Saturday, January 24, 2015

January 24, 2015, UPDATE: Some things need to be said.

    According to what I said in my last UPDATE, I once again notified all of the legislators in Olympia, WA, of my letter to WDLI Director Joel Sacks. This time I only received a few responses, much fewer than my previous mass email. Here is the email I sent:

SUBJECT:  Director Joel Sacks of WDLI


Please find the letter to Director Joel Sacks in my latest UPDATE to my Blog: 
---BLOG URL---
It is well understood that legislators who adhere to their Oath of Office will 
inspire all government employees to do the same. The reverse is also true. 
Legislators who disregard their Oath of Office will inspire all government 
employees to disregard their civic duties.This really is basic 6th grade level 
civics instruction, but unfortunately too much mental gymnastics has crept into 
We the People's halls of government. It has become obvious that government 
employees and lawyers have forgotten their civic duty and the principles of 
constitutional government and somehow found a legitimate function of government 
to be fining citizens $1500.00 for publishing a list of their skills in an 
effort to innocently serve their neighbors. 
I would like to help you correct this nonsense...
Sincerely, Russ Hinds

RESPONSE REQUESTED:  Russ has requested a response to this message.

Here is one of the responses from a legislator's assistant:

Dear Russ,

Thank you for contacting Senator So and So and for taking the time to share your 
concerns. I will see to it that Senator So and So receives your e-mail message 
this afternoon.


Here is another one from a senator himself:

Mr. Hinds,

Thank you for your e-mail. I appreciate your input and will review your blog 

All my best,

    Our representatives in Olympia are busy. They have a lot to do for the furtherance of government in the state of Washington. ....Hhhrrrummph... Um... We are not on the same page. Furthering government is not what We the People Need. We need to get government out of the way and get it to stop rewarding ignorance, irresponsibility, incompetence, etc with free stuff.
     My little problem is not on my representatives' priority list... and when they talk with their contact person in WDLI, that contact person assures the legislator that WDLI is functioning properly according to the law. After that, since the legislator has other pressing matters on his plate, he can move on to addressing the other matters. Somehow, no one in the legislature has the courtesy to get back with me to inform me of WDLI's position in the matter of fining people $1500.00 for looking for a job. Apparently, I am brushed off as a disgruntled kook, even a constitutionalist disgruntled kook. WDLI's contact person with the legislators is quite skilled at discrediting the complainant(me) and assuring the legislator that everything is hunky dory. THIS IS THE MESS WE HAVE CREATED WITH OUT OF CONTROL GOVERNMENT WHICH IS WAY OUT OF CONSTITUTIONAL RESTRAINTS.
     Just as the simple truth can be buried under mountains of lies, inferences, nuances, and wrong assumptions, so can government employees bury their unconstitutional conduct in the "gray area" utilizing lies, inferences, nuances, and wrong assumptions. In my case, one disgruntled citizen is easily tossed aside as simply a nuisance. Once the legislator's concerns are satisfied by the WDLI contact person, the legislator can get back to "more serious matters" on his desk. Thus, the stand I have taken gets drawn out till the end of time.
    The only bright spot in this is the fact that my stand and my blog have exposed a lot of people in and out of government to an education in simple reality. --The "reality" of having state and federal constitutions which protect the natural God given rights of the governed and establish government to "protect and maintain individual rights" as stated in Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Washington.
     Government is not established to punish the innocent for the benefit of the collective... And that is the subtle underlying "lie" used to justify more government interference in the everyday lives of the governed. "In order to protect the public, government must do this, and this, and that, and more of that..." "In order to protect the public, government must issue $1500.00 fines to people who publish a list of their skills and post them on a private bulletin board." UNDER THIS KIND OF REASONING GOVERNMENT EXPANDS WHILE LIBERTY AND JUSTICE DIMINISHES.
     UNDER THIS KIND OF REASONING, THE ESTABLISHED POWERS PLUNGED EUROPE INTO THE DARK AGES. Our founding fathers, their ancestors, and millions of immigrants fled the darkness and oppression in the totalitarian countries of Old Europe and all over the world. They came to America for freedom, liberty, opportunity, and justice where a man could earn a living among good neighbors and keep what he has earned. Note the inscription on the Statue of Liberty:

