for them and he didn’t want to be charged with a gross misdemeanor under RCW 42.20.040! Ethics in government anyone?
Once again I paid another $200.00 fee to file the appeal as instructed in the letter in order to avoid the intimidating threats of WARRANT, LIEN, JUDGEMENT, and NOTICE TO WITHHOLD AND DELIVER which were included in the letter. Once again, I based this appeal on my constitutionally protected right to publish a list of my skills in an effort to serve my neighbors, and once again I asked for a trial by jury in my appeal, which was again ignored.
On May 24, 2012, I, Russ Hinds, attended a hearing before Administrative Law Judge Mark Kim. This hearing combined both citations, EJORP04884 and NTHRM00462. Evidently, the constitutional separation of powers is being ignored by the executive branch of WA government and WDLI. The executive branch seems to be participating in writing law, enforcing law, and adjudicating law by writing codes and regulations, issuing citations, and determining guilt or innocence according to their own haphazard and inconsistent interpretation of law. Still, I continue to be denied my constitutionally prescribed trial by jury within the judicial branch of government. I just keep encountering more government employees (bureaucrats) trying to convince me that I am a criminal deserving $1500.00 in fines.
At the ALJ’s hearing those higher up the chain of command circled the wagons around their out of control inspectors, Phillip Jordan and Michael Thrams, and dug in their heals. Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini attempted to absolve Jordan and Thrams of their personal responsibility and civic duty to be good neighbors who support and defend our state and federal constitutions by stating to the effect, “These inspectors are required by statute to issue citations for violations of RCW 19.28.041 and RCW 18.27.200.” (See lines 19 through 22, page 141, of Transcript for May 24, 2012, hearing before ALJ Mark Kim, Electrical Board Appeal Packet, Exhibit 2)
Please note that many thousands of our servicemen have given their lives to their countrymen after reciting an oath to support and defend our constitutions against all enemies foreign and domestic. Something is obviously sorely amiss here given the fact that our State and federal constitutions are the Supreme Law of the Land, and it is our civic duty as citizens and government employees to support and defend our Supreme Law of the Land. My father and my sons have risked their lives to serve our country to defend our constitutionally protected God given rights while government employees ignore, undermine, and destroy those rights by issuing $1500.00 in citations to their neighbor for publishing a list of his skills in an effort to serve his neighbors.
On July 10, 2012, I, Russ Hinds, received ALJ Mark Kim’s Proposed Decision and Order for EJORP04884 and ALJ Mark Kim’s Final Order for NTHRM00462. ALJ Mark Kim affirmed fining Russ Hinds $500.00 and $1000.00 for publishing a truthful list of his skills in an effort to serve his neighbors. ALJ Mark Kim justified his decision by making it illegal for himself to “render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of Chapter 19.28 RCW. Addressing these arguments falls outside of the scope of what this Tribunal has authority to address. “[T]he power of an administrative tribunal to fashion a remedy is strictly limited by statute. Skagit Surveyors and Engineers, LLC v Friends of Skagit County 135 Wash. 2d 542, 558, 958 P.2d 962, 970 (1998). The appropriate forum for such claims is in a court of general jurisdiction such as, Washington State Superior Court.” (See point 9 under Conclusions of Law of ALJ Mark Kim’s Proposed Decision and Order on pages 18 and 19 of the Electrical Board Appeal Packet, Exhibit 2)
The words in quotations above are taken from both the Proposed Decision and Order for EJORP04884 and the Final Order for NTHRM00462, even though NTHRM00462 was issued according to Chapter 18.27 RCW, not Chapter 19.28 RCW. Is this more evidence of government employee confusion, or a typo? Anyway, ALJ Mark Kim is obviously conflicted about his personal responsibility and civic duty to support our state and federal constitutions. He found it necessary to make it “outside the scope of his authority” to support our constitutionally protected God given right to publish a truthful list of skills in an effort to serve our neighbors.
After stating, “The appropriate forum for such claims is in a court of general jurisdiction such as, Washington State Superior Court,” ALJ Mark Kim referred an appeal of his Proposed Decision and Order for EJORP04884 to the Electrical Board. ????Gee, I thought you just said the appropriate forum for such claims is the Washington State Superior Court???? More time and expense wasted while ignoring our constitutional right to a simple and speedy trial jury. Now I must write two appeals and attend two more hearings, one of which is located 300 miles away in Tumwater, WA, and the other appeal being submitted to the Superior Court in Spokane, WA.
On July 18, 2012, according to the instructions included in ALJ Mark Kim’s Proposed Decision and Order for EJORP0484 I mailed my NOTICE OF APPEAL to the Chief Electrical Inspector WDLI. I asked for a review of ALJ Mark Kim’s Proposed Decision and Order for EJORP0484 before the Electrical Board.
On July 18, 2012, according to the instructions included in ALJ Mark Kim’s Final Order for NTHRM00462, I mailed my NOTICE OF APPEAL to the Superior Court of Washington for Spokane County along with a REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF FEES.
On July 23, 2012, I received a letter from Mark, Deputy Clerk for the Superior court, which contained additional fee waiver forms which duplicated the information I had sent the first time.
On July 24, 2012, I mailed back the completed forms which came with Mark, Deputy Clerk’s letter.
On August 1, 2012, I received a DENIAL OF FEE WAIVER from Court Commissioner Michelle Ressa.
On August 5, 2012, I mailed a letter to Court Commissioner Michelle Ressa requesting a reconsideration of her denial of fee waiver, “if fees are even required for defendants such as I.”
On August 20, 2012, I received a notice from the court stating that Michelle Ressa had reduced my fees from $250.00 to $50.00. I have since learned that no filing fees are required for my Appeal of NTHRM00462 according to RCW 74.08.080(3)(a). Good grief!
On August 22, 2012, I mailed a money order for $50.00 and a MOTION to the Superior Court of Washington for Spokane County requesting a trial by jury for NTHRM00462. I have not heard anything from the court as a result of that mailing and payment of $50.00. No notice informing me of a case number…nothing. I have been doing everything according to the instructions I have received. Evidently, those instructions are not complete enough for me to properly defend myself. Why are my public servants failing to inform me of problems with my court filings? Do public servants lack communication skills? You take my money then sit on my time consuming and costly paperwork and ignore me? What is up with that? Is that why I pay taxes? Am I a slave to government employees, or are government employees my public servants? My understanding of civics leads me to believe that government employees serve the people under the constraints of our state and federal constitutions. I was not put on this earth to serve government employees. WE THE PEOPLE hire government employees to serve us under the constraints of our state and federal constitutions!!!!!!
On September 12, 2012, I, Russ Hinds, received a letter from the office of the Secretary of the Electrical Board Ronald Fuller regarding my Appeal of EJORP04884. This letter contained this statement: “If either party wishes to the Board to consider any written argument, it should be submitted at least 45 days prior to the scheduled hearing. You are strongly encouraged to submit any written materials you wish the Board to consider as soon as possible as failure to timely submit may result in exclusion of your materials.” The Electrical Board scheduled the hearing date for October 26, 2012. I received the notice from Larry Vance (for) Ronald Fuller on September 12, 2012, which was 44 days prior to their scheduled hearing date of October 26, 2012. ???? I am shaking my head in wonderment! My goodness! And We the People hire these guys and pay their salaries for this kind of work performance and public service?
On September 17, 2012, I mailed a response to the letter that I received from the Office of the Secretary to the Electrical Board asking for time to present “written materials” for the Electrical Board to consider.
On October 8, 2012, I, Russ Hinds, received a notice from Secretary of the Electrical Board Ronald Fuller with a new date for my appeal hearing, January 31, 2013.
On December 11, 2012, I mailed my Hearing Brief to the Electrical Board for their consideration. (pages 68,69 of EXHIBIT 1)
On December 19, 2012, I received AAG Angela Zurlini’s response to my Hearing Brief. In her Response to the Electrical Board, AAG Angela Zurlini attempted to make it illegal for the members of the Electrical Board to support and defend our state and federal constitutions here: “The Electrical Board does not have the authority to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of RCW 19.28 or the issuance of citation number EJORP04884. Addressing these argument falls outside the scope of what the Electrical Board has the authority to address. The power of an administrative tribunal is strictly limited by statute. Skagit Surveyors and Engineers, LLC v Friends of Skagit County 135 Wash. 2d 542, 558, 958 P.2d 962, 970 (1998)” (Lines 5-10 on page 72 of EXHIBIT 1)
Now, I must say that this is absolutely crazy! Perhaps a better word would be “insane!“ We the People ratified the state and federal constitutions with the intent that government employees support and defend them! We have Oaths of Office given to government employees in which they swear to support our state and federal constitutions. And we have millions of American servicemen who have risked their lives to defend our constitutions “from all enemies foreign and domestic.”
Consider this quote from Abraham Lincoln, “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution.” How do government employees find any joy in ignoring and perverting our constitutions? Isn’t there more joy found in supporting and defending those constitutions for ourselves and for our posterity? Our constitutions were written to secure life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ourselves and our posterity. Our courts are supposed to be our guardians of liberty and justice for all. ----Are you starting to see that there is something seriously wrong with fining a guy $1500.00 for publishing a truthful list of his skills in an effort to serve his neighbors?
On January 31, 2013, I attended the Electrical Board hearing in Tumwater, WA, costing me about $500.00 in travel expenses. I was given ample time to speak and answer questions. One gentleman on the board, I didn’t get his name, pointed out for me that I am not the first person to come before the Electrical Board waving the Constitution. He said, “Don’t think that you are the first person to come before the Board waving the Constitution.” I took that to mean that I am not the first person to get pissed all over by the Electrical Board. Some “good neighbors” they are, huh? The Electrical Board voted 7 to 2 to affirm the $500.00 fine for citation number EJORP04884. Evidently, 6 members of the Electrical board thought that the arrogant guy has an IQ higher than he actually has. WDLI needs to provide the transcript of the Electrical Board hearing for Superior Court Judge Sypolt, or must I subpoena the transcript? Please let me know because I am not employed by the government and I do not know how their rules and procedures work in persecuting the citizens of the state of Washington. (WDLI needs to provide the Superior Court and Russ Hinds with a transcript of the January 31, 2013, hearing before the Electrical Board.)
On February 22, I mailed my APPEAL of the Electrical Board’s decision to the Superior Court of Washington for Spokane County. After some additional drama, I finally got my APPEAL on the court’s docket and a case number. So, here we are!
Whether Washington Department of Labor and Industries is acting within the constraints of our state and federal constitutions and in accordance with ethical and civil behavior while “maintaining individual rights” as directed in the Washington State Constitution.
And whether legal and moral standards are properly, consistently, and equally applied in the issuance of citation nos. EJORP04884 and NTHRM00462.
And whether the constitutional protections of the rights of the people have been supported, defended, and executed in the issuance of citation nos. EJORP04884 and NTHRM00462.
And whether Petitioner, Russ Hinds, is entitled to reimbursement of expenses, loss of income, and personal time spent while supporting and defending our state and federal constitutions against an out of control and misguided department of Washington State Government, WDLI.
And whether Petitioner, Russ Hinds, is entitled to punitive damages for being entangled in a ridiculous unconstitutional dispute and unjustly confined to the state of Washington for 21 months in order to resolve the dispute between himself and the employees of the state of Washington , (WDLI), when a constitutionally prescribed trial by jury at the beginning would have resolved the dispute simply in a few weeks.
When a citizen of the U.S. and the state of Washington has a dispute his neighbor, he (or she) will seek to have the dispute resolved through a court of law within the state where he/she resides. A citizen has an expectation that the officers of the court know the common basis of law, the law, the definitions of right, wrong, and justice with an honest desire for truth while protecting the innocent and holding the guilty accountable. This is a proper expectation because We the People pay taxes in order that competent and well educated officers of the court who know the history of American jurisprudence can properly and justly administer the law and adjudicate disputes. Officers of the court must know that the intent of law is “to create and maintain a civilized society of good neighbors who can live peacefully together with good will toward all men.” Every civilized society lives or dies on whether that society consists of responsible wise neighbors or irresponsible ignorant neighbors. Our founding fathers wrote and ratified our state and federal constitutions in order establish a basis for a civilized society to maintain, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ourselves and our posterity. American citizens expect officers of the court to know that the intent of the law is NOT to empower, expand, and enrich the government which We the People established to serve We the People.
Therefore, when bringing a case before a court, We the People do not expect to be required to educate and train officers of the court about common law, justice, the Supremacy of our State and Federal Constitutions, and Washington State Statutes and Codes. If We the People must educate government employees about the Supremacy of our State and Federal Constitutions when bringing any and every case before a court of law, we may as well throw the constitutions into the garbage can and allow government employees to do whatever they think they can get away with.
It is further assumed by the citizens of the U.S.A, and the states comprised thereof, that officers of the court presume innocence until proven guilty and that the pillars of the definition justice be observed. One of those pillars of justice is, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Justice cannot be maintained without incorporating the above quote into the definition of “justice.” Also, justice cannot be maintained when arrogant bully government employees embark on a goal to convince citizens of their “guilt” in order to collect revenue fines without providing a trial by a jury of good neighbors whom the government employees are supposed to be serving.
Nevertheless, I will attempt to establish a basic understanding of the fact that our state and federal constitutions constrain the actions of public servants to secure the blessings of life, liberty, and justice for We the People. And establish the fact that there is no fraud, deceit, or danger to the public as a result of the actions and publications of the petitioner, Russ Hinds.
FACT: Russ Hinds’ lawful publication which generated $1500.00 in fines from WDLI stated, “Maintenance and Repair” and contained a truthful list of his skills. There is no false claim of being a licensed electrician or a licensed contractor. In fact, the flyer specified and hourly rate, not contractual bids. A “job quote” would be based on the maximum hours required to perform requested services. Please see the copy of the publication (flyer) in question which is included in the exhibits.
FACT: The state of Washington does not require every individual who makes “electrical repairs” to be a licensed electrician. Apartment maintenance technicians are not required to be licensed electricians to replace a light switch, garbage disposal, or ceiling fan. Apartment maintenance supervisors are not required to be licensed electricians in order to train young inexperienced apartment maintenance technicians to make electrical repairs in their neighbors’ apartment homes. (See Cross Examination by Mr. Hinds, pages 51 through 68 of the Transcript of May 24, 2012 hearing on pages 40 through 44 of the Electrical Board Appeal Packet, Exhibit 2)
FACT: TV repairmen, landscapers, auto mechanics and others are not required to be licensed electricians before offering their “electrical” services to their neighbors.
FACT: Homeowners can hire an individual off a barstool to help with stringing Romex through attics and crawl spaces in permitted new construction and remodels as long as the work is properly inspected according to the permit.
CONCLUSION FROM THE ABOVE FOUR FACTS: WDLI and Insp. Phillip Jordan and Insp. Michael Thrams are selectively applying their RCWs rather than providing “equal protection under the law” as prescribed by the Supreme Law of the Land since they are not issuing citations to apartment maintenance technicians, TV repairmen, landscapers, and auto mechanics, etc.
FACT: WDLI justifies issuing citations to citizens (such as the petitioner, Russ Hinds, who offer their skills and services to their neighbors) by claiming that they are “protecting people from shoddy work and saving lives.”
FACT: WDLI contradicts the aforementioned FACT by failing to protect apartment dwellers, apartment maintenance technicians, TV repairmen, landscapers, auto mechanics, and automobile drivers because they do not issue $1500.00 citations to those individuals for doing “electrical“ work while not being licensed electricians.
FACT: Issuing $1500.00 fines to petitioner, Russ Hinds, does not save lives. Rather, it simply empowers, expands, and enriches public servants.
FACT: Falsely accusing one individual of being a danger to other individuals while claiming to “protect” other individuals in order to justify $1500.00 in fines without a trial by jury is abhorrent to a civilized nation. It is an assumption based not on facts and a conviction by jury, but on the whims of deluded public servants who desire the status and power of being “the loving protector,” the “good guy” saving the ignorant masses from a falsely accused “bad guy.” Why not protect the falsely accused individual from deluded public servants?
CONCLUSION FROM THE ABOVE FOUR FACTS: Fining the petitioner, Russ Hinds, $1500.00 without a trial by jury for publishing a truthful list of his skills in an effort to serve his neighbors is repugnant to the Supreme Law of the Land, null and void of law. "The Constitution of these United States is the supreme law of the land. Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution is null and void of law." Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137;
FACT: Ignorance of the Supreme Law of the Land is without excuse for public servants who have been hired by We the People to govern while being constrained by our state and federal constitutions to preserving the blessings of life, liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness for ourselves and for our posterity.
FACT: Our courts and our juries are our guardians of liberty and justice, and guardians of our Supreme Law of the Land. We the People established the Supreme Law of the Land in order to secure the blessings of life, liberty, and our pursuit of happiness for ourselves and our posterity by restraining and separating the powers of government.
CONCLUSION FROM THE ABOVE FACTS: WDLI employees need training in the Supreme Law of the Land and Ethics in Government in order to avoid trampling the individual rights protected for We the People by their lawfully ratified state and federal constitutions. Public servants who willfully disregard our state and federal constitutions need to be removed from public service until such a time when We the People amend the constitutions to allow willful disregard of those constitutions.
From the petitioner’s (Russ Hinds) first contact with Insp Phillip Jordan , Mr. Hinds has been treated as a criminal and a danger to his neighbors. He was harangued over the phone, issued intimidating and threatening citations through the mail without the courtesy of a face to face conversation and presentation of credentials. He was denied his lawful request for a speedy trial by jury and confined for nearly 2 years to the state of Washington in order to resolve the unconstitutional issuance of $1500.00 fines for publishing a list of his skills in an effort to serve his neighbors and make new friends. Obviously, the petitioner’s woeful experience in dealing with public servants who are ignorant of our state and federal constitutions is more an example of tyranny than it is an example of a civilized constitutional republic. It is a woeful experience demanding resolution, reimbursement, and punitive damages for the excessive time, stress, and unfriendly conduct of public servants who are ignorant of the Supreme Law of the Land, or willfully disregarding it.
The facts presented in this case show that the petitioner has been excessively fined, denied equal protection under the law, denied due process of law, and denied a speedy trial by jury in violation of the 1st, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America, the Supreme Law of the Land as stated in the Washington State Constitution, Article I Section 2.
No public servant would appreciate being treated the same way that Washington State government employees have treated the petitioner, Russ Hinds. Definition of “justice”-- Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Without waiving my right to a trial by jury, I, Russ Hinds, Petitioner, ask the Superior Court for the State of Washington for Spokane County for:
1. A dismissal of the citations EJORP04884 and NTHRM00462 and fines.
2. Reimbursement of expenses;
Fees for the Appeals------------------------------------------- $ 450.00
Mailing and office supplies----------------------------------- $ 300.00
Travel and accommodations to Tumwater for hearing---- 500.00 Travel to ALJ hearing---------------------------------- 40.00
Time responding/pleading with WDLI @ $25.00 per hr.-- 1500.00
Income lost by not being allowed to post a truthful flyer
on a private bulletin board; low estimate of 20hrs per mo.
for 21 mos. @ $25.00 per hour----------------------------------- 10500.00
TOTAL: $13290.00
3. Punitive damages for the unnecessary stress inflicted on Russ Hinds and family by the woeful conduct of public servants who are ignorant of, or willfully disregarding, our state and federal constitutional protections. Preferably damages to be paid for, not by the Washington State taxpayer, but by the public servants involved in unconstitutionally fining Russ Hinds $1500.00 and confining Russ Hinds to the state of Washington for almost 2 years for innocently publishing a list of his skills in an effort to serve his neighbors and make new friends. Also, consider all the tax revenue that has already been wasted by public servants who have been attempting to con Russ Hinds into believing that he is a “bad neighbor” deserving to hand over his wallet with $1500.00 in it.
The court might consider a reduction in salary of 10% for one year for every name below enough to pay for a fair and reasonable punitive award to the petitioner, Russ Hinds; thus removing the expense of a punitive award from Washington State taxpayers.
Insp. Philip Jordan
Insp. Michael Thrams
Contract Program Manager Dean Simpson
AAG Angela Zurlini
ALJ Mark Kim
Secretary of the Electrical Board Ronald Fuller
The seven members of the Electrical Board who voted to disregard our state and federal constitutions.
What better way to educate and inform We the People’s public servants of their personal responsibility to be good neighbors doing their civic duty to support our state and federal constitutions? Besides, there is much more joy found in fulfilling our personal responsibilities and civic duties than there is in falsely accusing your fellow countrymen of being a danger to their neighbors in order to generate revenue for the state. Epiphany time! Time to get back to wisdom, common sense, and common decency! Time to come out of darkness and into truth which our founding fathers understood.
It is easy and sensible to support and defend our state and federal constitutions, while it is confusing, frustrating, and harmful to misapply thousands of pages of RCWs against the constraints of our Supreme Law of the Land. Why are so many people in government afraid to support and defend the Supreme Law of the Land? Are they afraid to live in a free country of good neighbors? Have they been brainwashed into believing that the citizens whom they serve are their enemies in need of control and government supervision rather than their friends and neighbors? Issuing double citations with $1500.00 fines for publishing a list of skills without warning and without a courteous face to face conversation and presentation of credentials is flat out unfriendly abuse showing contempt for your neighbors. Courts and bureaucracies should not be defending flat out unfriendly abuse showing contempt for your neighbors. Incidents like this should not be occurring in a civilized nation, not to mention “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
Respectfully signed and submitted by Russ Hinds on April 25, 2013.
Enc. EXHIBITS 1 and 2
CC: AAG Angela R Zurlini,
Washington Department of Labor and Industries,
the Electrical Board,
And my state Representatives.
Note: To save my expenses, I did not send AAG Angela Zurlini, WDLI, and the Electrical Board copies of EXHIBITS 1 and 2, as they already have that documentation.
It is a long HEARING BRIEF because the judge is a new guy on the scene. He knows nothing of my woeful experiences dealing with ignorant out of control government employees. I must fill him in on all the details.
I wonder how Zurlini will argue in her RESPONSE. I have to wait and see. Her RESPONSE is not due till June 10, 2013. In the meantime, I’ll send my state representatives a copy of my HEARING BRIEF. They are sort of “new to the scene,” too. Hopefully, keeping them fully informed will encourage them to be good neighbors doing their civic duty to support and defend We the People’s Supreme Law of the Land.
May 17, 2013 UPDATE: Completely confusing correspondence from AAG Angela Zurlini and the January 31, 2013, Hearing Transcript from the Secretary to the Electrical Board.
I have to speculate and guess what is going on because the documents I have received recently are quite confusing. I can try to make a sensible assumption of what is happening, but it falls short of being complete.
AAG Angela Zurlini sent me a NOTICE OF APPEARANCE FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES. It is a document conformed and filed with the Spokane County Clerk. Evidently, Zurlini wants everyone to know of an appearance for WDLI. Okay, who is appearing for the Department of Labor and Industries?
Well, let me retype the body of the NOTICE here:
TO: Russ Hinds, Plaintiff
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries hereby enter(s) its special appearance in this action, by and through ROBERT W. FERGUSON, Attorney General, and ANGELA R. ZURLINI, Assistant Attorney General specifically reserving all its rights including those relating to jurisdiction because of lack of service of process and insufficiency of service thereof, and requests that all further papers and pleadings, except process service, be served at the address below.
What does all that mean? “Washington State Department of Labor and Industries hereby enter(s) its special appearance in this action” Okay, even though WDLI is clearly named as a phony "defendant" in my Appeal, their “appearance” in this action is “special?” What is so special about it? I have been notified of an appearance “FOR” the Department of Labor and Industries only to find out that WDLI announces its own “special appearance” “FOR” itself? Good grief! Is this communication, or gobbly-gook?
WDLI is a bureaucracy, and it cannot “appear” in this action, but the people administering the bureaucracy can appear and defend the actions that they performed against Russ Hinds.
WDLI has hired their own lawyer to represent them, AAG Angela Zurlini. The Attorney General’s office is required to defend the actions of government bureaucracies. The individuals involved in the actions against Russ Hinds are not mentioned, nor will they be appearing before the court. Perhaps I must subpoena them. See how the tables have been turned on me? In order to present my case before the court, I have to do all the work and go to all the expense of subpoenaing the individuals who disregarded our state and federal constitutions.
“specifically reserving all its rights including those relating to jurisdiction” --What “rights” do bureaucracies have? They don’t have any rights. Bureaucracies are not people, they are an organization, not a human being or an individual with rights and responsibilities. We are not a nation of bureaucracies, we are a nation of individuals with constitutions that order “bureaucracies” (government employed individuals) to maintain individual rights. “Maintain individual rights” is directly quoted from the Washington State Constitution.
Hmmm… I am learning by the seat of my pants, here. It looks like this case can easily be turned into total and complete nonsense with government employees not held accountable for their individual responsibilities to support our constitutions. I am bringing an APPEAL of a decision made by a bureaucracy rather than by individuals on the Electrical Board. Boy, this line of thinking leads down a rabbit trail. Hmmm… In the name of the bureaucracy, individuals have assaulted the constitutionally protected God given rights of Russ Hinds. Government employees have disregarded their civic duty and responsibility to uphold our state and federal constitutions, but Russ Hinds is required to APPEAL the Electrical Board‘s decision by bringing the bureaucracy WDLI (and not the individual government employees of WDLI) to Superior Court.