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

    "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp." ??? The pompousness of the establishment rulers merited a mention on the Statue of Liberty. How about that! Of course, in the "ancient lands," those who had the gold ruled. The resources and opportunites were locked up in the hands of the few. Only the kings and his hierarchy had any modicum of freedom and opportunity. And in Old Europe, the church worked with the kings to keep the serfs from rebelling. The pompous Roman Catholic Church propagandized on the side of kings while at the same time kept the serfs ignorant of the simple truth. The invention of the printing press and the translation of Scripture into the languages of the common man created the Renaissance and the founding of the USA. Those ARE the facts, ma'm.
    The rise of America can be attributed to 1. the vast resources(land) and opportunity (freedom) available on the American continent. And 2. the Biblical influence of churches and churchmen who established the colonies, the centers of education, and the governments of the states. It was number 2 that kept the USA from becoming just another vassal of corruption dominated by the power and wealth of Old Europe's kings and church. Mexico has had several revolutions, but the people of Mexico did not have Protestant "Open Bible" education available and widely accepted. The ruling elite managed to maintain their grip on the wealth and government of Mexico. Mexico's revolutions never amounted to much, but in the USA, the Old Europe ruling elite had a long difficult time overcoming the independence and the Biblical knowledge of liberty, morality, justice, and courage, taught in America's protestant churches and schools. America's churches established the tax funded free public schools, and scripture, prayer, and song were part of those public schools for over 100 years. The "melting pot" of the 19th and early 20th century American society, being dominated by Christian educated leaders in local and state government rightly desired that all children be given a basic education in reading writing, and arithmetic, AND THE STATED REASON FOR THIS WAS SO THAT THEY COULD READ THE SCRIPTURE FOR THEMSELVES. Reading scripture defines liberty, morality, responsibility, justice, mercy, courage, and "Love your neighbor" for the minds of upcoming generations. Take away those definitions from upcoming generations and you will have a population of ignorant serfs ready to be exploited, controlled, and commanded under a ruling authority.
    America's road to serfdom began in earnest in 1913 with the establishment of the Federal Reserve Banking System and the establishment of the income tax. With the world's Old Europe Bankers and America's newly created Industrial Revolution wealth (Robber Barons as they were known by the citizenry of the time) in control of America's banking and money printing, the world's wealthiest people could embark America on the road to serfdom and servitude. The "banksters" now had the power to build the government large enough to control the "serfs," whom they regarded as the laboring lower classes. Through taxes and "interest on loans and mortgages" taken from the labors of the common people, the world's richest could embark on their scheme for world dominance under their New World Order.
    In less than fifty years after 1913 (1963), they succeeded in removing scripture and prayer from America's schools --and the American taxpayer paid for it. Fifty years after that(2013), we have a nation of oblivious obedient slaves to work following orders in national and state governments which have deliberately and steadily grown to proportions that would astonish and grieve our founding fathers. NOW, HERE I AM TRYING TO COMMUNICATE ON A BASIS OF OUR FOUNDING DOCUMENTS AND FOUNDING PRINCIPLES OF LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL WITH GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES WHO DO NOT HAVE THE NATURAL DEFINITIONS OF LIBERTY, MORALITY, RESPONSIBILITY, JUSTICE, MERCY, COURAGE AND "LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR" WRITTEN IN THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS. The government employees, and over half of the U.S. population, have fallen for the lie that we need government to protect, control, and support people for their own good. The government employee paychecks demand that they maintain the current system...
    ...And I am trying to reach them with ideas foreign to their understanding???  ...And I am speaking ideas that may lead to a lot of fear of losing their job by downsizing government... quite a shock to government employees, I am! The government employees prefer the road to serfdom because it secures their paycheck and our servitude to their benefits and pensions.
    Those at the top of government establishment position and power know what I am talking about. Those government employees at the low and middle levels of government follow orders and prefer not to think about or deal with things I am saying. We the People's representatives in the legislature have various levels of understanding. They run the gammit from "government is Savior" to "government is too big and out of control."  Hence, the battle over ideas in the legislature. It results in "government by committee" where nothing can be accomplished according to a simple logical interpretation of our state and federal constitutions.
     Little ol' Russ Hinds cannot be allowed to get his citations resolved according to our state and federal constitutions, either. The "committee" will not agree, and it is too controversial and minor to give any serious time and effort to resolving. If little ol' Russ gets his issues resolved correctly, it might cause others to want the same and the whole house of cards might fall down. I believe it is that simple. My issue could have been constitutionally resolved in six weeks had they simply given me my constitutionally protected right to a trial by jury. But no, the bureaucracy must protect its tyranny. They must not allow a jury the opportunity to resolve my issue according to our natural God given rights which are protected in our state and federal constitutions. Little ol' Russ might be able to convince a jury of good neighbors to nullify the unconstitutional laws and citations. House of cards comes falling down again...
    It is looking more and more like we need some kind of huge crash of the system to wake people up to proper government based in liberty, justice, morality, and give-a-care about your neighbor. It makes me wonder if the banksters have deliberately lowered the price of oil and gasoline in order to relieve some of the stress on the American people and revive an American economy. Doing that would preserve the status-quo and further their agenda by calming down people like me who are beginning to wake up and attempt to correct out of control abusive government. If the economy and other things are going well for the American population, then blogs like this one won't generate much support and the government employees can continue with their so-called progress leading to the technocracy where every transaction between individuals is recorded and the "underground" free economy is destroyed.
    In a government of, for, and by We the people, we have been given a tool for We the People to govern ourselves. That tool is the trial by jury. That is where neighbors judge neighbors and they can judge the "king's" laws, as well. The trial by jury is one of the most essential and foundational rights of a free and just people. That is why the right to a trial by jury it is protected in our founding documents. It is wrong, unjust, and treasonous to deny your neighbor their right to a trial by jury. If We the People will not stand up for the right to a trial by jury, then the road to serfdom and ignorance is complete for our posterity. It breaks my heart... it crushes me to see what has become... I cannot fathom the apathy, ignorance, and blindness in the halls of our representatives as they gather in Olympia.

    In case there are some legislators who agree and understand what I am standing for, I will do another UPDATE which will provide the winning argument for limited constitutional government. ...Just in case there are some who love liberty and justice for all. I will do this before I go to Olympia. What a mess! I really want to go look these people in the eye and see if they can look me in the eye...

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