I have just complicated things, here, but the judge is quite capable of keeping things simple and clear. He knows what this case is about, and he has discretion to keep it simple while supporting our Supreme Law of the Land. I should not need to sue the individual government employees for failing to support our constitutions while assaulting my person, property, and sensibilities in the name of WDLI and the RCWs. WHEW!!! We will see if the judge wants to continue the meat grinder and turn my APPEAL into a joke on himself and his Oath of Office.
“because of lack of service of process and insufficiency of service thereof, and requests that all further papers and pleadings, except process service, be served at the address below” --So, Zurlini claims a problem with being kept informed of papers and pleadings. I have done everything according to their instructions. Perhaps they need to clarify and expand their instructions. What a whiner! They assault a citizen’s person, property, and sensibilities and then complain when the guy does his best to follow their instructions while defending himself from their assault! Good grief! Does Zurlini want to become the “victim” now? A victim of a citizen defending himself? Pretty damn crazy and confusing, isn’t it? That is why our founders established the “speedy trial by jury.” Lawyers and bureaucrats can’t confuse and confound justice in front of a jury when a defendant can question his accusers. But, Zurlini and the rest of the government employees can continue this mess indefinitely since they have all your tax money and time to do so. They can deny my Appeals and wear me down until I go away and no constitutionally correct decision is made. A proper decision that would surely throw a huge monkey wrench into the bureaucracy’s program of issuing outrageous fines through the mail to people who post flyers on private bulletin boards.
Please note that a copy of my conformed HEARING BRIEF was sent to WDLI, the Electrical Board, and AAG Angela Zurlini at her very same “address below.” What is her bitch? What is her problem? Be specific, Zurlini! Are you trying to plant seeds that I, Russ Hinds, am somehow failing to conduct myself properly and according to your instructions? Are you trying to leave the court with the impression that you have not been properly kept informed? Are you going to bring your witnesses, Jordan and Thrams, to your defense before the court? Or is that the last thing you want to do? Can we keep things simple and clear, or is that the last thing you want to do?
Here is the silly NOTICE OF APPEARNCE which I fail to understand:
The Secretary of the Electrical Board Rod Mutch is a good guy. I am quite impressed! He sent me a TRANSMITTAL OF A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE ORIGINAL AGENCY RECORD FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW UNDER RCW 354.05.566. It is basically all the correspondence related to my electrical citation, about 150 pages for the judge to read, however, the TRANSMITTAL does not have the stamp that conforms the filing with the court. ??? HUH? I have to mail conformed copies, but they don’t???? LOL!
Anyway, Secretary Mutch included the TRANSCRIPT of the Electrical Board Hearing which was held on January 31, 2013. How about that! Now I have the documentation backing up my claims which I made regarding the comments of people on the Electrical Board. But, there is some funny stuff going on here…
My niece traveled with me to Tumwater, WA, and she attended the hearing with me. On the drive home we discussed the hearing. She is a young twenty something and she was a little discouraged about the vote against me. She thought that the hearing didn’t go well and that I lost to the government employees. I told her that I thought I did pretty good. I got my points across very well in my opinion. I didn’t choke up and I forced those guys to do some serious thinking. I pointed out to her that I got the arrogant guy to say, “Don’t think you are the first person to come in here waving the constitution.” Then I told my niece that that was a victory because he is admitting to disregarding our constitutions.
The next day, February 1, 2012, I updated this blog. I mentioned the member of the board saying, “Don’t think you are the first person to come in here waving the constitution,” in my update. So that is what I heard at the hearing…
However, the transcript does not say what I heard. The transcript says something different which is hilarious and just as bad or worse than what I quoted the guy as saying. I wish there was a recording of the hearing so that we could check the stenographer. Here is what the stenographer transcribed:
BOARD MEMBER GUILLOT: …You’re not the only victim that’s ever come in here and waived the American flag. And I am telling you that the bottom line of all these rules-
MR. HINDS: Is the supreme law of the land.
BOARD MEMBER GUILLOT: No it’s not. It’s to save public lives. That’s it. We do not want our citizens burned down because of something that was done wrong.
MR. HINDS: So you save the life by sending them $1500.00 in fines?
LOL…. Man I have to laugh at this silliness! LOL… “You’re not the only victim…” See, he admits that I am a victim of some offense…LOLOLOLOL… “and waived the American flag…” American flag? I wasn’t waving the flag, I was waving the constitution, and I heard "constitution," not “American flag.” You can see that I was speaking about the constitution in my very next statement when I interrupted Guillot. “Is the supreme law of the land,” I said, meaning the “bottom line” is our constitution, and that idiot said, “No it’s not.” Good grief! La-la land. He thinks that it is the government’s job to keep our citizens from having homes that burn down due to something done wrong. Man, it is very difficult to break through nonsense that pumps up people’s ego and hands over power to them. Power that our constitutions do not allow, even. Power to “protect” people and create utopia with cradle to grave protection and welfare… is unconstitutional!
Licensing and certifying electricians was set up so that the public would know who has had a modicum of official training making them qualified to perform certain electrical jobs according to the fact that they have passed some tests and spent some specified amount of time as an apprentice electrician. Meanwhile, just about every citizen goes about their lives making electrical repairs. For example: A young woman buys a home and hates the bathroom lighting over the vanity. She goes to Home Depot and buys a new light fixture. Then she goes home and installs the fixture following the instructions included with the fixture. SO, MR. GUILLOT IS LIVING IN LA-LA LAND TRYING TO CONVINCE ME TO GO ALONG WITH HIS LA-LA LAND NONSENSE! And I did not go along with it… Notice my response, “So you save a life by sending them $1500.00 in fines?” Now, I may have said that, but I distinctly remember also saying, “Does fining Russ Hinds $500.00 save lives?” I remember saying that because after I said it, I had second thoughts, almost regretting having said it. According to the transcript, the chairwoman Prezeau interrupted and shut down my banter with Guillot. Also, After I said, “Does fining Russ Hinds $500.00 save lives?,” Guillot threw up his hands like I was pointing a gun at him, he said, “I’m done, I’m done…” That is when the Chairwoman interrupted. The stenographer left that out.
Once again, I wish I had a recording of the hearing rather than this transcript because some things have definitely been left out. But, the transcript does verify the mindset of disregarding our constitutions in order to change the role of government from “maintaining individual rights” to “It’s to save public lives.” No where in our constitutions does it say that the American people need government supervision to “save public lives.” The Washington State Constitution does say, “SECTION 1 POLITICAL POWER. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.”
Clearly, Guillot is wrong in assuming the power to fine people for publishing a list of their skills in an effort to serve their neighbors.
Thank you Rod Mutch, for including the hearing transcript in the agency’s documentation which you sent to me. I hope all is well with you, and perhaps there will be an epiphany around the water coolers in government buildings where government employees remember their Oaths of Office to support our constitutions, rather than pat each other on the back for doing unconstitutional things--like expanding government power and control beyond the constitutions and infringing on our God given rights. Clearly government is out of control when it openly advocates registering and confiscating the guns which belong to law abiding citizens. WAKE UP AMERICA! We don’t need government employees meddling in our lives, collecting data on every individual, and fining people for simply trying to serve their families, friends, and neighbors.
I cannot upload the entire transcript of the January 31 hearing. It is way too long. I really hope this mess gets straightened out soon, and according to our Supreme Law of the Land. I am getting tired. I also sent copies of my HEARING BRIEF to my state representatives two days ago. I asked for a response. Hopefully they will finally get a clear picture of what is going on. We will see…
May 19,2013-- It occurred to me that I can upload the part of the transcript which I have quoted from. So, here it is:
May 29, 2013 UPDATE: Case number and judge assignment for my APPEAL of the $1000.00 Contractor Program fine.
Well, something must be happening in the halls of the Superior Court in Spokane. Evidently, my “electrical fine” HEARING BRIEF got some traction with a judge, who probably asked someone in the Superior Court offices why my “contractor fine” APPEAL has been ignored since August 2012.
I received an ORDER OF PREASSIGNMENT signed by Ellen Kalama Clark, Presiding Judge. Here is the document:
Hmmm… This document seems a little incomplete. It doesn’t even have the clerk’s date stamp on it. Why? Is it not “official” yet? Are they trying to figure out what to do with me? Are they looking for a way to save the out of control government’s face? And look, they did put me in the “defendant” position with WDLI in the “plaintiff” position. That is cool, but this document does not point out that I have initiated this APPEAL, or that it is an APPEAL at all. No reference to my APPEAL of ALJ Mark Kim’s FINAL ORDER. For all I know, this could be a whole new case initiated by WDLI, the Petitioner. That seems very unlikely, but gee… a little better and complete communication would be nice. Ha, ha… That is an understatement! Do you realize how simple and easy this mess could be solved? Even solved with good communication over the phone according to our personal responsibility to be good neighbors doing our civic duty to support our Supreme Law of the Land. Picture this phone conversation between three parties, WDLI representative, judge, and me.
JUDGE: We have here a citation containing a $1000.00 fine which was issued to Mr. Hinds for hanging a flyer on a bulletin board. At my first glance, this citation seems to fly in the face of our First Amendment “freedom of speech” constitutional protections. What say you, WDLI representative?
WDLI REP: Well judge, according to our RCW’s, Mr. Hinds cannot post such a flyer on a bulletin board. He is offering to do contractor work without having the proper state licensing.
JUDGE: Excuse me, where on this flyer does it say that Mr. Hinds is offering to do “contracting?” And even if he did offer to do work under a contract, how does enforcement of such an RCW square with our First Amendment protections?
WDLI Rep: Your honor, these RCW’s are “Administrative Laws and regulations” which are necessary for us to administer our program of control of the population. We can’t have people doing work outside our system and without our permission because someone could be killed or injured in the process. We have RCW’s to protect the public from shoddy work being performed by unlicensed individuals.
MR. HINDS: (Just listening…)
JUDGE; Mr. Hinds, do you do shoddy work that may kill or injure someone?
MR. HINDS: No, your honor. If I did that, I wouldn’t have any people offering me jobs. And besides, doesn’t WDLI have to prove to a jury that I am a danger to my neighbors before it can fine me for working or offering to do work? WDLI has failed to conduct itself according to our constitutions and they seek to justify that by accusing me of being a “possible” danger to the public. Now, they want me to pay them $1000.00 for hanging a flyer on a bulletin board. If WDLI wants to “protect the public” they can do an infinite amount of things in order to accomplish that objective. They can put one of their employees on every job being performed in the state. For example: I have recently been hanging sheetrock and I have noticed that I am breathing a lot of dust. I need a WDLI employee to protect me and others on the job by vacuuming the dust as I cut and install the panels. You see? That would really be protecting people--while fining people $1000.00 does not protect anyone. It just enriches the government and stops people from doing any work at all.
JUDGE: Mr. Hinds, that is little ridiculous. We can’t put WDLI employees on every job in the state and it shouldn’t be discussed here.
MR. HINDS: Yes, I know, your Honor, but I didn’t bring it up. You need to tell the WDLI guy not to bring up “protecting the public.” We cannot have a logical conversation with the WDLI Rep if he wishes to rationalize his actions with “protecting the public” and falsely accusing me of being a danger to the public. No where in the constitution does it state that government is instituted among men to “protect the public.” And the writers of the constitution intentionally wrote “protect and maintain individual rights” as the objective of We the People’s government. The writers knew, you know, and I know that “protecting the public” would give the government an excuse for doing everything and anything with disregard for individual rights. Perhaps the WDLI Rep would like to protect guys from mosquito bites. Perhaps he could write an RCW making it unlawful to take a piss outside because of the potential for a mosquito bite on the pecker. Wouldn’t that give the WDLI Rep a great feeling of self satisfaction knowing that he has protected many people from itchy mosquito bites? Wouldn’t he sleep soundly with thoughts of being a wonderful protector and savior of the public?
JUDGE: Mr. Hinds. Stop with the ridiculous comments. We cannot have a serious discussion if you continue to ridicule and belittle the WDLI Rep.
MR. HINDS: Your honor, we cannot have a logical discussion about this case if the WDLI Rep is going to assume powers that are not given to him in our constitutions. “Protecting the public” is an emotional play that sounds really good and places the government employee in the “good guy” category while demonizing everyone else in order to justify false accusations and unconstitutional fines, etc. I simply cannot converse with the WDLI Rep because he talks from the position that he is the good guy and I am the bad guy without any basis of fact or proof. He simply wants to bully me into believing that I am the bad guy deserving to pay the government $1000.00 without being convicted by a jury of my good neighbors. He wants to go to bed believing that he has “protected the public” from a bad guy like me. Well, I cannot fall for that crap. We have a Supreme Law of the Land which states that I have a right to a trial by jury before having my property and liberties confiscated. Please ask the WDLI Rep to refrain from “protecting the public” and move to “protecting and maintaining individual rights” on the basis of our Supreme Law of the Land. Hey WDLI Rep, am I a bad guy whom you need to “protect the public” from?
WDLI REP: Mr. Hinds, you broke the law according to the RCWs. We are a nation under the “rule of law” and you broke the law.
MR. HINDS: No. You broke the Supreme Law of the Land, Mr. WDLI Rep. You are the one who is disregarding the “rule of law.” And, you are confused about what your role is as a government employee under the constraints of our state and federal constitutions. You and your cohorts have mucked up this argument for 19 months trying to get me to go along with your deluded role as “protector of the public.” How about protecting me from the likes of you? Will anyone in government do that for me? No. That is why I stand on my only protector, the Supreme Law of the Land. And this is something that you and your cohorts want to disregard at all costs. Until you decide to be a good neighbor doing your civic duty to support and defend our Supreme Law of the Land, you and I simply cannot have a logical, reasonable, and productive discussion. We are on different pages. You need to come over to the Constitution page and stop with the false accusations and self promotion. In the USA, we all live under our constitutions, yet you seem to want to throw that out in favor of some la-la land belief that you are protecting my neighbors from me.
JUDGE: That’s enough, that’s enough… I have heard enough and I have read through this entire case. I have sworn an Oath of Office to support our constitutions. I am about to throw this case in favor of Mr. Hinds, but I want to give WDLI one more chance to convince me that I should disregard Mr. Hinds’ right to publish a list of his skills on a flyer, and his right to equal protection under the law, and his right to a trial by a jury of his neighbors before being fined $1000.00. WDLI rep, do you have anything more to say that will give good reason for fining Mr. Hinds?
WDLI REP: …silence…
JUDGE: WDLI rep, do you have anything more?
WDLI REP: Uh… well… uh… I was just doing my job…
JUDGE: Bullshit! Buddy, you just pushed my button! I am outraged. That is what the policeman said when he cited my daughter for running a red light. She followed a very slow moving semi-truck through the light and she didn't see it turn yellow because she couldn’t see over the truck. We have common sense and common decency in this civilized nation, but it appears that government employees don’t have any common sense and common decency, nor a respect of their neighbors and our Supreme Law of the Land! Your job is to be a good neighbor doing your civic duty to support and defend our state and federal constitutions. That is your job! Many men have given their lives for the freedom and liberty and justice that those constitutions seek to preserve fore ourselves and our posterity. You need to get some training and an education in order to “just do your job!”
Mr. Hinds, here is my ruling. You will be reimbursed for all your costs…
That would be a good phone conversation and it would be all that is needed in resolving my dispute with WDLI. And such a conversation could have resolved this matter within days of the citation being issued. Yet, government employees have gone completely insane over posting a flyer on a private bulletin board. And here I have another official document from the Superior Court. Evidently, we must avoid simple and constitutional resolutions at all costs… We must go through the system… We must trample our constitutions until someone in a high government position determines what our constitutions say and mean. Perhaps the Washington State Supreme Court, or even the US Supreme Court. Good grief! We the People know what our constitutions say and mean… Why don’t government employees know?
So, I guess I will be receiving some instructions with dates from the judge who has been assigned to my APPEAL. I assume this case number on this document is for my APPEAL of NTHRM00462, anyway. I will probably need to write another hearing brief… Geezo… a simple phone call would be easier…
Oh yeah, this document came all by its lonesome. Just this one piece of paper in the envelope from Ronald E. Miles, Superior Court Administrator. There was no Certificate of Mailing with it. It does state that a copy was sent to AAG Angela Zurlini. No reference to my APPEAL, no reference to my Citation Number, no Certificate of Mailing, no Clerk’s Date Stamp. It is just way too vague! Is this supposed to be considered good government communication?
I just wonder what is going on in those offices. I get the feeling that they do not know what to do with me. But, I must wait and see what this newly assigned judge decides to do. Will she schedule a hearing for my motion? You know the motion I sent in back in August 2012(See the August 24, 2012 UPDATE). Or will she set that aside and proceed in the same manner as Judge Sypolt in the Electrical Appeal? I don’t know, and that is what bothers me. I don’t like not knowing what is going on in those offices, but I am doing this by the seat of my pants. And, I shouldn't have to hire a lawyer in order to hang a flyer on a bulletin board… Good grief! Insanity! How do you deal with insanity!???
How do you communicate with and deal with government employees who are stuck in the fantasy that they are the “protectors of the public” in order to justify their positions in the bureaucracy? We need to get back to common law where government holds real criminals accountable. Their RCWs have turned every citizen into a criminal, a law breaker. But the Supreme Law of the Land overrules RCWs. It is supposed to, anyway. It is supposed to constrain government employees. Few government employees and elected officials know that, though. They are out of control and have been out of control for 50 years. Ever since LBJs “Great Society,” the welfare state. “The government will take care of you and protect you…” Man, I just want to be left alone to take care of myself and family! I don’t want the government in my life, and that is the same sentiment of our founding fathers! What a mess! How do you argue with idiots? I guess you try to educate them. I hope this blog is educating government employees…Will they open their ears and eyes and have that epiphany? I hope so. I’d like to live in a free country again, the land of the free and the home of the brave… “One nation under God,” you know, the God of common sense and common decency! “Love your neighbor as you love yourself” and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
June 16, 2013, UPDATE: Response to my HEARING BRIEF received from AAG Angela Zurlini.
I received WDLI’s RESPONSE on June 11. I have been busy working, so I have not had time to update the blog. The best way to update it will be to simply publish my official response to the nonsense spouted in Zurlini’s Brief for the judge. And, there is plenty of nonsense to correct. I noticed that there are no foundations underlying Zurlini’s claims. She just writes what the government “says” as if "what the government says is true and right in itself." It should be pretty easy for me to logically point out the fact that we have many foundations to back up my claims and none to back up her claims. Here is one example:
Quote from Zurlini’s Brief, “Mr. Hinds does not have a right to a jury in this case.”
WOW! What is her foundation for that statement? Her word alone? When did We the People throw out our right to face our accusers before a jury of our good neighbors? WHERE IS ZURLINI’S FOUNDATION FOR THAT STATEMENT? There is none. Nevertheless, these government employees want me and We the People to submit to their disregard of our constitutions, our liberty, and justice on account of “the government said it so it must be true and good; AND THE PEONS MUST OBEY.”
Talk about attempting to cast a spell on someone! Here I have been taught that we have constitutions and a Bill of Rights which are called the Supreme Law of the Land, and Zurlini wants me to forget that? Cast a spell on me and the judge and con us into going along with out of control government assaults on its citizens and our constitutions? Does she really think we will fall for it?
These government employees need to read our Declaration of Independence and our state and federal constitutions. We fought wars to defend our unalienable rights… people died defending those rights for themselves and for their posterity. Man, what an idiot! Is it stupidity and ignorance that gives her the courage to make a statement like the one above? Or is it a deliberate attempt to trash our constitutions in favor of an all-powerful state that can do whatever the government employees decide it can do? In sixth grade I understood our Bill of Rights, and we still teach upcoming generations about our founding documents, yet this government employee Zurlini expects me to fall for her nonsense and bow down to “the bureaucracy must be right at all times in order to keep the agenda and program moving forward?” Good grief! Someone needs to stand against this nonsense. “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing,” Edmond Burke.
If I don’t stand up, who will? If we don’t stand up, who will? What a mess! If no one stands up to these idiots this nation is going down… and our children will curse their fathers for not standing up…
I’ll UPDATE with my response to the court soon. Hopefully within a week.
June 25, 2013, UPDATE: My REPLY BRIEF to AAG Zurlini’s TRIAL BRIEF
First, here is AAG Angela Zurlini’s TRIAL BRIEF:
Now, I hope you get a kick out of my response! Here:
| Judge Gregory D. Sypolt |
|____________________________________________ |
Petitioner, | Case No. 2013-02-00803-8
Respondent |
Comes now Russ Hinds in reply to AAG Angela Zurlini’s DEPARMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES’ TRIAL BRIEF.
For consideration by Judge Gregory Sypolt,
Please weigh the following simple and truthful REPLY BRIEF against the flimsy statements of AAG Angela Zurlini which are without a solid foundation built on our Supreme Law of the Land, the U.S. Constitution. Note also that the Washington State Constitution declares the U.S. Constitution to be the Supreme Law of the Land. AAG Zurlini’s arguments within her TRIAL BRIEF seek to convince the Honorable Judge Sypolt to disregard We the People’s state and federal constitutions while entangling Mr. Hinds in a never-ending (coming up on 2 years) argument over supposed violations of secondary regulations and codes. The fact is, “employees of Washington Department of Labor and Industries have overstepped their constitutional authority by issuing citations for hanging a flyer on a private bulletin board.” The previous fact in quotes is provable with a reading of our state and federal constitutions (and an English dictionary for confused government employees). There really is no lawful justification for arguing over this unconstitutional citation no. EJORP04884, and the second “double” citation NTHRM00462 for the same flyer on the same bulletin board for the same day, for almost 2 years. Neither is there a neighborly common sense foundation for issuing double citations containing $1500.00 in fines with threats of additional legal action for publishing a list of maintenance and repair skills.
Due to the extreme insanity of issuing $500.00 and $1000.00 fines to people who post flyers on bulletin boards, I have contemplated what on earth could possibly be motivating government employees. Based on my experience dealing with government employees and my knowledge of history, I came up with this short list of possible motivations of so called ‘public servants”:
1. Government employees wish to establish secondary law as “supreme,” carrying more weight and authority than state and federal constitutional law in order to expand state and federal authority beyond the limits of We the People’s state and federal constitutions. Thereby insuring the security of their government jobs and the sources of revenue for their own salaries.
2. Government employees invent and fine “bad guys” while claiming to be protecting the public from the unconvicted bad guys in order to build up their own self esteem and add importance and praise for their positions and authority while pretending to be the “good guy“ protecting the public. They do this while being oblivious to the fact that they are failing to protect the falsely accused “bad guy.”
3. Government employees believe that government is the highest authority on the planet and is therefore infallible and can commit no wrongs. Therefore, fining people for publishing a list of their skills is something worthy of being defended and argued over for almost 2 years. Government and government employees must never be given a black eye by admitting to being outside the authority of We the People’s constitutions.
In general, AAG Zurlini’s TRIAL BRIEF completely attempts to nullify our state and federal constitutions and We the People’s Bill of Rights while disregarding her own individual personal responsibility to be a good neighbor doing her civic duty to support We the People‘s Supreme Law of the Land. Please review Article VI of the U.S. Constitution which states in part, “the Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation to support this Constitution…”
Regarding AAG Zurlini’s STATEMENT OF THE CASE, she has failed to address the provocative unethical and unneighborly conduct of Insp. Phillip Jordan. We are a nation of individuals and we can get along with one another respecting our own liberty and the liberty of others, or we as individuals can disregard liberty, ethics, and friendliness and demonstrate ourselves to be hostile to our neighbors by acting outside of constitutional authority just as Insp. Phillip Jordan did in issuing EJORP004884. While AAG Zurlini attempts to justify the actions of Insp. Phillip Jordan under the color of law in her STATEMENT OF THE CASE, she fails to show how the actions of Insp. Jordan are within the plain language of our state and federal constitutions. AAG Zurlini fails to mention when it became legal and lawful for government employees to disregard the plain constraints placed on government employees by We the People’s state and federal constitutions. IE: When did WDLI begin disregarding and undermining We the People’s Supreme Law of the Land by issuing citations for publishing a truthful list of your skills in order to serve your neighbors? When did it become illegal for consenting adults to perform maintenance and repair services for one another without having government employee permission and supervision? Why are maintenance technicians who are employed by the government and by apartment management companies not fined for publishing a truthful list of their electrical repair skills when applying for jobs and distributing their résumés? AAG Zurlini has failed to show how Insp. Jordan’s citation no. EJORP004884 squares with “equal protection of the law,” Amendment XIV of our Bill of Rights. In short, AAG Zurlinin’s STATEMENT OF THE CASE is incomplete. She has failed to show a constitutional foundation for the issuance of EJORP004884.
Regarding AAG Zurlini’s ISSUE PRESENTED, Zurlini asks, “Was the Board correct in finding Mr. Hinds violated RCW 19.28.041 by offering/advertising to perform electrical work without having an electrical contractor license?” Hmmm… “correct” according to what? According to our Supreme Law of the Land? Or, according to the wishes and opinions of the Electrical Board? Or, according to the common standards of friendly neighbors? Your Honor, We the People’s Supreme Law of the Land is the guidepost of state and federal laws, regulations, and codes. That is why our state and federal constitutions were written after winning a hard fought war for independence. The Electrical Board was not “correct” in finding Mr. Hinds violated RCW 19.28.041 according to our plainly stated constitutions. Licensing and certification programs were first instituted as voluntary programs to enhance the credibility of people claiming to possess the skills identified in the license or certification. In the case of “electrical” licensing, it has always been legal for people to perform electrical repairs on their own property, be it sprinkler systems, automobiles, table lamps, and even new home construction. A homeowner can erect a garage on his property and install electrical wiring himself and the building permit and inspection program is there to assist (assist, not fine!) the homeowner in insuring that the wiring is installed correctly and will safely perform its function. RCW 19.28.041 is unenforceable as it is vaguely written to include “advertising” electrical skills such as the ability to solder a new wire to a flashlight switch. Insp. Phillip Jordan and the Electrical Board have construed “Maintenance and Repair” to be advertising and offering to do contracting work. They are stretching word definitions in order to justify their citation and their revenue collection program. This is ridiculous! I shouldn’t even be here arguing this nonsense… Anyway, falsely claiming to be a state licensed electrical contractor in an advertisement would be a legitimate violation of a well written RCW 19.28.041 and enforceable under our state and federal constitutions and under the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. (See the Declaration of Independence for “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.)
Regarding AAG Angela Zurlini’s LEGAL STANDARDS and Burden of Proof, “The burden of demonstrating the invalidity of an agency order is on the party asserting invalidity.” Obviously, the order, and the statute on which the order is based, is in violation of constitutional provisions on its face and as applied.. Citation no. EJORP004884 is plainly in violation of our first amendment to our constitution. We the people have a God given right to communicate with one another and offer our services to one another. Good grief! I shouldn’t have to be here righting this simple and obvious stuff while being put through the bureaucratic meat grinder… What I am writing is painfully obvious to any sixth grader studying U.S. history and civics. Perhaps we need a new television program devoted exclusively for government employees; Are You Smarter Than a Sixth Grader? would surely generate a huge audience!
Regarding AAG Angela Zurlini’s Constitutional Standards, “Naked Castings into the constitutional sea are not sufficient to command judicial consideration and discussion.” I asked ALJ Mark Kim what the hell a “constitutional sea” is and what is a “naked casting,” but I still have not received an answer to that question. Perhaps the Honorable Judge Sypolt would like AAG Angela Zurlini to explain it to me. ….There is no “constitutional sea!” And I am not fishing in the nude! Our state and federal constitutions were written and ratified by the people and for the people in order that We the People can hold our public servants accountable to remaining within the constraints of those constitutions. Citing the Supreme Law of the Land is a firm foundation for We the People to defend ourselves against out of control government employees who are acting outside of the constraints placed on them by our state and federal constitutions. Simple, simple, simple… The truth is not that hard to understand. The truth is not an unfathomable sea. The U.S. Constitution is not an unfathomable sea either!
Regarding AAG Angela Zurlini’s ARGUMENT, there are enough cobbled together words in her ARGUMENT to confound Albert Einstein and give King Solomon a migraine headache. Basically, her words consist of placing all responsibility on Russ Hinds, and no responsibility on the individuals employed by WDLI who fined and threatened Russ Hinds while ignoring the plain English language of our state and federal constitutional protections. AAG Zurlini’s ARGUMENT is without a foundation. She throws out the foundation of our Supreme Law of the Land, and clearly shows by the words she uses that she is not standing on a foundation of good and friendly neighbors who are doing their civic duty to support and defend our constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
Quote: “The Board’s Order Should be Affirmed under the APA Standard.” Perhaps it should be affirmed under the standards of the Administrative Procedures Act , but the Board’s order falls way short of the standards set forth in our state and federal constitutions!
Quote: “Citations to the federal and state constitutions alone are not sufficient to prove a constitutional violation.” Who says? Who made up that rule? Since when does the plain English of our state and federal constitutions carry no weight by themselves? What is the foundation for that statement? My goodness! There is no foundation for that statement, however, I will establish a foundation for our state and federal constitutions beyond the fact that We the People ratified those constitutions. I will do that in a future response to one of Zurlini’s statements.
Quote: “The Order is within the statutory authority and jurisdiction of the Board.” Perhaps it is, but it is outside the constraints placed on government employees by our state and federal constitutions.
Quote: “The Board’s procedure and decision making process were lawful.” Perhaps their process was lawful according to poorly written RCWs, but their decision was not lawful according to our state and federal constitutions.
Quote: “The Board correctly interpreted the law and issued an order supported by substantial evidence.” And they did that while disregarding our state and federal constitutions. Were they deliberately disregarding We the People’s constitutional protections, or were they ignorant of We the People’s Supreme Law of the Land? Ignorance of the Supreme Law of the Land is no excuse for government employees. They are charged with supporting, upholding, and defending our state and federal constitutions. See? Why do I have to write the obvious? And why do I have to continually repeat myself for almost 2 years while defending myself and our Supreme Law of the Land?
Quote: “The Board decided all issues requiring resolution… The sole issue before the board was whether Mr. Hinds violated RCW 19.28.041 by offering or advertising to perform electrical work without having an electrical contractor license.” No they did not decide all issues. The Board failed to address and resolve my issue pointing out that fining a guy $500.00 for publishing a list of his skills is unconstitutional according to the First Amendment of We the People‘s Bill of Rights. Of course, AAG Angela Zurlini deliberately briefed the Board making it illegal for the Board to “render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of RCW 19.28“-- “The Electrical Board does not have the authority to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of RCW 19.28 or the issuance of citation number EJORP04884. Addressing these argument falls outside the scope of what the Electrical Board has the authority to address. The power of an administrative tribunal is strictly limited by statute. Skagit Surveyors and Engineers, LLC v Friends of Skagit County 135 Wash. 2d 542, 558, 958 P.2d 962, 970 (1998)” -- Hmmm… How in the world do government employees fulfill their personal responsibility to be good neighbors doing their civic duty to support our state and federal constitutions if other government employees are making it illegal for them to do so????? Boy, that question is enough to spark a migraine! How would Albert Einstein make any sense out of that?
Quote: “A motion for disqualification was not made.” I didn’t know that I could disqualify unqualified government employees who arrogantly and willfully disregard our state and federal constitutions while mindlessly issuing $500.00 citations to people who publish a list of their skills in an effort to serve their neighbors and make new friends.
Quote: “Mr. Hinds constitutional arguments on this point are without legal support and should be disregarded.” See? Mr. Hinds is having a lot of smoke blown up his rear-end. And I suspect that AAG Zurlini is trying to blow a lot of smoke up the Honorable Judge Sypolt’s rear-end , too. Good grief! Do you remember Article VI of our U.S. Constitution, AAG Zurlini? Do all government employees lie when they affirm their support of We the People’s Constitution?
Quote: “Mr. Hinds does not have a right to a jury in this case.” WOW! That would surprise a sixth grader! Do government school teachers lie to sixth graders, too? No wonder kids hate school and play hooky in the park smoking the wildwood flower like our U.S. president did. We have a lot of problems in this country, but they do not stem from our Constitutions, Our Bill of Rights, or our Declaration of Independence.. Our problems stem from government disregarding those documents and disregarding the lives given in war defending those documents. In fact, there has been so many laws written and misapplied in our great nation that it has become nearly impossible to pursue life, liberty, and happiness and achieve the American Dream. Dire consequences loom when judges and officials of the court misconstrue law and fail to protect the innocent while holding the guilty accountable. When courts make it legal for at-fault adulterous mothers to throw away not-at-fault fathers and keep his children and income, and then reap the benefits of free money (welfare), free rent, free healthcare, and free atrocious government schools, then we know something is seriously wrong in America and in its blind government. Sorry… I got a little sidetracked, but it is a hostile act to force a loving and concerned father to helplessly watch his sons raised in shack-ups and bars with the blessing of our state and federal governments.
AAG Zurlini,
Denying We the People of the right to a trial by jury of good neighbors is a hostile act which was heinous enough to make it into our founders’ list of grievances against the king of England in our Declaration of Independence. So, you can see that I am not just standing on our constitutions alone. The Declaration of Independence is part of the foundation of our U.S. Constitution. I am pointing out to you, Ms. Zurlini, that our fore-fathers fought a war to win the right to a trial by jury of their good neighbors, and the right of free speech, and other liberties. After a drawn out and costly war, the hostile British army was expelled from the thirteen colonies and our founding fathers codified our natural God given rights into our Bill of Rights to prevent the recurrence of the hostile acts of King George and the British Parliament. Do you, Ms. Angela Zurlini, realize that you are committing a hostile act equal to those of King George as recorded in our Declaration of Independence? I don’t think you are fully aware of that. I think most government employees like you rationalize your actions and arrogance to the point of absurdity. You are outside of reality, and there is no way I am going disregard 6000 years of recorded human history and go along with unconstitutional nonsense coming from government employees who know more about the faulty ideology of Karl Marx than they know about the great writers who brought western civilization out of the dark ages. Writers like Algernon Sidney, John Locke, Monteschesque, Bastiat and others like Ciscero and Plato and Saint Augustine had their words published following the invention of the printing press in 1450 AD. Many of the writers of the Reformation also brought about the great Western Renaissance, greatly easing the tyranny and darkness of the previous Dark Ages. Our founding fathers were well aware of the tyranny that their pilgrim fathers fled , and they were very much inspired by the martyrs who gave their lives for liberty and freedom to publish and speak against tyranny and slavery in order to reap the benefits of their own labor. Why on earth do current government employees wish to return to tyranny, absolute power given to the state, and the minds of masses clouded with ignorance, helplessness, vice, and unrealistic rationalizations?
Quote: “Mr. Hinds Request for Damages and Compensation is Without a Legal Basis and Therefore is Not Compensable.”
Ms. Zurlini,
Russ Hinds’ request for damages and compensation falls squarely within the definition of ”just” and “justice,” as found in Webster’s English Dictionary. We the People’s courts have been instituted to administer justice while guarding our liberties and while protecting the innocent and holding the guilty accountable. We the People established a division of powers in our state and federal governments. We the People did not intend for the executive bureaucratic branch of government to write law(RCWs), execute law, [mis]interpret law, and determine guilt or innocence. How strange of you to say, “Mr. Hinds failed to identify a provision of law by which the Department is responsible for any type or amount of compensation.” Do the words “common decency” mean anything to you? Can the words “just compensation” be found in our Supreme Law of the Land? Can the definition of “just compensation” be found in a legal dictionary, and have you read that definition? You are supposed to be the educated attorney here, but you do not know that when a person is damaged by being unjustly deprived of his life, liberty, and property, he is justly and rightly compensated and made whole in a court of law. That is a simple thing that good neighbors do for each other. I don’t mail unconstitutional citations containing $500.00 fines with additional threats to you or my neighbors. I haven’t forced you or my neighbors to become embroiled in a costly and ridiculous 2 year long argument over constitutionally protected rights under the threat of additional legal action. And you have the gall and chutzpah to claim that Russ Hinds has no legal basis for just compensation? You are literally the worst kind of neighbor anyone can have. You and your cohorts are not responsible for anything you do to your neighbors, are you? You are “just doing your job,” right? Be proud of yourself, if you can…Geezo, It would truly be easier and wiser to admit you are wrong and move on.
George Washington was right when he said, “How soon we forget history…government is not reason. Government is not eloquence. It is force. And, like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
It is still my sincere wish that government employees receive thorough training in our founding documents and in U.S. History. When the simple Truth is hidden from the people and from government employees, then it becomes possible for lies and error to bury common sense, common decency, and liberty. Adolf Hitler discovered how easy it is to bury the truth under lies. He said, “The great masses of people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than for a small one.” Hitler also said, “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.” After fifty years of atrocious government schools and propaganda being blasted through the media, both the public and the government employees need a fresh exposure to the simple truth of neighborly conduct in a free and unified and vigorous nation governed under a constitution. Otherwise, our divisions will destroy us. Government against We the People and our constitutions AND We the People against government will result in an extremely wretched and dangerous life for our posterity. Future generations will despise their fathers for squandering the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness for which our constitutions were written to protect and preserve for our posterity. All it takes for tyranny to prevail is for good men to do nothing…
I sincerely wish this ridiculous almost 2 year long argument to end in this Superior Court under a wise ruling given by the Honorable Judge Sypolt. And my request for just compensation and damages still stands.
Respectfully and sincerely submitted,
CC: AAG Angela Zurlini, the Electrical Board, and WDLI.
The next thing in this Electrical fine appeal is oral arguments before the judge, July 19, 2013, at 11.30 AM.
BUT, My APPEAL of the contractor fine has been scheduled with another judge and she has scheduled my Trial Brief to be in by July 5, 2013. So, Here we go again. Repeating pretty much the same thing. They didn't combine them. Is this real? Or are these people just pretending to be doing serious things? I can't seem to take this stuff serious anymore. It is just so far out there! I mean, all this for hanging a flyer on a bulletin board! Man, something has to snap! Like WHAM! Reality, common sense, and common decency hits 'em between the eyes! That is a nice thought to end with.
July 15, 2013, UPDATE: Oral Arguments before the court.
I wanted to wait until now to update my blog so that it would be nearer to the date of the ORAL ARGUMENT hearing which is set for July 19, 2013, at 11:30 AM in Judge Sypolt’s courtroom #204 in the Spokane County courthouse. If you want to see how your government employees support our constitutions please come and be an observer. It should be fun. I have prepared some very good lines, …if I can get the chance to to say them.
An eyeball to eyeball meeting with a judge who puts his pants on one leg at a time just like I do. Will this judge, my neighbor and fellow citizen, protect the bureaucracy? Will he disregard our Supreme Law of the Land? Will he be a bully and try to intimidate me into going along with unconstitutional nonsense and out of control unneighborly government employee conduct? We shall see.
I have stood before arrogant judges in the past. When they don’t like what you are saying, they try to shut you up threatening “contempt of court” charges. My most memorable incident in court went down like this: I received a notice in the mail that my wages had been garnished to pay my ex wife’s bar tab (so called child support). The notice said that I could request a hearing so I did. I wanted to remind the court that I want my sons returned to me. So, I am sitting before the judge at the defendant’s table when the Assistant DA gets the first opportunity to speak to the judge.
“Your Honor, this is the third time Mr. Hinds has requested a hearing regarding his child support. Mr. Hinds is seeking to avoid paying child support by quitting his job when his wages are garnished. These hearings are a waste of my time and the court’s time and Mr. Hinds is deliberately requesting these hearings in order to tie up the court and cause problems…”
That snotty Assistant DA pissed me off! She did not know what my reasons were for requesting that hearing. And she didn’t even know what kind of mother she was protecting and enabling to remain ignorant, irresponsible, and selfishly narcissistic. So, I began to inform the judge…
“Listen up, judge! Nobody loves my sons more than I do. You guys certainly don’t! I have asked for the return of my sons every time I have set foot in a courtroom. I didn’t want them taken in the first place and I didn’t want the divorce…”
“Mr. Hinds, calm down and stop waving your hands around or I will have to cite you for contempt of court.”
“Contempt of court? I have seen nothing but contempt of Russ in every courtroom I have set foot in! I do not owe anyone any money for stealing my sons and raising them in shack-ups and bars…”
“Bailiff, remove Mr. Hinds from the courtroom…”
I continue, “One silly judge said, ‘Shacking up and tending bar are not sufficient grounds to remove your sons from their mother. If I did that I would need to remove children from other mothers who are shacking-up and tending bar.’ How do I win an argument with an idiot like that?…”
One cop came up behind me and grabbed my left arm and pinned it behind my back. He was an older decent cop who began to sweet talk me and ask me to calmly go toward the side exit. The second cop was a young guy and he grabbed my right arm, but I was ready for him. He could not move my arm and there was fear in his eyes. I didn’t want to get in a fight, but I did resist just enough to let them know that this was serious stuff. There would have been a fight if that older cop had been an arrogant a--hole, though. We went out of the court room and into a prisoner holding cell. Can you believe being handcuffed, leg-ironed and placed in a holding cell for telling a judge. “Nobody loves my sons more than I do! You guys certainly don’t! …” What a mess! After letting me sit there for a half an hour, they brought me back and the judge asked if I could leave the courthouse peacefully and I said, “Yeah, I said what I wanted to say and you guys heard it…”
Intimidation… That is all they have to fall back on for compliance to unconstitutional and unjust court orders. Government employees are incapable of earning respect by protecting the innocent, maintaining liberty, and upholding our Supreme Laws of the Land. Was I supposed to tremble in fear at being placed in handcuffs, leg-irons, and a holding cell for attempting to protect my sons from being raised in ignorance, irresponsibility, drunkenness, and immorality? I meant what I said when I took my marriage vows and all I wanted was a wholesome family, my own home, and a decent job. But, I guess we can’t have that in America anymore with government supporting and rewarding ignorance and irresponsibility with free rent, free welfare, free food stamps, free healthcare (abortions for promiscuity), and free atrocious government schools churning out more and more ignorant and irresponsible people.
Seriously! Government can’t do anything right. They do everything backwards. Reward and protect the guilty and punish the innocent. Twist word definitions and apply law to the point of calling evil “good” and good “evil.” How do you win an argument with idiots who can invent lie after twisted lie in order to rationalize their unconstitutional and unjust conduct? Government stupidity, which is demonstrative of government employee stupidity, is the culprit that is destroying the fabric and moral underpinnings of our society. Unjust courts need metal detectors at the entrances, atrocious government schools need security guards to protect the schools from the idiots that they are churning out, and welfare programs reward and enable ignorance and irresponsibility. Government and government employees are sick! And they are the ones in need of a doctor because while the responsible citizens have been busy trying to provide for their families and longsuffering under out of control taxes, the government has become corrupt through and through. After government idiots destroy our society, where are they going to get the money for all their destructive programs and their own salaries and their pensions? Where? Where else, but from the citizens through more taxes and fines…
There you have it! And the government employees are aware of all of this. But, they push it out of their minds and continue to unrealistically rationalize their unconstitutional behavior. See? You know that the government employees involved in my case are thinking that “Russ Hinds must not win this case because it will jeopardize our whole bureaucratic program and cut the revenue coming from outrageous unconstitutional fines. Some government employees might lose their job because of a reduction in revenue… We can’t let that happen… How can we shut Russ Hinds up and get him out of our hair without giving him a victory?…”
People! Government does not love you. Government employees are not friendly neighbors. They want you to think so, but they are out to protect their own interests and job security rather than serving the public under the constraints of our state and federal constitutions. Yeah, there are a few good low level government employees, but when you get to the executive positions you find people who are willing to deceive even our state legislators into going along with their established unconstitutional programs. And most elected representatives are gullible enough to give the bureaucrats and government attorneys the benefit of the doubt over the citizens whom they are supposed to be representing and protecting from government abuse and over-taxation. Anything that threatens government authority and revenue is vociferously beat back by the government executives, attorneys, and unions. Take the school voucher program. That argument must be held down and in check and kept from discussion in the legislature and in the media. Anyone who attempts to promote that idea in the state congress must be stopped and demonized, nipped in the bud. That is how it works, folks…
If you want, come see how it works in Judge Sypolt’s courtroom 204, on July 19, at 11:30 AM. It is a public hearing. There is no need for secrecy…
I did get my NTHRM00462 HEARING BRIEF into judge Maryann C. Moreno’s court. It was pretty much the same brief that I filed with judge Sypolt, but I deleted some of the Electrical Board stuff and replaced it with this:
4. Since I have been issued multiple citations for posting the same flyer on the same bulletin board for the same day, I expect to be reimbursed for all of my expenses multiple times. I have submitted the above reimbursement and expenses list with my APPEAL of EJORP04884. You may choose to reimburse me twice, or divide the costs between my two APPEALs. Please note that I am getting very tired of being dragged through the meat grinder for posting an innocent flyer on a private bulletin board. At some point in this dispute, it becomes unreasonable and unproductive to continue arguing with mis-educated and malevolent government employees. I have done my best to defend myself and our Supreme Law of the Land without making any headway with government employees who are trying to con me into believing that I am a bad neighbor deserving to pay the government employees $1500.00. If the Superior Court wishes to continue this nonsensical and unconstitutional argument, I would like to be excused from participating in it and excused from participating in any and every government program. I would like to be granted a “diplomatic immunity card” so that I don’t have to have a drivers license, ID, Social Security No., hunting and fishing licenses, or pay any taxes to support unconstitutional government which misuses my taxes to destroy our liberty, our common decency, and our founding documents. You see, good neighbors don’t infringe on their neighbors’ liberty and property rights, good neighbors don’t mis-educate their neighbors’ children in government schools, good neighbors don’t force their neighbors to pay for other people’s abortions, good neighbors don’t reward ignorance and irresponsibility with welfare, free rent, free atrocious government schools, free healthcare, and free abortions, and etc. If my neighbors employed by the government do not wish to be good neighbors, please grant my wish to disassociate with them under the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution, “freedom of association.” If the government employees would simply leave me alone, I will find other people who desire to be good neighbors and hang out with them--WITH CALM PEACEFULNESS WHERE I CAN REAP THE BENEFITS OF MY OWN LABOR.
Respectfully signed and submitted by ___________________________on ____________
Enc. EXHIBITS 1 thru 8
CC: AAG Angela R Zurlini,
Washington Department of Labor and Industries,
Funny stuff… Amazing how difficult it is for government employees to understand it. Maybe they will expand their witch-hunt and issue me a contempt of court citation and put me in jail for six months. Turn an unconstitutional citation for hanging a flyer on a bulletin board into something more serious so that I can be demonized and placed in jail and out of their hair.
So you can see that I have a lot of negative expectations regarding these government employees who are supposed to be public servants maintaining individual liberty and justice for all. However, I could be wrong. This may be judge Sypolt’s first opportunity to clearly uphold his own Oath of Office to support our state and federal constitutions. I have provided a clear and simple contrast which ought to make it very easy for judge Sypolt to defend a correct ruling in my favor. He should be able to push back any flack that might come his way from his fellow government employees. He will just have to tell the government employees, “Work on getting the law, the Supreme Law of the Land, changed if you want to cite people for publishing a list of their skills.”
That is what those government employees tell me. “If you disagree with the law, you need to petition the legislature and get the law changed,” they say. Rather than doing their job supporting our constitutions, they want me to become a lobbyist as well as a provider for my family. Most common people like me don't have the time or the funds to become a lobbyist while they are trying to live a decent life and take care of their family! Good grief! And the government employees know that, too. That is why government has gotten out of control. They just keep expanding inch by inch outside the authority prescribed in our state and federal constitutions. They have become a mob eating out the substance of the citizens they are supposed to be serving.
Well, if government employees don’t like our constitutions, then they need to become lobbyists and get the Supreme Law of the Land changed. That is what it is about, but it is very hard to pin down and corner slippery snakes. I think I have done a pretty good job of pinning down these slippery snakes, but they are slippery, sly, and deceptive. I don’t know what to expect from them. But one thing I do know, I would know what to expect from a jury of my good neighbors. They wouldn’t go along with this bureaucratic nonsense for a minute. All the neighbors I have spoken to about this case are appalled at it and some can’t believe it. Most of them laugh with me about the stupidity.
The government employees need an epiphany. Perhaps, if they would look in the mirror, they might have that epiphany… Real men and women admit when they are wrong, but government employees are the last people to admit they are wrong. They like pretending to be the “good guy” in their own little la-la land where everyone else is the “bad guy“… I’d like to burst their bubble!
UPDATE: July 20, 2013. Results of Superior Court Hearing.
Well, I was allowed to say what I wanted to say. Here is what I said:
Court Speech
Your Honor,
I hope you found the simple truth contained in my Trial Briefs to be refreshing. I come before your court trying very hard to maintain a positive outlook and expectation, but please understand that my experiences thus far are not conducive to maintaining a positive attitude and composure. You see, government cannot promote a society of good neighbors by being a bad neighbor. That is simply one of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
There are many historical documents which can be used to define a “good neighbor,” but for this court it is only necessary to look at our nation’s founding documents, the Supreme Law of the Land and our Declaration of Independence. Our Founding Fathers, desiring to preserve life, liberty, and justice for their posterity wrote a wonderful Constitution for the establishment of a Constitutional Republic which limited the power of the state in order to prevent the abuses of an all-powerful state, king, or dictator. We need only look at the protections provided for the people in our Bill of Rights to determine that violating those protections constitutes abuse. Obviously, good neighbors don’t abuse one another, therefore only bad neighbors violate our constitutional protections. At hand, in our Supreme Law of the Land, we can find a proper and simple definition of a good neighbor in the fact that good neighbors support our Bill of Rights and abide by it.
We also have a description of a bad neighbor clearly and simply defined in our Declaration of Independence. There are examples of abuse coming from a bad neighbor clearly listed in our Declaration of Independence.
First example of a bad neighbor: He [the heads of state] has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
Second example of a bad neighbor: For depriving us in many cases of the benefits of Trial by Jury.
Our fore-fathers have sacrificed untold treasure and millions of lives defending “freedom from abuse” and independence for themselves and their posterity.
My second grade teacher, Mrs. Kinney, instructed her students and I about the “Good Neighbor test.”
Would a good neighbor copy off his neighbor’s spelling test?
Would a good neighbor call their neighbor bad names?
Would a good neighbor steal their neighbor’s color crayons?
Applying Mrs. Kinney’s Good Neighbor Test to this case which is before your court we will find that a good neighbor does not falsely accuse their neighbor of being a danger to their neighbors in order to justify denying that neighbor the right to publish a truthful list of his skills in order to find a job and make new friends. Apparently, many government employees would have benefited by being in Mrs. Kinney’s class with me. We could have sang Up, Up, and Away in My Beautiful Balloon, and Raindrops Are Falling on My Head together. She loved to put the words to songs on the overhead projector for us to practice reading and singing.
In a court of law, punishment is not administered on the basis of false assumptions. Fining your neighbor $500.00 on the unproven assumption that posting a flyer on a bulletin board may result in someone’s house burning down is an absurd rationalization for issuing citations and collecting revenue for the state. In order to promote a society of good neighbors, government employees cannot become bad neighbors by using absurd rationalizations for mailing intimidating $500.00 citations to neighbors which include threats of additional legal action if the fine is not paid. Fining Russ Hinds $500.00 does not save lives and it is absolutely absurd to try and convince me that it does.
Putting your neighbor through an almost 2 year long meat grinder instead of providing a speedy trial by jury is not being a good neighbor, either.
Once again, government employees cannot promote a society of good neighbors with liberty and justice for all by becoming a bad neighbors themselves. Assaulting the sensibilities of your good neighbors while attempting to con them out of $500.00 for hanging a flyer on a bulletin board is provocative. AND using the color of law and the force of government to do it, is all the more egregious and heinous.
After almost 2 years defending myself and trying very hard to reason with government employees without any success, I am finding it very hard to take this stuff serious anymore. It is reminding me of arguing with the grade school bullies I grew up with. The only thing that would stop them from abusing myself and others was a fat lip and a black eye. Unfortunately, I cannot punch a government employee and make him go away, though.
Your Honor is aware of the history, the issues presented, the reasons and foundation for my petition, and my request for dismissal of citation no. EJORP04884 and for just compensation through the reading of my TRIAL BRIEFs. Therefore, I will not unnecessarily repeat what is contained in those briefs here. I will simply add that in the interest of promoting a society of good and decent neighbors who fulfill their personal responsibility to do their civic duty upholding and supporting our Supreme Law of the Land, it would be proper and wise to dismiss the citation and award just compensation to your good neighbor, Russ Hinds.
One more thing, if Washington Department of Labor and Industries and the Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini would like to continue issuing citations to people who post truthful and innocent flyers on private bulletin boards, then they need to lobby their representatives in our state and federal congresses to change the Supreme Law of the Land. Of course they would need to quit their job to do that because while they are employed as public servants, they are expected and often sworn to support those constitutions as they are now written. Geezo… I am having a hard time keeping a straight face having to speak such obvious simple common sense!
I am now ready to answer questions and clarify my statements here and in my Trial Briefs.
Thank you.
After speaking my piece, AAG Angela Zurlini gave her rebuttal, which was basically the same as her written rebuttal. Her rebuttal centered around this:
Regarding AAG Angela Zurlini’s LEGAL STANDARDS and Burden of Proof, “The burden of demonstrating the invalidity of an agency order is on the party asserting invalidity.”Zurlini claimed that I did not “substantiate my claim that the citation was unconstitutional.” AND THAT IS WHAT THE JUDGE CENTERED HIS RULING ON.
The judge affirmed the citations claiming that I failed to provide any substantiation to my assertions that the citation was unconstitutional. Therefore, he had to affirm the citations and fine. It boils down to; “the plain English of our state and federal constitutions are not sufficient to demonstrate the invalidity of an agency order. Russ Hinds is lying through his teeth until he substantiates his assertion that the Supreme Law of the Land prohibits government fining people for publishing a list of their skills.”
How do I “substantiate” my assertions? Well, according to them, I must find other similar cases and legislation to back up my assertions. I suppose I could have called a constitutional lawyer or professor to back up my claims in testimony before the court…
Obviously, the judge had no interest in ruling in favor of our constitutions and he knew that I was powerless to do anything about it. He merely pointed out that I can appeal his decision to the Washington State Court of Appeals within 30 days.
What would appealing to the Court of Appeals do? They would likely rule in favor of the state, as well. And that would set a precedent for other cases like mine in the future. I could then appeal to the Washington State Supreme Court which would once again rule in favor of the state agency and thereby set another precedent for upholding the unconstitutional actions of government employees. Hmmm….
Well, people… We are up the creek! The government establishment is corrupt and it has used our own tax money to construct an impenetrable barrier between itself and the people. Our last recourse in the political realm is our state legislators, the representatives of the people. Our representatives are not holding government employees accountable to our Supreme Law of the Land and the divided, chaotic, and diverted state congress is not conducive to pulling back the authority of the bureaucracies and the executive branch. For 50 years any genuine constitutionalist elected to our state and federal congress is beat back first by the statist Democrats and second by the “compromising” Republicans, and third by the corporate and bank controlled media. It is a funny farm in our state and federal congresses--with the farm animals (the low IQ and corrupt statists) in control.
We the People must not allow ourselves to be deceived. We must throw off our illusions which are based in our natural hope for peace and prosperity under an honest government with liberty and justice for all. Our hope must not cloud our view of reality.
The enemy has been raised up within us…50 years of atrocious government schools and universities. All we need to do is look back at the Dark Ages in old Europe and our own revolutionary war. The kings had accumulated all power to themselves and their “parliaments.” They had established their sources of revenue through taxation and used that revenue to keep the “masses” subdued and under their control. THE SERVANTS OF THE KING KNEW THAT THEIR LOYALTIES AND LIVELIHOOD DEPENDED ON MAINTAINING THE STATUS QUO AND KEEPING THE OPPOSITON OF FREEDOMISTS TAMPED DOWN.
It is the same way today. The government employees know where their livelihood comes from. It comes from taxing the people and maintaining the status and power of the state. I am the opposition and I am considered a threat to their bloated and out of control bureaucracies, therefore they have perfected their system of deceiving the people by maintaining the appearance of “just courts” and benevolent bureaucracies.
JUDGE GREGORY SYPOLT COULD NOT ARGUE WITH ANY OF MY ASSERTIONS. THEREFORE, HE DIDN’T EVEN ADDRESS THEM AND SIMPLY PULLED A FAST ONE. Sypolt blatantly pulled nonsense out of the government “nonsense toolbox” and issued the order that he and the rest of the “kings servants” wanted to issue.
During the time of the American Revolution, men were willing to discuss the role of government and kings in the interest of maintaining individual liberties, but today, most men and certainly all government employees refuse to do so. And in that process, no one is held accountable to our constitutions or their fellow man, their neighbors. All political and judicial power, as well as military and police powers, are concentrated within the servants of the government (the king). The government servants are free to “erect a multitude of New Offices, and send hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance” without any opposition from We the People’s representatives and We the People ourselves. We the People have been divided and conquered. And I am a lone voice in the wilderness. What do the ruler’s servants do to their opposition? They harass, oppress, and subdue them. Once the oppressors have their claws in the back of their victims, they do not let go, nor give in to the rules of our Supreme Law of the Land, nor give in to the rules of common decency.
Concurrent with a growing population of disgruntled Americans(the Tea Party and such), the servants of the government are constructing a control grid and a police state for the American people. The established ruling class and their servants are not about to give up their power, or their means of income through taxes, fines, and fees, or their benefits, pensions, and security of government employment.
I am and have been acting alone throughout this battle with out of control government employees. I’d like to just walk away and seek calm peacefulness somewhere on this earth, but we live in the age of technology. There is no place for me to go to live in peace under the radar of government control and interference. I cannot get a job without presenting a social security number, and once that is entered into the government computers, the government will garnish my wages. I can’t open a bank account without having my deposits seized to pay outrageous unconstitutional fines. People, this is what you have allowed your public servants to do. You have no constitutional protections. No right to privacy and no right to property free and clear. No right to a trial by a jury of your good neighbors. No transaction can be made without the government knowing about it through your bank account. Technology has advanced and the "kings of this present Dark Age" have utilized it to the full for their advantage and control. We, like sheep, have been led to slaughter. Play ball according to the rules of the wolves, or die. What a horrible thing to pass on to your children…
I am tired of it. I am tired of reaching out to my fellow men and women only to have them turn a deaf ear and walk away. I am tired of coddling, cajoling, and walking on eggshells. I see the truth and it pains me. I see the ignorance and apathy and self deception of America’s Christian Churches and their teaching institutions. I see cowardice and fear leading to false hopes and delusions of “I’m okay, therefore everything else must be okay, too.” Where are the wise and courageous who are supposed to be leading men to their Creator to serve God rather than corrupt men? Where are men of conscience? Men who would do the role God gave them to do? Where are the fathers who love, lead, teach, take care of, and protect their children from the atrocious government schools? Where is the salt of the earth and the “city on a hill” drawing all men unto God? Our churches should be shining in this present darkness showing the world the joy of loving family, friends, and neighbors in the righteousness and wisdom of God. Instead, America’s pastors allow the fathers and mothers in the congregation to hire the government to miseducate their children in government schools while the church building sits empty six days a week. A mass exodus of Christian children from government schools into wholesome wise and loving Christian schools would be a huge magnet and light for the unbelievers. Until then, As it is written: "God's name is blasphemed among the unbelievers because of you." Rom. 2:24
How far America’s churches have fallen…
I think I’ll just go watch a football game between the commercials on TV and have a beer… or two…
What a mess!
He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I (Our Creator) will come and strike the land with a curse. Mal. 4:6
We need some repenting and seeking his face here… Obviously!
August 1, 2013, UPDATE: Overwhelmed… accepting serious observations as true.
After that Superior Court experience, I have been doing a lot of reflecting on it, and I have been checking around for some direction and assistance from others.
About my reflections on the less than thirty minutes in court. I did go in that court with an expectation that my HEARING BRIEFS meant something. You know, I thought someone on the court would care about the issues I mentioned. I thought my defense was pretty good being based on commonly understood founding documents. In other words, We the People would readily agree with my defense because we are familiar with our Constitutionally protected rights. And I brought up not just one Constitutionally protected right, but at least three.
I stood before a judge expecting a little common sense and common decency based on our mutual understanding of common sense, common decency, our Bill of Rights, and constitutionally limited government. Was I wrong in expecting such a thing? Should I have not expected the Superior Court to uphold our state and federal constitutional protections? See? My naivety is typical of every competent American who is going about his life trying to make a prosperous living for his family. What I write here on this blog is stuff that the average American does not want to believe, therefore the average American does not need to do anything to try to correct our out of control government. I don’t want to believe it, either. It is flat out reprehensible what our government employees are doing in order to protect unconstitutional out of control government. So let me better describe my experience in the court room:
“All rise.” Enter Judge Gregory Sypolt. He slowly comes in using arm brace crutches and seats himself behind the bench. He brings a stern countenance without any attempt at a smile, but I am a bit taken aback by his unusual head and eye movements. Totally weird! This guy seems to be high on drugs. He rocks his head back and forth, and rolls his eyes for a moment as he seems to try to get his senses back. Finally, he makes an opening statement which isn’t much more than allowing ten minutes for my ORAL ARGUMENT. It was obvious that he was going thorough the motions, and was not desiring to seriously hear and consider my statements. He was completely disconnected. The guy was dead… cold and far off. Just doing his thing by rote without needing to offer a bit of neighborly friendliness. In fact, it crosses my mind that my defense may have indeed inspired judge Sypolt, but he was forcibly encouraged to uphold the out of control bureaucracy’s fine by some gang of government employees. The only time I saw a glimmer of life in Sypolt’s countenance was when he mentioned that I can appeal his decision to the Washington State Court of Appeals. He said it in a manner that made me think that he wanted me to appeal his decision. Hmmm…
After I concluded my little speech, AAG Angela Zurlini gave her ORAL ARGUMENT. It was nothing more than saying that I did not substantiate my claim that I have a constitutionally protected right to publish a list of my skills. She just spewed out a bunch of legalistic nonsense.
When Zurlini was finished, Sypolt gave his ruling. He started out with a half-hearted reference that the legislature followed the constitution in establishing the Department of Labor and Industries. Then he half-heartedly stated that the Inspector did not do anything unlawful in issuing the citation. Then he just agreed with Zurlini by stating that I did not substantiate my claim that fining me was unconstitutional. It was just that easy… that is all that occurred. I was amazed and could not believe the stupidity of the whole thing. All you need to do is consider the scope and foundations of my TRIAL BRIEFS. All the stuff I wrote was brazenly ignored and unaddressed by the court. I may as well have not bothered writing it.
Would you believe that Zurlini had an ORDER prepared for the judge to sign? What is up with that? What a joke! How on earth can these government employees expect me to respect that kangaroo court? IT REALLY IS A FREAKING CARTOON! Sypolt and Zurlini didn’t care that I could see right through their nonsense. While waiting for a copy of the signed ORDER, Zurlini made this off-hand statement to me, “We just have to agree to disagree.” Wow! She knows what my argument and defense is, yet she is willfully pushing for totalitarian government. Little guys who get in the way like Russ will be run over by “their” system under a facade of legitimate government and justice. Thus far, there has been no public pressure as a result of Mr. Hinds efforts opposing their ridiculous fines.
That brings me to our state Representatives and Senators. These guys initially showed an interest in my case, but have since been convinced by the bureaucracy that everything is going along according to law. There is nothing they can do… I have received some awfully crazy responses from my state representatives. I have already posted a few of those responses on this blog, but that is not all of them. I have been unwilling to offend the state representatives, therefore I have kept quiet about them here on this blog, but once again, I have had my eyes open to reality. These state reps are players in the system who think that they are doing the people’s business. However, they are as naive as I was. This naivety blinds them. They also want to give government and its employees the benefit of the doubt, “innocent until proven guilty” if you will. However, “innocent until proven guilty” does not apply to common citizens anymore. The assumption of innocence until convicted by a jury is not something state representatives feel the need to uphold and defend. Evidently, a trial by jury is no longer needed to maintain liberty and justice for all according to our state reps.
After I mailed a copy of my REPLY BRIEF to several of my state representatives, I did a follow-up phone call. Yes, they had received my correspondence. The Legislative Assistants who I talked to came up with various excuses, here:
“Rep. so and so cannot comment or assist you because your case is before the court, in the Judicial branch of government.”
Hmmm…. It wasn’t there six months ago, why didn’t you assist then? “We made inquiries, but were told everything was going along fine according to law.” …..
So, fining people $1500.00 for hanging a flyer on a bulletin board is according to law?
“Mr. Hinds, there are ethical rules which prevent rep. So and So from intervening in your case.”
You mean, there are ethical rules against standing up for our constitutional protections? Can you tell me the RCW numbers for the ethical rules?
“Oh, they are not written down…”
Wow! How do you know what they are , then?” She is just trying to get me to drop it and go away…
“They are unwritten rules and there have been state reps brought up on ethical charges for intervening…”
Hmmm… is she saying that I am trying to bribe my representatives into sticking up for me? Just what on earth are those rules you are talking about? I am not bribing anyone into doing their civic duty to uphold and support our state and federal constitutions.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Hinds, but there is nothing more we can do to assist you.”
Wow! Notice the use of the word “more,” as if they have done something for me already! Which they haven’t done anything at all, except inquire with the WDLI liaison to the legislature.
So, another Legislative Assistant leaves a message on my machine after I left them a message. Part of that message said, “Mr. Hinds, WDLI just wanted you to get an electricians license.”
Oh… Their good intentions justify fining a guy $1500.00? Man, It has become unproductive to keep my state reps informed. Evidently, I am just a disgruntled citizen…
It is a mess and I have been thoroughly exposed and educated. It is a lost world with no unity around our civic duties. Obviously, I am not doing all this just to avoid paying fines. My expenses and time have far exceeded the fines themselves. I am doing this to educate people, and also to stand against tyranny and enslavement to the state FOR MY POSTERITY. And there lies the problem. People are blind to what they are imposing on upcoming generations. It is pure wickedness and evil. Blind to the meaning and purpose of life. I guess, if people are cavalier about a resurrection to eternal life for themselves and their posterity, they will blindly follow the crowd to perdition. I just don’t understand the willingness and inclination to invent excuses for not doing our civic duty and for turning a blind eye to injustice and persecution.
I really thought I had something that might open the eyes of the people. But, if people don’t want their eyes opened by the simple Truth, they will hang themselves with their own rope. Once again, I am very tired of this nonsense. I must catch up on the most recent correspondence. I must try to file an appeal to The Court of Appeals. There is nothing left for me to do, other than just dropping the whole mess and letting the idiots try to find a way to make me pay. I really thought there were more people who knew what I know, and understand what I understand.
From my vantage point, hell is coming. Our children will see it with their own eyes…
August 26, 2013 UPDATE: Filed my REPLY BRIEF to Maryanne Moreno’s court for the $1000.00 fine.
I have been pretty busy, lately. I also had to back up my computer and wipe the hard drive clean to reinstall the original programs. However I did get the things done, and I did file REPLY BRIEF. The date for ORAL ARGUMENTS is Friday, August 30, 2013, at 1:30 PM. I think Moreno’s court is 404 in the Spokane County Superior court.
So, my REPLY Brief is bacically the same as the one I filed for the electrical fine, except I left out the Electrical Board stuff. I did comment in the brief about my experience in Sypolt’s court at the end of my brief. Perhaps it is a good thing that I have 2 separate experiences here. The first one preparing me for the next one. Still, I am talking to walls. It has become obvious that the government employees know it and they are deliberately working together to thwart my constitutional stand. Zurlini said to me, “We just have to agree to disagree” while I was waiting for a copy of Sypolt’s signed ORDER.
Well, no we don’t need to agree to disagree! Those guys simply need to support our constitutions. But, hey have constructed their monstrous state and federal control grid. They have done this behind most of the public’s back, and while lying to the public in their justification of government expansion. Most people are not like me. I have been thoroughly exposed to out of control government. If everyone had been exposed like I have been in my lifetime, they would easily draw the same conclusions that I have drawn. But, most of the public has not been exposed, therefore they go along with the program even though they know that government has gotten too big and out of control. Most of the public also believes that there is nothing they can do about it as individuals. Thep public just hunkers down to make the best of things and not rock the boat. Obamacare is a very good example. Business owners and employers won’t stand up to government intrusion into their business and employee relationships. They just look for ways to comply, such as hiring part time employees in order to avoid the expense of Obamacare. All this government expansion is deliberate and so is all the government collection of information on every individual. The NSA collecting emails, grocery stores collect personal info through their club cards. Everything We the People do is tracked and stored in huge mainframe computers. Yet, the public has not become awake to the dangers. They go about their lives…people are long suffering under encroaching tyranny. Let us pray for something to break the complacency of We the People. The recent effort to register and outlaw guns met with huge public resistance. Enough to force the government to back off. If the government control freaks at the top had started confiscating guns, they found out that that would wake the public up to their schemes. There would have been enough resistance to perhaps curtail government expansion and even perhaps shrink it back to constitutional restraints. That would cripple the tyrants’ constructing their high tech control grid. Taking back local control and governance and taking back local schools would cripple the centralizers who want centralized government control of everything, the free markets, the banks, the farms, …everything!
So, Judge Sypolt is going along with the program and breaking his own Oath of Office. Is he being ordered to do so, or is he a willing participant? I guess I will find out Judge Maryanne Moreno’s inclinations on Friday.
So, hear is my REPLY BRIEF with the comment about Sypolt’s court near the end.
| Judge Maryanne C. Moreno |
|____________________________________________ |
Petitioner, | Case No. 2012-02-003274-7
(WDLI) |
Respondent |
Comes now Russ Hinds in reply to AAG Angela Zurlini’s DEPARMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES’ TRIAL BRIEF.
For consideration by Judge Maryanne C. Moreno
Your Honor,
This REPLY BRIEF is written from the perspective of having state and federal Constitutions which protect and maintain individual liberties and rights. The TRIAL BRIEF submitted by AAG Angela Zurlini completely ignores our state and federal Constitutions while applying RCWs in a fashion that convolutes the definition of “contractor” to include almost every activity of work. “Skilled Maintenance and Repair” is not contracting. ALJ Mark Kim noted in his ruling that WDLI is applying RCWs to “include almost every activity of work.” Obviously, We the People do have a right to serve our neighbors and our neighbors have a right to hire anyone they want to perform services for themselves. AAG Zurlini has essentially removed We the Peoples’ liberties, and she goes even further than that in her TRIAL BRIEF by disregarding our constitutionally protected right to face our accusers before a jury of our good neighbors. It is very tiring and difficult to argue and debate with someone who refuses to acknowledge the existence of our state and federal constitutions in order to defend the unconstitutional actions of an out of control state bureaucracy which has expanded its application of RCWs beyond reason and beyond their original directive from the state legislature. Therefore, if the state of Washington wishes to consider me a criminal worthy of $1000.00 fine for publishing a list of my skills then I insist on exorcising my constitutionally protected right to question my accusers before a jury of my good neighbors. The right to a jury trial is supported and defended by We the People in order to insure good government and justice. Our forefathers experienced the tyranny of bad government and that is why they protected our right to a jury trial in our Bill of Rights. The Washington State Constitution declares our U.S. Constitution to be our Supreme Law of the Land, therefore I fail to see how AAG Zurlini’s TRIAL BRIEF contains any foundation whatsoever in our state and federal Constitutions, not to mention a simple foundation of good neighbors.
Please weigh the following simple and truthful REPLY BRIEF against the statements of AAG Angela Zurlini which are without a solid foundation built on our Supreme Law of the Land, the U.S. Constitution. Note also that the Washington State Constitution declares the U.S. Constitution to be the Supreme Law of the Land. AAG Zurlini’s arguments within her TRIAL BRIEF seek to convince the Honorable Judge Moreno to disregard We the People’s state and federal constitutions while entangling Mr. Hinds in a never-ending (coming up on 2 years) argument over supposed violations of secondary regulations and codes. The fact is, “employees of Washington Department of Labor and Industries have overstepped their constitutional authority by issuing citations for hanging a flyer on a private bulletin board.” The previous fact in quotes is provable with a reading of our state and federal constitutions (and an English dictionary for confused government employees). There really is no lawful justification for arguing over this unconstitutional citation no. NTHRM00462, and the second “double” citation EJORP04884 for the same flyer on the same bulletin board for the same day, for almost 2 years. Neither is there a neighborly common sense foundation for issuing double citations containing $1500.00 in fines with threats of additional legal action for publishing a list of maintenance and repair skills.
Due to the extreme insanity of issuing $500.00 and $1000.00 fines to people who post flyers on bulletin boards, I have contemplated what on earth could possibly be motivating government employees. Based on my experience dealing with government employees and my knowledge of history, I came up with this short list of possible motivations of so called ‘public servants”:
1. Government employees wish to establish secondary law as “supreme,” carrying more weight and authority than state and federal constitutional law in order to expand state and federal authority beyond the limits of We the People’s state and federal constitutions. Thereby insuring the security of their government jobs and the sources of revenue for their own salaries.
2. Government employees invent and fine “bad guys” while claiming to be protecting the public from the unconvicted bad guys in order to build up their own self esteem and add importance and praise for their positions and authority while pretending to be the “good guy“ protecting the public. They do this while being oblivious to the fact that they are failing to protect the falsely accused “bad guy.”
3. Government employees believe that government is the highest authority on the planet and is therefore infallible and can commit no wrongs. Therefore, fining people for publishing a list of their skills is something worthy of being defended and argued over for almost 2 years. Government and government employees must never be given a black eye by admitting to being outside the authority of We the People’s constitutions.
In general, AAG Zurlini’s TRIAL BRIEF completely attempts to nullify our state and federal constitutions and We the People’s Bill of Rights while disregarding her own individual personal responsibility to be a good neighbor doing her civic duty to support We the People‘s Supreme Law of the Land. Please review Article VI of the U.S. Constitution which states in part, “the Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation to support this Constitution…”
Regarding AAG Zurlini’s STATEMENT OF THE CASE, she has failed to address the provocative unethical and unneighborly conduct of Insp. Michael Thrams. We are a nation of individuals and we can get along with one another respecting our own liberty and the liberty of others, or we as individuals can disregard liberty, ethics, and friendliness and demonstrate ourselves to be hostile to our neighbors by acting outside of constitutional authority just as Insp. Michael Thrams did in issuing NTHRM00462. While AAG Zurlini attempts to justify the actions of Insp. Thrams under the color of law in her STATEMENT OF THE CASE, she fails to show how the actions of Insp. Thrams are within the plain language of our state and federal constitutions. AAG Zurlini fails to mention when it became legal and lawful for government employees to disregard the plain constraints placed on government employees by We the People’s state and federal constitutions. IE: When did WDLI begin disregarding and undermining We the People’s Supreme Law of the Land by issuing citations for publishing a truthful list of your skills in order to serve your neighbors? When did it become illegal for consenting adults to perform maintenance and repair services for one another without having government employee permission and supervision? Why are maintenance technicians who are employed by the government and by apartment management companies not fined for publishing a truthful list of their repair skills when applying for jobs and distributing their résumés? AAG Zurlini has failed to show how Insp. Thrams’s citation no. NTHRM00462 squares with “equal protection of the law,” Amendment XIV of our Bill of Rights. In short, AAG Zurlinin’s STATEMENT OF THE CASE is incomplete. She has failed to show a constitutional foundation for the issuance of NTHRM00462.
Regarding AAG Zurlini’s ISSUE PRESENTED, Zurlini asks, “Was the administrative law judge correct in finding Mr. Hinds violated RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) by offering/advertising to perform work which requires registration as a contractor?” Hmmm… “correct” according to what? According to our Supreme Law of the Land? Or, according to the wishes and opinions of WDLI? Or, according to the common standards of friendly neighbors? Your Honor, We the People’s Supreme Law of the Land is the guidepost of state and federal laws, regulations, and codes. That is why our state and federal constitutions were written after winning a hard fought war for independence. The administrative law judge was not “correct” in finding Mr. Hinds violated RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) according to our plainly stated constitutions. Contractor registration programs were instituted for people who enter into contracts, not for people offering their labor performing small repairs and maintenance. In the case of “Skilled Maintenance and Repair,” it has always been legal for people to hire whomever they want to make repairs to their own property. A homeowner can hire a guy off a barstool to help him paint a windowsill---see how extreme WDLI is applying their RCWs in order to justify their unconstitutional citations? RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) is unenforceable as it is vaguely written to include “advertising” almost every activity of work. AAG Zurlini is stretching word definitions in order to justify the citation and the revenue collection program. This is ridiculous! I shouldn’t even be here arguing this nonsense… Anyway, falsely claiming to be a registered contractor in an advertisement would be a legitimate violation of a well written RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) and enforceable under our state and federal constitutions and under the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. (See the Declaration of Independence for “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.)
Regarding AAG Angela Zurlini’s LEGAL STANDARDS and Burden of Proof, “The burden of demonstrating the invalidity of an agency order is on the party asserting invalidity.” Obviously, the order, and the statute on which the order is based, is in violation of constitutional provisions on its face and as applied.. Citation no. NTHRM00462 is plainly in violation of our first amendment to our constitution. We the people have a God given right to communicate with one another and offer our services to one another. Good grief! I shouldn’t have to be here writing this simple and obvious stuff while being put through the bureaucratic meat grinder… What I am writing is painfully obvious to any sixth grader studying U.S. history and civics. Perhaps we need a new television program devoted exclusively for government employees; Are You Smarter Than a Sixth Grader? would surely generate a huge audience!
Regarding AAG Angela Zurlini’s Constitutional Standards, “Naked Castings into the constitutional sea are not sufficient to command judicial consideration and discussion.” I asked ALJ Mark Kim what the hell a “constitutional sea” is and what is a “naked casting,” but I still have not received an answer to that question. Perhaps the Honorable Judge Sypolt would like AAG Angela Zurlini to explain it to me. ….There is no “constitutional sea!” And I am not fishing in the nude! Our state and federal constitutions were written and ratified by the people and for the people in order that We the People can hold our public servants accountable to remaining within the constraints of those constitutions. Citing the Supreme Law of the Land is a firm foundation for We the People to defend ourselves against out of control government employees who are acting outside of the constraints placed on them by our state and federal constitutions. Simple, simple, simple… The truth is not that hard to understand. The truth is not an unfathomable sea. The U.S. Constitution is not an unfathomable sea either!
Regarding AAG Angela Zurlini’s ARGUMENT, “In this case, Mr. Hinds has the burden of proving the invalidity of the July 6, 2012, Final Order by proving the Order of the administrative law judge is subject to reversal based on a provision found in RCW 34.05.570(3)(a)-(1). Mr. Hinds failed to meet that burden.” Mr. Hinds has met the burden of pointing out that fining people for publishing a list of their skills in an effort to serve his neighbors is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. So is denying Mr. Hinds his right to a trial by jury. Our constitutions are written in plain English for We the People to understand. If AAG Zurlini does not understand the written English language, she must be removed from her position in government because government employees are supposed to support our state and federal constitutions. Let us keep our focus on We the Peoples’ Supreme Law of the Land while we discuss outrageous fines for publishing a list of skills.
Quote: “The Final Order Should be Affirmed under the APA Standard.” Perhaps it should be affirmed under the standards of the Administrative Procedures Act , but the Final Order falls way short of the standards set forth in our state and federal constitutions!
Quote: “Citations to the federal and state constitutions alone are not sufficient to prove a constitutional violation.” Who says? Who made up that rule? Since when does the plain English of our state and federal constitutions carry no weight by themselves? What is the foundation for that statement? My goodness! There is no foundation for that statement, however, I will establish a foundation for our state and federal constitutions beyond the fact that We the People ratified those constitutions. I will do that in a future response to one of Zurlini’s statements.
Quote: “The Final Order is within the statutory authority and jurisdiction of the Board.” Perhaps it is, but it is outside the constraints placed on government employees by our state and federal constitutions.
Quote: “The procedure and decision making process of the Administrative Law Judge were lawful.” Perhaps his process was lawful according to poorly written RCWs, but his Final Order was not lawful according to our state and federal constitutions.
Quote: “The Administrative Law Judge correctly interpreted the law and issued an order supported by substantial evidence.” And he did that while disregarding our state and federal constitutions. Was he deliberately disregarding We the People’s constitutional protections, or was he ignorant of We the People’s Supreme Law of the Land? Ignorance of the Supreme Law of the Land is no excuse for government employees. They are charged with supporting, upholding, and defending our state and federal constitutions. See? Why do I have to write the obvious? And why do I have to continually repeat myself for almost 2 years while defending myself and our Supreme Law of the Land?
Quote: “The Administrative Law Judge decided all issues requiring resolution… The sole issue before the ALJ was whether Mr. Hinds violated RCW 18.27.200(1)(a) by offering or advertising to perform electrical work without having an electrical contractor license.” No he did not decide all issues. The ALJ failed to address and resolve my issue pointing out that fining a guy $1000.00 for publishing a list of his skills is unconstitutional according to the First Amendment of We the People‘s Bill of Rights. The ALJ made it illegal for himself to do his civic duty to support our state and federal constitutions by citing “The Office of Administrative Hearings is unable to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of RCW 19.28 (he meant 18.27) Addressing these arguments falls outside the scope of what this Tribunal has authority to address. The power of an administrative tribunal is strictly limited by statute. Skagit Surveyors and Engineers, LLC v Friends of Skagit County 135 Wash. 2d 542, 558, 958 P.2d 962, 970 (1998) The appropriate forum for such claims is in a court of general jurisdiction such as, Washington State Superior court” -- Hmmm… How in the world do government employees fulfill their personal responsibility to be good neighbors doing their civic duty to support our state and federal constitutions if other government employees are making it illegal for them to do so?????
Quote: “A motion for disqualification was not made.” I didn’t know that I could disqualify unqualified government employees who arrogantly and willfully disregard our state and federal constitutions while mindlessly issuing $1000.00 citations to people who publish a list of their skills in an effort to serve their neighbors and make new friends.
Quote: The Final Order is consistent with the rules of the Office of Administrative Hearings. Perhaps it is, but it is not consistent with the Supreme Law of the Land. Disregarding the Supreme Law of the Land is not what our people of this nation do. In fact, we have neighbors enlisted in the military who take an oath to “defend our constitutions against all enemies foreign and domestic.” AAG Zurlini is attempting to distract Judge Moreno from her own Oath of Office.
Quote: The Final Order is not arbitrary or capricious. The Final Order flies in the face of our First Amendment to the Bill of Rights, and fails to address Mr. Hinds right to a trial by a jury of his good neighbors.
Quote: “Mr. Hinds does not have a right to a jury in this case.” WOW! That would surprise a sixth grader! Do government school teachers lie to sixth graders, too? No wonder kids hate school and play hooky in the park smoking the wildwood flower like our U.S. president did. We have a lot of problems in this country, but they do not stem from our Constitutions, Our Bill of Rights, or our Declaration of Independence.. Our problems stem from government disregarding those documents and disregarding the lives given in war defending those documents. In fact, there has been so many laws written and misapplied in our great nation that it has become nearly impossible to pursue life, liberty, and happiness and achieve the American Dream. Dire consequences loom when judges and officials of the court misconstrue law and fail to protect the innocent while holding the guilty accountable. When courts make it legal for at-fault adulterous mothers to throw away not-at-fault fathers and keep his children and income, and then reap the benefits of free money (welfare), free rent, free healthcare, and free atrocious government schools, then we know something is seriously wrong in America and in its blind government. Sorry… I got a little sidetracked, but it is a hostile act to force a loving and concerned father to helplessly watch his sons raised in shack-ups and bars with the blessing of our state and federal governments.
AAG Zurlini,
Denying We the People of the right to a trial by jury of good neighbors is a hostile act which was heinous enough to make it into our founders’ list of grievances against the king of England in our Declaration of Independence. So, you can see that I am not just standing on our constitutions alone. The Declaration of Independence is part of the foundation of our U.S. Constitution. I am pointing out to you, Ms. Zurlini, that our fore-fathers fought a war to win the right to a trial by jury of their good neighbors, and the right of free speech, and other liberties. After a drawn out and costly war, the hostile British army was expelled from the thirteen colonies and our founding fathers codified our natural God given rights into our Bill of Rights to prevent the recurrence of the hostile acts of King George and the British Parliament. Do you, Ms. Angela Zurlini, realize that you are committing a hostile act equal to those of King George as recorded in our Declaration of Independence? I don’t think you are fully aware of that. I think most government employees like you rationalize your actions and arrogance to the point of absurdity. You are outside of reality, and there is no way I am going disregard 6000 years of recorded human history and go along with unconstitutional nonsense coming from government employees who know more about the faulty ideology of Karl Marx than they know about the great writers who brought western civilization out of the dark ages. Writers like Algernon Sidney, John Locke, Monteschesque, Bastiat and others like Ciscero and Plato and Saint Augustine had their words published following the invention of the printing press in 1450 AD. Many of the writers of the Reformation also brought about the great Western Renaissance, greatly easing the tyranny and darkness of the previous Dark Ages. Our founding fathers were well aware of the tyranny that their pilgrim fathers fled , and they were very much inspired by the martyrs who gave their lives for liberty and freedom to publish and speak against tyranny and slavery in order to reap the benefits of their own labor. Why on earth do current government employees wish to return to tyranny, absolute power given to the state, and the minds of masses clouded with ignorance, helplessness, vice, and unrealistic rationalizations?
Quote: “Mr. Hinds Request for Damages and Compensation is Without a Legal Basis and Therefore is Not Compensable.”
Ms. Zurlini,
Russ Hinds’ request for damages and compensation falls squarely within the definition of ”just” and “justice,” as found in Webster’s English Dictionary. We the People’s courts have been instituted to administer justice while guarding our liberties and while protecting the innocent and holding the guilty accountable. We the People established a division of powers in our state and federal governments. We the People did not intend for the executive bureaucratic branch of government to write law(RCWs), execute law, [mis]interpret law, and determine guilt or innocence. How strange of you to say, “Mr. Hinds failed to identify a provision of law by which the Department is responsible for any type or amount of compensation.” Do the words “common decency” mean anything to you? Can the words “just compensation” be found in our Supreme Law of the Land? Can the definition of “just compensation” be found in a legal dictionary, and have you read that definition? You are supposed to be the educated attorney here, but you do not know that when a person is damaged by being unjustly deprived of his life, liberty, and property, he is justly and rightly compensated and made whole in a court of law. That is a simple thing that good neighbors do for each other. I don’t mail unconstitutional citations containing $500.00 fines with additional threats to you or my neighbors. I haven’t forced you or my neighbors to become embroiled in a costly and ridiculous 2 year long argument over constitutionally protected rights under the threat of additional legal action. And you have the gall and chutzpah to claim that Russ Hinds has no legal basis for just compensation? You are literally the worst kind of neighbor anyone can have. You and your cohorts are not responsible for anything you do to your neighbors, are you? You are “just doing your job,” right? Be proud of yourself, if you can…Geezo, It would truly be easier and wiser to admit you are wrong and move on.
George Washington was right when he said, “How soon we forget history…government is not reason. Government is not eloquence. It is force. And, like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
Regarding AAG Zurlini’s CONCLUSION, quote: Mr. Hinds failed to meet his burden because he failed to prove the invalidity of the July 6, 2012, Final Order based upon the provisions found in RCW 34.05.570(3)(a)-(1). It is interesting that I have received two citations for the same flyer which has resulted in two separate court hearings. I have already attended one hearing in Judge Sypolt’s courtroom. I was educated out of my naivety, and I continue to be disappointed to find out that what I thought was a fair and just nation founded upon our state and federal constitutions. From the very entrance of Judge Sypolt into his courtroom, disappointment and amazement entered my mind. There was no friendly countenance found on the face of the judge. In fact, he seemed to be pretending to be above the matter before him and distant and uncaring. He sat down and began some strange rolling of his eyes and bobbing his head back and forth. I wondered if he was okay, or if he was under the influence of some painkillers, or something. To be honest, if my teenage son sat down at the dinner table acting the way Judge Sypolt acted, I would spank his rear and ground him for a month for being high on something. Judge Sypolt gave me ten minutes to present my oral argument and ten minutes for the AAG. Following that, Judge Sypolt made a half hearted attempt at justifying the unconstitutional actions of WDLI and Insp. Phillip Jordan. Judge Sypolt did not address most of the issues I raised I my Trial Briefs and hurriedly issued his order which agreed with AAG Zurlini’s CONCLUSION. I supposedly failed to substantiate my claim that the citation was unconstitutional. Then, rather than write his own opinion and order, Judge Sypolt signed an ORDER already written by AAG Zurlini! This is not what We the People expect from our courts! May I ask what kind of court this is supposed to be? Is it a court of justice which supports our Supreme Law of the Land? Obviously, not! Why are so many government employees trying to convince me that I am a criminal deserving to pay the government $1500.00 in fines? Where is my trial by We the People, a jury of my neighbors? This really seems like some conspiracy to deliberately destroy our constitutions and impose an all powerful state on We the People.
I, Russ Hinds, have met my burden proving that issuing citations for publishing a list of skills in an effort to serve my neighbors is unconstitutional. No jury of my good neighbors would rule otherwise. And all these government employees who have wasted almost 2 years and vast amounts of taxpayer money attempting to convince me that I am a criminal deserving to pay the government $1500.00 know that. It is still my sincere wish that government employees receive thorough training in our founding documents and in U.S. History. When the simple Truth is hidden from government employees, then it becomes possible for lies and error to bury common sense, common decency, and liberty. Adolf Hitler discovered how easy it is to bury the truth under lies. He said, “The great masses of people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than for a small one.” Hitler also said, “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.” After fifty years of atrocious government schools and propaganda being blasted through the media, both the public and the government employees need a fresh exposure to the simple truth of neighborly conduct in a free and unified and vigorous nation governed under a constitution. Otherwise, our divisions will destroy us. Government against We the People and our constitutions AND We the People against government will result in an extremely wretched and dangerous life for our posterity. Future generations will despise their fathers for squandering the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness for which our constitutions were written to protect and preserve for our posterity. All it takes for tyranny to prevail is for good men to do nothing…
I sincerely wish this ridiculous almost 2 year long argument to end in this Superior Court under a wise ruling given by the Honorable Judge Moreno, And my request for just compensation and damages still stands.
Respectfully and sincerely submitted,
CC: AAG Angela Zurlini, and WDLI.
I'll update Saturday, August 31, after the court hearing. I also got my APPEAL of Sypolt's order filed. They want to chrage me $290.00 for that appeal. I have filed a claim of "indigency" asking that all court costs be waived because I am being prevented of publishing a list of my skills in an effort to find a job. Unempolyed and without an income...They have made me indigent. Good Grief! F------ idiots! Excuse my frustration and passion. I am sure you understand how tired I am of arguing with people who do not want to listen and who do not want to care...
Wake up, America! Be real men of courage and good neighbors who do their civic duty to uphold and defend our state and federal constitutions.
August 31, 2013, UPDATE: Very amusing Hearing at the Superior Court for Spokane County.
Yeah, this hearing was quite different from judge Sypolt’s hearing. Recall what I wrote in my REPLY BRIEF about Sypolt’s conduct. “If my teenage son sat down at the dinner table the way Sypolt sat down behind the bench…”
Judge Maryanne Moreno read my briefs. She was quite relaxed and she even admitted that she had little experience dealing with a case like mine. Not many cases like mine make it to the Superior Court level and she admired my efforts. Much different than Sypolt, but let me start at the beginning.
I sat down on the bench outside the courtroom about 5 minutes before the 1:30 PM schedule. A couple minutes later, AAG Angela Zurlini came out of the courtroom and waved for me to come in. I went in and sat down. There was a litigant from the previous case remaining in the courtroom. She was evidently waiting for a document to be signed and given to her… The court secretary, bailiff, or whatever was also present and the court stenographer came in a moment or two after I sat down. Soon there was banter and chatting among the women in the court. Did I mention that I was the only male? I was, --but that is of no concern.-- These two ladies began to get their stuff in order, but the stenographer needed to borrow the secretary’s copy of the schedule so that she could get her program started correctly-- then the chatting began.
“Did you go down (somewhere) for lunch?”
Yeah, it was good I had the Italian Sausage. It had fried onions with it.”
“Oh. Italian sausage… I love that. That is pretty big. How did you have time to eat it on a 1 hour lunch break?”
“I just ordered it and went outside and sat on a rock and ate it.”
“I wonder what I did with my schedule?”
The waiting Litigant said that it might be her schedule that was on the table in the judge’s office, which is through the door to the left of the bench..
“Oh, that is where I put it….”
I was just sitting there enjoying the commotion, but at the opportune time I asked the ladies, “Are you putting on a show to prove to me that you are human?” I said it with the appropriate grin to show that I was teasing, but they quickly denied that they were putting on a show while exclaiming that they are human. I just smiled and enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere…
The Judge made her entrance and began the hearing. She pointed out that she had read my briefs and the entire “long” transcript of ALJ Mark Kim’s hearing. Before proceeding, AAG Angela Zurlini interrupted with a request. The judge granted Zurlini time to submit her request. Zurlini then proceeded to move that the court dismiss my appeal because she had just noticed that the APPEAL was dated August 24, 2012, by the court. This date was beyond the 30 day limit to request an APPEAL. She went on apologizing for not noticing the problem earlier, as she was going on the assumption that the APPEAL was submitted on July 19, 2012, which is when she received her copy at her office.
So now the judge turns to me and asks if I have a response to the motion, while she is examining the file to figure out what the problem is.
“Yes, I have a response to that motion. I did file my motion on July 19, 2012, by mail. As you can see in the file, I requested a waiver of fees which was denied by Michelle Ressa. So, I had to ask her to reconsider my request. I have since found out that I am not required to pay fees for my APPEAL according to the RCWs.”
The judge states that she is looking for something in the file with an official date on it. She notes that I had written “Mailed on July 16, 2012” on my APPEAL, but she is not sure if that is “official” enough proof for the correct date of filing.
I offered her my green “Proof of Receipt” cards which accompanied my certified mailing. Yes, someone at the court signed for my documents, and that was enough for the judge to deny Zurlini’s Motion to Dismiss my Appeal. Dismissing my Appeal would leave the fine in place, of course.
That was easy! No nonsense to wade through except getting rid of Zurlini’s stupid Motion, quickly and simply. I was pleased and impressed.
The judge then said this strange thing, “Mr. Hinds, it seems to me that you do not have a beef with me or this court, but rather with the state legislature.” Hmmm… That is kind of weird to say, but it falls in line with other judges who have told me, “If you disagree with the law, then you need to lobby the legislature and get the law modified.” Once again, are not our courts supposed to be guardians of justice, liberty, and our constitutions? Aren’t they supposed to support our constitutions according to their own Oath of Office? The fact is, I don’t have a beef with anyone, WDLI has a beef with me as demonstrated by their issuing me a $1000.00 fine. Once again, the facts are turned upside down and backwards! It is crazy!
So, here is my Oral Argument:
This citation, NTHRM00462, is the second citation for the same flyer on the same bulletin board for the same day as citation no. EJORP04884. Please note that this citation pertains to advertising, and not to actually performing any work. This citation restricts “freedom of speech” and is clearly in violation of our state and federal constitutions, the Supreme Law of the Land. Since WDLI gets to keep the revenue generated by fines, citations issued for posting flyers on private bulletin boards is a pathetic use of the law by bureaucrats who are motivated to increase their budgets. Pathetic in the extreme because “Administrative Law” supposedly does not require a jury conviction before collecting a fine.
In Judge Sypolt’s courtroom, I defended myself by pointing out, QUOTE: “If government desires to promote a society of good neighbors, it cannot do so by being a bad neighbor.” I was disappointed by Sypolt’s ruling…
In this hearing, I will point out that good neighbors do their civic duty to support our Supreme Laws of the Land, and public servants are especially required to do so under their own Oaths of Office. Our Supreme Law of the Land protects our rights to freedom of speech, our right to equal protection under the law, and our right to a speedy trial by jury before property and liberty can be taken from individuals. Also, note that the Washington State Constitution expressly says that “governments -- are established to protect and maintain individual rights.” That means that government employees in their role as public servants must protect and maintain individual rights.
This dispute which has lasted almost 2 years has thoroughly convinced me that government employees need training in our Supreme Laws of the Land. The only people that I can find who are defending issuing $1000.00 citations to people who publish a list of their skills in an effort to serve their neighbors are the government employees involved in this case. Even the State Trooper who sat through my administrative hearing said, “I am rooting for you. I hope the judge rules in your favor.” I said, “Wow! Thank you!”
Yesterday I discussed my case with a very nice and civilized neighbor who was astonished at my long battle with government employees. She pointed out that bulletin boards are not considered “advertising” under the law. They are “community forums.” She has a career in advertising. Turns out she and her associates were discussing advertising and bulletin boards a few days earlier.
Obviously, bureaucrats and government lawyers don’t know what to do with all the laws and regulations they have written. None of it makes any sense anymore, and their only basis for applying such laws is, “How can this law be used to benefit the state and protect government employee careers.” This leads us back to the word pathetic.
The public is not blind and stupid. Virtually everyone who I have discussions with are appalled at the out of control government. Virtually no one defends these citations. I have over 19000 page views on my blog and no one defends the citations in the comment section. There is little respect out there for government employees. After hearing that I have been arguing for almost 2 years over these citations, the lady I met yesterday said, “My aunt had a favorite saying, ‘You can’t argue with crazy, because crazy ain’t listening…”
May I suggest that government employees support our state and federal constitutions in order to earn some respect from the people they are supposed to be serving.
Zurlini then gave her Oral Argument along the same lines as previous: I have the burden of proving the RCW to be unconstitutional--rather than government employees simply doing their civic duty to support our constitutions-- See why these people need an epiphany? Good grief! Zurlini pointed out that the legislature has charged WDLI with “protecting the public safety…” Which obviously infers that I am a threat to public safety. Well, if you want to accuse me of being a threat to my neighbors, then you need to prove that to a jury of my neighbors! These government employees run with fear mongering! They use subtle accusations to make everyone in their crosshairs out to be a danger to their neighbors in order to justify government permission and supervision of “almost every activity of work” as ALJ Mark Kim stated. Evidently, these government employees do not have the mental capacity to see what they are doing and saying. They just see themselves as the saviors of the public who are preventing invented "bad guys" from being a danger to their neighbors. Zurlini even mentioned the “underground economy” as if that is something to fear. Good grief! If it wasn’t for the underground economy, the Soviet Union would have starved out practically their entire population, instead of just 25 million. The underground economy works just fine without government interference! My goodness! Why do these people demonize everything that is good and normal? In the 19th century the American people had an open and free economy which operated much the same way as today’s underground economy, minus the government attempting to shut it down, of course! If I want to pay Joe Blow to help me paint a bedroom, what business is that of Zurlini, the judge, or WDLI? Do they want to protect me from Joe Blow? Protect me from myself for hiring Joe Blow? Will they fine my mother $1000.00 for hiring a high school kid to paint her bedroom? See? These people do not have the mental capacity to follow their faulty reasoning to its logical conclusions. They only see themselves as the good guy “just doing their job” protecting the public. Never mind the fact that the guys in their crosshairs are the public, too, and in need protection from deluded and half-brained government employees, also.
Following Zurlini’s Oral Argument I got to respond to it. I did it off the cuff pointing out some of what I just wrote above.
The judge then stated that she is less concerned about my constitutional argument than she is concerned about the line that ALJ Mark Kim slipped into his ruling. She asked Zurlini if she knew which line she was talking about. Zurlini pretended like she didn’t know. The judge was concerned about Kim’s line, “It appears to this tribunal that the legislature has written RCW 18.27.200(1) so broadly that it essentially covers almost every activity of work.”
After a short discussion of Kim’s line, and noting that Kim is a very thoughtful jurist, the judge reverted back to avoiding her Oath of Office. She almost apologetically stated that she had no choice but to follow the law as written in the RCWs. She affirmed the fines. No surprise, but it was a pretty good show, and worth the amusement.
After the judge left the courtroom to sign the Order which was once again written by Zurlini, I told the ladies of the court that it was a good show attempting to prove to me that they are human. This time Zurlini got a little defensive and insisted that she is human and that we just need to agree to disagree. I told her, “No we don’t need to agree to disagree because I am not fining her $1000.00 and accusing her of being a danger to her neighbors.”
Zurlini replied, “Neither am I.”
????? WTF??? Wow! How do people who are acting in concert with the issuer of the fine absolve themselves of being responsible for participating in fining a guy $1000.00 for hanging a flyer on a bulletin board? They are blind to their own error, while accusing others of being in error… No such thing as innocent until proven guilty by a jury of your neighbors… Why not simply throw out our constitutions and declare that everyone except government employees are guilty. Guilty of violating whatever and every law that government employees can invent. They are the good guys, you know! The government loves you, you know. They will protect you and provide for you and supervise you. They are indispensable. Society would collapse without government employees rewarding the irresponsible and punishing the responsible…
The blind leading the blind… Both will fall in a ditch.
The mis-educated government employees governing the dumbed down government schooled average Americans does not work.
Fortunately, many Americans are waking up, and judging from what I have encountered with my neighbors, something is going to snap. Hopefully government employees will open their eyes to their own incompetence and ignorance--which is leading them to create chaos amongst the people whom they are supposed to be serving under the constraints of our state and federal constitutions.
It is not that hard to grasp! What is taking them so long to open their eyes and have that epiphany? I think it is that “ego critter” residing between their ears… Blessed are the humble (to God) for theirs is the kingdom of heaven... Matt.5:3
Well… I guess I need to go write up another APPEAL to the Court of Appeals… Sheesh!
September 12, 2013, Additional thoughts about the Superior Court hearing and more.
Actually, these government employees really are wearing me down. That is why I am sitting here writing this. There isn’t much else I can do other than continuing my appeals.
The truth is, our government employees have separated themselves from the people. They have created their own little world where they are the only people who know what is going on inside the government. Outsiders like me must enter their little world blind and ignorant to their methods and objectives. We the People enter their little word at our own risk and learning as we go by the seat of our pants. Rather than government employee methods and objectives serving the people, the government employees serve themselves, and their biases, and their systems while pretending like they are serving the public.
Government has an extensive Public Relations system which deceives the people into believing that government is the good guy. Government propaganda even deceives the government employees turning them into robots of the state. The propaganda preys on the natural ego of government employees who naturally want to believe that they are the good guys with good intentions doing good deeds “for the people.” If little ol’ Russ points out the errors and abuses of government employees, then their ego is poked and they must rise up to protect their delusions…
Obviously, a guy like me who is willing to stand up to government employee error and nonsense must be dealt with and gotten rid of as quickly as possible. The huge maze of procedures and regulations are deliberately long, tedious, and extensive in order to confuse and frustrate people who seek true justice and liberty. Their incomprehensible system of procedures is a deliberate attempt to discourage resisting the unconstitutional power and abuse given to petty bureaucrats who have a natural desire to preserve their income derived from government programs and departments which have been created over the last 100 years. --Created outside constitutional authority by out of control legislators bent on “doing good things” supposedly “for the people,” but actually for the legislator’s own self-aggrandizement. Legislators get elected to make a name for themselves, and if they can convince the voters that they of done great things in the legislature for the people, then they can get re-elected and continue building their own phony reputation. If legislators and government employees are really successful, they may even get a government building named after themselves.
In an environment of high school kids seeking recognition, legislators will dream up all kinds of things that government needs to do in order to “fix” something that society may be concerned about, even if government has no constitutional authority to meddle in the affairs of society.
Take public education, for example. Tax supported schools in every neighborhood were originally put in place to insure that a basic education was available to all children. But, look at what the legislature has done to public education. Literacy and math can’t be competently taught in elementary schools therefore taxes must also be used to fund individual access to advanced college education. The result is, all public and college employees are serving the government in order to get more tax dollars. Actually graduating competent and responsible students takes a back seat to politically correct indoctrination which is openly claimed to be necessary to “correctly” socialize and civilize the students. Meanwhile, the teachers unions and lobbyist groups demand higher salaries and their own version of a “correct” curriculum, which is actually a perversion of simple common sense. Take the natural male tendencies for adventure and strength out of the boys and make them malleable and easily controlled. Graduate “socialized” boys who do not know how to stand up for what is right. Remove any and all rules of right and wrong and make all students submissive to all authority, first with the teacher, then with the principal, then the cop, and on to submitting to every government employee.
So, now the goal of government employees is to preserve their careers and their programs, rather than ensure liberty and justice for all. Russ has been entangled in their unconstitutional program and he is resisting their authority. Russ is rocking the boat and he has the potential of upsetting an entire Department of government. He must be dealt with and put through the meat grinder, rather than simply granting his constitutionally protected right to request a “speedy trial by jury of his neighbors.” The government employees know that a jury will not convict Russ and uphold $1500.00 in fines for hanging a flyer on a private bulletin board.
So, here we are! This blog exposes the government employees. And, after attending the hearing in Judge Moreno’s court, I have been thoroughly convinced of the truth I have stated throughout this blog. The people I am dealing with know that I am right. They understand everything I have written in my defense. I saw it in Sypolt’s court, and I saw it in Moreno’s court. They did put on a show. Two different shows, but both of them were designed to convince me to go along with the nonsense. Both designed to get me to give up.
Angela Zurlini’s statement did betray her feelings about my case. She knows that she is not standing on firm ground, constitutional ground, therefore she says, “We just need to agree to disagree.” She wants me to go away. She is getting worn down, too. She is wondering how long they can continue to delay, distract, and derail my constitutionally based defense of myself and our constitutionally protected rights. She wants me to walk away “agreeing to disagree.” Boy, she is dreaming!
I want Zurlini and the government employees to come over to my side. DO THEIR DUTY TO UPHOLD OUR STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS! I want these government employees to have that epiphany! I am not going away, and these idiots need to compensate me for all the expenses that I have incurred as a result of their unconstitutional actions. We are locked in a battle of wills, and I simply refuse to bow down to their nonsense! I am over twenty years into suffering under government employee assault on my family, my livelihood, and my sensibilities. I have had enough. I didn’t ask for it, and I certainly didn’t provoke it. We can go back even further than 20 years and say that it started when I was a child. At 8 years old, I was harassed by small town cops for riding my mini-bike in the alley behind my house. I have what amounts to a very unusual exposure to government idiocy. I can recall incident after incident that shaped my thoughts about abusive government authorities.
I can look back with a clear conscience knowing that I have always simply wanted a peaceful, wholesome, and productive life. I just wanted a wholesome family, a decent job, and my own home. Yet, due to government employees “just doing their job,” I have not had that simple success. Children are a blessing, but according to government employees, children are a burden to single moms. Fathers who are not-at-fault and who do not want a divorce must pay at-fault irresponsible mothers to raise their “burdensome” children. How sick is that? Why not give the blessing of raising wholesome children to their wholesome father instead of forcing the father to subsidize the irresponsible shacking-up and barstool lifestyle of a foolish and narcissistic mother? Force a not-at-fault father to helplessly watch his sons raised in shack-ups and bars? What is up with that? Here is what the judge said, “Shacking up and tending bar are not sufficient grounds to remove the children from their mother. If I did that, I would need to remove children from all the other mothers who are shacking up and tending bar.” Force a responsible father to helplessly watch his children raised in ignorance and unrespectable lifestyles… That is cruel and unusual punishment applied to the innocent! It is heartbreaking and mind boggling enough to drive a loving father insane! Yet, government employees reward irresponsibility and punish the responsible….
Listen up, you government employees! Just abide by our Supreme Law of the Land and get the hell out of my face and away from me! Give me liberty or give me death! Throw me in jail if that is what it takes to make you government employees happy! Good grief! Get me out of this never-ending nonsense. I don’t want to play with idiots! And I don’t want government idiots f---ing with me!
Washington state government employees are not fooling me. And, they know that they are not fooling me. Zurlini wants me to “agree to disagree” and go away. Why doesn’t she drop the nonsense and go away from me? Leave me alone, for God’s sake! Let me live in the pursuit of a wholesome life, liberty, and happiness for goodness sake! What a mess these idiots have created… Have that epiphany and realize there is more joy found in upholding our Supreme Law of the Land while pursuing a wholesome life with liberty and justice for all. Come on, Zurlini! You know what I am talking about. You know what is right and just. It is not that hard to understand. You can do the right thing. In fact, it is your duty as a public servant to do the right thing according to our Supreme Law of the Land. You know that many men have given their lives to defend freedom, justice, and our Constitution. You know that the bureaucracy is out of line and out of control, yet you continue to support, enable, and assist the bureaucracy assaulting your neighbors. You have a conscience. Why not listen to it, instead of resisting it? Why don’t you risk losing your job by insisting that WDLI grant me a trial by jury, even if it is too late for “speedy?” Do you not have the integrity to do that, Zurlini? Are you afraid to insist that government abide by our constitutions? Or do you like being on the opposite side of our constitutions and on the opposite side of your neighbors? You do realize that our constitutions were written to protect “We the People” from people like you, don’t you? Isn’t it about time government employees come out of their stupor, and out of their small dark little world? Can you help educate government employees about our state and federal constitutions?
What is wrong, Zurlini? What is holding you back? Are you human, or are you a government robot? What can you do to help people like me learn how to defend ourselves against government robots? What opportunities are out there for you to work for “liberty and justice for all” for We the People? How much joy can fill your heart by protecting the innocent and defending “due process of law?’ How many new friends can you make by coming out of your dark government “little world?”
Everything I have written in this blog is true. It hits home… Doesn’t it, Zurlini? Doesn’t it, Moreno? Sypolt? Jordan, Thrams, …etc. It hits home, and you are on the wrong side of reality, liberty, and justice for all! And you know it…!
Have that epiphany and get a life and a conscience and find the joy of doing the right thing… You know what I am talking about! If you can't have that epiphany by yourself, Jesus can help you. He is looking for people who love family, friends, and neighbors and who love by upholding what is right and good, and just and wholesome. What rewards come with conning and abusing your neighbors? None, but loving your neighbor enough to uphold liberty and justice for all comes with joy and a a clear conscience. Consider the 2 greatest commandments, and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Matt. 22:37-40, Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Idiot government employees are the bane of society. And I continue to get emails from other people who have suffered under WDLI's outrageous fines and ridiculous appeals process. Zurlini, you know who I am talking about, don't you? Your name is mentioned in the emails I have received... You know!
At the beginning of this blog, I asked, "Is the mafia running the government of the state of Washington?" See? Everything I have written from the beginning of this blog is true. The mafia is running the government... and the government employees know it. They are not ignorant of their perversion of justice while they destroy our Supreme Law of the Land in their misguided efforts of self preservation --status quo preservation, water cooler culture preservation, salary preservation, pension preservation, etc.
September 26, 2013, UPDATE: Both Appeals in progress… Oops! Anger…
I want to point out the difficult struggle it is to maintain a desire to do what I need to do to keep up my defense of our inalienable rights and my defense of my own sensibilities. Many times I dread sitting down to write up the documents required to move my appeals forward in the ridiculously burdensome system. People who had a beef with someone used to settle it man to man and face to face. Running to court was a last resort. Yeah, I am talking about neighbors having a dispute with their neighbors, or a citizen having a dispute with a citizen, which is quite different than my case. My case is about government against citizen. The entire power and wealth of government brought against one little ol’ citizen to deprive him of his constitutionally protected inalienable rights. Evidently government has too much power, money, and time on its hands. It used to be that criminals would be brought to court in cases that were Titled, “The State of __________ versus John Doe.” But look what I am embroiled in. I have to petition the court and plead for government employees to uphold our Supreme Law of the Land. I have to initiate my own defense of my right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness without government interference. It is backwards! It is hideous and evil. It is not what our founding fathers intended, but it is what they warned us about. Our founding fathers and those who gave their lives for liberty and justice are rolling over in their graves. I picture them shaking their fists at the powers that be and at the wussified men of the last three generations who allowed the uncontrolled expansion of government AND the exclusion of Nature’s wisdom from government schools.
What is required for America to be restored to the founder’s vision? It is simple, and it is found in the writings of the men who risked their lives and treasure in order to separate themselves from a tyrant who used the colonist's own taxes to fund the presence of the British Army among the colonies. George Washington and all the delegates to the colonial congress called upon their Creator for guidance and assistance in their endeavor to preserve freedom and liberty for themselves and their posterity. They were men who were well acquainted with the Bible and with the struggles and desires of their pilgrim forefathers. The men of today, even with all our educational technology and access to information, are not so acquainted with Scripture and factual objective history. Lacking that knowledge and understanding has left today’s men without a foundation for courage and a vision for a bright and prosperous future for their offspring. Men and women of today just go with the flow, even as the flow takes away their liberty and treasure and their ability to prosper. Death and taxes, pay your taxes slave and give us your treasure so that we can grow more government to control you… Crazy stuff! And as I get older, I look back at some of my teachers who said those defeatist things. “You can’t fight city hall.” “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.” “You can’t fight the IRS.” And other subtly discouraging things. Yet they were also teaching me American History. The pilgrims, the Founding Fathers, the abolitionists, the pioneer settlers all fought “city hall” to preserve their freedom. They took their Bibles with them wherever they went and wise men of the church brought America back to God when things got dark and dirty.
America has had 2 recorded “Great Awakenings.” One prior to the Revolution, and the other prior to the Civil War. America needs another Great Awakening. I think that we have been in the infant stage of that awakening for the last 40 years. Just as the government has expanded and gotten out of control, more Americans have been becoming aware of the dangers ahead. Today, the outrageous conduct of foreign wars and civilian surveillance and regulations has opened the eyes of many many people who have not yet found a way to turn things around in this nation. But, they are quietly aware and watching. Some, like the Tea Party people, are finding the courage to be vocal in their disdain for dishonest politicians and corrupt mindless bureaucracies. I am looking for and praying for something to snap the sleeping Lion of true Biblical Christianity into action and unity. Various denominations will remain with their theological differences, but unity can be formed around our founding documents and our moral laws of God. I prayerfully hope that what snaps His church into action is not World War and death and destruction. Perhaps another Great Depression will be enough to move His church, but that also leaves us open to foreign aggression if America appears too weak to defend itself. Interesting times we live in, yet there are still too many pop culture ding-a-lings and leftist ideologues among us who have worked their way into positions of authority and power. Liberal licentious nonsense coming from higher education, the media, and from politicians needs to be smashed with the Sword of Truth, never to rise again. The 19th century kindergarten theory of evolution needs to be defeated in full public view, and its cousin socialism/statism needs to be destroyed by the truth of individual responsibility and liberty. We need a new generation of the Black Robed Regiment and revivalists in the pulpit to come out in the open and destroy the nonsense of the false prophets.
Until I see the new Black Robed Regiment and revivalists, I struggle to maintain a positive outlook while dreading all the work required to keep on defending myself through my appeals. But, God has ways of renewing my strength. First, He inspires me by introducing me to Christian government employees who see what I see. Second, He provokes my anger… In your anger, do not sin, Eph 4:26 See! There is such a thing as righteous anger. People ought to be angry about a lot of things wrong in America, especially America’s government and the government employees. Have you noticed that a lot of people, like leftist liberals hate it when people get angry? They like to try to make angry people feel guilty about being angry, even when they have a legitimate reason to be angry! And then... We have so many people angry at the courts and the government that they need metal detectors and armed guards at the entrances to courts and other government buildings. It wasn't like that 30 years ago...
The day before yesterday, I went to the county clerk’s office to file my appeal of Judge Maryanne Moreno’s ruling in favor of keeping the $1000.00 fine in place. My countenance was down, but I met someone who lifted my spirits. In both appeals, I have requested a waiver of the $290.00 Appeals Court fees. That’s $580.00 to purchase my access to justice! Good grief! Who would have thunk it? Pay the court in order to not pay unconstitutional fines? WOW! How’s that for ridiculous? And backwards? The American people do not know what their government employees are doing! It is unjust, plain and simple! …geeze… what else is there to say?
So, yesterday morning I force myself to read the copy of Judge Sypolt’s DENIAL of my request for fee waiver which I had picked up when I was filing my appeal of Moreno’s ruling. Sypolt’s DENIAL of my Request for Fee Waiver struck a nerve… I blew up at the dog and vented on my sister and mother. Then I wrote a response to Sypolt’s Denial and went back to the clerk’s office and filed it in the public record. Here is that RESPONSE:
Plaintiff ) Case No. 2013-02-00803-8
Washington Department of Labor ) for the record
And Industries, )
Respondent )___________________________________
Judge Sypolt’s hand written reason for denial of AFFIDAVIT OF INDIGENCY in Sypolt’s DENIAL: “affidavit is incomplete and lacks sufficient detail. May be reconsidered when amended affidavit being submitted.”
Dear Judge Sypolt,
I, Russ Hinds, am seeking government employees (such as yourself) who understand that this nation has a Pledge of Allegiance that ends in “with Liberty and Justice for all.”
Do you understand that I am requesting justice from my public servants and that justice has been defined in our Supreme Law of the Land to include our inalienable right to “Due process of Law” before liberty and a property can be taken from individuals (collectively known as “We the People” who established and ratified the constitutions which limit the powers of government employees such as yourself and those employed by WDLI)?
Do you understand that I have requested due process and a speedy trial by jury since the very beginning 2 years ago when I received 2 citations in the mail with fines totaling $1500.00 for publishing a list of my skills in an effort to serve my neighbors?
Do you understand that justice in America is free? That when an individual is brought before a respectable court that that individual does not have to purchase justice? Do you know that it is your duty to administer justice for We the People in your court? Do you know that Justice is defined by “due process of law?” Or, do you believe justice is defined by jumping through government employee hoops and paying fees in order to receive our inalienable rights as protected in our state and federal constitutions?
Look buddy! Excuse me… Look neighbor! You simply do not treat your neighbors the way you and other government employees have treated me. ACCORDING TO OUR SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, YOU AND OTHER GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ARE OUT OF LINE AND WAY OUT OF CONSTITUTIONAL BOUNDARIES!
Do you want to administer justice for your neighbors and fellow citizens, or not? Who are you working for? Are you working for me a member of We the People, some government dictator or committee, or no one but your own confused self?
You need an epiphany. It is not my job to ask you to do your job according to your Oath of Office, you should want to do that without me or anyone else insisting that you do your job correctly with compassion, understanding, and wisdom toward your fellow man. DENYING EVERY INALIENABLE RIGHT PROTECTED BY OUR STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS ON THE BASIS OF “incomplete” ridiculous government paperwork is absolutely pathetic!
Tell me, what can you do under your Oath of Office and authority to insure that justice is upheld in your court for your fellow man? YOU COULD HAVE THROWN OUT THE CITATION AND $500.00 FINE mailed to your neighbor by misguided government employees who have been conned into disregarding our Bill of Rights and the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”
I am not seeking to comply with every demand of government employees pushing paperwork and citations in my face. I AM DOING SOMETHING NOVEL. I AM ASKING FOR JUSTICE AND DUE PROCESS OF LAW FROM OUR CONSTITUTIONALLY ESTABLISHED COURT(S). While you are attempting to get me to cooperate with you and other government employees, I AM ASKING YOU TO COOPERATE WITH OUR SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND AND TREAT YOUR NEIGHBOR WITH COMMON SENSE AND COMMON DECENCY! That is what people do in a civilized society!!!!
I simply do not know what else to say without taking the lengthy time to completely remind you of every decent thing you learned in elementary school…
Two years arguing over my right to publish a list of my skills in an effort to serve my neighbors is completely ridiculous and offensive to civility, not to mention expensive and a waste of your neighbors’ tax dollars. WTF is going on? What planet are you on. Who are these people who are ignoring all my pleadings and bullying me into bowing down to unconstitutional nonsense and diversions into never ending paperwork and appeals.
NUTS, NUTS, NUTS, …hucksters, shysters, and nincompoops have been all I have encountered in public servants. I have found no one, absolutely no one, outside of government employees involved in these citations, who agree with fining people $1500.00 for publishing a list of their skills in an effort to serve their neighbors…. Just think about that sensibly for a moment, and have that epiphany about our constitutional republic form of government for and by the consent of the people. Go back and read some history books about our founding fathers and founding documents…Good grief!
Now, put this RESPONSE on the public record… and think about what you are doing!
Russ Hinds
The appeals are in the process. I must wait and see what happens. What obstacles will they throw in front of me next? What will I do when Moreno denies my request for fee waiver? The full force of government come out against me in order to extract $1500.00 from me for hanging a flyer on private bulletin board…Yeah, this is how your government employees work!
They ought to be ashamed of themselves!
October 11, 2013, UPDATE: Correspondence from Washington State Supreme Court. …Gee, I don’t think this is how government was designed to work…
So, what do you think so far? I am learning. Are you readers learning? Evidently, We the People need to learn how to defend ourselves in the broken system that has been convoluted by the state legislature and the bureaucrats. The “system” is not as simple and efficient as I was taught in the government school.
In review, we have seen the government employees mail expensive citations to people who hang flyers on bulletin boards (I am not the only one). $1500.00 is a lot of money… AND SO FAR, THERE HAS BEEN NO VIABLE WAY FOR ME TO DEFEND MYSELF AGAINST MY ACCUSERS! So far, I have been arguing with government employees seeking to convince me that I am a bad guy deserving to pay the government employees $1500.00. See anything wrong with this picture? The people I am arguing with are the ones who want my money. Kind of one-sided, yuh think?
Now, I am up against more government employees at the Washington State Supreme Court. How do you think that will turn out? Good grief!… WOW! And this correspondence isn’t even about my citations. It is about my REQUEST FOR FEE WAIVER. Here is what happened:
I requested court fees of $290.00 for each APPEAL to be waived for a REVIEW in Washington State Court of Appeals. Judge Gregory Sypolt denied my request for fee waiver on the grounds that I did not completely fill out my AFFIDAVIT supporting my claim that I am indigent. Well, I submitted the same forms to Judge Maryanne Moreno and she found that I am “indigent.” ???? Obviously, these government employees have a lot of discretion to do what they want to do in their positions as judges. Sypolt wants me to jump through more hoops, and Moreno wants to get rid of me and pass me up to the Court of Appeals. Well,…what can I do? I can only play their game because they won’t give me a speedy trial by jury where I can face my accusers in front of my neighbors. This is crazy! Look at all the taxpayer money being spent on this bureaucratic mess in order to protect WDLI’s revenue collection through mailing fines to people who supposedly do not have the right to a trial by jury according to their misinterpretation of our state and federal constitutions. I wonder why they have bothered to grant my appeals in the first place? If they want to ignore our constitutions, why pretend to be following our constitutions while putting on a show? Why not simply throw me in jail if I refuse to comply with their unconstitutional citations? How long in jail does it take to pay off $1500.00 in fines? 90 days? 6 months? Imagine that! Six months in jail for hanging a flyer on a private bulletin board without a speedy trial by jury! This stuff is so ridiculous… Seems to me that the Washington State Supreme Court ought to be embarrassed about having to deal with all this nonsense.
…But… Ehhemmm… Excuse me… The Washington State Supreme Court is NOT dealing with the nonsense. It is dealing with Moreno’s ruling that I am indigent and deserving to have my fees waved. The Supreme Court is required to approve Moreno’s ruling that I am indigent and therefore eligible for fee waiver and waiver of other court related expenses such as copying and mailing of my court BRIEFs to the Court of Appeals. My goodness… They are worried about spending taxpayer money on my APPEALs while they have already spent a cool hundred grand on denying my constitutionally protected right to a speedy trial by jury for two years. If government employees have a beef with me for posting a truthful flyer on a bulletin board, why won’t they simply convince a jury that their beef is legitimate? That is the way our judicial system was designed to work! Pretty simple and efficient, huh? But, here we are embroiled in mind games which keep getting thrown off course into costly distractions! Is there any government employee out there with the dignity and self respect to do their civic duty to support our state and federal constitutions, just as our soldiers sacrifice their lives defending those documents from “all enemies foreign and domestic?”
Hmmm… Am I the only one with a clear vision and a sound mind? Let me remind the readers that AAG Angela Zurlini and other government employees have made it illegal for themselves to do their civic duty to support our state and federal constitutions. They did this in writing without batting an eye! Here is one of their quotes in writing, “The Electrical Board does not have the authority to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of RCW 19.28 or the issuance of citation number EJORP04884. Addressing these arguments falls outside the scope of what the Electrical Board has the authority to address. The power of an administrative tribunal is strictly limited by statute. Skagit Surveyors and Engineers, LLC v Friends of Skagit County 135 Wash. 2d 542, 558, 958 P.2d 962, 970 (1998)” --- Man, oh man! What say you to all the shenanigans going on in government buildings? Can’t our public servants do any better than that? Epiphany time! Time to pull your heads out of dark places!
The correspondence I have received has left me with a lot of questions… Here is Judge Moreno’s ORDER OF INDIGENCY:
Judge Moreno’s ORDER is pretty clear and simple. I give her credit for that. Whether she based her ORDER OF INDIGENCY solely on my AFFIDAVITS which show my lack of income, or if she based it on knowing in her heart that all this stuff is nonsense which is denying my constitutionally protected rights, I don’t know. I bet she made her decision based on all three things;
2. Her own heart and sense of justice and common sense and common decency.
3. All my pleadings and this blog. She passed me up the ladder to get me out of her hair without any further truth telling in the public record. I bet she read my response to Judge Sypolt’s denial of my REQUEST FOR FEE WAIVER.
Here is the correspondence from the Washington State Supreme Court:
This correspondence from the Supreme Court leaves me with some confusion and questions. The first thing I notice is that AAG Angela Zurlini is not addressed as “Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini.” Her name appears on the correspondence as Angela Marie Richard Zurlini, Attorney at Law. Has Angela been demoted? And look! They used her full name like my mom used to do to me when I was in trouble! LOL! That is funny! Zurlini also didn’t get an “Honorable” placed before her name-- giggle, giggle. I didn’t rate “Honorable,” either. Oh well…I admit that I have been excluded from government employee cliques who consider only themselves to be “honorable.”
The first paragraph makes note of the “cause” (case??) number and the fact that the clerk of the Supreme Court received a copy of the findings of indigency.
The second paragraph points out that the Supreme court has also received a copy of the AFFIDAVIT OF INDIGENCY, the MOTION FOR FINDINGS OF INDIGENCY, and the ORDER OF INDIGENCY. The last sentence of the second paragraph states:
QUOTE: “I note that because this case is not one of the types of cases listed in RAP 15.2(b)(1), only findings of indigency will be considered.”
What is meant by that? Are they only going to look at the MOTION FOR FINDINGS OF INDIGENCY to make their decision on whether I need to pay fees, or not? That is how I read the paragraph, but it seems unclear to me.
The third paragraph cites the rules that the Supreme Court must follow in order to approve or disapprove my REQUEST FOR FEE WAIVER. According to the rules, is Russ Hinds “entitled to a review partially or wholly at public expense. See RAP 15.2(d).”
Well, yes! Yes, Russ Hinds is entitled to review! How else are we going to get government employees to abide by our state and federal constitutions? How else is Russ Hinds going to be able to defend himself before a jury of his neighbors, AND NOT BEFORE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SEEKING TO CON HIM INTO PAYING GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES $1500.00? The Deputy Clerk lists three determining factors:
(1) Whether the party is seeking review in good faith.
Yes, I am doing this in good faith. I want to live in a free country governed by a constitution which limits government employee powers, and which divides government into three equal branches. Obviously, the executive branch of government has not been constitutionally granted the power to assist in writing the law(RCWs), and enforcing the law (issuing citations), and determining guilt or innocence (hucksters and shysters bullying We the People into going along with unconstitutional citations mailed to people who publish a list of their skills in order to serve their neighbors). I am in good faith seeking to educate government employees about abiding by their Oath of Office to support our constitutions!
(2) That an issue of probable merit is presented.
Yes, the issue is full of merit! The people I have been dealing with are way out of constitutional boundaries! And, they are denying a neighbor their constitutionally protected rights as defined in our Bill of Rights.
(3) That the party is entitled to review partially or wholly at public expense.
The documents I have submitted with my REQUEST FOR FEE WAIVER show that I have little to no income. Much of what is asked on the documents are none of the court’s business since it asks if I am married and other personal things that are not relevant to this case. I suppose they want my wife’s income noted or all my household income noted. WELL, MY WIFE AND MY HOUSEHOLD DID NOT HANG A TRUTHFUL FLYER ON A PRIVATE BULLETIN BOARD. Their income is not any business of the court’s. Unless the court is looking for someone with money so that they can steal their money, too.
100 years ago, we had a pretty good system of government. What happened to it? Who are these people destroying our constitutions, our liberty, and justice for all? And why are we being taxed to death in order to pay out of control government employees?
The fourth paragraph says,
“This expenditure of public funds matter(motion for expenditure of public funds) is set for hearing by a Department of this Court on the Court’s December 10, 2013, Motion Calander. The matter will be decided without oral argument.
Of course the expenditure of public funds is warranted, because this whole argument was initiated by government employees “expending” public funds while disregarding our state and federal constitutions. If government employees have a beef with me, then they need to settle it before a jury of my peers. I am not obligated to pay for my own hanging! It is already a perversion of justice as defined in Webster’s dictionary and in the law dictionaries. I was happily minding my own business before the government employees assaulted myself and family. Obviously, government employees need training in doing their civic duty to uphold our constitutions and common decency and common sense.
The fifth paragraph points out that I need to submit my email address to the court because correspondence will not be through the mail. Correspondence to all parties will be attached to an email. Okay… I can do that. No problem.
So now, I am waiting to hear from the Court of Appeals by letter asking why my fees have not been paid in the APPEAL of Judge Sypolt’s ruling, and informing me of a time by which my fees must be paid.
Sometime after December 10, I will be informed of whether or not I need to pay fees for my APPEAL of Judge Moreno’s ruling.
What a convoluted mess! Gee, I thought that we have an efficient judicial system that gives speedy trials! Who ever heard of all this nonsense I am going through? This mess could have been over in just three weeks after the issuance of those two citations if they would have simply given me due process of law as defined in our state and federal constitutions--a trial by jury.
Here is a thought: I wonder if those on the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court have been following my blog. I wonder if they have been watching it unfold as they scrutinize the conduct of the lower courts and the employees of WDLI and the Attorney General’s Office. I ask this because I really do wonder why they didn’t address AAG Angela Zurlini as “AAG Angela Zurlini. Suppose the higher court has been keeping tabs on my case to see if their subordinates are supporting our state and federal constitutions. What if they have been waiting for my case to reach them so that they could rule on it and finally put government employees back into constitutional boundaries and requiring them to be good neighbors and public servants doing their civic duty to support our constitutions? WOW! Isn’t that a happy and hopeful thought! Wouldn’t that shake up out of control government employees throughout the whole Washington state government?
Hey, if I am dreaming, I might as well dream big! What if the Supreme Court or the Court of Appeals agrees that a punitive damage award to me of 10% reduction in the salary for the government employees who are involved in my case is a wonderful way to educate government employees about their civic duty to be good neighbors supporting our Supreme Law of the Land! Remember, ignorance of the Supreme Law of the Land is no excuse for government employees! A WAVE OF FREEDOM, LIBERTY, AND JUSTICE FOR ALL WOULD ROLL ACROSS AMERICA AS GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SCRAMBLE TO BE GOOD NEIGHBORS DOING THEIR CIVIC DUTY SUPPORTING OUR STATE AND FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONS! Man, that is a great idea! Instead of Obama and the feds looking for a crisis to invoke Martial Law and thus provoke We the People into defending ourselves against outright tyranny and enslavement, we could have a peaceful transition back to Constitutional government by the people, of the people, and for the people! All because the Washington Court of Appeals used their constitutional authority to support our constitutions and hold other government employees to their civic duties. The Court of Appeals could give me a damage award without burdening the Washington State taxpayer! Man, that would be a huge turn around! Just think of it! Public servants actually being public servants instead of hucksters and shysters! Might as well have high hopes and happy thoughts!
So, here is a copy of my MOTION FOR FINDINGS OF INDIGENCY:
I am assuming that the Supreme Court is going to base its decision on what I wrote in the above MOTION. They will either grant me a waiver of the fees, or not. We shall see.
…government employees scrambling to be good neighbors doing their civic duty to uphold and defend our constitutions just as our soldiers do…man think about that for a minute. How different would things in America be today…?
One more thing. Here we have government employees mailing double citations to people without the courtesy of a face to face conversation and presentation of credentials. Here we have government employees refusing to provide due process of law (speedy trial by jury) before confiscating liberty and property. Here we have a costly 2 years to adjudicate $1500.00 in fines for hanging a truthful flyer on a private bulletin board... and Washington State Supreme Court wants to waste more time and expense to determine if I am indigent and in need of a waiver of fees before they provide me with due process of law and equal protection under the law...!!!??? WTF! Unbelievable! I guess that is why those "supreme" dudes get paid the big bucks!
What country am I living in? Is it the Looney Tunes of America? It certainly isn't Mayberry, Opie! The Andy Griffith Show had much more common sense and common decency...
October 29, 2013, UPDATE: Correspondence from Washington State Court of Appeals, and my response.
In the case of the $500.00 electrical fine, Judge Sypolt denied my fee waiver request on the basis of incomplete forms. He said in writing that I could resubmit complete forms and he would reconsider those. You have read that I did not attempt to resubmit “complete” forms. Instead, I just wrote and filed a RESPONSE to his denial of fee waiver.
About 10 days ago, I got a letter with a bunch of new forms from the Washington State Court of Appeals. They note that I have not paid fees, and that my request for fee waiver had been denied. The forms they included were the same forms that I had submitted to Judge Sypolt. They said they will decide the issue of unpaid fees on November 6, 2013, without oral argument. Evidently, they wanted me to resubmit forms to Sypolt. If Sypolt grants my request for fee waiver, the Court of Appeals will cancel their Nov. 6 decision and wait for the approval or disapproval of fee waiver coming from the Washington State Supreme Court.
To keep this straight and simple, the $1000.00 contractor fine is already at the Supreme Court pending their December 10 decision on granting my fee waiver request.
Here is the letter from the Court of Appeals:
I do file a Request for Reconsideration with Judge Sypolt. This is kind of interesting. After filing an excoriating Response to Sypolt’s denial, I come back and ask him to reconsider his decision. Will Sypolt have the dignity and common decency to cooperate with me and approve my request for fee waiver? Or will he be childish with a vindictive refusal to advance my appeal and access to justice? It must be noted here that I have a good case here for upholding our Supreme Laws of the Land. It is a very worthy issue, but one that may potentially change the way state bureaucrats are working. Hopefully, get them some training in upholding our Supreme Laws of the Land!
Plaintiff ) Case No. 2013-02-00803-8
Washington Department of Labor ) (for the record)
And Industries, )
Respondent )___________________________________
Dear Judge Sypolt,
I have received a letter and a packet of forms from Renee S. Townsley and Bridgett-Anne Lochelt at the Washington State Court of Appeals. It appears that they want me to resubmit my MOTION FOR FINDINGS OF INDIGENCY. So, I am doing that now. The new completed forms are included with this REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION.
For the record, I came to your court with an unconstitutional Citation No. EJORP04884 from Insp. Phillip Jordan of Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. I was seeking a just resolution to the unconstitutional issuance of a $500.00 fine for publishing a truthful list of my skills in an effort to serve my neighbors. HOW THE HELL DID MY EFFORTS TO RESOLVE THIS ERROR ON THE PART OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES TURN INTO YOUR EFFORT TO DETERMINE IF I AM INDIGENT, or not???? Good grief! What does my income have to do with justice and due process of law for rich and poor alike?--as in supporting our state and federal constitutions, our Supreme Laws of the Land? What does my income have to do with my protected right to due process of law before my liberty and income can be confiscated by government employees? I have a right to a trial by jury regardless of what my income is, just like everyone else has, including yourself.
Obviously, I have been denied my right to a trial by jury, which is why I am being forced to comply with diversions into nonsensical appeals which include outrageous fees and diversions into ridiculous FINDINGS OF INDIGENCY! It seems that government employees are deliberately hindering my access to justice and redress of grievances. How crazy is that? I get an unconstitutional citation, I am denied due process of law, and I am diverted into never-ending appeals which include expensive fees for the appeals and heaps of distracting and time consuming paperwork!!!! I have already paid a $200.00 fee for my APPEAL at the beginning of this nonsense.
Is there any protection for citizens? Is there a defining foundation which government employees are required to support and adhere to in their performance of their duties while serving We the People? If there is such a defining foundation, what is it and where is it? IS IT NOT OUR SUPREME LAWS OF THE LAND? If it is the Supreme Laws of the Land, why aren’t government employees such as yourself abiding by them?
Why has it been 2 years arguing with government employees who are trying to convince me that I am a bad guy deserving to pay the government employees $1500.00 for posting a truthful flyer on a private bulletin board? My goodness! Who would have ever thunk it?!!! How would you like to be placed in my shoes? How would you like to spend countless hours arguing with idiots who have been ignoring our Supreme Laws of the Land for 2 years?
Please find my new affidavits concerning my REQUEST FOR FEE WAIVER included. The forms are truthful, but do not include information that is not relevant to this case. Spousal and household income are not relevant because I published a list of my skills by myself. My family must not be unconstitutionally punished for unconstitutional fines imposed on me. My family has been burdened enough by my inability to publish a list of my skills in an effort to provide an income. Also, their worries and concern over having “liens” placed on property, bank accounts, and “further legal action,” has put a great deal of uncalled for stress on them. “Liens” and “further legal action” are quotes from the threatening letters that I received with my unconstitutional citations. One of the threatening letters unlawfully names my family and household here: “Russ Hinds and Spouse/or partner, and the marital community composed thereof or a registered domestic partnership, A Sole Proprietorship.”
This letter accompanying the citation goes on to threaten us here: “If you neither appeal the infraction nor pay the penalty within the required time, the penalty amount will become an unsatisfied debt that you owe to the Department. Under RCW 18.27.370, the Director may, without further notice, file a WARRANT with the Superior Court Clerk for the unpaid balance of the assessed amount - plus interest, penalties, and a filing fee - which will become a LIEN upon the title to and interest in all of your real property, the same as a JUDGMENT. Additionally, the Director may issue a NOTICE AND ORDER TO WITHHOLD AND DELIVER to satisfy a debt.”
Judge Sypolt… What do you think of those threats? Do you see why I am requesting “due process of law?” Do you see why I want this nonsense justly and constitutionally resolved, finished, stopped; and why I want just compensation for the time and stress my family and I have been put through? Did you notice that WDLI employees have named the Superior Court complicit in their effort to unlawfully and unconstitutionally extract $1500.00 from me? Will you be complicit in garnishing my wages for WDLI without providing me with “due process of law (trial by jury),” just as the threats suggest?
Please note that Judge Maryanne Moreno approved my request for fee waiver on the basis of the same forms I submitted to you. She was the judge on my appeal of the second citation, NTHRM00462, with a $1000.00 fine for the same flyer on the same bulletin board for the same day as EJORP04884.
Judge Sypolt, in the interest of justice, and of supporting our Supreme Laws of the Land, please do all that is in your power to provide me with “due process of law” without forcing me to pay more fees that I do not have the money for. My family is already suffering enough without me providing a stable income for the household. Besides, this has been one hell of an education on how incompetent and out of constitutional boundaries our public servants are. My goodness! I never knew that my neighbors who work for the government could do the things that they have done to me. Even without batting an eye!
Please take note that the government workers of iniquity even made it illegal for themselves to do their civic duty to support and uphold our own constitutions! WOW! Here is what AAG Angela Zurlini informed the Electrical Board: The Electrical Board does not have the authority to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of RCW 19.28 or the issuance of citation number EJORP04884. Addressing these arguments fall outside the scope of what the Electrical Board has authority to address. The power of an administrative tribunal to fashion a remedy is strictly limited by statute. Skagit Surveyors’ and Engineers, LLC v. Friends of Skagit County, 135 Wash. 2d 542, 558, 958 P.2d 962, 970(1998).
Amazing! Isn’t it? I was taught in elementary school that it is our civic duty to support, uphold, and defend our Supreme Law of the Land. What on earth is inside the heads of government employees? Were they NOT taught civics in elementary school? Ignorance of the Supreme Law of the Land is no excuse for government employees. Many men have given their lives for liberty and justice by defending our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Three of my sons and my father took the military oath to defend our constitutions against all enemies foreign and domestic. What have you and the other government employees done to defend our constitutions? See? Our courts are supposed to be our guardians of liberty and justice. There really is much more joy and peace of mind found in supporting our state and federal constitutions, rather than undermining them.
Perhaps you can write a summary to the Washington State Supreme Court in favor of the Washington State Court of Appeals hearing my case. I am sure that you are having a great deal of difficulty navigating the convoluted system of laws and statutes, just as I am having such difficulty. When all else fails, it is best to fall back onto our Supreme Law of the Land. I hope the Court of Appeals will take this opportunity to support our state and federal constitutions. It would be very refreshing to encounter honest government employees with the dignity to earn the respect of the people they are supposed to be serving.
I have included a copy of my letter from the Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals will consider the matter of fees and indigency on November 6, 2013. Your prompt attention is respectfully requested.
Russ Hinds
Russ Hinds
1**** E.^^^^ Ln
Elk, WA ^^^^
CC: AAG Angela Zurlini,
Director Joel Sacks Washington Department of Labor and Industries,
and each member of Washington Sate Legislature (via email)
I think that is a pretty powerful argument. All this mess over posting a truthful flyer on a bulletin board. Wasted 2 years when a simple trial by jury would have ended the argument in less than 3 weeks. The longer the government employees drag this out, the worse it looks for them. It is obvious they are disregarding our Supreme Laws of the Land.
I have not yet emailed the legislature, but I will. It takes quite a while to do that. Hopefully, our reps in the state legislature will finally take notice. The government they have created has gone berserk, it is quite obvious by now… None of them would like to be in my shoes for 2 years. Hopefully, I will get a bunch of responses from my representatives.
Once again, all of this could have been avoided simply by giving me my rightful trial by jury… but the bureaucrats don’t want to do that. They want the power to mail $1000.00 citations to people without having to prove guilt or innocence before a jury of our neighbors. It is a pure and simple scam to extract revenue from the citizens. The mafia did the same things to the neighborhood businesses. Pay up, or else! Give us a cut of your business or we will send goons to ransack your business. You will pay for “protection” or you will pay to repair your business.
“Russ, you will pay us to post a flyer, or you will pay for your appeals in court with thousands of dollars worth of time and expense. Pay up, or we will have a judge place a lien on your property or garnish your wages…
Pretty sick, huh? I’d like to see the records which show how many people have been mailed outrageous fines. How much money has WDLI extorted from people looking for a job? It would be nice if some of the representatives would ask for those records and contact some of the people who have been fined by mail without a trial by jury. How many have been put through the meat grinder and given up and given in to paying the fines? If I was a representative, I’d be ready to stand up for the common people…
November 3, 2013, UPDATE: Judge Sypolt, the Attorney General’s Office, my Representatives, and strange happenings…
As I was preparing to post my previous UPDATE, I received a call from Judge Sypolt’s office. Wow! What a surprise! Communication was actually happening! Judge Sypolt’s secretary informed me that Sypolt had ruled on my request for fee waiver and that she was going to file it with the county clerk. She said that he had granted fee waiver, but not a public defender. Okay. That is okay, but I wondered why? Was Sypolt afraid that I might be too much of an influence on the public defender by bringing up his civic duty to uphold our Supreme Laws of the Land? He, he,… that is worth a chuckle!
I finally got to the county clerk’s office to pick up a copy of Sypolt’s ruling on Friday, Nov. 1. Seems judge Sypolt had failed to sign his denial. Evidently, since he denied part of my requests, he felt that he could not sign off on the whole form, but he did handwrite an approval of fee waiver and transcript reproduction fees waived. His ORDER had not been forwarded to the WA Supreme Court or the WA Court of Appeals when I had got there on Friday. Evidently, because of his lack of signature ordering the clerk to forward it. The Appeals clerk decided to go ahead and forward the order. Let the judges deal with the lack of signature…
So, now I wait to hear from the Supreme Court of WA to set a date to approve/disapprove fee waiver for the electrical citation. They have already set such a date for the contractor citation, Dec. 10, 2013. According to the correspondence from the Court of Appeals, their Nov. 6 date to throw out my appeal for lack of fees paid is now put on hold until the Supreme Court makes its finding/ruling.
Hmmm… I wonder what the guys on the Supreme Court will think about getting 2 requests for fee waiver about the same flyer posted on the same bulletin board for the same day? That should have them scratching their head. Chuckle, chuckle… isn’t all this becoming more than ridiculous? They all know that I have a right to publish my skills, and a right to speedy trial by jury, and a right to equal protection under the law. They know that, but I doubt that they have ever dealt with a case like mine making its way up to their court. I bet the bureaucracy has been able to keep things from progressing that far until now. Hopefully, the bureaucrats are getting a little nervous. They know that their public relations are now at stake. Hopefully, the bureaucratic policy of circling the wagons to cover their ass does not reach the level to include a corrupt the Court of Appeals in the Judicial Branch of government. Can the bureaucracy buy off the higher courts? Or will the higher court prefer to protect their own public relations? Eventually, this will reach high enough levels to attract the full attention of the public via mainstream media. But, if they can tamp that down, then I expect them to try and tamp it down. Thank goodness for this blog, because a lot of people around the world are watching this case through this blog. We are all getting an education on the dysfunction of government employees. All of this mess is a wonderful opportunity to point out very clearly how for government has left their civic duty to support and defend our Supreme Laws of the Land. And, it is really quite amazing how these guys could actually fine someone for publishing a list of their skills in the U.S.A. Time for that epiphany for government employees, huh?
Yesterday, I got 2 notices in the mail informing me that AAG William F. Henry will be substituting for AAG Angela Zurlini. WOW! Check that out! Makes you wonder what is going on in government buildings! Did Zurlini ask to be taken off the case? If she did, why? Was I getting through to her? Making it uncomfortable for her to continue to say stupid things that make it illegal for government employees to do their civic duty to support our Supreme Law of the Land? Was she starting to have that epiphany, or was she fired? Was she removed from this case by her bosses? Are her bosses getting out the “big dogs?” I don’t know, but it is cool that another government employee gets to read my defense. LOL… What will this guy try to come up with?
Really, this whole thing is a complete mess on the part of government employees. Administrative Law does not apply to people who have not submitted to the “Administration of the program.” I did not sign away my constitutional rights and agree to be under “administrative law” by getting an electrician’s license. Administrative law is for the administration of a government program, not for the general public! You see? If I would have acquired a license from the government, then I would have to agree to have disputes settled under the administration procedures of the licensing bureau. In administrative law, Zurlini is right. I do not have a right to a trial by jury because I have agreed to the program that issued me the electrician’s license.
So, you can see how some silly bureaucrat along with government “counsel” mistakenly thought that they could apply Administrative Law to the general public and issue citations based on their administrative RCWs. The government employees are trying to “administer” and control the entire population, instead of just administering their voluntary program. Someone saw an RCW that could be imposed on the entire population and generate huge fines, revenue for the bureaucrats. These people really and truly do not know what they are doing. They have convoluted “law” mixing administrative law with all other “law.”
Here is the deal. It is not illegal for the general public to do electrical work. Unlicensed maintenance technicians do electrical work all the time. TV repairmen do electrical work. Also, verbal and written agreements between citizens are not illegal either. You and I can agree that I will cut your firewood for you at an agreed upon price. In the U.S.A., it is an assumed “right” or Natural Law of Nature’s God that people are freely allowed to sell their services to their neighbor without seeking government permission or approval or supervision or interference.
Way back when, someone found an excuse to set up an electrician’s licensing program. Perhaps too many people were claiming skills that they didn’t have, thus getting injured performing work they were not knowledgeable enough to do correctly. Homeowners/employers needed a way to verify that someone had all the skills they claimed to have. So, they set up a voluntary licensing program. The state would certify that “so and so” had a minimum amount of knowledge which allowed his clients to be aware of. People could then choose someone with a license backing up their claim of knowledge or trust someone who is not licensed, but whom they know is quite skilled in the electrical field. Same goes for the contractor program. That is how it started out, but then the guys who spent the overhead getting their licenses started complaining about having to compete with people who did not have the expense of getting a license. Enter the bureaucrats…
“Why that is unfair competition! We can‘t allow everybody to do what we do. We don‘t like voluntary competition. We need to shut down the guys who are offering their skills cheaper than we (our licensed electricians) can offer our skills.”
Forget about people making their own decisions. If I want to hire an unlicensed electrician, I am legally allowed to do that. And so are you, but you have to take responsibility of making that decision. Apartment owners and managers do it all the time. They hire unlicensed electricians to train young entry level maintenance technicians to make electrical repairs on the apartment homes. I have been doing maintenance and supervision for 30 plus years without being “licensed.” And without government supervision.
Those were simpler times… but the idiots working for government do not have a clear understanding. They just follow orders, “I’m just doing my job” according to the way my idiot supervisors told me to do it.
So there is another argument in my favor. I am not under the jurisdiction of bureaucratic programs because I have not signed onto the licensing program. And, my flyer did not fraudulently state that I was a licensed electrician. “Fraud” falls under criminal law, and I could have been prosecuted under criminal law if I had committed fraud by falsely claiming to be a licensed electrician. I would be given a trial by jury to convict me of “fraud,” and if I was found guilty, I would be fined or imprisoned appropriately.
Does all that in the previous paragraphs make simple sense? Sure it does, but the clowns I am dealing with don’t get it, AND THEY DON’T WANT TO GET IT. They want to preserve their ego and their revenue collection. The petty bureaucrats have ensnared the Attorney General’s Office, the Administrative Law Judges, the Superior Court Judges in their extortion scheme. “Extortion” falls under criminal law, too. And the bureaucrats have a right to a trial by jury just like I do. I hope they get a trial by jury when this case is over… LOL! Demanding money from people’s wallets under threat of “further legal action” is extortion in any dictionary I can find.
Someone needs to educate government employees. I hope the WA Court of Appeals does so. In the meantime, I can’t wait to meet the new AAG William Henry!
By the way, I don’t think I need to upload the documents that I most recently received. I have stated very well what they are about, but I will upload them, if I need to in the future.
About notifying all my state Representatives and Senators. They are no help. They are just people like you and I, but they are in over their head. They do not know my whole story, and they probably don’t know the difference between “administrative law” and “criminal law,” either. I received quite a few responses from my legislators, but most of them don’t want to deal with it. They don’t get it. They think I am asking them to intervene in my case. I am not. I am asking them to support, uphold, and defend our Supreme Law of the Land. Perhaps most of them are oblivious to the Supreme Law of the Land?!!! …They all did thank me for keeping them informed.
One of the more helpful legislators said that they are aware, watching, and concerned enough about my case to introduce new legislation to correct this bureaucratic abuse of individual citizens. They hope to do that in the next convening of the legislature and with the hope that more people of their political party get elected to the legislature… Hmmm… I must point something obvious out to ALL my legislators; YOU DON’T NEED TO INTRODUCE NEW LEGISLATION TO UPHOLD OUR SUPREME LAWS OF THE LAND!!!!! Good grief!!! Is that all they know how to do? Pile on more law on top of more law on top of more unconstitutional law???? The government employees don’t know what to do with all the laws that you legislators have already written! My goodness! I am the only one with the sane observation that ALL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES NEED TRAINING IN OUR SUPREME LAWS OF THE LAND, AND IN HOW TO BE GOOD NEIGHBORS UPHOLDING THE SUPREME LAWS OF THE LAND!!!
Gee whiz!… I guess I will just keep beating my head against the wall…
November 18, 2013, UPDATE: Another Supreme Court Letter, my state Representative, and more…
Yes, the clerk got Sypolt’s unsigned approval of my fee waiver submitted to the Supreme Court and the Appeals Court of Washington State. I received another letter regarding my appeal and my Affidavit of Indigence from Susan L. Carlson, Supreme Court Deputy Clerk, on November 7. It sets January 7, 2014, as the date hearing to approve or disapprove my request for fee waiver of the electrical citation appeal. The Appeals Court will now wait for the Supreme Court’s decision.
So that verifies that I am still in the game with both appeals of both citations. I pray that these guys will be the ones to stop the nonsense and simply do their job as directed by our Supreme Law of the Land and also by their Oath of Office. The shenanigans of the bureaucracy and the lower courts need to be stopped. Up to now, who could or would stop them? Well, a few courageous state senators and representatives could have voiced their disgust for unconstitutional bullying and misconduct by bureaucrats and complicit government attorneys and judges. The state senators and representatives should have, but did not voice their concern to the out of control subordinate minions who are pretending to be competently administering the “law” for “We the People.”
Obviously, the lawyers and the bureaucrats have honed their skills at pulling the wool over the eyes of our citizen legislators. The bureaucracies and the career bureaucrats along with all their supposedly professional attorneys have grown so numerous and so skilled at covering their ass pretending to be acting within the law and the Supreme Law of the Land, AS TO MAKE THEMSELVES UNMANAGEABLE BY THE PEOPLE’S REPRESENTATIVES AND THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE, OUR ELECTED GOVERNOR. This is why the lower government employees get away with what they are doing. The career bureaucrats have been circling the wagons around themselves and their policies for decades. They even have more access to our representatives than We the People have.
Our locally elected neighbors are sent to Olympia and overwhelmed with new experiences and a myriad of policies and procedures. They are wined and dined while the wool is pulled over their eyes. I am sure that they feel pretty helpless and dependent on the career bureaucrats and counselors and assistants for their first year in office. After the first year they surely become acclimated to the “system” and begin to blindly follow the “system.”
I finally broke through… I mean I actually got a phone call from one of my representatives. It was a great conversation because he/she admitted to so much “wrong” going on. First, the fact that they were attempting to write new legislation reigning in WDLI is an admission that something is wrong. The calling representative was asking for my assistance in writing the legislation in a way that might be workable for guys like me who do small jobs for their neighbors in order to feed their families. See? This rep knows that out of control government actually hinders people from feeding their families. That is another admission of things being seriously wrong.
I said, “If we want a civilized society, we must have a civilized government,” and the rep on the phone readily agreed. What else could he/she say? They couldn’t disagree with that simple factual statement! Of course, that is an admission that I have been treated in an uncivilized manner by uncivilized government employees. I SURELY HAVE BEEN TREATED WITH CONTEMP AND UNCIVILIZED BULLYING BY HUCKSTERS AND SHYSTERS! If this representative has read my whole blog here, then they certainly know how the government “boots on the ground” are presenting themselves to the public. The higher executives running the bureaucracies do not necessarily know how the government employees in lower positions are interacting with the public and how they are presenting themselves and incompetently carrying out their duties.
Just look at what the public encounters when attempting to register a vehicle. My sister and I just did that. I was given a car that had a blown motor; given to me on Sept. 1, but it was not running. I spent a few weeks repairing it by installing a new motor from a junk yard. When my sister went to the DMV, they wanted to charge her penalties for not registering it on Sept. 1! WOW! Why in the world would anyone register a car that they can’t drive? She protested, and that starts the dispute and disrespect on both sides. My sister is defensive and the government employee is defensive. WHAT A PLEASANT ENCOUNTER WITH GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES! Good grief! Then, the government employee wants to charge her tax on the full market value (Blue Book) of the car. That amounts to more than $200.00 for a car that she paid nothing for and has some minor paint and body damage. She paid sales tax on the engine purchased from the junk yard, yet the government employees want $200.00 more! She works for a charity organization and doesn’t have much of an income. She wants to drive a car to work, but the government employees want to take food off her table in order to pay a tax on a car that was given to her. How rude can they get? Not a pleasant encounter with so called public servants “just doing their job.” She had to fight to get her car registered so that she could lawfully drive it to work. Finally, the government employee gave her an affidavit that the registered owner who gave the car to me could fill out. It was a “Gift Affidavit.” So, rather than go in and register a car and come out successful, she had to waste more time and gas going back and forth getting more paperwork filled out. They wouldn’t simply take her word for the truth. Every citizen is a liar, and they need official affidavits, signatures, and dates,… jump through hoops and stand on one leg before any encounter with government robots is completed. What a mess our representatives have created! And it is the working poor who suffer under state oppression. Might as well not work. It pays more on welfare, anyway. Everywhere a working poor person goes, he/she is met with roadblocks to simply living life and breathing oxygen. Pretty soon, the government employees will charge us for the carbon dioxide that we exhale… Carbon taxes, anyone? Shame, shame, shame, on government employees and representatives! Government employees and representatives need training in our Supreme Law of the Land and our history of patriots defending our constitutions from all enemies foreign and domestic.
I really appreciated the phone call from my representative, but I don’t believe he/she needs to write more legislation. They simply need to ensure that our Supreme Law of the Land is upheld. We could have resolved my citations with a speedy trial by jury in three weeks. This is why we have state and federal constitutions… Man, why not simply abide by those documents? We the People ratified them! Now, the legislators are diverted into changing the law, rather than simply upholding the Supreme Law of the Land. I have repeated myself over and over on these simple points, but I cannot break through their thick heads. They need that epiphany, the epiphany that they have sworn an Oath of Office to support our Supreme Law of the Land. Good grief! Here they have an opportunity to earn the respect of the people that they are supposed to be serving under the constraints of our Supreme Laws of the Land, yet they seem to not want to earn respect. They want to get diverted into piling on more laws, regulations, statutes, procedures, exceptions, exemptions, and etc… Anything, but stand on our Supreme Law of the Land. It is seriously pathetic, and I am getting real tired of it.
I say right now that attempting to appease me by trying to write and pass more legislation ain’t gonna happen. I want my constitutionally protected right to publish a list of my skills upheld. Simple as that! Simple and easy to understand… sixth graders can understand it. Why can’t the people’s representatives and government employees understand it?
…at least I got their attention. For the moment… ultimately, they will do what they want to do…
I also received a copy of the notice that the new Assistant Attorney General William Henry sent to the Supreme Court. He informed the court that he is the new attorney for WDLI.
I guess I am on “hold” until I hear what the Supreme Court decides about waiving my fees. I really do hope that my representatives continue to call me and work with me. I hope it is an honest and sincere effort by my representatives and not some stunt to try to appease me and pretend to be doing something to reign in WDLI. In my opinion, writing new legislation is a waste of time. Why not do the simple thing and support our Supreme Law of the Land? That would settle these matters quickly and simply…
“Oh, give me a home
Where the buffalo roam,
And the deer and the antelope play,
Where seldom is heard,
A discouraging word,
And the skies are not cloudy all day…”
December 10, 2013, UPDATE: Today is the day... and an Open Letter to all my state Reps and the media
Today, the Supreme Court for the State of Washington will decide whether I am indigent enough to get my Appeals Court fees waived for the electrical citation. I should hear from them in the next few days via email. I wait with great anticipation! What will they come up with that will give me an opportunity to point out their anti-constitution method of governance?
Yesterday, I emailed an Open Letter to all of my state legislators. This morning I faxed and emailed just about all of the major print newspapers, 20 of them covered most of the state's major cities and counties. Hopefully, some right thinking individual in the media will see the opportunity to hold government employees, elected and un-elected, accountable to those who risk their lives for our Supreme Law of the Land and liberty and justice for all.
Here is the Open Letter:
Dear Senator/Representative/Governor,
Please help with my questions which follow this update.
I would like to update you on the current status of my defense of our constitutionally protected right to publish a list of our skills in an effort to serve our neighbors and make new friends. Please be aware that hanging an innocent truthful flyer on a private bulletin board will generate $1500.00 in fines from WDLI without warning and without a personal presentation of credentials. Two citations arrived by mail and were accompanied by two letters threatening “further legal action,” ”liens,” “warrants,” and a court order to “withhold and deliver.” Two citations for the same flyer on the same bulletin board for the same day.
It has taken 2 years of arguing with government employees to reach my current status, also much personal time and expense. I have appealed both citations to the Court of Appeals for the State of Washington. I requested a waiver of the $290.00 fees required for the appeal. Waiver of Fees requires a Declaration of Indigency which must be approved by the Superior Court judge whose RULING I am appealing. Both Judge Moreno and Judge Sypolt have approved my request for fee waiver based on my Declaration of Indigency. Their Approvals and my Declarations have been sent to the Supreme Court of the State of Washington for that court to give final approval of Fee Waiver, or not. If the Supreme Court grants Fee Waiver, then the Court of Appeals will take up my Appeals of the Superior Court decisions which upheld the $1000.00 and $500.00 fines--without me paying additional fees to the Court of Appeals. I have already paid a total of $450.00 in fees in order to defend my right to publish a list of skills in order to find work to provide an income for the maintenance of the family household.
See how none of this makes sense? Prevent a guy from offering his services for an income and then demand that he pay fees to get due process of law? I thought "liberty and justice for all" is free for Americans. I thought that is why we have the Supreme Law of the Land, our state and federal constitutions. I thought "liberty and justice for all" was free in America because we have so many soldiers who pay the price by giving life and limb defending our constitutions from "all enemies foreign and domestic." I should certainly qualify for "liberty and justice for all" because my father and three of my sons took the military oath and served overseas risking life and limb. But... apparently, government employees are oblivious to the Supreme Laws of the Land. They have convoluted every word of our constitutions and statutes and regulations.
Throughout my defense, I have endeavored to keep my state representatives aware of what their out of control bureaucracies are doing outside of constitutional restraints which were written to protect We the People and preserve liberty and justice for our posterity. At this stage in the battle it has become obvious that what the bureaucrats are doing is being supported by the Superior Courts, also.
I was taught in elementary school that it is every citizens' civic duty to support and defend our constitutions, the Supreme Law of the Land. That makes sense because that is what we ask our neighbors in the military to do, risking life and limb. What does not make sense is encountering government attorneys for the state who make it illegal for public servants to be good neighbors doing their civic duty to support our Supreme Law of the Land. Assistant Attorney General Angela Zurlini made it illegal for members of the Electrical Board to base their decision on the Supreme Law of the Land here:
QUOTE from the AAG's Brief to the Electrical Board:
The Electrical Board does not have the authority to render an opinion regarding the constitutionality of RCW 19.28 or the issuance of citation number EJORP004884. Addressing these arguments falls outside the scope of what the Electrical Board has authority to address. The power of an administrative tribunal to fashion a remedy is strictly limited by statute. Skagit Surveyors and Engineers, LLC v. Friends of Skagit County, 135 Wash. 2d 542,558,958, P.2d 962, 970 (1998). While Mr. Hinds cites to a constitutional right to free speech, due process, the right to a jury, and equal protection, Mr. Hinds fails to provide any legal authority to support his position that the Electrical Board can decide such issues. Mr. Hinds constitutional arguments are without legal support and should be disregarded.
Have you ever read such nonsense? My constitutional arguments "are without legal support and should be disregarded?" My goodness! The legal support for my claims is the Supreme Law of the Land itself! My state and federal constitutions ARE MY LEGAL SUPPORT! What, not “who,” am I arguing with? Any logical thinking human being understands that our constitutions are the ultimate legal support… Mind boggling!
According to Zurlini, I have no right to free speech, due process, speedy trial by jury, and equal protection under the law. My goodness! Who would have thunk it? Don't government employees such as AAG Zurlini and the Superior Court judges take an Oath of Office to support our Supreme Law of the Land? Not to mention that supporting our founding documents is the civic duty of every good neighbor in the land of the free and home of the brave--which includes our neighbors employed by the government.
Let me also inform you that a lot of my correspondence from my representatives in the state legislature contains wording that appears to make it illegal for them to support our founding documents, too. Many of my representatives say that they cannot intervene on my behalf because of ethical rules in the legislature.
What is this? I understand that my representatives cannot unethically take bribes for assisting their constituents, but I am not offering a bribe, and neither am I asking for their intervention. I am simply keeping my representatives informed of an opportunity for them to rightly and dutifully support and defend our Supreme Laws of the Land just as their Oath of Office requires, and just as our military men sacrifice their lives to do. As fellow citizens, our legislators have a civic duty to support and discuss our Supreme Laws of the Land among themselves and among the bureaucracy and among the judiciary, holding each other accountable to their Oath of Office and accountable to our servicemen who risk life and limb for their countryman’s Constitutionally Protected Rights and Freedoms. Any and every legislator can lawfully pick up a phone and voice their disapproval of ignoring our Supreme Law of the Land to any bureaucrat, judge, and government employee. They can also legally use my case as an example. It appears there is much confusion in the high offices of We the People's government. Evidently, some individuals representing We the People cannot correctly interpret and comprehend the ethical rules of the legislature. It is highly ethical and mandatory to support our Supreme Law of the Land, yet, just like Zurlini, some of my representatives are making it illegal for themselves to be good neighbors doing their civic duty to support our state and federal constitutions by incorrectly citing the legislature's “ethics rules.”
There was a time in our history when it was necessary for a brave leader to state the obvious. His name was Abraham Lincoln. There was a huge constitutional crisis during his day, just like we have today. Government in Lincoln's day was so chaotic and in disarray that the whole government was about to collapse and the nation to become divided. Lincoln's vision was to hold the republic together under its constitution. Lincoln succeeded, but at great loss of life during the Civil War. Lincoln freed the slaves, but if we don't get our act together this whole state of Washington, and our whole nation, is going to become slaves to the government employees without any constitutional protections at all. Lincoln stated the obvious here:
"We the People are the rightful masters of Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Mr./Ms. People's Representative, perhaps you can find a copy of the legislature's Ethics Rules for me, or direct me to a place where I can read them online. I am just curious.
1. If the Supreme Court grants my Fee Waiver, does that mean the Court of Appeals must hear my case, or can they still refuse to hear it and let the Superior Court's decision stand?
2. If the Court of Appeals refuses to hear my case, can I appeal that to the Supreme Court?
3. If the Supreme Court, our courts are supposed to be our guardians of liberty and justice, ultimately ignores our Supreme Law of the Land and rules that I must pay fines for publishing a list of my skills, what is my next step? Lobbying the legislature? Running for Representative or Senator?
4. If the Supreme Court does not grant me a Fee Waiver, do you know some people or an organization who can help me pay the fees quickly before the Court of Appeals decides to throw out my appeal due to a lack of fees paid?
5. Do you know how I can get more access to informing the public? I have been trying very hard to reach out to my neighbors, but with no success with the media. I simply do not have a large enough platform to stand on. Little ol' Russ doesn't throw around much weight.
The above questions are not seeking legal advice, rather they are regarding the court's procedures. Please understand that, as a citizen, it is very difficult to feel my way through the system by the seat of my pants. I don't know where to look for the answers to the above questions. Obviously, I do not have the funds to hire an attorney, either.
You can learn the complete story of my experience dealing with government employees who have been trying to convince me that I am a bad neighbor who deserves to pay the government employees $1500.00 for hanging a flyer on a private bulletin board by visiting my blog online:
I have kept a running record of my experience which includes the correspondence from government employees and my responses. The latest UPDATES are at the bottom of the blog.
Here is the bottom line question which should provoke an epiphany among our elected representatives and the government employees:
Why are our young military men and women getting their asses shot off in foreign nations defending our Supreme Laws of the Land and liberty for We the People while our elected representatives and the un-elected bureaucrats are destroying our Supreme Laws of the Land here at home?
Sincerely thank you for your attention,
Russ Hinds
1**** E, ***** Ln
Elk, WA 99009
Man, those guys need an epiphany in a huge way! If it would simply "click" in their head, they could turn our country around in weeks! We just need government employees to abide by their Oath of Office to support the Supreme Law of the Land. If Washington State Representatives would simply do that, it would inspire representatives across the country. Then we could have a serious discussion about the role of government versus the role of individuals, families, churches, and local communities. The founding fathers designed a system of government that governed locally, and limited the powers of central state and federal governments. See how simple this is?
If I have committed a crime against my neighbors, let my neighbors convict me. Ego tripping, "the government can do no wrong" government employees are not going to convince me that I am a danger to my neighbors, and that I owe the government employees $1500.00 for posting a truthful flyer on a private bulletin board. This is why we have juries, and we are not supposed to have government dictators acting as judge, jury, and executioner! This whole mess could have been rightly settled in 3 weeks, instead of going on to 3 years!
We the People are neighbors. We are supposed to govern ourselves locally and under our state and federal constitutions, being sure to be good neighbors not injuring one another. Especially, not injuring one another through misguided government employees and out of control government bureaucracies.
America is well on its way to a bureaucratic police state without any protections for the individual. Remember, the Washington State constitution says government is instituted to protect and maintain individual rights.
Why is it so hard for the simple truth to break into the minds of government employees and our state representatives?
Ho hum...ho hum... what next? Good grief!
December 12, 2013, UPDATE: I got the ORDER from the Supreme Court of the State of Washington...
Here it is:
Wow! Did you read that? It was unanimous. Chief Justice Madsen and Justices C. Johnson, Fairhurst, Stephens, and Gonzalez ORDERED that my "Motion for Expenditure of Public Funds" is denied.
???...WTF??? Huh? When did I ask the court to expend public funds in order to fine myself $1500.00 for hanging a flyer on a private bulletin board? I didn't ask to be fined $1500.00 by idiots working for the government. I didn't ask to spend my own funds defending myself from idiots employed by the government. THIS WHOLE INCIDENT WAS INITIATED AND EXACERBATED BY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES WHO ARE OUTSIDE OF CONSTITUTIONAL RESTRAINTS WASTING TAXPAYER DOLLARS! And they act like I am requesting to waste taxpayer dollars! Good grief! I asked for a waiver of fees because I don't have the money to pay the fees. Is it against the law to not have money? Are justice and liberty for sale by the government employees? Those who can pay are the only ones who can defend themselves questioning their accusers before a jury of their good neighbors? Sheesh!...
Look, these idiot government employees assaulted me with taxpayer funds, yet now the Supreme Court Justices are trying to hide behind an implication that they are saving taxpayer money by denying the government employees the funds necessary to grant me due process of law, trial by a jury of my good neighbors, and my right to publish a list of my skills in an effort to serve my neighbors and make new friends. These ding-a-lings who call themselves "Justices" don't know what justice is! Man, I am shaking my head at how cowardly these guys are. I gave them more than enough information to know that I am defending the Supreme Laws of the Land, yet they find that not worthy of expending public funds. I never new people could be so shallow in their thought processes. Evidently, they are pretending to put "conserving public funds" ahead of supporting our Supreme Laws of the Land.
I honestly feel like I am dealing with my sophomoric high school classmates. There subtle diversion into saving taxpayer dollars is the same tactics I encountered in high school among classmates who simply refuse to admit they are wrong. And the same tactics I have encountered all through this mess! Even by being shown the plain English of our Supreme Law of the Land, they still refuse to admit that they are outside of constitutional restraints placed on government employees. They openly deceive themselves... And they have no conscience based in justice, liberty, common sense, and common decency. Liberty, justice, common sense, and common decency can be ignored and thrown out the window when protecting the "status quo" of government bureaucracies which are also being administered by sophomores stuck in a high school mentality where classrooms are divided into "cliques" bent on protecting their turf. That really is the name of the game, you know... Government employees are bent on protecting their turf while striving to convince the public that they are doing a good job serving the public. After all, "saving the public's tax dollars" is a good thing, right? EVERYBODY SAY "YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT." Now you can walk away happy that your government employees are saving tax dollars and forget about the fact that you have just lost your constitutionally protected right to publish a list of your skills, your right to due process of law, your right to trial by jury, and your right to equal protection under the law. See? It is mass hypnosis. ...Going along with the crowd. Get the crowd (the public) distracted and pumped up with nonsense and keep them convinced that they can't do anything without the government helping, and here we are....
I think that, finally, there is a huge awakening of the public going on out there in these troubling times. I think the public is seeing through all the bullshit, just like I am seeing through it. Everyone I talk to sees what is going on. They know what the government is doing and has been doing for decades. AND THESE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES ARE TOO BLIND TO SEE HOW PROVOCATIVE IGNORING OUR CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHTS IS! It is almost like 90% of government employees are deliberately trying to provoke the public. TSA groping at airports and sports arenas, military equipment for local police, NSA phone and email surveillance, NDAA, gun control and gun confiscations, book cases full of laws, codes, statutes, and regulations that no one reads or comprehends. What a mess! And it appears that they know that the public is getting upset because Homeland Security is buying up billions of hollow point bullets to keep them off the market and out of the hands of the public. Serious stuff to think about, here.
But, all it would take for a much needed correction is for a few united legislators to start making phone calls to the government employees informing them that they do not approve of ignoring our Supreme Laws of the Land by depriving our neighbors of their right to publish a list of their skills, depriving a right to a speedy trial by jury, depriving a right to equal protection of law and due process of law. That is exactly what our "people's Representatives" are supposed to do. That is why we send them to the capital and that is why they take their Oath of Office to support our constitutions.
Here is what needs to be done. And we should have fun doing it. I have provided all the documentation to support my claim that government employees are outside of constitutional boundaries. This is a thorough blog that will thoroughly enlighten our representatives, and probably shock them if they read the whole thing.
Call and email the Representatives and the Senators. Just tell them that you are concerned about the Open Letter that shows how government employees are making it illegal for themselves to support and protect our Supreme Law of the Land, our state and federal constitutions. I have sent that Open Letter to every one of them, but if they pretend that they haven't heard of the Open Letter you can point them to the blog: "Man Fined $1500.00 for Looking for a Job." All of this is pretty ridiculous and embarrassing for government employees, so it should be easy to laugh at them while on the phone with them. "What are you guys doing up there? Good grief! A sixth grader knows how to read our constitutions and Bill of Rights. Why don't government employees know how to read it and enforce it?"
Your phone call will reach their filter, their Legislative Assistant, or you will be required to leave a message on their answering service. Leaving a pointed message will shake them out of their stupor, too. Here is a link to their phone numbers, and you can click their name for email address and their local district office phone number.
Member Roster lists.
Even if you are out of state, you can have fun chiding them about making it illegal for themselves to support our constitutions and Bill of Rights, too. "Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? What planet are you on?" Act like your state is doing a better job supporting our Supreme Law of the Land. Keep it civil, though.
Tell them you are forwarding the Open Letter and the blogsite to your family and friends, too. Tell them that they need to turn the light switches on in the government buildings so that government employees can see clearly enough to support and defend our constitutions and liberty, just as our soldiers risk their lives doing.
This blog has exposed all of them from the little-bitty code enforcers all the way up to the Supreme Court, the Governor, and the Legislature. It is all right here in black and white simple English language.
And I have the hope that starting a return to our constitutions in the state of Washington, could snowball across the country and bring us back from the brink of calamity and discontent. Maybe even get the metal detectors out of government buildings because the government employees have decided it is better to earn the respect of the people they are supposed to be serving, rather than dish out injustice in the courts. Come back "Norman Rockwell America!"
You know what? It really is kind of a relief for me now. Now I know how crazy things are. Now I know that it is not me who has fallen short in defending myself and our Supreme Law of the Land. Now I know that these people are mostly fearful little children stuck in a sophomoric high school mentality...I have seen it on their faces, and in their words and actions. If only a few of them would take the lead and step out of the crowd and out of the status quo, we could have a serious discussion about the role of government, and self governance. Wouldn't that be refreshing!!
Calm peacefulness, with liberty.....
Click on "Newer Post" for the December 16, 2013, Update. Below the comment section at the bottom of this page.